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1、2021-2022学年广东省佛山市某学校英语高职单招试题(含答案)一、单选题(20题)1. Wheres Li Lei?He()his sports shoes in the room. He()football with his friends.A.is putting on,is playing B.puts on,will play C.is putting on,will play D.put on,played 2.Do you know that woman () a magazine () her hand?Of course. She is our English teache

2、r.A.with,in B.with,about C.have,in D.have,on 3.Which one do you want?Either will().A.work B.do C.go D.make 4.The streets in the small town have become _than they were two years ago.A.so clean B.very clean C.much cleaner 5.Good reading skills are quite useful()us students.A.to B.for C.on D.at 6.My un

3、cle is a writer. He() many books since he was young.A.writes B.wrote C.is writing D.has written 7.The boy made the same mistakes_,which,of course,made his parents very angry.A.over and over again B.more or less C.sooner or later D.here and there 8.()you()your homework?Yes. Would you please turn down

4、 the TV?A.Are; doing B.Have ; done C.Were; doing D.Did; do 9.Can you hear Mary()in her room every day?Yes,I heard her()just now.A.singing; to sing B.singing; sings C.sing; sings D.sing; singing 10.The young man()a pair of glasses is a good teacher.A.with B.in C.by D.having 11.All the factors() , we

5、decided to offer the job to Li Wei, a man of rich experience.A.considered B.being considered C.considering D.having considered 12.You cant leave the baby by().He is too young.A.myself B.yourself C.himself D.herself 13.Hearing the good news,Betty laughed and ran out of the classroom _.A.sadly B.quiet

6、ly C.angrily D.excitedly 14.People in this small town are quite() to strangers they always try to help out when strangers are in trouble.A.careful B.friendly C.honest D.successful 15.The young teacher who has a()face can make his classes()and interesting.A.lovely,lively B.lovely,lovely C.likely,frie

7、ndly D.ugly,lively 16. _ did it take him to repair the computer? About 2 days.A.How soon B.How often C.How long D.How far 17.No one knows when such a custom first().A.came into power B.came into being C.came true D.came out 18.People should stop using their cars and start using public transport.().T

8、he roads are too crowded as it is.A.All right B.Exactly C.Go ahead D.Fine 19.You should have thanked her before you left.I meant(),but when I was leaving I couldnt find her anywhere.A.to do B.to C.doing D.doing so 20.Can you _the factory from here?A.look B.look at C.see D.watch 二、填空题(20题)21.We shoul

9、d try our best to leave our generation a world better than_we were given.A.it B.one C.the one D.those 22.I sincerely suggest that you try your best to finish this project,unless you dont _the complaints from all directions.A.care about B.set about C.bring about D.go about 23.John said he wasnt disap

10、pointed at the result of the basketball game,but the look on his face_him_.A.turned;down B.took;in C.made;out D.gave;away 24.I prefer a house in a mountain village to_in such a large city as Changsha.A.that B.it C.this D.one 25.In fact he lived a comfortable life,but he_about his fate all the time.A

11、.is complaining B.has complained C.was complaining D.had complained 26.Can you accompany your little brother to the post office now? _,if he is ready.A.By all means B.No way C.My pleasure D.In no case 三、补充对话(10题)27.A: Whats your trouble?B: (1)A: How long have you been like this?B: (2)A: Have you tak

12、en your temperature?B: (3)A: Let me examine you. Open your mouth and say “Ah”.B: (4)A: Youve just got a cold.Its nothing serious. Take this medicine three times a day and drink ore hot water.B: (5)(1)A.AhIs there anything serious? B.Thank you,doctor. C.Ive got a bad headache. D.My temperature seems

13、all right. E.About two days. 28.(2)A.Then Ill take the tickets. B.Id like two tickets to shanghai. C.Dose it stop anywhere? D.But all the tickets for that day are sold out. E.What time is the earliest flight? 29.How about having another cup of tea?No,thank you.().A.I know B.Really? C.Ive had enough!

14、 D.Id love to. E. Great! E.Dont do that! F.Dont worry G.No problem. 30.().I have lived here since I was born.A.while I am away B.when I come back C.Excuse me D.Lets go walking E.By bike F.Whats your weekend? G.Do you live here H.How long have you lived here? 31.Youre making great food!(). I have wor

15、ked as a cook ever since I was 20 years old.And now Im 42.A.What does your father do B.Yes,a little C.Are you Jenny D.Whats your hobby? E.Thank you F.Well done G.Can I speak to Jenny H. Is he your father 32. (),Where is the nearest post office?Go along this street and then turn left at the second cr

16、ossing.A.while I am away B.when I come back C.Excuse me D.Lets go walking E.By bike F.Whats your weekend? G.Do you live here H.How long have you lived here? 33.What does your friend look like?().A.I caught a bad cold B.Its a good idea C.By train D.He is tall and handsome E.Im not sure. F. OK! F.You1

17、1 be fine soon. G.H. How are you feeling now? 34.(5)A.How are you? B.Hello ,68813721 C.Good morning. My name is Mary. D.Sure,whats your name,please? E.See you later. Bye. F.Im afraid hes out now. can I take a message? G.Whats your number,please? 35.A: Can I help you?B: (1)A: When would you like to g

18、o?B: On April 29th.A: April 29th? Err,Im sorry (2) . What about may 1st?B: Let me think. Yes,thats ok. (3)A: The earliest flight will leave at 8:30 in the morning.B: (4)A: No,it will go straight to shanghai.B: (5)A: 0k,Ill get them for you right away.(1)A.Then Ill take the tickets. B.Id like two tic

19、kets to shanghai. C.Dose it stop anywhere? D.But all the tickets for that day are sold out. E.What time is the earliest flight? 36.().I like reading ? dancing,swimming,and watching movies.A.What does your father do B.Yes,a little C.Are you Jenny D.Whats your hobby? E.Thank you F.Well done G.Can I sp

20、eak to Jenny H. Is he your father 四、语言应用(5题)37.How long does it take from Tokyo to Seoul by air?A.65 minutes. B.85 minutes. C.105 minutes. 38.He spent the most money in _.A.June B.July C.August 39.From the page,we know that _.A.there are only four best-sellers B.all the books can be bought at a disc

21、ount C.all the books can be read in Kindle 40.You can show your invention on _ at the Childrens Palace.A.Monday B.Saturday C.Sunday 41.When is the Halloween?A.12.31 B.5.4 C.10.31 五、阅读理解(5题)42.In big cities people can .A.go to different kinds of museums.B.see all kinds of plays and films . C.buy thin

22、gs from all over the world.D.A, B, and C.43.Kate Wilson says she does not get afraid because _.A.she has an oxygen tank B.she knows how to fight fires C.she enjoys finding heat D.she is too busy putting out fires 44._,so Mrs.King is happy.A.Bill often saves money for his family B.The children are af

23、raid of Bill C.Bill is stronger and older than any other child D.Bill gets food without paying any money 45.In the park,Bill saw a girl().A.without feet B.without hands C.walking slowly D.looking down at his shoes 46.Which is the quickest and cheapest way to send messages to your friends?()A.By tele

24、phone B.By post C.By E-mail D.By satellites 六、汉译英(5题)47.我不想花五美元买一杯水。48.中国将在十年后建造一个空间站。49.不容怀疑,和社会上其他工作相比较,清洁工的工作更艰难些。(用compared with 作状语)50.从餐馆订餐是个节省时间的办法。51.我盼望收到你的来信。(用动名词作宾语)参考答案1.CLi Lei在哪?他(正在)去教室换球鞋,她将和他的朋友一起踢足球。考查动词时态的用法,前一空用现在进行时,后一空用将来时,选C。2.A你认识那个手里拿杂志的女人吗?当热,她是我们的英语老师。in hand在控制下,在手里,排除B和

25、D,手里拿着杂志的女人,用with。3.B4.C5.B6.D我的叔叔是个作家,他从年轻的时候就写了很多书。用现在完成时。7.A句意为:那个男孩一次次犯同样的错误,这当然令他的父母很生气。over and over again反复,多次,符合句意。more or less或多或少,大体上;sooner or later迟早,早晚;here and there到处。8.A你正在写你的家庭作业吗?是的,你能将电视声音调低点吗?用现在进行时。9.D10.A11.A考虑所有的因素,我们将把这个项目交给经验丰富的李伟。all the factors considered所有的因素被考虑到,所以表被动,排除

26、C和D,being considered表示现在正在被考虑,该题意思明显是已经考虑过了,所以选择A。12.C13.D听到这个消息, Betty大笑着激动地跑出了教室。A项意为“伤心地”;B项意为“悄悄地”;C项意为“生气地”;D 项意为“激动地”。根据句意故选D。14.B这个小镇上的人对陌生人很好,当陌生人遇到麻烦时,他们总是设法帮助他们。15.A拥有一副亲切脸的老师能使他的课堂生动有趣。16.C句意:一他花了多长时间修这台电脑?一大约两天。it takes(took) sb.sometime to do意为“花费某人多少时间做某事”,根据答句About two days意为“大约两天”可判断

27、出这题是在间花了多少时间。故选C。17.B18.B19.B20.C你看到了工厂没有?能表达“看且有看的结果”的词只能是see。故选C。21.C考查代词的用法。分析题干可知,空格处指代的是前面的world,且属于同类不同物,故应使用代词one,而空格后的“we were given”是one的定语从句,由此可知,此处的one表示的是特指,之前应用定冠词。22.A考查动词短语辨析。句意为:我真心地建议你尽你最大的努力完成这个项目,除非你不在意来自各方的抱怨。care about关心、在乎;set about开始、着手;bring about导致、引起;go about (doing) sth.着手(做)某事、继续(做)某事、忙于(做)某事。23.D考查动词短语辨析。句意为:John说他对篮球比赛的结果不失望,但是他脸上的表情使他露馅了。turn down拒绝;take in留宿,吸入,包含;make out应付,弄懂;give away泄漏,暴露。根据句意可知,应选D项。24.D考查代词。句意为:我更喜欢山村中的房屋而不是在像长沙一样的大城市中的房屋。one指代a house符合句意。it用来指代特定的物,即上下文提到的同样的事物;that指代the+单数名词(可数或不可数均


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