2010年高考真题分类汇编(上海 湖南 福建 安徽 江西 四川重庆辽宁)(含答案)_第1页
2010年高考真题分类汇编(上海 湖南 福建 安徽 江西 四川重庆辽宁)(含答案)_第2页
2010年高考真题分类汇编(上海 湖南 福建 安徽 江西 四川重庆辽宁)(含答案)_第3页
2010年高考真题分类汇编(上海 湖南 福建 安徽 江西 四川重庆辽宁)(含答案)_第4页
2010年高考真题分类汇编(上海 湖南 福建 安徽 江西 四川重庆辽宁)(含答案)_第5页
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1、2010年高考陈文分类汇编(上海湖南省安徽江西省重庆市辽宁省) (包括答案)介词25.(2010上海卷)Sean has formed the habit of jogging the tree-lined avenue for two hours every day。A.between B. along C. below D. with27.(2010年福建省)更高的租赁buildings have been built in big cities space。A.in search of b . in place of c . for lack of d . for fear of34.(

2、2010年长时间)knowdays some hospitals refers to patients name,not case number。A.ofB .asC .byD。with5.(2010四千卷)tired,Jim was fast asleep with his back a big tree。A.in B. below C. beside D. against22.(2010重庆卷)the dictionary is what I want,but I dont have enough money me。A.byB.forC.inD.with31.(2010年辽宁)I agre

3、e to his suggestion _ _ _ the condition that he drops all charges。A.by B. in C. on D. to答案:c句子意思:我同意他的建议,条件是他放弃所有的主张。分析:复习介词的用法。介词和the condition that表示:“条件是.作为条件”的意思是条件副词子句的相当连续的词。29.(2010江西卷)we give dogs time,space and love we can spare,and,dogs give us their all。A.inallb . infacc . inshort d . in

4、return形容词和副词26.(2010上海卷)it took us quite a long time to get to the amusement park。it was journey。A.three hour b . a three-hours c . a three-hour d . three hours代词27.(2010年上海卷)if ourparents do everyhing for us children,we wont learn to depend onA.themselves b . them c . us d . ourselves21.(2010年安徽卷)Y

5、ou are a team star!Working with is rally your cup of tea。A.both B. either C. others D. the other22.(2010福建卷)when you introducte me to Mr. Johnson,could you please say for me?A.everything b . anything c . something d . nothing27.(2010江西卷)swimming is my favorite sport。there is like swimming as a means

6、 of keeping fit。A.something B. anything C. nothingid。everyhing7.(2010四千卷)on my desk is a photo that my father took of when I was a baby。A.him B. his C. me D. mine23.(2010重庆卷)he had lost his temper and his health in the war and never found of them again。A.neitherB.eitherC.eachD.全部33.(2010辽宁卷)the fact

7、 that she was foreign made _ _ _ _ _ difficult for her to get a job in that countryA.so B. much C. that D. it时态和语音28.(2010年上海卷)every few years,the cool workers their LUNs x-rayed to ensure their health。A.are having B. have C. have had。had had31.(2010上海卷)the church tower which will be open to tourist

8、s soon。the workis almost finished。A.has restored b . has been restored c . is restoring d . is being restored27.(2010年湖南卷)I was just going to cut my rose bushes but some one it。was it you?A.has done b . had done c . would do d . will do24.(2010年湖南卷)this coastl area national willife reserve last year

9、。A.was named B. named C. is s31.(2010年湖南卷)I walked slowly through the market,where people all kinds of fruits and vege tables . I stuied the prices carefully and bought whhhtA.sell B. were selling C. had sold。have sold34.(2010年湖南卷)im tired out . I all afternoon and I dont seem to have fini

10、shed anything。A.shopped B. have shoppedC.had shopped D. have been shopping26.(2010年安徽省)Bob would have helped us yesterday,but he。A.was busy b . is busy c had been busy d . will be busy28.(2010年安徽卷)一个were you surprised by the ending of the film?INo。I the book,so I already knew the story。A.was reading

11、 b . had read c . am reading d . have read34.(2010年安徽卷)我们的ve spent too much money recently。-well,it isnt surprising。our friends and relatives around all the time。A.are coming B. had comeC.were coming D. have been coming28.(2010年福建卷)every year a flood of farmers arrive in Shenzhen for the money-makin

12、g jobs theyBefore leaving their hometowns。A.promised b . were promised c . have promised . have been promised31.(2010福建卷)guess what,we ve got our visas for a short-term visit to the uk this summer。-How nice!You a different culture then。A.will be experieencing b . have experieencedC.have been experie

13、encing d . will have experieenced16.(2010年4千卷)When shall we restart our business?Not until we our plan。A.will finish B. are finishingC.are to finish D. have finished18.(2010四千卷)you ve failed to do what you to and I m afraid the teacher will blame you。A.will expect B. will be expectedC.expected D. we

14、re expected24.(2010重庆卷)the book has been translated into thirty languages since it on the market in 1973。A.had comeB.哈斯科姆C.营地D.comes29.(2010年重庆卷)the palace caught fire three times in the last century,and little of the original building _ _ _ _ _ _ _ noof the original buildingA.remainsB.is remainedC.

15、is remainingD.has been remained31.(2010重庆卷)-why do you want to work for our company?- This is the job that I for。A.卢克德B.am to lookC.had lookedD.have been looking24.(2010年辽宁)约瑟夫_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to evening classes since last month,but he still can t say what s your name?拉什安。A.has been going b . went c . goes d . has gone答案:a句子意思:约瑟夫从上个月开始上夜校,但仍然用俄语说:“你


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