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1、大学英语四级写作(3),真题重现,2006年12月 2000年6月 1999年6月 1998年6月 1996年1月 1995年1月 1993年1月,第二大题型题型分析,1.有的人认为A 2.还有人认为B 3.我认为 I,A-B-I 题型,A(分) B(分) I (总) 总分总 总ABI (四段),解题方法,第一段:(总) 引出话题并指出不同人持有不同观点(20个字),方式(种),随着社会的发展,越来越 Recently, the issue of has been brought into public focus. Recently the phenomenon has aroused wi

2、de concern, some people are in alarm that.,直接指出现今社会存在着一个热门讨论 There is a heated discussion on There exists a hot controversy over . (debate),双问句开头(学例文二) Do you like.? Is it good to or ?,第二段:观点,小总小分(小总) 小总:一些人持有观点 小分:持有观点的原因个 (简单) 层次化,小总: some people think 认为: believe, argue, emphasize, hold, Suggust,

3、 stress, admit, recommend, maintain, consider, firmly point out be in favor of( the idea of),小分: 第1:To start with 第2: Furthermore 第3:Eventually,第1:the apparent example is that 第2: in addition,第1:Owing to . 第2: Besides 第3:Whats more.,第1:In the 1st place 第2: In the 2nd place,第三段:观点,小总:转折性的语句还有一些人持有观点

4、小分:持有B观点的原因个 (简单) 层次化,小总: 转折性的语句:,As the proverb goes: “every coin has its two sides”, .is no exception. Every thing has a good side and a bad side, and .is no exception.,B有不同观点,However, other people stand on a different ground. Others, on the contrary, may regard it differently.,第四段:我的意见,我认为:衡量,观点,

5、我的意见(中性) 吸收两者优点,摒弃两者缺点 给出建设性的意见,我认为: From my point of view In my opinion,There is, I think, some truth in both arguments. But I think the advantages overweigh the disadvantages.,Weighing the pros and the cons of these arguments, Im inclined to agree with the former/latter one.,例文:,There exists a hea

6、ted discussion over the issue whether the SFG should be dropped. Opinions vary from person to person.,Some may be in favor of the show. Owing to the convention of traditional celebrations, we know more about local traditions.,Besides, its cross talks and comic shows that create the festival atmosphere.,Whats more, its an essential moment for the family more to stay together than to just enjoy the show.,Others, on the contrary, may regard it a waste of time to watch the boring programs.,In addition, there is no deny that the programs, those lacking creativity, lose appeal to the younger ge


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