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1、第一课1.Cytoplasm: The Dynamic, Mobile factory细胞质:动力工厂Most of the properties we associate with life are properties of the cytoplasm.生命的大部分特征表现在细胞质的特征上。Much of the mass of a cell consists of this semifluid substance, which is bounded on the outside by the plasma membrane.细胞的大部分物质由半流体物质组成,并且是由细胞膜(原生质膜)包被

2、。Organelles are suspended within it, supported by the filamentous network of the cytoskeleton. 细胞器悬浮在其中,并由丝状的细胞骨架支撑。Dissolved in the cytoplasmic fluid are nutrients, ions, soluble proteins, and other materials needed for cell functioning.细胞质中溶解了大量的营养物质,离子,可溶蛋白以及维持细胞生理需求的其它物质。2. The nucleus: informat

3、ion central细胞核:信息中心 The eukaryotic cell nucleus is the largest organelle and houses the genetic material (DNA) on chromosomes. (In prokaryotes the hereditary material is found in the nucleoid.)真核细胞的细胞核是最大的细胞器,在其染色体上携带有遗传物质(原核细胞的遗传物质存在于拟核中)。The nucleus also contains one or two organellesthe nucleolit

4、hat play a role in cell division. 细胞核也含有一或二个核仁,它在细胞分裂中发挥作用(核仁促进细胞分裂)。 A pore-perforated sac called the nuclear envelope separates the nucleus and its contents from the cytoplasm.穿孔的囊状核被膜将细胞核及其内容物与细胞质分开.。核膜贯穿许多小孔 Small molecules can pass through the nuclear envelope, but larger molecules such as mRNA

5、 and ribosomes must enter and exit via the pores.小分子可以自由通过核膜,而象mRNA和核糖体等大分子必须通过核孔运输。3. Organelles: Specialized Work Units细胞器:特殊的功能单元 All eukaryotic cells contain most of the various kinds of organelles, and each organelle performs a specialized function in the cell.所有的真核细胞都含有多种细胞器,每个细胞器在细胞里都有其特定功能。

6、Organelles described in this section include ribosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi complex, vacuoles, lysosomes, mitochondria, and the plastids of plant cells.本节主要介绍核糖体,内质网,高尔基体系,液泡,溶酶体,线粒体和植物细胞中的质体。 The number of ribosomes within a cell may range from a few hundred to many thousands. 细胞里的

7、核糖体的数量变化从几百到几千. This quantity reflects the fact that ribosomes are the sites at which amino acids are assembled into proteins for export or for use in cell processes. 这个数量反应了这个事实:核糖体是氨基酸组装成蛋白质(细胞活动所需要的) 的重要场所。A complete ribosome is composed of one larger and one smaller subunit. 完整的核糖体由大亚基和小亚基组成。Dur

8、ing protein synthesis the two subunits move along a strand of mRNA, “reading” the genetic sequence coded in it and translating that sequence into protein. 在蛋白质合成的过程中,核糖体的两个亚基沿着mRNA移动,并阅读遗传密码(编码于其中的遗传信息),翻译成蛋白质。Several ribosomes may become attached to a single mRNA strand; such a combination is calle

9、d a polysome.多个核糖体可能附着于一条mRNA链上,这个结合体称为多聚核糖体。Most cellular proteins are manufactured on ribosomes in the cytoplasm. 大多数细胞蛋白是在细胞质的核糖体上合成。Exportable proteins and membrane proteins are usually made in association with the endoplasmic reticulum.分泌蛋白(输出蛋白)和膜蛋白通常与内质网有关。The endoplamic reticulum, a lacy arr

10、ay of membranous sacs, tubules, and vesicles, may be either rough (RER) or smooth (SER).内质网,带有花边的膜囊,有管状,泡状之分,以及光滑和粗糙面区别。Both types play roles in the synthesis and transport of proteins. 两种类型的内质网都在蛋白质的合成和运输中发挥作用。两种都与蛋白质的合成和运输有关。The RER, which is studded with polysomes, also seems to be the source of

11、the nuclear envelope after a cell divides.糙面内质网上分布许多核糖体,也可能是细胞分裂后核被膜的来源。(粗糙内质网上分布许多核糖体,也可能提供细胞分裂后所需的核被膜。)SER lacks polysomes; it is active in the synthesis of fats and steroid and in the oxidation of toxic substance in the cell.光面内质网上缺乏核糖体,主要作用是在脂肪和类固醇的合成以及细胞内有毒物质的氧化过程中起作用。光滑内质网上无核糖体,主要作用是脂肪和类固醇的合成以

12、及细胞内有毒物质的氧化。Both types of endoplamic reticulum serve as compartments within the cell where specific products can be isolated and subsequently shunted to particular areas in or outside the cell.两种类型的内质网如同细胞内的一个车间,将特殊的产物分离,然后分选到细胞内外的特殊区域.两种内质网合成的产物在其中进行分流或运输到细胞外。 Transport vesicles may carry exportabl

13、e molecules from the endoplasmic reticulum to another membranous organelle, the Golgi complex. 转运小泡能够将分泌蛋白从内质网运输到高尔基体上。运输小泡能够将可运输分子从内质网运输到高尔基复合体上。Within the Golgi complex molecules are modified and packaged for export out of the cell or for delivery else where in the cytoplasm. 分子在高尔基体中修饰,包装后输出细胞或传递

14、到细胞质中的其它场所。在高尔基复合体中修饰,包装后输出细胞或传递到细胞质中的其他场所。Vacuoles in cells appear to be hollow sacs but are actually filled with fluid and soluble molecules. 细胞中的液泡看起来象是中空的囊,但实际上是充满了液体和可溶分子。The most prominent vacuoles appear in plant cells and serve as water reservoirs and storage sites for sugars and other molec

15、ules. 最典型的液泡存在于植物细胞中,储备水分,糖以及其它分子。Vacuoles in animal cells carry out phagocytosis (the intake of particulate matter) and pinocytosis (vacuolar drinking). 动物中的液泡起吞噬和胞饮作用。A subset of vacuoles is the organelles known as lysosomes, which contain digestive enzymes (packaged in lysosomes in the Golgi comp

16、lex) that can break down most biological macromolecules. 溶酶体是液泡亚单位,含有消化酶,降解大部分生物大分子。They act to digest food particles and to degrade damaged cell parts.该细胞器可以消化食物微粒和降解损伤的细胞残片。Mitochondria are the sites of energy-yielding chemical reactions in all cells.线粒体是细胞中化学产能反应的场所。In addition, plant cells conta

17、in plastids that utilize light energy to manufacture carbohydrates in the process of photosynthesis.另外,植物细胞中的质体在光合作用过程中利用光能合成碳水化合物.It is on the large surface area provided by the inner cristae of mitochondria that ATP-generating enzymes are located.ATP酶是位于线粒体内嵴上的很大的表面区域。线粒体内嵴上提供了很大的表面积并分布着ATP酶。Mitoc

18、hondria are self-replicating, and probably they are the evolutionary descendants of what were once free-living prokaryotes.线粒体是自我复制的,并且可能是由自由生活的原核生物进化而来的 。线粒体自我复制,并且可能是自由生活的原核生物在进化中形成的后代。 There are two types of plastids: leucoplasts, which lack pigments and serve as storage sites for starch, protein

19、, and oils; and chromoplasts, which contain pigment. 质体有两种类型:白色体,缺乏色素,是淀粉,蛋白质和油的储备场所;有色体(色质体) ,含有色素。The most important chromoplasts are chloroplastsorganelles that contain the chlorophyll used in photosynthesis. 叶绿体是最重要的有色体(色质体),含有在光合作用中发挥作用的的叶绿素。The internal structure of chloroplasts includes stack

20、s of membranes called grana, which are embedded, in a matrix called the stroma. 叶绿体的内部结构包括包埋于基质中的由多层膜构成的基粒。叶绿体的内部结构是由多层膜形成的叶绿体基粒,其中包埋在基质中的基粒称子座。 4. The cytoskeleton细胞骨架 All eukaryotic cells have a cytoskeleton, which is a convoluted latticework of filaments and tubules that appears to fill all avail

21、able space in the cell and provides support for various other organelles. 所有的真核细胞都有细胞骨架,它是由充满细胞所有可利用空间并支撑各种其它细胞器的微丝和微管构成的网络结构.网络结构的纤丝充满了它所能触及的全部空间,并且对细胞器提供支持作用。A large portion of the cytoskeleton consists of threadlike microfilaments composed mainly of the contractile protein actin. 细胞骨架大部分由线状的微丝组成,

22、微丝主要由可收缩的肌动蛋白组成。They are involved in many types of intracellular movements in plant and animal cells.动植物细胞中的许多种类型细胞内运动都与微丝(肌动蛋白)有关。 A second protein, myosin, is involve in the contraction of muscle cells.第二类蛋白是肌球蛋白,它与肌肉细胞的收缩有关。Another main structure component of the cytoskeleton consists of microtub

23、ules, which are composed of the globular protein tubulin and together act as scaffolding that provides a stable cell shape.细胞骨架的另一个主要结构成分是微管,它是由球状的微管蛋白组成,象脚手架一般维持细胞的稳定形态。Cytoskeletal intermediate filaments appear to impart tensile strength to the cell cytoplasm. 细胞骨架的中间纤维提供了细胞质伸缩动力。Mechanoenzymes su

24、ch as myosin, dynein, and kinesin interact with the cytoskeletal filaments and tubules to generate forces that cause movements.肌球蛋白,动力蛋白,驱动蛋白等这些机械酶与微丝,微管相互作用产生动力而引起细胞运动。机械酶(例如,肌球蛋白,动力蛋白,驱动蛋白)与微丝,微管相互作用产生动力而引起细胞运动。 5. Cellular movements细胞运动 Although the cytoskeleton provides some stability to cells,

25、its microtubules and filaments and their associated proteins enable cells to move by creeping or gliding. 尽管细胞骨架提供了细胞的某些稳定性,微丝,微管及相关蛋白能使细胞爬行或滑动。Such movements require a solid substance to which the cell can adhere and can be guided by the geometry of the surface.这些运动需要一个用于细胞附着的固体底层,并通过表面几何形状的改变而运动。这

26、种运动需要固体基质依托并通过表面几何形状的改变而运动。 Some cells also exhibit chemotaxis, the ability to move toward or away from the source of a diffusing chemical.某些细胞具备趋化性(趋药性),即趋向或逃离正在扩散的化学源。Certain eukaryotic cells can swim freely in liquid environments, propelled by whiplike cilia or flagella.某些真核细胞能在液体环境中自由游泳运动 ,由纤毛或鞭

27、毛推动。Both cilia and flagella have the same internal structure: nine doublets (pairs of microtubules) are arranged in a ring and extend the length of the cilium or flagellum, and two more microtubules run down the center of the ring. 纤毛和鞭毛具有相同的内部结构:九个二联管环形排列,纵向延伸纤毛或鞭毛,另外的两个微管沿着环中心分布。九个双微管环形排列,纵向延伸,环中心

28、是两个或以上微管组成。 Every cilium or flagellum grows only from the cell surface where a basal body is located. 每个纤毛或鞭毛仅仅从细胞表面的基体上生长出来。Movement is based on the activities of tiny dynein side arms that extend from one of the microtubules of each doublet.从二联管的其中一个微管蛋白上延伸出来的动力蛋白臂的活性是运动的基础。双微管的动力蛋白臂从一侧延伸到另一侧而引起运动

29、。Nutrients, proteins, and other materials within most plant cells are moved about via cytoplasmic streaming. 大部分植物细胞中的营养,蛋白质和其它物质由胞质环流来转运。大部分植物细胞的营养,蛋白质和其它物质由细胞质流运输。 The process occurs as myosin proteins attached to organelles push against microfilaments arrayed throughout the cell. 这个过程是由于附着于细胞器上的肌

30、球蛋白反推排列在细胞里的微丝形成的。Microsfilaments and microtubules are responsible for almost all major cytoplasmic movements. 绝大部分细胞质运动由微丝和微管完成。During cell division, microtubules of the spindleassembled from tubulin subunits near organelles called centrioles-move the chromosomes.在细胞分裂期间,在中心粒周围的由微管蛋白亚基装配形成的纺锤体的微管来牵

31、引染色体。第十二课1. IntroductionIn 1955, Eugene Garfield published a paper in Science entitled “Citation Indexes for Science: A New Dimension in Documentation through Association of Ideas”.1955年,尤金加菲尔德在科学杂志上发表了一篇题为“科学引文索引:通过概念之间的相互联系来确定文档编制的新方法”。Today, Dr. Garfield stands as a pioneer in the field of biblio

32、metrics , and his legacy of a multidisciplinary, citation database has grown over the years to encompass new technologies not envisioned 45 years ago.今天,加菲尔德博士被公认为文献计量学的开创者。同时,他的有关各种学问的引文数据库的发展随着时间的流逝而不断扩大,而这种数据库的发展由于融合了新技术信息又与45年前所预期的并不一致。These new technologies have moved citation data from print t

33、o electronic format, and ultimately into a Web-based environment of hypernavigation, optimistic and context-sensitive linking, and beyond.这些新技术的运用已经使得引文数据由印刷版变为电子版,并最终演变为基于网络技术的快速导航、有效的、上下文相关的链接等特点的引文数据库。This paper will review the way in which the citation indexes have evolved to become part of the

34、ISI Web of Knowledge-an integrated platform of networked resources utilized by research libraries worldwide.本篇论文将要对引文索引是怎样成为世界范围内的研究型图书馆中的综合网络资源ISI Web of Knowledge的一部分的道路历程进行回顾。Starting with the importance of Dr. Garfield s efforts in bibliometrics that ultimately led to the development of the ISI

35、platform, this paper will then focus on three critical areas: how the platform meets the growing need for access to multidisciplinary content in today s research environment; the new knowledge managemengt query engine that allows cross-content searching; and ISI Links-the authentication, access, and

36、 routing management system that forms the core of the platform s extensive linking capabilities.由于加菲尔德博士在文献计量学上所做的重要性的努力最终促使了ISI平台的建立和发展。这篇文章会对三个关键问题作出探讨:在当今这种学术研究氛围中ISI平台是怎样满足不断增长的有关获取各种学问内容的需求的?新的知识管理查询引擎室怎样进行交叉学科的内容收索的?平台的中心管理系统是怎样形成大量的链接能力的?“ one of the remarkable things about Eugene Garfield is

37、 that along with the imagination, pragmatic judgment, and immense energy required to invent, produce, and develop a useful tool for a superficially routine, but fundamental, task in science-searching the literatures latent in the practice of science”.加菲尔德所做的意义非凡的事情之一就是他能够具备丰富的想象力、实际的判断力并满怀能孜孜不倦地渴求着去

38、发明、创造、发展一种有用的工具。这种工具可以有效的用在日常科学研究文献收索中看似平常,但却是最基本的任务当中去。A cited reference is an acknowledgement of scholarly influence by the author of a particular work.文献的引用是对作者特别工作的学术影响的认同。Citation indexes extend that view to encompass a range of influences on multiple authors across a variety of works.而引文索引进一步的

39、延伸、扩大是以对包含大量作者之间种种工作的一系列影响为目的。The advantage derived from citation indexing is that a researcher is able to pinpoint relevant articles by searching across the literature of diverse disciplines without knowledge of specialized vocabulary-the reference itself is a sufficient search term.引文索引的优点是研究者可以通过

40、交叉搜索的方式精确地找到不同学科之间的相关性文章而不需要特别的检索词汇,参考文献本身已经足够收索之用。Citation indexes allow the user to identify related papers, monitor and assess the myriad ways their research is being used by others, and discover new associations between seemingly disparate research tracks.引文索引可以让使用者确定相关论文、跟踪并评估自己的研究方法被他人使用的情况,同时

41、还可以发现看起来不相关领域的内在联系。By doing so, citation indexes afford both the researcher and the historian of science an important tool in tracking the advancement of science and identifying conceptual relationships between scientific disciplines.对于研究人员或者科学史学者来说,通过这样来做,引文索引作为一个重要工具可以使他们不断追踪科学的进展并确定学科之间概念上的相互关系。D

42、r. Garfield was well aware of these relationships. In 1961 ISI received an NIH grant to develop the “Genetics Citation Index”, a project that was the precursor to the Science Citation Index.加菲尔德博士清楚的意识到了这些关系。科学情报研究所于1961年接到了美国国家卫生研究所授予的一项研究项目“遗传学引文索引”也就是科学引文索引的前导。Garfield focused on the idea that th

43、e citations or references at the end of a Scientific paper do more than acknowledge the work of another researcher.加菲尔德专注于这样一个想法:一篇科技论文后的引文或者参考文献的作用不仅仅是对其他研究者研究工作的认同。Once indexed and incorporated into an information tool these citations could provide a means of trackingand now linking significant re

44、search developments forward and backward in time.一旦将这些引文编入索引并且并入到某个情报传递工具中去以后,就可以对当下某个领域重要的研究进展提供一种及时、有效的追踪方法。The Science Citation Index was first introduced in 1964 as a five volume set covering 613 journals and 1.4 million citations.在1964年,科学引文索引第一次面世:它共有5卷包含了613中期刊和140万条引文。Although this provided an exciting new tool for accessing the world of scientific research, data retrieval was tedious and time consuming due to the indexs print format.虽然科学引文索引的出版为获取世界范围的科学研究成果提供了一个令人兴奋的心工具,但是通过印刷版本的引文索引去检


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