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1、,再见,钱包,中行移动支付NFC战略合作沟通方案,1 背 景,2012年9月26日,中国银联与中国移动长达3年之久的标准之争告一段落: 基于NFC(近距离无线通信)移动支付标准已经确定为银联标准(13.56MHz),中国移动则叫停2.4GHz标准。 NFC移动支付对于消费者有着极大的实用价值: 将手机和钱包合二为一,无需刷卡、无需输入密码、无需找零钱,只需晃晃手机,就能完成刷卡支付。,$1800亿,市场分析公司 Juniper Research 预计 到2017年,全球NFC支付的市场规模将超过1800亿美元,NFC,NFC是一种“碰一碰即可支付”的方式 NFC在功耗、便捷性、精确度、安全性方

2、面都有绝对的优势,中国移动要求3G/4G手机全部型号逐步配备NFC功能 中国联通要求2000元以上机型基本全部具备NFC功能 NFC手机逐渐普及,后续会有很多千元智能机把NFC作为标配,中行+移动,业务价值 竞争需要 将中国银行卡功能全面移植至移动终端设备,2 内 容,中行“手机钱包”将实现手机与银行卡的“合二为一”,中行手机钱包应用范围,个人支付,电子钱包,以上产品均可集成在一张手机钱包SIM卡上,实现手机多用途化,集团应用,增值商务,家庭支付,公交票,电子存折,数字电视购买,菜篮子配送,员工卡,业主卡,停车卡,广告,会员卡,电子券,积分卡,提货卡,3 分 工,移动,负责定制拥有支付功能的N

3、FC-SIM卡及手机终端,负责在移动客户中的试用和推广,中行,负责在银行客户中推广支付功能的NFC-SIM卡,负责POS机的非接触式改造,移动对移动支付平台上的中国银行收取一定比例的租金 中行延续传统POS机时代发卡行、收单行及跨行手续费的分成比例,¥,-,Do it Simple,A lot of people like to make problems complicated. They always focus on some details when they face a project. I think however difficult is , lets make it sim

4、ple at first. In the era of knowledge explosion, all walks of life are faced with the increasing complexity of the task, how complex the problem becomes simpler, only in respect of their personal experience of these methods: 1. to write the problem in the paper (or input to a computer). Think it wou

5、ld just head feel upset unclear, written on paper (or input to a computer) is much better, for example, to design a complex three-dimensional structure, light in the head want headache paper to draw on a lot of cross-sectional view, and then by means of specialized software on the computer drawn gla

6、nce. 2. graphical description instead of text. The graphics is far more than the text will help to understand and remember, the task represented using graphical form, such as tree charts, flowcharts, schematics, etc., it is easy to understand and memory. 3. Grasp the core elements of the problem, repeated memory Repeat the memory method is very effective, when the problem is more complex, can not remember them all, you need to identify the core elements of the problem, such as the basic principles, the basic process repeated memory until the formation of the extent of the natural re


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