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1、2022-2023学年内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市某学校英语高职单招测试试题(含答案)一、单选题(20题)1.I have lost one of my gloves, I_it somewhere.A.must drop B.must have dropped C.must be dropping 2.-I think Tom got success because of his().-Yes,I agree with you.A.work hard B.works hard C.hard work D.hard works 3.To our surprise,the()boy can recit

2、e so long an article.()clever he is!A.5-years-old,What B.5 years old,How C.5 years old,What D.5-year-old,How 4.He plays it().A.on every weekend B.at every weekend C.in every weekend D.every weekend 5.He walked()fast for()us catch up with.A.so,that B.such,that C.enough,to D.too,to 6.-Do you feel like

3、()for a walk?-Sorry,I would like()TV at home.A.go;watch B.going;seeing C.go;watching D.going;to watch 7.()is the largest of the continents of the world.A.Asia B.an Asia C.a Asia D.the Asia 8. Would you like to drink coke or orange juice? _,I really dont mind.A.Neither B.Either C.None D.Both 9.We had

4、 a party after()meal that day.A./ B.one C.the D.a 10.Can you play_basketball?A.the B.a C.your D./ 11.-My shoes are worn out.-().A.Cant they be mended? B.Let me have a look at it. C.How much do they cost? D.Cant they mended? 12.Some of the scientists held the point_ the book said was right.A.what; wh

5、at B.that; that C.what; that D.that; what 13.How do you usually go to school every day?-()foot. Its not far from my home.A.On B.In C.By D.With 14.You must thank the girls()their help.A.for B.to C.on D.about 15.There is no doubt()John will come by bus.A.if B.why C.that D.how 16.An increasing number o

6、f countries have been()China as a threatening power recently.A.looking up B.looking at C.looking on D.looking for 17.I()someone()my name when I was walking in the street.A.heard; to call B.hear; call C.heard; calling D.hear; calling 18. Excuse me,where is the Moonlight Hotel? _,Im a stranger myself.

7、A.Sorry,I dont know B.No,I dont think so C.It doesnt matter D.Thank you all the same 19.This math problem is not easy.I cant work it out_A.without he B.with him C.without him D.with he 20.I began to fall over my own feet.Down() .A.I went B.did I go C.I did go D.went I 二、填空题(20题)21.I prefer a house i

8、n a mountain village to_in such a large city as Changsha.A.that B.it C.this D.one 22.I sincerely suggest that you try your best to finish this project,unless you dont _the complaints from all directions.A.care about B.set about C.bring about D.go about 23.Can you accompany your little brother to the

9、 post office now? _,if he is ready.A.By all means B.No way C.My pleasure D.In no case 24.We should try our best to leave our generation a world better than_we were given.A.it B.one C.the one D.those 25.In fact he lived a comfortable life,but he_about his fate all the time.A.is complaining B.has comp

10、lained C.was complaining D.had complained 26.John said he wasnt disappointed at the result of the basketball game,but the look on his face_him_.A.turned;down B.took;in C.made;out D.gave;away 三、补充对话(10题)27.(2)A.Then Ill take the tickets. B.Id like two tickets to shanghai. C.Dose it stop anywhere? D.B

11、ut all the tickets for that day are sold out. E.What time is the earliest flight? 28.-Hi,Tom. You were not here yesterday afternoon. What was wrong?-().A.I caught a bad cold B.Its a good idea C.By train D.He is tall and handsome E.Im not sure. F. OK! F.You11 be fine soon. G.H. How are you feeling no

12、w? 29.-You should set aside more time to play with our kids.-(),but I am too busy recently.A.I know B.Really? C.Ive had enough! D.Id love to. E. Great! E.Dont do that! F.Dont worry G.No problem. 30.(4)A.Thank you,doctor. B.I am not feeling very well. C.Good afternoon. D.Is it serious? E.Do you have

13、a headache? 31.-().-I have lived here since I was born.A.while I am away B.when I come back C.Excuse me D.Lets go walking E.By bike F.Whats your weekend? G.Do you live here H.How long have you lived here? 32.-Would you please look after my cat for me().-No problem.A.while I am away B.when I come bac

14、k C.Excuse me D.Lets go walking E.By bike F.Whats your weekend? G.Do you live here H.How long have you lived here? 33.-Its such a good day! How about going out for a walk?-().A.I caught a bad cold B.Its a good idea C.By train D.He is tall and handsome E.Im not sure. F. OK! F.You11 be fine soon. G.H.

15、 How are you feeling now? 34.(5)A.AhIs there anything serious? B.Thank you,doctor. C.Ive got a bad headache. D.My temperature seems all right. E.About two days. 35.-Where are you going to spend your holiday this year,Hany?-We may go abroad.() . We cant decide now.A.I caught a bad cold B.Its a good i

16、dea C.By train D.He is tall and handsome E.Im not sure. F. OK! F.You11 be fine soon. G.H. How are you feeling now? 36.A: Hello,Pan Wei. Is this your new car? How beautiful!B: Hi,Liss. Would you like to go for a ride with me?A: Great!B: .Well,you dont have to wear the seat belt. (1) .A: Im sure you a

17、re. You know,not every driver is as good as you.B: (2) .No one will stop us right now.A: Oh,no,no. We obey the traffic rules not for the police. (3) .B: I agree,but I feel uncomfortable with it.A: Thats true,a little. (4) .Otherwise you will go flying when your car is terribly hit.B: (5) .I am weari

18、ng it.(1)A.Sounds reasonable. B.Its just for ourselves! C.It taught me a good lesson. D.There are few cars at this time on the road. E.Im an excellent.F.And theres no policeman on the street. G.But the seat belt is for your safety. 四、语言应用(5题)37.You should pay attention to the _.A.weak current B.fiel

19、d current C.strong current 38.If you are interested in pop songs,you may choose _.A.BTV-2 B.CCTV-1 C.SCTV D.CCTV-4 39.Turn right,you can find _.A.library B.classroom 4 C.toilet 40.My father will have a meeting in Beijing.He should _.A.wear a T-shirt B.take an umbrella C.take a bike 41.The advertisem

20、ent is about _.A.looking for baby-sitters B.childs party C.looking after children 五、阅读理解(5题)42. In Shanxi Province you may be offered brains to eat. Frightened? You shouldnt be. Because these brains are only food,which is famous for its name and rich nutrition (营养). Brains as a food were invented mo

21、re than 300 years ago by Fu Shan,an artist whose mother had been ill for a long time. To help her become well again,he studied medicine and invented a kind of soup which was made of meat,vegetables and of Chinese medicines. Rice wine was also used in the soup to help illness caused by old age. After

22、 taking the soup,his mother got better little by little and lived a long life. Fus soup became the talk of the town. Many people came to see him. One day a restaurant keeper asked him what was in the soup. “Ill tell you,” Fu said,“But if your restaurant is going to sell the soup you must call it bra

23、ins because of its shape and colour. And your restaurant should be called after my mother.” The best headline for this passage is().A.A Good Son B.Special Soup C.How to Make Brains D.How to Live a Long Life 43.If you live in a cold place,you should prepare _.A.some warm clothes and bedding supplies

24、B.some hot water C.some batteries D.some flashlights 44.The young person wore().A.a pair of red trousers B.on a pair of red trousers C.with a pair of red trousers 45.What do cowboys do according to the passage?A.They sell cows. B.They watch cows. C.They travel around. 46.What does the passage tell u

25、s?A.Sleeping on your side is the best way of sleeping. B.Changing positions will cause sleeping problems. C.Sleeping positions show peopleJ s secret personalities. D.Enough sleep makes people look better and healthier. 六、汉译英(5题)47.如果你需要更多的信息,务必也让我知道。(do放在祈使句前表强调)48.我盼望收到你的来信。(用动名词作宾语)49.说话前要考虑仔细。50.

26、Tom迟到是由于大雨。(because of)51.不容怀疑,和社会上其他工作相比较,清洁工的工作更艰难些。(用compared with 作状语)参考答案1.B2.C3.D令我们感到惊讶的是,5岁的男孩能背诵如此长的一篇文章,他太聪明了!5岁:5-year-old或者5 years old,所以排除Awhat和how引导的感叹句:what+(a/an)+adj.+n.+主语+谓语+(it is).How+adj.(adv . )+主语+谓语+(it is).感叹句在表示激动强烈的感情时,口语中常常采用省略句,其后面的主语和谓语往往略去不讲。 如: What a fine day!4.D5.D

27、他走得太快以至于我们跟不上他。too.to太而不能;so.that如此.以至于。6.D7.A8.B句意:一你是想喝可口可乐还是橙汁?任何一个都可以,我不介意。A项意为“两者都不”;B项意为“两者中任何一个都可以”;C项意为“一个也没有”;D项意为“两者都”。根据句意故选B。9.C那天在吃完饭后,我们参加了一个聚会。10.D你会打篮球吗?球类运动前不用定冠词the,故选D。11.A我的鞋穿破了。不能补吗?12.D13.A你每天怎么去学校?走路,离我家不远。on foot 走路14.A你必须感谢姑娘们的帮助,thank for就.感谢。15.C16.C最近,越来越多的国家将中国看做一个具有威慑力的

28、国家。look on 表示看着,这里.sb. have been looking on sth. as.表示某人现在正在将某物视为.现在完成进行时,表示正在进行还有可能继续进行下去。look up 查找;look at 指看的动作;look for寻找;所以这里选C。17.C18.A句意:打扰了,Moonlight宾馆在哪儿?对不起,我也不知道。我也是刚来这儿。从回答可以看出他也不熟悉这个地方,所以前半部分应该是我不知道。B意为“我不这样认为”;C意为“没关系”;D意为“还是要谢谢你”,均不符合题意。故选A。19.C这个数学问题不简单。没有他我不可能做出来。without (prep)+宾格意

29、为“没有”。故选C。20.A21.D考查代词。句意为:我更喜欢山村中的房屋而不是在像长沙一样的大城市中的房屋。one指代a house符合句意。it用来指代特定的物,即上下文提到的同样的事物;that指代the+单数名词(可数或不可数均可),用于特指;this作代词时没有类似的用法。22.A考查动词短语辨析。句意为:我真心地建议你尽你最大的努力完成这个项目,除非你不在意来自各方的抱怨。care about关心、在乎;set about开始、着手;bring about导致、引起;go about (doing) sth.着手(做)某事、继续(做)某事、忙于(做)某事。23.A考查交际用语。by all means务必,一定;no way决不;my pleasure别客气;in no case决不。根据答语中的if h


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