



1、Whileparents,particularlymothers,havealwaysbeenattachedtotheir infants(婴儿),societal conditions frequently made this attaent difficult to maintain (保持).of all, the high infant death rate in the premodern times meant that such attaents often ended in hopelessness. Perhaps to prevent the sadness that i

2、nfant death caused, a number of societal practices developed which worked against early attaent of mother and child.One of these premodern attaent-discouraging practices was to leave infants unnamed until they had survived into the second year. Another practice that discouraged maternal( 母亲的)atta en

3、t was tightly wrap( ) infants. Wrap effectively prevented the close physical interactions like stroking抚摸) and kissing thatare so much a part of modern mothersand fathers affection for their infants.A third practice which had the same distancing effect was wet-nursing. Breast-feeding (哺育)was not pop

4、ular among the well-to-n the early modern times; infants were often fed by wet nurses hired for the purpose. In some places, such as nineteenth-century France, city infants were sent to wet nurses in the country. Often a wet nurse would feed her own child,leavinglittlemilk for the city infant-who. i

5、n many cases, died. In Rouen, the death rate for children sent to a wet nurse was 35 percent.WhichisthebesttitlefortheSocietalConditionsinPremodern PoorHealthServiceandHighInfantDeathDifferencesbetweenModernandPremodernAreBritishpeopleEuropeans?ThismayseemastrangequestiontoAfricansandtend to think o

6、f all white people as Europeans. But the British, when they are in Britain, do not regard themselves as Europeans. The Europeans, to them, are those rather excitable foreigners from the other side of theEnglish Channel, who have never learnthowto speakEnglish. Europe is known as “the Continent”, a p

7、lace full of interest for British tourists, but also the source of almost all the wars in which Britain has ever been involved. Thus although geographically speaking Britain is a part of Europe, the fact that it is a separate island has made its people feel very, very insular (孤立的). They feel, and i

8、n many ways are, different from the rest of Europe, and they sometimes annoycontinentalnationsbyfailingtosupportthem,oreventounderstandthem,intimeofWhere did British people come from? This is an extraordinary interesting question, since they are a mixture of many different races,and all these races

9、invaded () Britain at different times from Europe. Nobody knows very much about Britain before the Romans came during the century B.C., but there had been at least three invasions before that. Theof these was by a dark-haired. Mediterranean race called the Iberians. The other two were by Celtic trib

10、es:Gaels,whose descendants are the modern Scots and Irish,some of whom still speak the Gaelic language; and second the Britons, who gave their name to the whole island of Britain. These were the people whom the Romans conquered. The Romans gave the Britons a good deal of their civilization, but they

11、 never settled in Britain in very large numbers, so the British race survived until the overthrow of the Roman Empire by the “barbarians”, i.e. the numerous Germanic tribes which overran the whole of Western Europe.Itcanbeconcludedfromthepassage mostpeoplethinkwhitepeoplearetherearemanyAfricansandAs

12、ianslivinginwhitemenareEuropeansintheeyesofAfricansandtheBritishpeoplethinkofthemselvesas课后练习详样可以找出首段的中心句,再将其和各段第一句串联在一起,就可以得出文章的中心思第一段:Perhaps to prevent the sadness that infant death caused,a number of societal practices developed which worked against early attaent of mother and child.第二段:Oneofthesepremodernattaent-discouragingpracticeswastoleaveinfantsunnamed until they had survived into th


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