1、我是如何戒掉iPhone的My rocky recovery from iPhone abuse用了iPhone后,我隔三差五就想摸一下心爱的手机,只要一离开它就会感到惊慌失措,这些迹象表明:我患上了iPhone上瘾症My name is Amy. Im a 25-year-old graduate student who likes yoga, home-decorating shows and eating spoonfuls of peanut butter straight from the jar.2 Oh yeah, and Im an iPhone addict.I wasnt
2、always an addict. In fact, for many years I told myself I didnt want a fancy3 cellphone. They seemed like too much work, always beeping4, ringing and demanding attention. I was perfectly content with my simple antique5, and I didnt anticipate changing my mind any time soon.However, about a year ago,
3、 I found myself envious of all those proud iPhone owners, cradling their shiny new phones and showing them off to all their friends.6 I started eavesdropping on conversations about “iPhone apps”,7 feeling like a tourist listening to a language I couldnt speak.Eventually I couldnt ignore my iPhone in
4、stinct any longer, and I welcomed my new iPhone into my life. I instantly fell in love with the little bundle of joy, and could no longer imagine a life without it.To my surprise, I suddenly found myself with a whole new circle of friendsother iPhone owners I could go to for advice and support as I
5、learned the various functions of my new device. They responded to my iPhone-related queries when my other friends couldnt, and didnt roll their eyes when I bragged about all the things little Eloise (yes, I named her) could do.8For a couple months I was living on iCloud nine9 as I built my new life
6、with Eloise. However, I realized I had a problem when one day I found myself Google-mapping10 my way to my mailbox. Which happens to be right outside my front door.When I reflected upon11 the past few months, I couldnt believe I didnt see this coming. All the warning signs were there. Eloise slept r
7、ight beside me and was the first thing I reached for in the morning. I checked my e-mail about 20 times a day. I also experienced attachment anxiety when I left poor Eloise in the change room at the gym.12 What if she beeped and needed my response? Or, even worse, what if a careless gym-goer knocked
8、 her out of my bag and caused her screen to (I hardly dared to imagine it) crack?13Okay, so I was addicted to my iPhone.Once I admitted I had a problem, things started to change. What used to feel like friendly notifications now felt like constant nagging to respond.14 I hated that I could no longer
9、 leave the house without Eloise in my hand. Eventually, I resented Eloise so much I wanted to throw her at the walland would have, too, if I werent so worried about being reported for iPhone abuse.I decided something had to be done. But, as I quickly realized, iPhones are like cigarettes and not eas
10、y to quit.Then, while taking the bus to work one day, I was unexpectedly forced to quitat least temporarily. When I reached into my purse to grab Eloise (to check my e-mail for only the seventh time that morning), I found her overcome by fever. She was so hot that I dropped her immediately back into
11、 my bag with barely enough time to comprehend the words “overheating” and “power-off” that flashed with angst15 upon her screen. When I picked her up again, she was gone.My head swam with panic as I attempted to problem-solve without avail.16 I couldnt call anyone for advice. I couldnt Google whethe
12、r this had happened to any fellow iPhone parents. And when I finally arrived at work (luckily I found my office without Google maps to guide me), I learned that sick days do not apply to ones iPhone children.The Apple Store was closed by the time I finished work, so I headed home with dread17 into a
13、n Eloise-less night. But, after a couple hours without any text alerts, push notifications, or even good old-fashioned phone calls, I felt . calmer. After a few more hours I felt like a whole new woman, rising above the need for a silly. what was it called again? It had been so long I could hardly r
14、emember.Without my electronic bed partner, I drifted off into the deepest slumber18 Id had in months. The next morning, I read the news from the simplicity of the newspaper, instead of from my iPhone. I even noticed the cherry blossoms blooming.19My goodness, what had I been missing?But although it
15、went against my newly redefined principles, I made my way to the Apple Store later that afternoon after admitting Id need a phone sooner or later.20Half an hour and one friendly Apple employee later, I found myself yet again the proud owner of a new iPhone. When I turned it on, a wave of familiarity
16、 washed over me as it buzzed with two days worth of missed texts and notifications.21As I rode home, I found myself frenziedly responding to messages of “where are u?” and “c u soon?”22 Suddenly, I was reminded of an old Alanis Morissette song: “Ive got one hand in my pocket, and the other ones deat
17、h-gripping an iPhone.”.23Without finishing my text, I put my phone back into my purse and decided to just enjoy the ride for a while.Vocabulary1. abuse: 滥用。2. yoga: 瑜伽;spoonful: 一匙之量。3. fancy: 高级的,奢华的。4. beep: 嘟嘟响。5. antique: 古董,此处用比喻义,指旧手机。6. envious: 妒忌的,羡慕的;cradle: 轻轻地抱着,此处用比喻义。7. eavesdrop: 偷听(别
18、人的谈话);app: =application,应用程序。8. query: 问题,疑问;roll ones eyes: 翻白眼;brag about: 吹嘘。9. be on cloud nine:口极为高兴。此处形近字的用法很巧妙,iCloud是苹果公司的云服务,其功能是将存储内容,包括购买的音乐、应用、电子书等推送到用户的所有苹果设备。10. Google-map: v. 用Google在线地图进行搜索。11. Reflect upon: 仔细思考。12. attachment: 喜爱,依恋;change room: 更衣室;gym: 健身房。13. knock out: 撞倒;crack:(使)破裂,(使)裂开。14. notification: 通知;nagging: 唠叨的。15. angst: 焦虑不安,烦恼。1
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