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1、2022-2023学年四川省广安市某学校英语高职单招测试试题(含答案)一、单选题(20题)1.I knocked at the door,but()answered,so I left.A.somebody B.anybody C.nobody D.everybody 2.Scientists say it may be five or six years()it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.A.since B.after C.before D.when 3.I have seen the movie_times.A.

2、the number of B.a number of C.much D.a number 4.-Put the books in the school bag!-But there isnt enough()for them.A.time B.room C.money D.help 5.The retired couple have decided to go to college. Its time for _ to begin a new life.A.they B.them C.their D.theirs 6.I am afraid I wont _ finish reading t

3、he book in two days.A.can B.could C.be able to D.may 7.() I am() ,I never feel().A.But,alone,lonely B.Although,lonely,alone C.Though,alone,lonely D.But,lonely,alone 8. Do you still remember _ me somewhere in Shanghai? Yes,of course,two years ago.A.seeing B.see C.to see D.saw 9.There is()in todays ne

4、wspaper.A.new anything B.new something C.anything new D.something new 10.Regardless of the environment you work in,you are _ face various conflicts.A.used to B.responsible for C.bound to D.reliable on 11.What()we are having today.A.fine weather B.a fine weather C.fine weathers D.fine a weather 12.()

5、 people went to the street to welcome Yang Liwei,the first Chinese astronaut.A.Three thousand of B.Three thousands C.Thousands of D.Thousands 13.A lot()me since I saw you last time.A.has happened to B.was happened to C.happened to D.happen to 14.When Mr. Liu was(),he became a famous professor.A.on h

6、is forties B.in the forties C.in the forty D.in his forties 15.I waited only two minutes before I was _.A.called in B.taken up C.looked up 16.Im () to hear that youre not feeling well.A.happy B.glad C.sorry D.pleased 17.Please tell her()at home on Saturday.A.stay B.to stay C.stays D.staying 18.The c

7、hildren were _ when they heard the good news.A.exciting B.excited C.excite D.excitedly 19.() ,we shall go on a picnic.A.The weather is fine B.Should the weather be fine C.The weather be fine D.Would weather be fine 20.A good friend is someone you _ share your pleasure and pain with.A.ought B.need C.

8、can D.must 二、填空题(20题)21.In fact he lived a comfortable life,but he_about his fate all the time.A.is complaining B.has complained C.was complaining D.had complained 22.Can you accompany your little brother to the post office now? _,if he is ready.A.By all means B.No way C.My pleasure D.In no case 23.

9、John said he wasnt disappointed at the result of the basketball game,but the look on his face_him_.A.turned;down B.took;in C.made;out D.gave;away 24.We should try our best to leave our generation a world better than_we were given.A.it B.one C.the one D.those 25.I prefer a house in a mountain village

10、 to_in such a large city as Changsha.A.that B.it C.this D.one 26.I sincerely suggest that you try your best to finish this project,unless you dont _the complaints from all directions.A.care about B.set about C.bring about D.go about 三、补充对话(10题)27.-Youre making great food!-(). I have worked as a cook

11、 ever since I was 20 years old.And now Im 42.A.What does your father do B.Yes,a little C.Are you Jenny D.Whats your hobby? E.Thank you F.Well done G.Can I speak to Jenny H. Is he your father 28.(2)A.How are you? B.Hello ,68813721 C.Good morning. My name is Mary. D.Sure,whats your name,please? E.See

12、you later. Bye. F.Im afraid hes out now. can I take a message? G.Whats your number,please? 29.-How about having another cup of tea?-No,thank you.().A.I know B.Really? C.Ive had enough! D.Id love to. E. Great! E.Dont do that! F.Dont worry G.No problem. 30.(3)A.Then Ill take the tickets. B.Id like two

13、 tickets to shanghai. C.Dose it stop anywhere? D.But all the tickets for that day are sold out. E.What time is the earliest flight? 31.A: Hello,Pan Wei. Is this your new car? How beautiful!B: Hi,Liss. Would you like to go for a ride with me?A: Great!B: .Well,you dont have to wear the seat belt. (1)

14、.A: Im sure you are. You know,not every driver is as good as you.B: (2) .No one will stop us right now.A: Oh,no,no. We obey the traffic rules not for the police. (3) .B: I agree,but I feel uncomfortable with it.A: Thats true,a little. (4) .Otherwise you will go flying when your car is terribly hit.B

15、: (5) .I am wearing it.(1)A.Sounds reasonable. B.Its just for ourselves! C.It taught me a good lesson. D.There are few cars at this time on the road. E.Im an excellent.F.And theres no policeman on the street. G.But the seat belt is for your safety. 32.-Theres a new exhibition of Indian art Sunday af

16、ternoon.Want to go with me?-(),but my is getting married and I wouldnt miss it for anything.A.I know B.Really? C.Ive had enough! D.Id love to. E. Great! E.Dont do that! F.Dont worry G.No problem. 33.-Oh,you look so lovely today.-().A.I am Tom B.Is he your father? C.So do I! D.This is Tom E. Thank yo

17、u. E.Do you like wine? F.What about your father? G.H. How are you? 34.(5)A.Thank you,doctor. B.I am not feeling very well. C.Good afternoon. D.Is it serious? E.Do you have a headache? 35.(4)A.Sounds reasonable. B.Its just for ourselves! C.It taught me a good lesson. D.There are few cars at this time

18、 on the road. E.Im an excellent.F.And theres no policeman on the street. G.But the seat belt is for your safety. 36.(3)A.How are you? B.Hello ,68813721 C.Good morning. My name is Mary. D.Sure,whats your name,please? E.See you later. Bye. F.Im afraid hes out now. can I take a message? G.Whats your nu

19、mber,please? 四、语言应用(5题)37.What do you think of when seeing this picture?A.Movies. B.Study. C.Travelling. 38.Where may it be?A.In a shop. B.In a store. C.In a restaurant. 39.You can see a film at _.A.WanDa International Cinema B.China Film Cinema C.Pacific Cineplex 40.From the sign,what should we do?

20、A.We can throw rubbish here and there. B.We must throw rubbish into the dustbin(垃圾箱) C.We can pay no attention to rubbish. 41.Throughout the day the car used _.A.45 litres of petrol B.40 litres of petrol C.35 litres of petrol D.10 litres of petrol 五、阅读理解(5题)42. The custom in different countries are

21、rather different. If I have dinner with a Chinese host,he always puts more food onto my plates as soon as I have emptied it. That often discomforts me greatly. I have to eat the food even if I dont want to,because it is considered bad manners in the West to leave ones food on the plate. I have alrea

22、dy noticed that when a Chinese sits at an Americans dinner party,he very often refuses the offer of food or drink though he is in fact still hungry or thirsty. This might be good manners in China,but it is not in the West at all. In the United states,it is impolite to keep asking someone again and a

23、gain or insist on his accepting something. They will ask for it. If not,they will say,“No,thanks,” When an American is fed up with beer by the host. For example,he might say,“No,thanks,I will take some diet,Pepsy-cola if you have it. That is what an American will do. So when you go to the United Sta

24、tes,you had better remember the famous saying: When in Rome,do as the Romans do. From the passage,we can know that the Chinese are usually().A.very hot B.police C.impolite D.cold 43.how much vitamin should a healthy 60-year-old lady take daily in summer?A.about 800 iu. B.about 600 iu. C.no less than

25、 1,000 iu. D.no less than 5,000 iu. 44.The old farmer ().A.came to the city for the first time B.had travelled to the city several times C.found nothing new and strange in the city D.only visited the large tall building 45.In “Dream World Cup”,the children drew the flags of some countries().A.to sho

26、w their love for their owe country B.to tell the people their stories C.to show their good wishes for the football teams D.to show their new ideas about football 46. Once upon a time,when the birds flew over the word,they saw that men had a beautiful thing. It was a bright burning thing.Men cooked t

27、heir food and kept themselves warm with it. The birds thought life would be better if they could have this nice thing,too. So they decided to send a message to men to ask for a little piece of it. They thought chicken was fit for them to send because he was a good talker and chicken went. He flew ov

28、er the forest until he came to the town of men. He went into the town and saw the burning thing,he learned that it was called “ fire” . He did not ask for fire to take back to the birds because there was so much food around mens houses that he started eating and forget that he had come for. Men like

29、d chicken because he crowed very early in the morning and woke them. They let him run in and out of their homes and threw him food.And chicken stayed with them. He never went back to the birds. He even forgets to fly. At first the birds .A.knew what the bright burning thing was B.didnt know what the

30、 bright burning things was C.paid no attention to the burning thing D.showed no interest in the burning thing 六、汉译英(5题)47.没有人否认这样一个事实,在这个过程中我们能够开阔视野。(使用同位语从句)48.当我正在看报纸时,电话响了。(while)49.答应我下次不能再迟到。50.为了找到一份好工作,我们必须努力学习。(in order to)51.人们在恶劣的条件下花了十多年的时间修建长城。(It takes)参考答案1.C2.C科学家认为,在这种药物可能对患者有疗效的研究之前

31、,可能要花费五六年的时间。3.B我已经看了很多次这部电影。a number of意为“很多”;the number of意为“的数字”;much意为“很多”修饰不可数名词;a number意为“ 一个数字”。根据句意故选B。4.B5.B这对退休的夫妻决定去上大学。是他们开始新的生活的时候了。it is time for sb.to do sth.意为“到某人做某事时间了”,这里的sb.在介词后面,应为宾格,故选B。6.C我担心两天之内不能读完这本书。in two days意为“两天之内”;will+v是将来时的基本结构,谓语必须是行为动词。be able to用在将来时句中时可以与will起连

32、用,但can不能与will连用。故选C。7.C尽管我独自一人,但是我从不感到孤独。8.A句意:一你还记得我们在上海的某个地方见过吗?一当然,两年前。remember 的用法:remember doing意为“记得过去已做过的事情”;remember to do意为“记住将要做某事”。故选A。9.D10.C忽略工作环境,你注定要面对许多冲突。be bound to一定会。选C11.A今天天气真好。12.C13.A14.D刘先生在他四十多岁时,他成为了一名教授。15.A16.C17.B请告诉她周六呆在家里。tell sb.to do sth.告诉某人干某事。18.B句意:当孩子们听到消息之后他们感到很兴奋。excited 形容人;exciting形容物。在be动词后面需用形容词,故选B。19.B如果天气好,我们就去野餐。20.C好朋友是你可以分享痛苦和快乐的人。A项意为“应该”;B项意为“需要”;C项意为“可以、能够”;D项意为“必须”。根据句意故选C。21.C考查时态。句意为:实际上他过着舒适的生活,但他总是抱怨命不好。根据句中的all the time和lived可知,应用过去进行时,故选C。22.A考查交际用语。by all means务必,一定;no way决不;my pleasure别客


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