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1、greek and roman mythology,the impact of greek and roman mythology,catalog,classical mythology is the expression of the nature and thought of the greeks, not that of the romans. for the greeks were by nature artistic; they instinctively expressed their ideals, the truth as the saw it, in poetry, stor

2、y, and sculpture, and because imagination, insight, and love of beauty were united in them, their stories and art have an appeal that is universal.,origin,the origin of greek and roman mythology,three particular origin of greek and roman the mythology,1.ancient literaty works: a.it is said that it i

3、s from homers epics:iliad and odyssey。 b. the work of hesiod theogony c. ancient greek poets tragedy,2. survival of ancient greek art works, including sculptures and ancient greek painting on the bottle and ancient architectural remains of the mural 3. later excavation of archaeological artifacts un

4、earthed in,the principal gods,main content,the principal gods,zeus,roman name: jupiter (also jove) supreme god of the olympians. fathered many characters in mythology,hera,roman name: juno zeuss sister and wife jealous protector of marriage punished the women zeus fell in love with,nike,greek goddes

5、s who personifies victory,poseidon,roman name: neptune god of the seas and waters “the earthshaker”,hestia,roman name: vesta goddess of home powerful protector,apollo,roman name: apollo god of light/sun and music brother of artemis,main content,1 pandora:zues sent pandora as a present to epimetheus,

6、brother of prometheus. he had quite forgotten prometheus warning:never to accept anything from zeus the couple lived a happy life then trouble came on to the human world prometheus had left a big cask in the care of epimetheushe had warned his brother not to open the lidpandora was a curious woman o

7、ne day,when epimetheus was out,she lifted the lid and out it came unrest and war,plague and sickness,theft and violence, grief sorrow,and all the other evilsthe human world was hence to experience these evils.,the gods and goddesses were invited to the marriage of peleus and thetis(忒弥斯,海的女神之一). only

8、 the goddess eris (厄里斯,不和女神) was not invited, but she arrived with a golden apple inscribed with the word to the fairest one, which she threw among the goddesses. aphrodite, hera, and athena all claimed to be the fairest, and thus the rightful owner of the apple. one. the goddesses chose to place th

9、e matter before zeus, who, not wanting to favor one of the goddesses, put the choice into the hands of paris(特洛伊王子). finally, paris chose aphrodite as the fairest one.,apple of discord,helen of troy,helen was the most beautiful woman of the worldshe was an infamous ladyshe lighted the flames of the

10、trojan war and brought extreme destruction on the city of troy,特洛伊木马,a joke of the punishment of zues,in the beginning.,different:chaos had two children: night (darkness) erebus (death) “all was black, empty, silent, endless.” mysteriously, love was born of darkness and death.,the same:was chaos (sh

11、apeless nothingness),different:pangu split the earth,and pangu created the rich and beautiful world with his body. nwa was a goddess had human face with a snake-like body. she began the creation of animals and humans.,the greek and roman,the chian,and then.the greek and roman,when love was born, ord

12、er and beauty began to flourish. love created light and day. earth was created. she was the solid ground, but also a personality. the earth bore heaven to cover her and be a home for the gods.,the ancient mythology of china,the ancient mythology of china,since mythology is not based on authority but

13、 grows from the soul of the people, it necessarily follows that as greek life and thought grew and developed, as art was perfected and poetry and philosophy grew less simple, the telling of the myths and interpretation changed and developed.,china:we always focus on the animals and the plants.we reg

14、ard the creature as the prototype of gods. the greek and roman:they always focus on the abstract things,trail,波提切利油画作品“春”,trail,greek and roman mythology focus on the nature and their power of nature ,which is abstract.such as mars,sun,sea,the victory,wisdom,courage and beauty.,“wherever the greeks

15、are, there is greece”,the greece is not a nation in the strict sense or a people under one central government, but of the greek race.,so the mythological stories grew and changed as they passed from asia minor to greece, or from greece to the islands of the aegean sea, to italy and sicily. moreover,

16、 the independence of the individual in the greek states, where men thought for themselves, and no autocratic government or powerful priesthood exerted undue restraint, fostered variety and permitted artists so to modify infinitely to the richness of mythology and art.,different areas , different gods,local conditions, too, and local pride, in a country broken both geographically and politically into small divisions, added variety to religious customs.,so the greek and roman mythology is a spiritual and cultral reflection of the ancie


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