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1、任务型语言教学模式在 综合英语教学中的运用,梁晓冬 河 南 师 范 大 学,Contents,任务型语言教学模式概述,1,综合英语课程目标及教学模块,2,任务型语言教学模式 在各教学模块中的应用,3,主要存在的问题,4,任务型教学模式概述,本质特征 任务型语言教学是一种以交际任务为核心的语言教学途径,强调“做中学”,通过学生参与,完成语言教学任务,使学生自然地习得语言,促进外语学习(Willis, J. 1996. )。这种教学途径体现了语言教学目标由语言结构向语言功能的转变,强调由“教”向“学”以及由“学什么”到“怎样学”的转移。它要求以学生为中心,既要求传授语言知识和言语技能,又要求注重学

2、生语言运用能力的培养。,任务型语言教学模式概述,目标明确,任务实用,环境真实,任务型教学模式的实施原则,交际互动,过程参与,目标明确,交际任务须有明确的目标指向性(Nunan 1989) 。在教师的引导下,在具体的目标约束下,学生完成所规定的语言交际任务。这样一个过程既是学生对新知识的理解和运用,也是对旧知识的巩固和掌握。因此,任务完成的好坏就能直接体现出教学目标的达成度。,任务实用,任务型语言教学是围绕某一话题即任务展开的,任务的焦点是解决某一交际问题。这一交际问题必须是具体的,贴近学生生活、学习经历和社会实际的。(Nunan1991 ) (在实际教学过程中,任务的设计还要具有层次性,难易适

3、中,同时具有开放性和创造性)。,环境真实,任务型语言教学要求将真实的语言材料引入课堂学习环境,让学生感知真实语言。情景教学是将具有真实性的语言材料引入学习环境的有效途径。(Nunan1991) 在教学实践中,这种环境的真实,不仅是目的语语境的真实,交际活动还要落实在真实的母语语境中,让学生能够用英语表达自己的生活。,交际互动,任务型语言教学要解决的问题不仅仅是语言问题,更重要的是要运用语言来完成任务。交际互动是必须遵循的原则。教师不仅通过任务实施给学生提供真正参与交流沟通的机会,还要培训交互策略,以促进学生真正学会运用语言,学会交际和合作。,过程参与,任务型教学不但关注语言知识学习过程,更关注

4、语言知识的运用过程,重视学生执行任务过程中参与活动并在交流活动中所获得的经验。充分体现“做中学”和“学中做”。这种以学生为主体的教学过程,时刻挑战教师的教育观念和教学理念,要求教师实时反思自我和转变角色。,任务型语言教学模式流程,模式流程,任务型教学模式流程,讲授内容: 综合英语教程第四册(第二版)Unit4 The Dream of an Hour Part II Speaking 任务型口语练习故事重构 (jigsaw) 要点: (1)介绍任务 (Leading in) (2)分组阅读部分故事 (Pre-task) (3)再分组进行小组协商、讨论,重构故事(Task Processing)

5、 (4)小组代表呈现故事(Post-task) (5)师生评价(Analyzing) (6)作业 (Homework),综合英语课程目标,语言基础知识的掌握:语言体系知识(语音、词汇、语法、句法、篇章等)、话语知识(话语语境、得体程度)、常用语知识(英美人日常生活语言);,教学目标,能力的培养:学习者的学习策略能力、语言尝试能力、语言思维能力、语言教师的职业能力。,任务型教学模式的实践意义,作为一种以促进学生主动发展为宗旨的教学模式,任务型语言教学体现了外语教学从关注教法转为关注学法,从教师为中心转为学生为中心,从注重语言本身转到注重语言习得与运用的变革趋势。该模式的核心理念符合英语专业教学目

6、标,其实施原则具有很强的指导性,工作流程具有很强的可操作性。因此,我们尝试将任务型语言教学模式引入综合英语教学,期望能够探索出一条行之有效的教学新模式,为促进英语专业教学质量的整体提高。,综合英语课程教学模块,教学模块,A,B,C,交 际 模 块,语言拓展训练、文化背景知识模块,阅读理解和语言操练模 块,任务型教学模式在交际模块中的运用,交际模块 (Communicative activities),口 语(Speaking) (35分钟),听力部分 (Listening) (10-15分钟),头脑风暴 (Brain storming) (40分钟),目标 培养学生在实际生活中的英语口语交际能

7、力,头 脑 风 暴,交互策略培训,任务设计,实 例,活动设计,任务型教学模式在交际模块中的运用,任务设计: 根据每个单元的主题,(帮助)学生寻找、选择相关的语言材料(来自于教师用书),完成教师布置的具有真实性和生活化的口语交际任务。 活动设计: 小组活动、结对活动相结合。 交互策略培训 后续问题的提出:根据话题,提出后续问题。如:Talking about friends Have you got any friends? Who is your best one? What does he/she look like?How did you become good friends?,任务型语

8、言教学模式在交际模块中的运用,请求和给与阐释: 告诉学生遇见不明白的意思,请求对方给与解释,或进行意义协商(要求学生英文表述,尽量避免使用汉语); 请求和给予帮助: 遇到不会表达的情况,可以请求对方或老师提供帮助,但不可以用汉语讨论。 纠正: 学生间的错误 ( 语音、词汇、语法等)纠正主要在对话的过程中。教师的纠正体现在学生的课堂呈现中。,任务型语言教学模式在交际模块中的运用,实例:Book 3 Unit 1 My Father 主题:人物描述 任务设计:Describe your parents or friends to your partner by using at least 5 w

9、ords explained in Brainstorming. 活动设计:结对活动(Pair work) 形式1 对话:Talk about your best friends 形式2 采访:About your parents 形式3 :描述与勾画:One describes the appearance of a person, the other draws a picture accordingly. (为避免语言输出量的不均衡,要求学生互换角色),任务型语言教学模式在交际模块中的运用,评估:学生互评,教师点评。评估尺度: 1)语言使用的正确性和得体性等。 2)新的语言材料使用。,任

10、务型语言教学模式在交际模块中的运用,Sample,任务型语言教学模式在交际模块中的运用,Hi, Lin. Were been here for about two years . Do you still miss your parents?,Yea. I love my parents and miss my mother particularly.,Could you tell me anything about her ?,Well, my mother is a easy-going woman. She love to talk to our neighbors , and she

11、was on good term with them. He was very beautiful when she was young ,A,B,A,B,听 力 部 分,交互策略培训,任务设计,实 例,活动设计,任务型语言教学模式在交际模块中的运用,任务设计: 根据听力材料的内容回答相关问题 活动设计: 结对交流笔记、个人回答问题 交互策略培训: 1) 提出问题:让学生阅读听力部分所提出的问题,必要时对问题的关键词语做出解释。 2) 给与阐释:听前解释材料中的难点:语言点或文化内涵。 3) 给予帮助:结对的学生之间交换笔记,协商意义。 4) 纠 正:学生个人回答问题,老师和同学共同纠正错误。

12、,任务型语言教学模式在交际模块中的运用,实 例: Book3 Unit 1 My Father 听力部分 任务:听对话“I have a Brother”, 回答下列问题: 1) Why was Charlie afraid of his brother? 2) According to Charlie, what will someone who has a brother or a sister become? 3) Why did Charlie hate his brother? 4) How did Charlie and his brother get over their hos

13、tile relations?,任务型语言教学模式在交际模块中的运用,阐释重点词语: hostile, demanding, archenemy, bully, clash 放2遍录音,学生记笔记。 学生结对相互查阅笔记,协商意义,进行必 要的纠正。 教师提问个别学生,面向全体回答问题。同学和老师做纠正和评价。 课后将听力脚本提供给学生,让他们做为范本模仿,根 据自身经历编写对话。,任务型语言教学模式在交际模块中的运用,口 语,交际策略,任务设计,实 例,活动设计,任务型语言教学模式在交际模块中的运用,任 务: 在先前头脑风暴、听力材料语言输入的基础上,展开相关话题的口语练习。 语言输入:除使

14、用课本所提供的材料外,教师可利用网络的音频或视频材料,为学生提供范本。如:从starting 上下载视频 Making Chocolate chip Pancakes;从下载音频材料“Bargaining”。有了一定的语言素材,学生的口语操练可以先模仿,后发挥,学生无从开口的现象就会消失,口语练习也就不会产生太大的困难。 活动设计: 小组讨论和结对活动,任务型语言教学模式在交际模块中的运用,任务型语言教学模式在交际模块中的运用,交际策略: 指导学生善于提出后续问题:问题要切题; 要有询问和阐释、寻求帮助与支持、纠正; 活动呈现: 让学生演示,在此过程中,要求其他学生留意内容、形式,进行评估;同

15、时教师记录错误,准备纠正。(可用录音笔),实例1: Book 3 Unit 1 My Father 任务:Talk about how important to be a nice person: “A Nice person wins friends”. 小组讨论:Define a nice person: what makes a nice person? How does a nice person win friends? Discuss in the words learned in Brainstorming; 结对对话:1)“A helpful person wins frien

16、ds”. 2)“A generous person wins friends”. 3) A considerate person wins friends”. Discuss with examples.,任务型语言教学模式在交际模块中的运用,实例2: Book3 Unit 6 Bargains 任务:Listen to the recording, talking about bargaining. 结对对话:Sample,任务型语言教学模式在交际模块中的运用,It is quite un-British to haggle or bargain in the UK, yet it is q

17、uite a common practice in China. Almost anyone who buys things will barter with the trader. It is sometimes an enjoyable experience. Can you tell me your experience?,Certainly. I love to knock down prices when I go shopping, especially in small shops. Once I found a nice coat in a certain small shop

18、. The shopkeeper said it would cost 350 yuan. I asked for a discount . She said she could only take 10% off. I asked for 50%. The shopkeeper got upset and she said I had pushed it too far. I put on a big smile and said I was only a poor student and couldnt afford to buy it at such a high price. Then

19、 I said a lot of nice things about the coat. Eventually the shopkeeper gave me that discount. I took it. What a real bargain! What about yours?,A,B,任务型语言教学模式在阅读模块中的运用,阅读模块 (Reading Comprehension),(90-135分钟),教学目标: 培养学生的英文阅读能力,理解、掌握词语,并能够分析把握篇章结构,协商构建意义。 词汇学习任务(教学重点): 每篇课文的重点生词和短语,注重文化负荷词(culture-load

20、ed words)的挖掘,培养学生的文化意识。 语法学习任务: 每个单元的语法项目,由于中学阶段已经都学过,不再详细讲解,重在应用。,任务型教学模式在阅读模块中的运用,语篇学习任务:(教学难点) 总结归纳课文的意义,寻求内在的逻辑关系。 活动设计: 课外活动: 1) 学生课前词语预习; 2) 小组讨论:课文结构和意义。引导学生寻找文章中的主题句,连接词语,内在的连贯和衔接,然后课堂派代表陈述展示。 3) 辩论:小组之间就相关话题准备辩论。 4) 短剧:根据课文体裁让学生分角色排练。 课堂活动: 1) 词语提问:重点词语意义及使用 2) 小组讨论,协商意义,或辩论,或短剧呈现。,任务型语言教学模

21、式在阅读模块中的运用,实 例:Book3 My Father Text 词汇:重点词语:vain, unapproachable, keep one self to oneself, come first, show off, let sb. down, chalk and cheese, settle down; 文化负荷词: Member of the British Empire (British military and civil awards); Buckingham Palace (British social and political institutions); Publi

22、c Schools (British Education system) 语法:不可数集合名词(Uncountable mass nouns)(略讲) 语篇(重点):中心思想“Generation gap”;段落大意;结构安排及内在逻辑。,任务型语言教学模式在阅读模块中的运用,任务设计: 1) 课前词语预习:词语和文化负荷词的查阅; 2) 课堂上词语学习与使用:在语境中学习词语及文化负荷词,当堂遣词造句; 3) 讨论篇章结构、中心思想; 4) 采访:从女儿或父亲的角度采访他们父女之间的关系; 5) 辩论:观看录像“裸婚”,就其中的代沟话题“婚姻中爱情和钱财哪个更重要?”,准备并展开辩论;,任务

23、型语言教学模式在阅读模块中的运用,活动设计: 1) 个体独立学习(词语学习); 2) 结对活动: 访谈:有一个名人父亲的感受; 3) 小组活动:讨论篇章结构、辩论。,任务型语言教学模式在阅读模块中的运用,Leading in: Generation Gap,Definition: A difference in values and attitudes between one generation and another, esp. between young people and their parents.,Text: My Father,1 I dont really know my f

24、ather. He isnt easy to get on with. Hes quite self-centered, and a little bit vain, I think, and in some ways quite unapproachable. The public must think hes very easy-going, but at home he keeps himself to himself.,Text: My Father,2 He cant have been at home much when I was a child, because I dont

25、remember much about him. Hes always been slightly out of touch with family life. His work always came first, and he was always off somewhere acting or rehearsing. He loves being asked for his autograph, he loves to be recognized. He has won several awards and hes very proud of that. He was made a Me

26、mber of the British Empire, and we had to go to Buckingham Palace to get the medal. It was incredibly boring. There were hundreds of other people getting the same awards, and you had to sit there for hours. He shows off his awards to whoever comes to the house.,41,Buckingham Palace,Buckingham Palace

27、 has been the official London residence of Britains sovereigns since 1837. Its interior, open to the public during August and September while the queen is on vacation, contains many elegantly furnished apartments and noted collections of paintings. The famous changing of the guards takes place outsi

28、de Buckingham Palace.,基础英语精品课程 Unit 1 Book 3,42,public school,In Britain, Public school is a private boarding school for children aged between 13 and 18, whose parents pay for their education. They are called public schools because they were originally seen as “public” alternatives to having private

29、 tutors in aristocratic households.,综合英语精品课程 Unit 1 Book 3,Structure,Para. 1,Para. 2,Para. 3,Para. 4,The narrator tells of her school experience to show that her father is not aware of what she really needs and how she really feels.,The narrator examines the different interests she and her father ha

30、ve and tells of the gap between them.,The narrator cites a number of examples to support her statement that her father is quite self-centered and a little bit vain.,The narrator describes her father in her eyes.,Para. 5,The narrator tells the different attitudes she and her father have towards her m

31、arriage and having grandchildren.,Para. 6,The narrator tells that she is not that interested in what her father is doing.,In these three paragraphs, the narrator presents her personal impression about her father from two perspectives: first, _ _ which is _; secondly, she tells the reader that _ _. W

32、e can conclude that they are not very close.,Summarize the story,she describes her fathers character,completely different from her own,she and her father have different ways of life, different interests, different attitudes towards education,Pair work: Interview,Work with your partner for an intervi

33、ew: One will play the role of Amy, the daughter, the other will play the role of a journalist. You may ask questions like these: Is it nice to have a celebrity father? How are you getting along with him? Have you got anything in common with your father? Are you trying to bridge the generation gap be

34、tween you? And how?,Group Discussion,Instruction: Please watch the video “A Naked Wedding”, work in two groups and Debate on “Which comes first in marriage, money or love?” One group will take the side of the mother in the video, while the other group will take the side of the daughter.,Group Discus

35、sion,The following expressions may be helpful to your discussion. Marriage Law (婚姻法) property right (物权) betrothal gifts (彩礼) financial capacity (财力) money-grubber (财迷) basic needs (基本所需) soul-mates (灵魂伴侣) go through thick and thin (同舟共济) a bright future (美好未来) with joined efforts (共同努力),任务型语言教学模式在语

36、言拓展 训练模块中的运用,目标:培养学生综合语言实践能力。 任务设计: 听写、扩展阅读、语法练习、词汇练习、句子翻译练习、 作文、文化信息 活动设计: 课外活动:1)个人阅读、改写、翻译或复述“扩展阅读”内容;小组讨论内容并展开翻译竞赛;2) 个人独立完成语法、词汇、句子翻译、作文练习。 课堂活动:1)听写:听写内容,主要来自教参。教师读3遍,学生重复1遍。2)处理重点词汇和句子翻译练习;3)作文点评,1. 她似乎与新同学相处不好。(get along with),1) She doesnt seem to her new classmates.,get along well with,be

37、on good/friendly terms with,isnt on good/friendly terms with; isnt in harmony with; is on bad terms with,2) It seems that she the newcomers in her class.,doesnt have a harmonious/good relationship with,2. 我与玛丽失去联系多年,但昨天我与她在电话里联系上了。(out of touch, reach),1) Id Mary for (many) years, but I managed to yesterday.,been out of touch with,been out of touch with; lost contact with; lost track of,get in touch with; contact,2) Mary and I had lost contact with each ot


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