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1、X 模板r 指模板支持 1,2, 多个 1, 作者 同时持多个, 单位, Second address, ZIP-code City, Third address, ZIP-code City, : 这是 r 模板的使指南 模板本是基于 revtex4-1 为西定制的,不过也可以通过 ctex 宏集持 Keywords: 这是; 关键随便说下是英Pr title page title (short full name(s) of nameandaddress of al up-tofivereference Each of these elements is detailed Title (s

2、hort We suggest the title should be relatively short but informative. If a long title is necessary, please prepare an optional short title.cej.cls classallowstointroducetitlewithtitlePut title of your presentation herecommand in preamble.Name(s) of A listofallauthorsofthepr shouldbeprepared. Weneed

3、full name, initial(s)formiddlename(s)and full last name. Use Name and address of Authors affiliations should be indicated in this section. Either end-note or footnote (end-notemended)can be used to present additional information (for example: permanent, adequate postal addresses).al At least one add

4、ress is needed. It will be used as the corresponding authors address in all with the authors. See author. how to add your mustpany every article. It should be a brief summary of the significant items of the main pr. Anshould give concise information about the contentof the core idea of your pr. It s

5、hould be informativeandnotonlypresentteralscopeof thepr butalsoindicate themainresultsandconclusions. should not normally exceed 200 words. It should not contain literature citations or allusions to the tables or illustrations. All non-standard symbols and abbreviations should be defined.In combinat

6、ion with the title and key-words, theis an indicator of the content of the pr. Authors should remember that on-line systems rely heavily on the content of titles ands to identify articles in electronicbibliographicdatabasesandsearchengines. Theyarethereforerequestedtotakegreatcareinpreparing these e

7、lements.Use . in order to of your Alistofkeywords,proposedby authors,separatedby * isrequired. Uptofivekeywordsis suggested. Use keywordskey word 1 * key word 2 * key word 3 to add your keywords. usesimpleanddeclarativesentences,avoidlongsentences,inwhichthemeaningmaybelostbycomplicated be concise,

8、avoid idlemakeyourargumentationcomplete;usecommonlyunderstoodterms;defineallnon-standardsymbolsand abbreviations when you introduce them;explain all acronyms and abbreviations when they appear in the use all units consistently throughout the be self-criticalas you review yourStructure of a p Researc

9、h prs and review articles should follow a strict structure. Generally a standard scientific pr is dividedinto:introduction: you present the subject of your pr clearly, you indicate the scope of the subject, you present the goals of your pr and finally theanization of your pr;Table 1. A table caption

10、 should be put above the 1st column 2nd 1st 2nd main text: you present all importanements of your scientific conclusion: you summarize your pExperimental part and/or calculations should be presented in sufficient details to enable reader to repeat the originalwork.Use section., subsection., subsubse

11、ction., paragraph. to anize your We encourageauthorstorestricttheuseoffootnotes. Ifnecessary,pleasemakeend-notesratherthanfootnotes. Allowable footnotes/end-notes may include:the designation of the corresponding author of the pthe current address of an author (if different from that shown in the tra

12、ditional footnote InformationconcerningresearchgrantsupportshouldappearinaseparateAcknowledgmentsection(section*Acknowledgments) at of the pr, not in a footnote. Acknowledgments of the assistance of colleagues or similar notes ofappreciationshouldalso appear inanAcknowledgments section,notinAuthors

13、should use tables only to achieve concise presentation, or where the information cannot be given satis- factorily in other ways. Tables should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals and referred to in the text by number. Each table should have an explanatory caption which should be as conci

14、se as possible. Uselabel and ref combination to refer to Tables 1, captionA table & 1st column & 2nd column hline 1st row & $a_11$ & $a_12$ Table 2. A table caption of Tab. 1stcolumn 2nd 1st2nd Table Standard mathematical proportional equivalent approximay asymptotically equal to, similar tends comp

15、lex conjugate of Hermitian conjugate of matrix transpose of matrix langle . rangle per-degree (angle and/or 2nd row & $a_21$ & $a_22$ Authors may use line diagrams and photographs to illustrate theses from their text. The figures should be clear, easy to read and of good quality. Styles and fonts sh

16、ould match those in the main body of the article. All figures must be mentioned in the text in consecutive order and be numbered with Arabic numerals. Use label and ref combination to refer to Figures 1, 2.captionA figure FigureFigureFigure 1. A figure caption should be placed below the FigureFigure

17、Figure 2. A figure caption for Fig. Type main text in roman (upright) font. The chemical symbols and compounds, units of measure, most multi- letter operators and functions should are written in roman upright as well. The variables, constants, symbols for particles, most single-letter operators, axe

18、s and planes, channels, types (e.g., n, p), bands, geometric points, angles, lines, chemical prefixes, symmetry designations, transitions, critical points, color centers, quantum-state symbols in spectroscopy, and most single-letter abbreviations should be written in roman italic. Boldface roman typ

19、e is for indicating vectors and in some special cases matrices. The Latin terms: et al., in vivo, in vitro, ex vivo, in situ, in silico, etc, de novo, a priori, ab initio, vice versa, ad hoc, sensu stricte, versus, via, i.e., c.a., per se must be written in roman italic.Use beginpropositionPitagoras

20、-Einstein .endproposition for proposition Proposition 1.1 (Pitagoras-E = m(a2 +Use beginremark .endremark for remark Remark Remark Remark Remark Use begintheoremPitagoras-Einstein .endtheorem for theorem Theorem 1.1 (Pitagoras-E = m(a2 +Usebeginproof. endproofforproofenvironment. The proofenvironmen

21、twillbeautomaticallyfinished with quad erat demostrandum sign.E = mc2 a2+b2=c2E = m(a2 +Mathematical The multiplication signs arefor a vector product (A B) and simple dot product (A B). The only exception are numbers expressed in scientific notation (9.7 103 MeV). The use of standard symbols present

22、ed in Table 3 is stronglyUnits and dimensions should be expressed according to the metric system and SI units. This system is based on: meter (m), second (s), kilogram (kg), ampere (A), kelvin (K), mole (mol), and candela (cd). Most units are spaced off from the number, e.g. 12 mV. The only exceptio

23、ns are:1%, 1, 1C, 1, 1, Decimal multiples or sub-multiples of units are indicated by the use of =106, m= 103, c= 102, d= 101, da= 101, h= 102, k= 103, M= 106, G= 109, Compound units arewritten 4221.9 J kg1 K1 or 4221.9 J/(kg with a thin space between unitAuthors should indicate precisely in the main

24、 text where tables and figures should be inserted, if these elements are given at the end in the original version of the manuscript (or d in separate files). If this information is not provided along with the manuscript, we will assume that the figures and/or tables should be insert at the closest p

25、osition to reference to them in the published pr.MultimediaandAuthors can attach files in most popular formats, including (for images in BMP, GIF, JPEG multimedia files in MPEG or AVI However please keep to file types that are read by standardmedia players (e.g. RealPlayer, Quicktime, Windows Media

26、Player) and/or standard office applications (Adobe Acrobat Reader, Office etc.).Your attaents may be accessible through links to external locations or to our internal locations (if you choose the second option, please remember to send us your attaents).Pleaserememberthatyourimages,andanimationclipsa

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28、 and figures) or multimedia files, please submit your pr with separate attaents, which are used in your pr.EnglishCentral European Journal of Physics is published only in English. Make sure that your manuscripts are clearly and grammatically written. Please note that authors who are not native-speak

29、ers of English can be provided with help in rewriting their contribution in correct English. Try to prepare your manuscript in an easily readable style; this will help avoid severe misunderstandings whiight lead to rejection of the pr.Reference A complete reference should give the reader enough info

30、rmation to find the relevant article. All authors (unless there are six or more) should be named in the citation. If there are six or more, list the name of the one followedby“etal”. Pleasepayparticularattentionto spelling, capitalizationandpunctuationhere. Completeness of references is the responsi

31、bility of the authors. A complete reference should comprise the following:ReferencetoanarticleinaElements to cite: Authors Initials. Surname, if moreauthors, see examples below, Titleof journal abbreviated according to the ISI standards1, volumber, pageor article number (year of publication). Please

32、 supply or URL for e-version of the prs. See Refs. 18 for example.ReferencetoaElements to cite: Authors Initials. Surname, Title, Edition if not the (Publisher, Place of publication, Year of publication) 9.Reference to a part/chapter Elements to cite: Authors Initials. Surname, In: Editors Initials.

33、 Editors Surname (Ed.), Book Title, if not the , (Publisher, Place of publication, Year of publication) page number ReferencetoaElements to cite: Authors Initials. Surname, arXiv:preprint-number and version 11, Reference to a conference Elements to cite: Authors Initials. Surname, In: Editors Initia

34、ls. Editors Surname (Ed.), Conference, date, place (town and country) of conference (Publisher, place of publication, year of publication) page number 13.ReferencetoaElements to cite: Authors Initials. Surname, D.Sc./Ph.D./M.Sc./B.Sc. thesis, University, (town, country, year of publication) 14.Refer

35、encetoanarticleinanewspElements to cite: Authors Initials. Surname, Newspr Title, date of publication, page number 15, 1 /WOK46/help/WOS/0-ReferencetoaElements to cite: Originator, Series designation whiay include full dateReferencetoaElements to cite: Standard symbol and number, Title 18, Please ad

36、d language of publication for materials which are not written in English. Indicate materials accepting for publications by adding “(in press)”. Please avoid references to unpublished materials, private communication andwges.You should make sure the information is correct so that the linking reference service may linkselectron- ically. For the same reason please separate each reference from the others.Before submitting your article, please ensure you have checked your pr for any relevant references you may havemissed.A. P. Raposo, H. J. Weber, D. E. AlvarezCastillo, M. Kirchbach, Cent. Eur.


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