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1、 Unit 3 Book 7Vocabulary Learning Unit 3 Book 7Ive heard about an anecdote: In ancienttimes, if you were ugly, you would not beallowed to be a monk. anecdote n. 奇闻;轶事Ive heard about an anecdote: As a teacher, I have to write an annual report about my work at the end of each year. annual adj. 年度的;每年的

2、 As a teacher, I have to wriThis magazine is published once a year,so it is called an annual. annual n. 年刊;年鉴 weekly 周刊 monthly 月刊 This magazine is published oncA balleen whale was found dead on thebeach, but it remains a mystery whatcaused its death. balleen whale 须鲸 A balleen whale was found deadT

3、he killer whale is very violent and mayeven attack and kill other whales forfood. killer whale 虎鲸 The killer whale is very viole The migration of millions of birds is really a breathtaking scene to see. migration n. 迁徙;迁居;移居 The migration of millions of The old couple are looking forwitnesses to a c

4、ar accident in which theirson was killed but the driver escaped. a witness to sth. .的目击者 The old couple are looking forWhat did they witness? Why were theyso thrilled? witness vt. 目击What did they witness? Why werIf you have a skill, you can exchange itfor free food and accommodation as youtravel. ac

5、commodation n. 住所;住宿 If you have a skill, you can eMillions of lobsters(龙虾) are washed upon shore, which makes the shore red. shore n. 岸;海滨Millions of lobsters(龙虾) are wThis is an offshore drilling platform(钻井平台) which is used for oil mining. offshore adj./adv 近海的/地This is an offshore drilling p “Ta

6、ll” is opposite to “short”. opposite adj. 相反的 be opposite to 与.相反 “Tall” is opposite to “short” opposite n. 相反 “Tall” is the opposite of “short”. opposite n. 相反The young man is sitting opposite the young girl. opposite prep. 在.的对面The young man is sitting oppos You have no right to yell at me. yell a

7、t sb. 朝某人大喊大叫 You have no right to yell Lets pause for a while and have a rest. pause v. 暂停;中止 Lets pause for a while and With the aid of a telescope, we can seethings in the distance more clearly. telescope n. 望远镜With the aid of a telescope, wTeamwork is the ability that a group ofpeople have to wo

8、rk well together. teamwork n. 协作;配合Teamwork is the ability that aIf you dive into water, you jump in headfirst with your arms held straight aboveyour head. dive v. 跳水;潜水;俯冲If you dive into water, you juAlbert Einstein fled (from) Nazi Germanyin 1933 and went to America. What if hehad been caught and

9、 killed then? flee vt./vi. 逃离 (fled-fled) Albert Einstein fled (from) NaA harpoon can be used to catch fish. harpoon n. 鱼叉A harpoon can be used to catchThe powerful woman is using her hair todrag a car weighing 2.5 tons. drag vt. 拖;拉;扯 The powerful woman is using heEveryone is trying their best to r

10、aceagainst others because no one wants todrag behind. drag behind 落后;拖后腿Everyone is trying their best There exist a wide variety of species inthe depths of the sea. in the depths of .在.的深处There exist a wide variety of If your mother and your wife aredrowning in the meantime, who will yousave first?

11、in the meantime = meantime 同时= in the meanwhile = meanwhileIf your mother and your wife aYou can use a lipstick to make your lipsmore charming. lip n. 嘴唇You can use a lipstick to makeSuppose you are in a boat:If you fall overboard, you fall over theside of a boat into the water. overboard adv.从船上落入水

12、中Suppose you are in a boat: The mother is urging the boy to go toschool quickly. urge sb. to do sth. 敦促某人去做. = urge sb. into doing sth.The mother is urging the boy tMany people urge that the government(should) take urgent measures to banpeople from cutting more trees. urge that sb. (should) do. 极力主张

13、某人做某事 Many people urge that the goveThe man is urging the horse on with awhip (鞭子). urge sb. on 催促/激励某人前行The man is urging the horse onHave you ever had an urge to dosomething strange?你曾经有标新立异的冲动吗? have an urge to do.有强力欲望去做.Have you ever had an urge to dThe house was abandoned ten years agoand nobo

14、dy has lived in it ever since. abandon vt. 放弃;遗弃;抛弃The house was abandoned ten ye Having lost his girlfriend, he began to abandon himself to alcohol. abandon oneself to sth. 沉溺于;纵情于. Having lost his girlfriend, hA shark is swimming freely in the sea. shark n. 鲨鱼A shark is swimming freely in If your

15、best friend is in great troublenow, are you willing to do something tohelp him out? help (sb) out 帮忙If your best friend is in greaWhats the relationship between them? relationship n. 关系Whats the relationship betweeThe conservation of natural resourcesis becoming more and more important. conservation

16、 n. 保存;保护The conservation of natural re The ship hit an iceberg and sank, causing over 1000 deaths. iceberg n. 冰山 The ship hit an iceberg Jogging is a good way to keep healthy. jog vi. 慢跑Jogging is a good way to keep Lets go to the seaside for a holiday. go to the seaside 去海边 Lets go to the seaside

17、for A fishing net can be used to catch fish. net n. 网;网状物;网络 A fishing net can be used toSet a target and then try to achieve it. set a target 设定目标 achieve a target 实现目标Set a target and then try to aThe tide was going out and the sandwas smooth and glittering.潮水正在退去沙滩平坦,闪闪发亮。 tide n. 潮水The tide was

18、going out and the dimension n. 维(数);方面;侧面 Travelling deep in the sea, you will find a new dimension of life. dimension n. 维(数);方面;侧面 T Glass can reflect light. reflect light 反射光线 Glass can reflect light. The comparison of the two picturesreflects the great changes of the village. reflect sth. 反映The

19、comparison of the two pictThis idiom tells us that we should reflect on our life three times a day. reflect on sth. 反省;深思This idiom tells us that we sh Red roses stand for pure love. pure adj. 纯的;纯粹的;纯洁的 Red roses stand for p cell 细胞 cell 蜂房的巢 cell 细胞 cell 蜂房的巢 Its important to be aware of dangerahe

20、ad of time. be/ become aware of 意识到 = be/ become conscious of Its important to be aware of The blue sky is more vivid against thewhite clouds. vivid adj. 鲜明的;鲜艳的 The blue sky is more vivid agaWang Gang is giving a vivid descriptionof a story in the studio. give a vivid description of. 生动地描述Wang Gang

21、 is giving a vivid de Do you like the neat room or the messy room? neat adj. 好的;整洁的;整齐的 Do you like the neat room orSeaweed is a plant growing in the sea.There are many kinds of seaweed, someof which can be delicious food. seaweed n. 海草;海藻 Seaweed is a plant growing in a narrow street a wide street

22、a narrow street A narrow escape means narrowly(勉强;差点儿) escaping from death. a narrow escape 九死一生 narrowly escape 侥幸逃生 A narrow escape means narrowlyMy cellphone can function as aflashlight in the dark. flashlight n. 手电筒;闪光灯 My cellphone can function as aThe cup is put on the table upside down. upsid

23、e down 上下翻转The cup is put on the table up Its said that a vampire can suck a humans blood. suck v. 吮吸 Its said that a vampire c a sharp knife sharp teeth a sharp knife The meat seems so tasty. tasty adj. 美味的;好吃的 The meat seems so tasty. From my perspective, giants only exist in science fiction. gian

24、t n. 巨人 adj. 巨大的 From my perspective, giants oOld Mothers hair is turning grey.grey adj. /n. 灰色(的)= grayOld Mothers hair is turning g The straw-man can be used to scare birds away. scare v. 恐吓;惊吓 The straw-man can be used to If you suddenly see such a scary picture, will you be scared to death? be scared to death 吓死了 If you suddenly see such a scThis part of the sea is shallow, so we cansee the bottom. s


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