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1、2017-20182017-2018 学年七年级英语(下册)学年七年级英语(下册)Unit 12Unit 12 测试题测试题 满分:满分:120120 分分 听力部分(听力部分(2525 分)分) . .听句子,选择相应的图片。每个句子听一遍。(听句子,选择相应的图片。每个句子听一遍。(5 5 分)分) 1._2._3._4._5._1._2._3._4._5._ . .听对话,选择正确的答案。每段对话听两遍。(听对话,选择正确的答案。每段对话听两遍。(5 5 分)分) ( ()6.Where did the boy go on vacation?)6.Where did the boy go

2、 on vacation? A.To the mountains.A.To the mountains.B.To the beach.B.To the beach.C.To the park.C.To the park. ( ()7.What did Jenny do last weekend?)7.What did Jenny do last weekend? A.She studied for the exam.A.She studied for the exam. B.She visited her grandparents.B.She visited her grandparents.

3、 C.She went shopping with her parents.C.She went shopping with her parents. ( ()8.What was the weather like in London?)8.What was the weather like in London? A.Snowy.A.Snowy.B.Windy.B.Windy.C.Rainy.C.Rainy. ( ()9.Who did Judy go to the movies with?)9.Who did Judy go to the movies with? A.Betty.A.Bet

4、ty.B.Mary.B.Mary.C.Betty is Marys sister.C.Betty is Marys sister. ( ()10.What did Tom and Peter do over the weekend?)10.What did Tom and Peter do over the weekend? A.They played football.A.They played football. B.They watched a football game at Toms home.B.They watched a football game at Toms home.

5、C.They watched a football game at Peters home.C.They watched a football game at Peters home. . .听对话,选择正确的答案。每段对话听两遍。(听对话,选择正确的答案。每段对话听两遍。(5 5 分)分) 听第一段对话,回答第听第一段对话,回答第 1111、1212 小题。小题。 ( ()11.What is Peter doing now?)11.What is Peter doing now? A.Watching TV.A.Watching TV.B.Reading a book.B.Reading

6、a book. C.Visiting museum.C.Visiting museum. ( ()12.Where did Peter go last Monday?)12.Where did Peter go last Monday? A.The beach.A.The beach.B.The library.B.The library. C.The bookstore.C.The bookstore. 听第二段对话,回答第听第二段对话,回答第 13151315 小题。小题。 ( () )13.Whats the weather like today?13.Whats the weather

7、 like today? A.Hot.A.Hot.B.Cloudy.B.Cloudy.C.Sunny.C.Sunny. ( ()14.What did Jenny do this morning?)14.What did Jenny do this morning? A.She played tennis.A.She played tennis.B.She played baseball.B.She played baseball. C.She went swimming.C.She went swimming. ( ()15.What will Sally and Mike do?)15.W

8、hat will Sally and Mike do? A.Go to the zoo.A.Go to the zoo.B.Have a party.B.Have a party. C.Go to the movies.C.Go to the movies. . .听短文,完成表格。短文听两遍。(听短文,完成表格。短文听两遍。(1010 分)分) 笔试部分(笔试部分(9595 分)分) . .单项选择。(单项选择。(1515 分)分) ( ()21.Mr. Smith saw some children _ in the pool.)21.Mr. Smith saw some children

9、 _ in the pool. A.swimA.swimB.swimsB.swimsC.swamC.swamD.swimmingD.swimming ( ()22.)22.Did you go to Central Park?Did you go to Central Park? _._. A.Yes, he didA.Yes, he didB.Yes, I didB.Yes, I did C.No,C.No, they didntthey didntD.No, she didntD.No, she didnt ( ()23.My uncle feeds a lot of _ on the f

10、arm.)23.My uncle feeds a lot of _ on the farm. A.sheepA.sheepB.cowB.cowC.chickenC.chickenD.horseD.horse ( ()24.I went to bed late last night. So I felt _ today.)24.I went to bed late last night. So I felt _ today. A.happyA.happyB.tiredB.tiredC.afraidC.afraidD.excitedD.excited ( ()25.At first, she _

11、like math, but now she _.)25.At first, she _ like math, but now she _. A.didnt;didA.didnt;didB.doesnt;doesB.doesnt;does C.didnt;doesC.didnt;doesD.doesnt;didD.doesnt;did ( () )26.Bob found Jims keys and gave26.Bob found Jims keys and gave _ him._ him. A.it back toA.it back toB.them back toB.them back

12、 to C.back it toC.back it toD.back them toD.back them to ( ()27.Peter _ at 6:30 and then went to school.)27.Peter _ at 6:30 and then went to school. A.stayed upA.stayed upB.woke upB.woke up C.ran awayC.ran awayD.put upD.put up ( ()28.When Alice saw the lion for the first time, she got a big .)28.Whe

13、n Alice saw the lion for the first time, she got a big . A.surprisedA.surprisedB.surprisingB.surprising C.surpriseC.surpriseD.surprisesD.surprises ( ()29.We were _ that we could say nothing when we heard)29.We were _ that we could say nothing when we heard the terrible noise.the terrible noise. A.to

14、o scaredA.too scaredB.too scaryB.too scary C.so scaryC.so scaryD.so scaredD.so scared ( ()30.Please_you)30.Please_your r handshands beforebefore youyou answeranswer thethe teachersteachers questions.questions. A.put onA.put onB.put upB.put up C.put inC.put inD.put offD.put off ( ()31.I finished my h

15、omework _.)31.I finished my homework _. A.nowA.nowB.in two hoursB.in two hours C.two hours agoC.two hours agoD.for two hoursD.for two hours ( ()32.Yesterday Li Lei shouted _)32.Yesterday Li Lei shouted _ his parents, “Dont makehis parents, “Dont make so many rulso many rules, I cant standes, I cant

16、stand( (忍受忍受) them.”) them.” A.onA.onB.atB.atC.forC.forD.withD.with ( ()33.Last)33.Last week,week, wewe _ a a longlong busbus rideride toto a a lakelake inin thethe countryside.countryside. A.rideA.rideB.tookB.tookC.spentC.spent D.paidD.paid ( ()34.Her)34.Her mothermother isntisnt anan actress.actre

17、ss. SheShe worksworks _ anan artart teacherteacher_ a school._ a school. A.for;inA.for;inB.with;atB.with;atC.as;atC.as;atD.as;forD.as;for ( ()35.)35.How was your weekend on the farm?How was your weekend on the farm? Great! We _ with the farmers.Great! We _ with the farmers. A.enjoy ourselvesA.enjoy

18、ourselvesB.make friendsB.make friends C.are workingC.are workingD.went fishingD.went fishing . .完形填空。(完形填空。(1010 分)分) MikeMike hadhad a a veryvery busybusy weekend.weekend.3636SaturdaySaturday morning,morning, hehe cleaned his room. In the afternoon, hecleaned his room. In the afternoon, he3737his h

19、omework. It washis homework. It was 3838difficult. On Saturday night, hedifficult. On Saturday night, he39 TV. His aunt cooked pizza39 TV. His aunt cooked pizza forfor4040. . OnOn SundaySunday morning,morning, hehe4141toto thethe librarylibrary andand4242 a book about history. Then in the afternoon

20、hea book about history. Then in the afternoon he4343geography. Ongeography. On SundaySunday nightnight hehe4444thethe radioradio andand sawsaw4545interestinginteresting talktalk show.show. ()36.A.In()36.A.InB.OnB.OnC.ForC.ForD.AtD.At ()37.A.does()37.A.doesB.is doingB.is doingC.didC.didD.doD.do ()38.

21、A.a little()38.A.a littleB.littleB.littleC.a fewC.a fewD.fewD.few ()39.A.saw()39.A.sawB.watchedB.watchedC.readC.readD.looked atD.looked at ()40.A.he()40.A.heB.hisB.hisC.herC.herD.himD.him ()41.A.goes()41.A.goesB.wentB.wentC.is goingC.is goingD./D./ ()42.A.read()42.A.readB.readedB.readedC.readsC.read

22、sD.lookedD.looked ()43.A.is()43.A.is studyingstudyingB.studiesB.studiesC.studiedC.studiedD.hadD.had studiedstudied ()44.A.listened()44.A.listenedB.listened toB.listened toC.listens toC.listens toD.listensD.listens ()45.A.a()45.A.aB.anB.anC.theC.theD.a fewD.a few . .阅读理解。(阅读理解。(2020 分)分) A A In China

23、, many students spent their weekends studying at schoolIn China, many students spent their weekends studying at school or doing homework or watching TV at home. What did the studentsor doing homework or watching TV at home. What did the students do on weekends in America?do on weekends in America? D

24、onna:I studied all weekend. On Saturday, I studied for a mathDonna:I studied all weekend. On Saturday, I studied for a math test all day. On Sunday morning, I did my history homework. In thetest all day. On Sunday morning, I did my history homework. In the evening, I talked to my friends on the phon

25、e.evening, I talked to my friends on the phone. Glen:IGlen:I hadhad a a greatgreat weekend.weekend. I I visitedvisited somesome ofof mymy friends.friends. OnOn Sunday night, I went to the park with my parents. We really enjoyedSunday night, I went to the park with my parents. We really enjoyed ourse

26、lves.ourselves. Judy:I had a boring weekend. On Saturday, I cleaned the house,Judy:I had a boring weekend. On Saturday, I cleaned the house, and I washed the clothes. On Sunday, I painted my bedroom. It wasand I washed the clothes. On Sunday, I painted my bedroom. It was really a tiring weekend.real

27、ly a tiring weekend. Alan:Last weekend, I stayed at home. I watched old videos(Alan:Last weekend, I stayed at home. I watched old videos(录像录像) ) onon Saturday.Saturday. AndAnd onon Sunday,Sunday, I I sawsaw anan oldold movie.movie. It It waswas anan interesting eresting weekend. ( ()46.Wh

28、at did Donna do on Saturday?)46.What did Donna do on Saturday? A.Visited her friends.A.Visited her friends. B.Studied for a math test.B.Studied for a math test. C.Watched TV.C.Watched TV. D.Did her history homework.D.Did her history homework. ( () )47.How was Glens weekend?47.How was Glens weekend?

29、A.Terrible.A.Terrible.B.Boring.B.Boring.C.Great.C.Great.D.Busy.D.Busy. ( ()48.Who did Glen go to the park with on Sunday night?)48.Who did Glen go to the park with on Sunday night? A.His parents.A.His parents.B.His friends.B.His friends. C.His sister.C.His sister.D.His grandparents.D.His grandparent

30、s. ( ()49.When did Judy clean the house?)49.When did Judy clean the house? A.On Friday.A.On Friday.B.On Sunday.B.On Sunday. C.On Thursday.C.On Thursday.D.On Saturday.D.On Saturday. ( ()50.Who watched old videos on Saturday?)50.Who watched old videos on Saturday? A.Donna.A.Donna.B.Glen.B.Glen.C.Judy.

31、C.Judy.D.Alan.D.Alan. B B Im always buIm always busy with work. Last Friday, I got home at seven insy with work. Last Friday, I got home at seven in the evening.the evening. “We will go camping in the countryside tomorrow,”Mom said to“We will go camping in the countryside tomorrow,”Mom said to me.me

32、. “But I have to work tomorrow. What about going on Sunday?”I“But I have to work tomorrow. What about going on Sunday?”I asked.asked. “OK,”Mom answered.“OK,”Mom answered. I was very happy,“Can Dad go with us?”I was very happy,“Can Dad go with us?” “Yes,”Mom“Yes,”Mom s said.“Itsaid.“Its timetime forf

33、or dinner.dinner. WeWe havehave beefbeef andand cabbage dumplings.”cabbage dumplings.” “Great! I like dumplings best.”“Great! I like dumplings best.” After dinner, I watched TV for an hour. Then I went to bed.After dinner, I watched TV for an hour. Then I went to bed. OnOn SundaySunday morning,morni

34、ng, wewe hadhad eggs,eggs, pancakespancakes andand porridgeporridge forfor breakfast.breakfast. AfterAfter breakfast,breakfast, I I packed(packed(打包打包) ) somesome water,water, juice,juice, fruit,fruit, breadbread andand meatmeat withwith mymy sister,sister, Jessica.Jessica. DadDad drovedrove usus to

35、to thethe countryside. It took us two hours to get there. Mom and Dad playedcountryside. It took us two hours to get there. Mom and Dad played badminton, their favorite sport. My sister took some photos. I wentbadminton, their favorite sport. My sister took some photos. I went swimmingswimming andan

36、d caughtcaught a a fishfish inin thethe lake.lake. WeWe cookedcooked thethe fishfish forfor dinner.dinner. We had a great time there and went back on Monday morning.We had a great time there and went back on Monday morning. ( ()51.When did they go camping?)51.When did they go camping? A.Last Thursda

37、y.A.Last Thursday.B.Last Friday.B.Last Friday. C.Last Saturday.C.Last Saturday.D.Last Sunday.D.Last Sunday. ( () )52.What is the writers favorite food?52.What is the writers favorite food? A.Dumplings.A.Dumplings.B.Pancakes.B.Pancakes. C.Fish.C.Fish.D.Porridge.D.Porridge. ( () )53.What did the write

38、rs mother do in the countryside?53.What did the writers mother do in the countryside? A.She took photos.A.She took photos.B.She played badminton.B.She played badminton. C.She drew pictures.C.She drew pictures.D.She went swimming.D.She went swimming. ( () )54.What does the underlined word “caught” me

39、an in Chinese?54.What does the underlined word “caught” mean in Chinese? A.A.接通接通B.B.追逐追逐C.C.盘旋盘旋D.D.抓住抓住 ( ()55.What can we learn from the passage?)55.What can we learn from the passage? A.The writer got home at 6:00 p.m. last Friday.A.The writer got home at 6:00 p.m. last Friday. B.The writer pack

40、ed some food and drinks with his mother.B.The writer packed some food and drinks with his mother. C.There are four people in the writers family.C.There are four people in the writers family. D.The writers family went to the countryside by bus.D.The writers family went to the countryside by bus. . .根

41、据汉语提示填词。(根据汉语提示填词。(5 5 分)分) 56.What kind of _(56.What kind of _(语言语言) do people speak in India?) do people speak in India? 57.We saw a big _(57.We saw a big _(森林森林) along the way.) along the way. 58.The next morning, my sister and I got a _(58.The next morning, my sister and I got a _(惊讶惊讶). ). 59.G

42、irls are afraid of _(59.Girls are afraid of _(蛇蛇), because they are kind of scary.), because they are kind of scary. 60.60.Lets fly aLets fly a _(_(风筝风筝). ). That sounds good.That sounds good. . .根据汉语意思完成句子。(根据汉语意思完成句子。(1010 分)分) 61.61.上周末他们在湖边野营。上周末他们在湖边野营。 They _ by the _ last weekend.They _ by th

43、e _ last weekend. 62.62.游客们感觉有点累。游客们感觉有点累。 The _ felt kind of _.The _ felt kind of _. 63.63.我听见他在对你大喊。我听见他在对你大喊。 I hear him _ _ you.I hear him _ _ you. 64.64.那些中学生在游览自然博物馆。那些中学生在游览自然博物馆。 The _ school students are visiting the _ museum.The _ school students are visiting the _ museum. 65.65.是什么把他吵醒了?是

44、什么把他吵醒了? What _ him _?What _ him _? . .任务型阅读。(任务型阅读。(1010 分)分) TodayToday I I hadhad greatgreat fun.fun. I I wentwent toto MikesMikes homehome onon footfoot inin thethe morning.morning. I I studiedstudied EnglishEnglish withwith himhim allall morning.morning. WeWe readread funnyfunny tonguetongue tw

45、isters(twisters( 绕口令绕口令) ) together. Intogether. In thethe afternoon, we wentafternoon, we went toto thethe park by bike. It was a windy day, so we flew kites. But my kite flewpark by bike. It was a windy day, so we flew kites. But my kite flew into the lake. A dog saw the kite. It jumped into the l

46、ake and swam tointo the lake. A dog saw the kite. It jumped into the lake and swam to it. Five minutes later, it gave the kite to me. I was very grateful(it. Five minutes later, it gave the kite to me. I was very grateful( 感激感激 的的) to it.) to it. 任务一:根据短文内容将下列句子排序。任务一:根据短文内容将下列句子排序。 A.Mike and I wen

47、t to the park.A.Mike and I went to the park. B.Mike and I flew kites.B.Mike and I flew kites. C.I went to Mikes home.C.I went to Mikes home. D.A dog jumped into the lake.D.A dog jumped into the lake. E.The dog swam to the kite.E.The dog swam to the kite. F.My kite flew into the lake.F.My kite flew i

48、nto the lake. G.The dog gave the kite to me.G.The dog gave the kite to me. 66._67._68._69._66._67._68._69._ 70._71._72._70._71._72._ 任务二:根据短文内容完成下列句子,每空一词。任务二:根据短文内容完成下列句子,每空一词。 73.I _73.I _ to Mikes home in the morning.to Mikes home in the morning. 74.The weather was _ today.74.The weather was _ today. 75.I was very


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