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1、Lesson One,Hour of Horror Forever Alters American Lives,CATALOGUE,Part one Discourse Analysis,Part Two Language Points,Part Three Difficult Sentences,Keys to the Exercises,Translations,Pictures about 9/11,President Bush 9/11 Statue,About the Author,President Bush 9/11 Statue,Press here watch preside

2、nt Bush 9/11 Statue,Press here read the manuscript,TWIN TOWERS,BEFORE,ATTACK,THE PENTAGON,BEFORE,AFTER,About the Author,June Kronholz,Education correspondant for The Wall Street Journal,June Kronholz covers education for The Wall Street Journal from Washington. She previously was a Journal correspon

3、dent in London, Africa, Hong Kong and the Philippines, and was the Journals bureau chief in Boston and deputy bureau chief in Washington.,Her story on the U.S. response to the World Trade Center bombings won the Pulitzer Prize for spot news reporting on 9/11.,About the Author,Christina Binkley is a

4、senior special writer with The Wall Street Journal in Los Angeles. Binkley joined The Wall Street Journal in 1994 and has been writing about travel, hotels, and casinos since 1997. She is currently on leave from her job, writing a book about Las Vegas. Prior to working for The Wall Street Journal, s

5、he was a reporter at the Tallahassee Democrat and the Wilkes-Barre Times Leader. Binkley is a graduate of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.,About the Author,Clare Ansberry of The Wall Street Journal is the latest winner of the Darrell Sifford Memorial Prize in Journalism. She se

6、rves as the Journals Pittsburgh bureau chief and is a seasoned feature writer. Ansburys winning articles, including Uneven Care, Frayed Lifeline and The Tender Trap, highlight the challenges of aging parents caring for a disabled child.,Part one Discourse Analysis,Part I (para.1-5): Terrorist attack

7、s alter American lives.,Part II. (para.6-23): Americans will live with fear and violence and they will have less open society.,Part III. (para.24-25): Life, with a few things unchanged, will go on in the U.S.,Part Two Language Points,1. as we know it (line 3, para. 4),in the form that we are familia

8、r with, 那将意味着我们所熟悉的托利党(Tory Party)的结束。,That will mean an end to the Tory Party as we know it., 我们所熟悉的文明的继续存在正受到威胁。,The survival of civilization as we know it is under threat.,Part Two Language Points,2. profile ( line 3, para. 9),the state of being noticed by other people around one 引人注目的状态; 姿态, 大部分

9、的批评指向了他,部分原因是因为目前他在政治 上非常引人注目。,He is attracting most of the criticism, partly because of his high political profile at the moment., 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。,The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue., 采取/保持/维持低姿态,Adopt/keep/maintain a low profile,Part Two Language Points,2. profile,2) a s

10、ide view, esp. of someones head (尤指人的头部的)侧面(像),他画她的侧面像。,He drew her profile.,3) edge or outline of sth. seen against a background 轮廓, 外形,天空衬托下的塔的轮廓。,the profile of the tower against the sky,Part Two Language Points,3. retaliation ( line 1, para. 10),n. the action of paying back evil with evil 报复, 报仇

11、, 恐怖分子为报复最近的逮捕行动而进行的炸弹袭击,a terrorist bomb attack in retaliation for recent arrests, 对罢工的矿工立刻采取的报复行动,immediate retaliation against the striking miners,Part Two Language Points,retaliation,v. (against sb./sth. for sth.) repay an injury , insult ,etc. with similar one 报复, 我们若征收进口税,别的国家就可能报复我们。,If we im

12、pose import duties, other countries may retaliate against us., 他打了妹妹一巴掌,他妹妹回敬了他一脚。,He slapped his sister, who retaliated by kicking him.,retaliatory,a.报复的,这次袭击完全是报复性的。,The raid was purely retaliatory.,Part Two Language Points,4. as much ( line 1, para.10),同样的事;这一点(指上文提到的情况), 不要谢我,即使为别人我也会这么做的。,Dont

13、thank me; I would do as much for anyone., 你迷路了吧?当你姗姗来迟时我就料到这点了。,Did you lose your way? I thought as much when you were late in coming., 我发现他很懒,并对他这么实说了。,I found him very lazy and told him as much.,Part Two Language Points,5. set off ( line 1, para. 11),to cause an event or a series of events to star

14、t happening 激起,引起, 他的话在人群中引起了骚动。,His speech set off violence in the crowd., 一封家书引起了一阵乡思。,A letter from home set off an attack of homesick.,错过了末班车, 他们只得徒步启程。,Having missed the last bus, they had to set off walking.,2) to begin a journey 出发,动身,Part Two Language Points,3) cause to become ignited or exp

15、lode, discharge 点燃;使爆炸;发射, 一丁点火花都能引爆储存在这儿的炸药。,The slightest spark can set off the explosive stored here., 他们燃放鞭炮庆祝水库的胜利建成。,They set off firecrackers to celebrate the successful completion of the reservoir.,5. set off,Part Two Language Points,6. spiral (line 1, para. 11),n. a process of continuous up

16、ward or downward movement 螺旋式(交替)上升/下降, 我们正陷于通货膨胀恶性循环的危险之中。,We are in danger of getting into an inflationary spiral., 工资和物价的交替上升,the spiral of rising wages and prices,Part Two Language Points,2) v. 螺旋形移动; 盘旋移动; 连续上升/下降, 那股烟袅袅上升。,The smoke spiralled upwards., 物价仍在急剧上涨。,Prices are still spiralling.,3)

17、 adj. 螺旋(形)的,螺旋形楼梯,a spiral staircase,6. spiral,Part Two Language Points,7. backlash (line 1, para. 14),a strong opposing reaction to an earlier action 强烈反应; 强烈反对, 暴力犯罪不断增加,终于引起了对不严的枪支管制法的 强烈不满。,The continual rise in violence crime eventually provoked a backlash against the liberal gun-control laws.

18、, 他若操之过急, 可能会引起死硬派的强烈反对。,If he moved too quickly, he might provoke a backlash from the diehards., 向某人表示同情的强烈反应,the backlash of sympathy for sb.,Part Two Language Points,8. surveillance (line 1, para.15),a close watch kept on someone, esp. a prisoner 监视; 监督, 警察一直把她置于监视之下。,The police have been keeping

19、 her under surveillance., 对所有飞进来的航班的严格监督,strict surveillance of all incoming flights,surveillant,n. 监视者, 监督者,surveil,v. 监视/监督 (surveillance的逆构),Part Two Language Points,9. in the wake of (line 3, para. 15),as a result of 随着而来; 的后果, 商人随着征服的军队而来。,Traders came in the wake of the conquering army., 因丑闻而作

20、的调查,an investigation in the wake of scandal,Part Two Language Points,in the train of,following 跟在之后,随干旱而来的是一个歉收年。,A poor harvest came in the train of a drought.,就纪律而言, 他是很严格的。,He is strict in the matter of discipline.,in the matter of,in what concerns 就而言,Part Two Language Points,10. step up (line 4

21、, para. 17),to increase something or increase its intensity 增加;提高, 他们的社会地位得到了很大的提高。,Their social position had been much stepped up., 我们为满足增长的需求正想方设法增加生产。,Were trying to step up production to meet the increased demand.,2) to be promoted 晋升,你将被提升为经理。,You are going to be stepped up to manager.,Part Two

22、 Language Points,3) to move faster 加快,加速,她加快了脚步以免迟到。,She stepped up her pace to avoid being late.,“请再快点,”他对司机说。,“Step it up a little more,” he said to the driver.,10. step up,Part Two Language Points,move to one side 让路,请让一下好吗?这几个孩子要下车。,Would you mind stepping aside to let the children off the bus?,

23、在年会上领导拒绝辞职。,The leader refused to step down in the annual conference.,step down,yield ones position or chance of election 退位,辞职,step aside,Part Two Language Points,11. pick a quarrel/fight (with somebody) (line 3, para. 19),deliberately start a quarrel or fight with someone 寻衅(与)吵架/打架, 我能看出来他想要找茬和我打

24、架。,I could see he was trying to pick a fight with me., 他故意找他哥哥打/吵架。,He picked a fight / quarrel with his older brother.,Part Two Language Points,12. inexplicable (line 7, para. 20),which is too strange to be explained or understood 不能说明的, 费解的,科学家认为作物歉收原因不明。,Scientists had maintained that the crop fa

25、ilure was not explicable.,详细阐述自己的道德标准,explicate ones moral values,不解之迷,an inexplicable mystery,神秘莫测的现象,an inexplicable phenomenon,explicable,可解释的, 可说明的,explicate,v. 详细解说并分析,Part Two Language Points,13. keep sth under wraps (line 8, para. 20),(infml) to keep (a plan, idea) secret or concealed 保密,隐瞒,

26、该计划处于保密状态。,The plan was kept under wraps., 这些文件要再保密十年。,The documents will stay kept under wraps for ten more years.,Part Two Language Points,keep under ones feet,get in sbs way, inconvenience sb by ones presence 挡某人的道;碍某人的事,爸爸在修洗涤槽,不要妨碍他。,Dont keep under your fathers feet while he is trying to mend

27、the sink.,一个经验不足的老师,能把那个班控制多久?,How long can an inexperienced teacher keep a class like that under control?,keep under control,not allow to spread 控制,Part Two Language Points,14. turn away (line 5, para.21),to refuse to let someone enter a place or join an organization, for example because it is full

28、,每年有成千上万的申请者被拒之门外。,Thousands of applicants are turned away each year.,2) to refuse to give someone sympathy, help, or support,你怎么能对一个受虐待的孩子不闻不问呢?,How can you turn away from a child that is being cruelly treated?,Part Two Language Points,15. press ahead/ forward /on (with) (line 3, para. 24),continue

29、 steadily and with determination (to carry sth out); 奋进,猛进;(不顾困难地)继续进行, 我要你加紧努力完成那项工作。,I want you to press forward with that work., 为了达成协议,我们必须继续努力。,We must press ahead with our efforts to reach an agreement.,Part Three Difficult Sentences,Our world as we know it isnt going to return to normal for a

30、 long time. (para.4, line 3),我们所熟悉的世界将很久不能恢复正常状态。,2. Yesterdays terrorism darkened, marked and forever altered the way Americans live their lives. (para.5),昨日发生的恐怖主义活动使美国人的生活暗淡无光,在 他们的生活中留下了印迹,并永远地改变了他们的生活 方式.,Part Three Difficult Sentences,3. “We are going to have to learn what a lot of other count

31、ries have gone through: to manage fear at a cultural and national level,” said Charles Figley, a professor of trauma psychology at Florida State University. “ Were getting a lesson in the way fear works.”(para.6),佛罗里达州立大学创伤心理学教授查理斯费格里说:“我们得学一学其他许多国家曾经经历的东西,那就是从文化层面上和在全国范围内来应对恐惧。我们正在了解恐惧是怎样起作用的。”,Par

32、t Three Difficult Sentences,4. In a country long proud and even boastful of its opennessa country where an ordinary citizen can stroll through the U.S. capitol unescorted the terrorist attacks are likely to force Americans to watch their steps and look over their shoulders. (para7, lines 1-3),美国是一个一

33、向以开放而自居,甚至有些洋洋得意的国家.在这里,普通民众可以独自在美国国会大楼里闲庭信步; 而现在,恐怖袭击很有可能迫使美国人处处小心,惶惶不可终日。,Part Three Difficult Sentences,5. But retaliation carries the risk of setting off a tightening spiral of violence and counterviolence not unlike the Middle East or Northern Ireland. (para.11, lines 1-2),6. Unlike countries t

34、hat have had to learn to live with violence, “We are new at this,” (para.11, lines 2-3),与那些已经不得不学会忍受暴力的国家不同, “我们是 新手。”,报复有很大的危险,会引发和在中东及北爱尔兰一样的紧 张的暴力和反暴力的恶性攀升。,Part Three Difficult Sentences,7. “My fear is we will overreach and make things worse rather than better by retribution , revenge, racism an

35、d marginalizing ethnic groups.” (para.11, lines 4-6),8. Fear of terrorism is likely to lead Americans to tolerate more government surveillance such as overhead video cameras at sporting eventsthan they have to date. (para.15, lines 1-2),对于恐怖主义的恐惧可能会使美国人容忍比现在更多的 来自政府的监控,例如在运动竞技场上高架的摄象机。,“我担心的是惩罚报复种族歧

36、视和排斥少数民族的举 动会过于偏激而结果适得其反。”,Part Three Difficult Sentences,9. “ Its very likely in the wake of todays events that were going to see a greater acceptance on the publics part and on the courts part to approve certain kinds of police tactics, ” (para.15, lines 3-4),“经历了目前这些事件,我们将发现,无论是公众,还是法庭,都会在更大程度上接受

37、警察的某些做法。”,Part Three Difficult Sentences,10. Merrill Lynch & Co. pressed ahead with a media and entertainment conference for about 500 investors at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Pasadena, Calif., after heated argument in the lobby between those Merrill officials who wanted to cancel it and Jessica Reif


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