2023版高三一轮总复习英语外研版课时分层作业38 Lessons in life_第1页
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1、 课时分层作业(三十八)完形填空I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock at six in the morningI walked down the stairs, 1 ,still wanting to go back and sleep for 2 hour or soBut that idea soon 3 as the words of the doctor,whom I had met the previous day, 4 inside my headA few weeks before this,when I had been in P

2、aris,I had felt some 5 heaviness in my chestOn returning,I went to a(n) 6 who cautioned me to work on my 7 So there I was,jogging down a 8 narrow laneA few weeks went by,and every day when I went to jog,I saw an old man 9 on that benchAnd I just couldnt 10 why he was there doing nothingMy 11 was bui

3、lding up as each day 12 The next morning,I went and sat beside him on the 13 I asked him,“Why are you seated here every day?”He answered,“Because this is the most beautiful place that I know” 14 ,I asked again,“What is so beautiful about this place?”He said,“Look!”And I tried to 15 I saw the rising

4、sun shining from behind the clouds,and several rays penetrating (穿过)through themBirds were singing 16 from the trees of the surrounding wildernessThe water glittered in the sunlight,and it looked as if there was a 17 of light between me and the faroff mountainsI had been through that place 18 times,

5、but I had never looked;it was one of the most beautiful places Id ever seenAnd I realized that I dont have to travel miles to 19 the beautyAll I have to do is to look 20 【语篇解读】作者为了锻炼身体,每天在偏僻的小路上慢跑,观察到一位老人天天坐在长凳上无所事事,这引起了作者的好奇心,作者决定前去探个究竟。后来作者意识到美就在身边,需要用心去观察。1AbadtemperedBwarmhearted Chalfawake Dfas

6、tmovingC根据上文表述的作者早晨被闹钟叫醒和空后表述的作者想返回睡觉可推知,此处应是作者在半醒的状态下下了楼梯。halfawake“半醒的”。2AotherBanother Cthe other Dthe othersB作者早晨六点被闹钟叫醒,此处应是作者想返回去再睡一个小时。another“再一,又一”。3AoccurredBdisappearedCcameDspreadB根据“But”可知,此处应是这个想法很快消失了(disappeared)。4AheardBdescribedCreactedDresoundedD根据语境可知,此处应是医生说的话在作者脑海里回响。resound意为“

7、回响”。5Astrange Bdelighted CnecessaryDuniqueA根据上文提到医生可知,此处应是作者感到胸部莫名的沉闷,所以才从巴黎一回来就去看医生。6AdoctorBteacherCagentDpolicemanA参见上题解析。7AmindBappearance CfitnessDassignmentC根据上文作者身体出现问题可知,此处应是医生告诫作者要努力改善自己的健康(fitness)。8Avarious Bwide CfastDlonelyD根据下文中的“wilderness”可知,此处应是作者在一条偏僻狭窄的小路上慢跑。lonely意为“偏僻的”。9Asittin

8、g BstandingCapproaching DsleepingA根据下文中的“Why are you seated here every day?”可知,作者看到一位老人坐在那条长凳上。10Atake outBlook outCturn out Dfigure outD根据下文作者询问老人可知,此处应是作者不明白为什么这位老人天天坐在那里无所事事。figure out“弄明白”。11AjudgmentBcuriosityCobservationDpowerB上文表述作者不明白老人这么做的原因,此处应是随着日子一天天过去,作者的好奇心与日俱增。12Apassed Bremained Cspa

9、redDreachedA参见上题解析。13AbedBbench CsofaDlandB根据上文中的“on that bench”和下文作者询问老人为什么每天都坐在这里可知,作者坐在长凳上,老人身旁。14AWorriedBSatisfied CInterested DConfusedD根据空后的“I asked again”可知,作者对老人的回答感到困惑,所以再次询问。15Aspeed up Bget away Clook aroundDcome alongC根据空前的“He said,Look!”可知,作者按照这位老人的话四处观察。look around“四下察看”。16AterriblyBn

10、ervouslyCsweetlyDpatientlyC此处描绘这个地方的美丽之处,因此此处表示鸟儿在愉悦地 (sweetly)地歌唱。17AwallBpath Clength DspeedB水面在阳光下闪闪发光,看起来好像是作者与远山之间的一条光线之路。18Amany BfewCrareDanyA根据上文作者每天在这附近慢跑可知,此处表示作者经过这个地方很多次,但作者从来没有(认真)看过。19ArespectBdesireCattractDadmireD作者意识到没有必要奔波数英里去远方欣赏美,作者所要做的就是用心贴近自然、观察自然。20AluckilyBcompletely Cclosely

11、DmainlyC参见上题解析。语法填空(2021辽宁省六校协作体模拟)Vertical gardening isnt new,but an example from India shows how this inventive technique is 1._ (true)changing livesThe Mehra family from Amritsar were locally hot news last June when they showed off the vertical garden 2._ they had created at their homeThe family

12、used over 175,000 plastic bottles to create 3._ garden,fixing the bottles to the exterior walls(外墙) of their home and filling them with 4._(variety) plantsThe plants are irrigated by 5._(use)a simple drip system(滴灌系统)and amazingly,this has lowered the temperature of their home by nearly five degrees

13、 CelsiusThe idea caught on quicklyMany local schools now have green vertical gardens on their walls,6._ so does Punjab Agriculture University, and even Ludhiana railway station,the first station in India 7._ (adopt) this initiativeThe railway authorities note that the plants not only cool the statio

14、n,but also help to absorb the noise,and 8._(seem) to have a calming and antilittering effect on travellers. Moreover,every vertical garden 9._(create)this way is recycling plastic bottles which would otherwise be pollutants,actively reducing local 10._(pollute)短文改错There are many persons who help me

15、a lot,among whom are my English teacher,Miss LiuI still remember being asked in his class,but I fail to answer the questionI was so embarrassed that I burst into tearShe didnt blame for meInstead,she encouraged me with a smile,saying best way to face failure was to keep try and that no success could

16、 be achieved without failureThat she said struck me deep at that time,which made me study much harder than beforeNow,as a senior three student,I make it my motto: Never give up,or youll succeed in time【答案】There are many persons who help me a lot,among whom eq f(are,is) my English teacher,Miss LiuI s

17、till remember being asked in eq f(his,her) class,but I eq f(fail,failed) to answer the questionI was so embarrassed that I burst into eq f(tear,tears)She didnt blame eq o(,for) meInstead,she encouraged me with a smile,saying eq o(sup20(),the) best way to face failure was to keep eq f(try,trying) and

18、 that no success could be achieved without failure. eq f(That,What) she said struck me eq f(deep,deeply) at that time,which made me study much harder than beforeNow,as a senior three student,I make it my motto: Never give up,eq f(or,and) youll succeed in time书面表达假设你是李华,目前在英国一所中学做交换生,得知学校书法俱乐部正在招收新成员。请你给俱乐部写一封自荐信,内容包括:1自我介绍及书法爱好;2加入后的打算,如传播中国文化等。注意:1词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:书法calligraphy_【参考范文】Dear Sir or Madam,Im Li Hu


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