



1、高中英语完形填空练习及答案详解 3 共一篇完形填空Yesterday was a very rainy day. My back garden was miserable. The sunflowers tried to keep _1_ by covering their faces with their petals (花瓣). The poor fir tree was so cold that his needles (针叶) were _2_. Our willow tree made matters worse _3_ crying so hard that little “riv

2、ers” flowed down his leaves onto the other plants _4_. They were all annoyed. The willow tree said he was sorry and _5_ that he was always unhappy when it rained.“Thats silly, ” his neighbor, the apple tree, told him. “_6_ is good for willow trees!”“Be brave,” said the giant cherry tree. “The rain w

3、ont _7_ for ever.” Then the cherry tree shook her branches, sending _8_ flying through the air and into the fishpond.The fish swam _9_ to the water surface. They had been studying fish dancing.“Do you know how hard it is to _10_ our lesson with the rain dropping on our roof?” asked the biggest fish.

4、 “You just made it twice as annoying and _11_ in here. I have such a headache!”The cherry tree _12_ for being so thoughtless. She promised to shake her branches in a different _13_ next time.There was so much water in the gutter (排水沟) that a river _14_. Two greenandgold ducks came and went for a _15

5、_ in the river. As it was only wide enough for one duck, they began _16_ with each other about who should be the leader.After lunch a big green frog visited the garden and _17_ two garden mice to have a jumping competition. The mice played bravely with the frog, but were secretly glad when he left,

6、_18_ every time the frog jumped he made the water go right up their noses.Luckily today is sunny and the plants and animals are much _19_. The garden should be back to _20_ by to-morrow.1A.quiet BdryCstraight Dattractive解析:选B。在下雨天向日葵用花瓣盖住脸的目的是保持“干燥”。 2A.shaking BgrowingCchanging Dwaiting解析:选A。这棵fir

7、tree感到很冷,所以他的针叶颤抖起来。3A.without BatCto Dby解析:选 D。by在此处表示“通过方法”。这棵柳树(willow tree)哭了起来,由此情况变得更糟糕了。4A.inside BaboveCnearby Dahead解析:选C。柳树泪流成“河”,“河水”顺着他的叶子流到他旁边的植物上了。5A.expected BexplainedCsupposed Ddoubted解析:选B。柳树道歉的时候应该解释他哭的原因。6A.Weather BCryingCRain DTrouble解析:选C。从前面的Thats silly可知苹果树认为他下雨的时候不应该哭,这是因为雨

8、水对他是有益的。7A.last BharmCreturn Darrive解析:选A。樱桃树(cherry tree)在鼓励他,应该说宽慰他的话雨不会持续很久。8A.waste BwaterCsignal Dinformation解析:选B。正在下雨的时候樱桃树摇动枝叶,会使树上的水飞散到空中。9A.eventually BfortunatelyCsurprisingly Dangrily解析:选D。从下面一段鱼说的话可知鱼在抱怨,他们应该感到生气。10A.put off Btalk aboutCspeed up Dfocus on解析:选D。前面说They had been studying

9、fish dancing, 现在它们浮了上来,由此可知鱼儿们的课受到了打扰,无法专心。11A.busy BcrowdedCnoisy Dboring解析:选C。雨水落在池塘里的水面上应该会让鱼儿们感到吵闹。12A.apologized BpreparedCescaped Dargued解析:选A。从后面的She promised to . next time 可知,樱桃树感到自己是不对的,应该是道歉了。13A.situation BdirectionCconclusion Dexpression解析:选B。不能让水再落到池塘里,所以需要向另外的方向抖动枝叶。14A.moved BformedC

10、succeeded Dinterrupted解析:选B。 There was so much water in the gutter .的结果是形成了一条小河。15A.meal BvisitCrest Dswim解析:选D。鸭子到这条小河来是想在里面游泳。16A.complaining BworryingCquarreling Dthinking解析:选C。从前面的As it was only wide enough for one duck可知,两只鸭子要争抢做领队。17A.challenged BallowedChelped Dled解析:选A。从后面的The mice played bravely with the frog可知,青蛙应该是向老鼠们挑战,让他们参加跳高比赛。18A.if BthoughCbecause Dunless解析:选C。青蛙每次跳起来都把水溅到老鼠们的鼻子上,这应该是老鼠们在他离开时感到高兴的原因。19A.cleverer Bhappie


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