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1、Foreign language learning theories and strategies,Introduction,17 sessions in this course 1. Course introduction 2. First language acquisition 3. Krashens Monitor model 4. Other theories related to SLA 5. Role of first language in SLA 6. Interlanguage in SLA 7. Explicit learning and implicit learnin

2、g,8. Age and SLA 9. Learners belief in SLA 10. Motivation in SLA 11. Learning strategies in SLA 12. Learning styles in SLA 13. Affective domain in SLA 14, Input, interaction and output in SLA 15. Autonomy in Language Learning 16. Instructed SLA 17. Intercultural learning in SLA,Objectives This cours

3、e seeks to provide students with theoretical background necessary to understand, analyze and reflect on the process of learning a second language and as a result of this, identify a problem in their teaching context and find a possible solution using the topics and theories seen in this course as su

4、pporting information.,Definition of SLA,Second language acquisition is the study of learning a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. language having learned/started to learn an L1. This learning may take place in naturalistic or classroom settings. Researchers look at both the language used at various stages of learn

5、ing (product) as well as the mental processes and environmental factors that influence that learning (process) Understanding SLA is important for knowing how to approach the teaching of 2nd/foreign languages,Types of SLA,Naturalistic SLA Acquiring a language through participating in a speech communi

6、ty, without formal instruction Classroom or Instructed SLA Acquiring a language through formal instruction Can both happen together Naturalistic usually second versus classroom often foreign, but not always,More Specifics,To examine various theories that have been offered to explain the complex proc

7、esses involved in learning a foreign/second language. To identify the internal and external factors that account for why learners acquire an L2 in the way they do. To discuss the role of instruction in second language acquisition. To develop theories that are specific to the field of SLA that aim to

8、 account for the many facets of non-native behavior To critically read and evaluate research on second language acquisition.,Why study SLA?,Field of study in its own right Second Language Acquisition Research is a comprehensive, yet highly accessible study which will prove invaluable for language te

9、achers and teachers in training, as well as students in applied linguistics, linguistics, psychology, psycholinguistics and foreign language education.Thats to say, the findings from SLA researches can provide some insights to other fields of study.,SLA and related fields,second-language acquisition

10、 is a subdiscipline ofapplied linguistics. It is broad-based and relatively new. acquisition is also closely related to sociolinguistics,psychology,neuroscience, cognitive psychology, and education.,SLA and language teaching,Second language acquisition is very different in focus from second language

11、 teaching Interested in the learner as such, not necessarily in ways of teaching May be no teaching involved in some SLA,SLA a brief overview The systematic study of how people acquire a second language is a fairly recent phenomenon, belonging to the second half of the twentieth century. (Ellis 1997

12、/2000),SLA a brief overview,It is difficult to identify a precise date when the field of second language acquisition research began, Research on how languages are learned from the 1940s onwards it appears to have developed a great deal since the mid-1960s.Two papers in particular are seen as instrum

13、ental to the development of the modern study of SLA: Pit Corders 1967 essayThe Significance of Learners Errors, and Larry Selinkers 1972 articleInterlanguage. The termacquisitionwas popularized byStephen Krashen, who made a sharp distinction betweenlearningandacquisitionin his 1982 theory of second

14、language acquisition. He usedlearningto refer to the conscious aspects of the language learning process andacquisitionto refer to the subconscious aspects. By the year 2010, second-language acquisition was studied from a wide variety of disciplinary perspectives, and there was a proliferation of dif

15、ferent theories.,SLA a brief overview in the 1960s, as a result of the inconclusive findings from the comparative studies, a debate in psychology over the nature of learning and a revolution in linguistics, a challenge to the dominance of research on language teaching was to take placefor the first

16、time in recent history, many researchers attention was shifted from the teaching process to the learning process. It was this shift in perspective which introduced a new research agenda and gave definition to the field that has come to be known as second language acquisition. (Larsen Freeman1991/200

17、0:5),SLA a brief overview Two seminal papers S. P. Corder, 1967. “The significance of learners errors” in International Review of Applied Linguistics. Larry Selinker, 1972. “Interlanguage” in International Review of Applied Linguistics.,Based on new theories, Second Language Acquisition (SLA) is a m

18、ovement initiated in the 1970s against the tradition of language analysis and in opposition to the excessive oral drilling and rote memorization of decontextualized language as proposed by the audiolingual approach.,A brief history of the field: 1960s,The fields of linguistics and psychology underwe

19、nt radical shifts. Behaviorism fell out of favor, and mentalism became the predominant paradigm(范例) in linguistics. The field of SLA is often thought to have begun with the publication of an article by Corder (1967) on learner language.,A brief history of the field: 1970s,Emphasis on the acquisition

20、 of grammatical morphemes Emphasis on innate universals of language acquisition De-emphasis of the effects of the first language on the learning of a second language The first theory of second language acquisition,A brief history of the field: 1980s,A return to the recognition that a learners first

21、language can affect second language acquisition in important ways Emphasis on variables that can affect how quickly and how well a person learns a second language Multiple new theories related to second language acquisition Attention to the acquisition of pragmatics Emphasis on input,A brief history

22、 of the field: 1990s,Increased attention to vocabulary acquisition Emphasis on form-function mappings Increased awareness of the complex ways in which variables can interact Increased attention to the details of learners backgrounds, their learning contexts, and the specific decisions they make in t

23、heir learning process Emphasis on interaction,Some important types of questionsSLA researchers try to answer,Questions about the nature of learners knowledge/competence Questions about the processes of second language acquisition Questions about second language performance Questions about learner va

24、riables Questions about language instruction Questions about other factors that may affect second language acquisition,Questions about the nature of learners knowledge/competence,What is the nature of learners knowledge of their interlanguages? (individual and group descriptions) What are the source

25、s of that knowledge? (e.g., L1, TL, universals, creative hypotheses),Questions about the processes of SLA,How does that knowledge change over time and with increased exposure to the TL? What is the beginning state of IL knowledge/competence? What is the end state of SLA?,Questions about second langu

26、age performance,What are the components of language proficiency? Is there a difference between competence and proficiency?,Questions about learner variables,What types of learners learn best? What are the most effective ways of learning a second language?,Questions about language instruction,What ar

27、e the most effective ways of teaching a language? What types of teachers teach best?,Questions about other factors that may affect SLA,Does age affect how quickly and how well a person can learn a second language? Do motivation, attitude, and anxiety affect how quickly and how well a person can lear

28、n another language? Does a persons first language affect the acquisition of a second? Does the (perceived) typological distance between the first and second language make a difference? What is language learning aptitude, and can it be increased in a learner? Does the linguistic, social, and situatio

29、nal context affect second language acquisition?,Reading List,Brown, H.D. Principles of Language Learning and TeachingM. Beijing: Beijing Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2002. Cook, V. Linguistics and Second Language AcquisitionM. New York: St. Martins Press, 1993 Dulay, H., Burt, M., & Krashen, S. Language TwoM. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1982 Ellis, R. Understanding Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: OUP, 1985. Ellis, R.). The Study of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press,1994 Gass, S. & Selin


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