1、2023学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has different sounds?Acorrect concertBalive prideCabsent, ancestor2、Have you heard
2、of Tu Youyou, the famous doctor who won Nobel Prize in 2015?She devoted as much time as she could _ on the project artemisinin(青蒿素).AworkingBto workCworkedDto working3、Im really_ before the competition. I didnt sleep well last night.Dont worry. Im sure you are the best.ApatientBhard-workingCnervousD
3、humorous4、- Why didnt you cry for help when you were robbed?- If I opened my mouth at that time, they might find my four gold teeth. That would be _!AbadBmuch worseCworstDthe worst5、You cant imagine _ when he learned he failed the exam again.Ahow he was disappointed Bhow disappointed he wasChow disa
4、ppointed he is Dhow excited he was6、Linda, you need to talk to my grandma loudly, she is a bit _.Adeaf B blind C clever D kind7、A good learner connects what he reads _ what he sees around him.Ain Bon Cfor Dwith8、Tourists should have good _ while travelling abroad. I cant agree more.Aminds Bmanners C
5、matters Dmemories9、Which of the following words has a different sound from the underlined letter of the word “reason”?AbreatheBgreatCfeature10、The stuntman is planning to walk on the wings of a flying plane.What? I have never heard of _ idea before.Athe madder Ba madder Ca maddest Dthe maddest. 完形填空
6、11、 Alex was a giraffe who lived in a zoo with his mum, dad and other giraffe friends. As Alex grew, he 1 his neck was much shorter than the others. He began to get 2 . But his mother told him that he was special. She said it did not matter how short or long his neck was.Alex tried not to think abou
7、t his short 3 . But as his friends grew taller and taller, his neck 4 short. Sometimes the other giraffes 5 him, but his parents told him not to worry. They said that he should be happy with himself the way he was. He tried, but he could not even play in some giraffe sports. He was just too 6 .One d
8、ay, one of the zoo workers came and took Alex away. Alex was scared. Would he have to leave the zoo just 7 he didnt have a long neck? The zoo worker calmed (使平静)Alex down and gave him some food. He felt 8 Then he led Alex into another area of the zoo.Soon mum and dad came to see Alex. “I told you th
9、at you were special,” his mother said. “The zoo has made a place just for 9 because so many people want to see how special you are!” She was right. Visitors pointed to him and screamed(尖叫) 10 . They looked happy to see something so special at the zoo.1AwonderedBfoundChopedDagreed2ApowerfulBintereste
10、dCenergeticDworried3AlegBtailCneckDnose4AstayedBbecameCturnedDfelt5Alooked afterBthought ofClaughed atDagreed with6AtallBshortCfatDthin7AafterBunlessCbecauseDbefore8AgoodBbetterCbadDworse9AhimByouCusDme10AexcitedlyBangrilyCsadlyD heavily. 语法填空12、Who designed the first helicopter(直升飞机)? Who 1 (draw)
11、one of the most famous pictures in the world? Who knew more about the human body than most 2 (doctor) did? There is an answer 3 all these questions - Leonardo de Vinci.Leonardo lived in Italy around the year 1500, but many of his 4 (invent) seem modern to us today. For example, one of his notebooks
12、has drawings of a helicopter. Of course, he couldnt build 5 helicopter with the things he had. But scientists say his idea would have worked. Thats why he was considered 6 (be) a genius that has ever been known. But Leonardo wasnt just an inventor. He was one of the 7 (great) artists of his day. Whe
13、n he was only twenty years old, he 8 (call) a master painter, and as he got older he became even more famous. Sometimes he drew a hand in ten different ways 9 he was ready to paint. Many of Leonardos wonderful paintings are still with us today. You may know one of his most famous works- the 10 (smil
14、e) woman known as the Mona Lisa. 阅读理解A13、What would you say when we told you that you could learn to speak a new language in only 7 days? Pretty unbelievable, right? But how could it be? To find out, we spoke to Davidone of our brave Babbel learnersto see how the Babbel app successfully got him spea
15、king Norwegian(挪威语) in just one week.How much time did you learn each day?I didnt need to give my whole life over to learning Norwegian. Each Babbel lesson takes only 15 minutes, and I set myself the achievable aim of finishing three Babbel lessons daily. This took 45 minutes each day.How did the Ba
16、bbel app help you learn so quickly?The Babbel app has a course plan for beginners that taught me how to make sentences in Norwegian within the first few days. Then I was able to personalize my learning by choosing single-topic lessons on eating, drinking, music, culture, travelling and so on. This a
17、llowed me to quickly enlarge(扩大) my vocabulary!This way of learning kept me highly active, and made sure I wasnt bored to tears(眼泪) with grammar practice that we all remember from school! “After 7 days I was able to introduce myself in Norwegian, talk about my hobbies and interests, and most importa
18、ntly, communicating with a native(本国的) Norwegian speaker in a real conversation and I could even play a joke or two!”Would you introduce this app to others?Certainly! Babbel has 14 languages to choose from, so if youre thinking about brushing up on your German for a business trip, or learning a bit
19、of Portuguese(葡萄牙语) for next years summer vacation, youll be happy to hear that you only need an app, 7 days of learning to get you conversational.1The Babbel app is used for people to _.Aspeak with nativesBlearn foreign languagesCdo international businessDplan a vacation abroad2How did the Babbel a
20、pp help David learn quickly?AIt took him little time every day.BIt provided him with 14 languages.CIt gave him daily grammar practice.DIt offered lessons according to his needs.3The example of David is used in the passage to show that _.Ahard work matters a lotBBabbel app sells wellCNorwegian is eas
21、y to learnDBabbel app really helpsB14、 Nowadays, many teens are badly addicted to using phones. It probably wont surprise you that teens are texting more than ever before. Instead of sleeping, Kenny Alarcon, 16, often texts with his friends through the night. Frances Garcia, a high school senior, se
22、nds and receives about 1000 texts each day. Both Frances and Kenny wake up several times during the night to text. Kenny even sleeps with his phone under his pillow. Dr.Elizabeth Dowdell, a professor at Villanova University in Pennsylvania, says that its common for teens to be interrupted by texts w
23、hile sleeping. “If they often lose sleep,” Dr.Dowdell says, “teens may become angry, or depressed. A lack of sleep can lead to weight gain and even obesity because many people turn to junk food for quick energy when they are tired.” Some experts are worried about how texting is affecting teenagers l
24、ives. One concern is that students might not learn correct grammar and spelling if most of the writing they do is made up of text messages. Some people also worry that teens dont spend enough time talking with others face-to-face, which could be hurting their relationships with friends and family. M
25、oreover, all that texting takes away hours that could be spent studying, exercising, taking up a hobby, or just relaxing. According to Dr. Dowdell, teens need to learn that they can and should turn off their phones sometimes. She had Kenny and Frances do an experiment. These were the rules: No phone
26、 for 48 hours. No computer or Internet either, unless it was for schoolwork. After 48 phone-free hours, Kenny and Frances were interviewed. “Wow, it was pure torture(折磨),” Kenny joked. Kenny missed his friends, and he was sad at times. But he also felt relief from the constant texting. He spent time
27、 reading books and talking with his family, which he really enjoyed. Frances had an even happier result. “I loved it!” she said, “I was going to the gym and hanging out with friends and playing basketball. I had a wonderful experience.” Frances decided to continue the experiment for a while. “I thin
28、k Ill be so much smarter and healthier,” she explained, “everybody in the world should try it.”1If teens keep waking up to text while sleeping, they may _.Aget overweightBbecome happierCdisturb their parentsDfeel more relaxed2What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?AMistakes in teens text writing.BTime was
29、ted on meaningless texting.CWorries about how texting affects teens.DEncouragement to teens talking face-to-face.3The writer mentions the experiment on Frances and Kenny to _.Aadvise people what to do without phonesBshow teens can live well without phonesCexplain phones are important in teens livesD
30、introduce how they make good use of phonesC15、Karen always said that she didnt like her house at all. One day I asked why she didnt look for another house. Karen answered, “I will look for another one when I come back from vacation.”Sam hated his job. However, he loved taking photos, and was taking
31、a two-year course to make him better at it. Every day he said his work was boring. I asked him why he didnt give up his job and start a business of taking photos. His reply was, “When I finish my course, I will start a business.Harry worked for a company that allowed him to retire early, but he had
32、to get less money after he retired. Now Harry became very weak and found it difficult to deal with his work. I was worried about his health because too much work was bad for him. Why dont you retire, Harry? Do something that you want to do, I said.If I were older, I would get my full pension. When t
33、he next summer comes, maybe I will, Harry replied.There is an old saying that says:If and When were planted, and Nothing grew.A year later, Karen is still living in the houses he hates. Sam is still busy with his boring job and hasnt finished his course. Harry is still working and his health is even
34、 worse. These people had a lot of stress in their lives and couldnt change the situations by thinking if or when.Life is too short for ifs and whens. The next time you find yourself thinking if or when, remember the saying: If and When were planted, and Nothing grew.1How did Karen like her house?ASh
35、e liked it. BShe hated it. CShe valued it. DShe didnt mind it.2What course was Sam taking?ATour-guiding. BAdvice-giving. CPicture-taking. DHouse-painting.3Why didnt Harry want t retire?ABecause he was very strong and healthy.BBecause he wasnt allowed to retire early.CBecause his work was interesting
36、 and relaxing.DBecause he wanted to get full pay after retiring.4Which of the following is TRUE?ASam has finished his course. BKaren lives in a new house now.CHarry is still working in the company now. DThey didnt have any stress in their lives at all.5The underlined old saying wants to tell us .Awh
37、en to grow plants Bto take action at onceCto stop working hard Dhow to change yourselfD16、 Liu Jinyin, a young farmer in a village of southwest Chinas Sichuan Province, has attracted nearly 100,000 followers by broadcasting(网络直播) his daily life in the rural area. Within six months, Liu made 80,000 y
38、uan. Some of his followers said his broadcasts reminded them of their childhood memories.The rise of live streaming (直播的兴起) has given ordinary people chances to receive more attention and make the ways they can make money.However, vulgar (粗俗的) content and lack of originality have long been criticize
39、d (批评) by society. The broadcasts of Liu stand out because of their different content clean content that is close to real life, such as feeding pigs, transplanting rice seedlings (插秧), and catching fish.Lius videos also open a window for the people living in cities or towns to know more about villag
40、e life. Liu does not ask for any gifts from his viewers. Instead, he lets the broadcasts serve as a platform (平台) for people to exchange ideas and make friends.Lius parents have found it hard to accept his money earning plan and criticized their son.Honestly speaking, broadcasting ones daily life is
41、 not a proper job. But according to Karl Marx, when we choose a career, we should guide our choice of the career from the happiness of human beings and our own perfection.Starting from the countryside, Liu mixes his personal development with the building of a new socialist (社会主义) countryside. His ca
42、reer of broadcasting the daily life in the village is a career that is worth exploring.1According to the article, we know that Liu live in _.AIn the countryside.BIn the city.CIn the southeast of China.DIn a village of Shanxin Province.2Which of the following is NOT true about Lius broadcasts?APeople
43、 who live in the city can learn about village life from the broadcasts.BPeople can exchange ideas with one another from the broadcasts.CPeople can make friends with each other from the broadcasts.DLiu uses his broadcasts to ask for presents from his viewers.3What do Lius parents think of their sons
44、broadcasts?AIts not easy for them to accept Lius broadcasts.BThey accept Lius broadcasts although they dont like them.CThey are happy with Lius broadcasts.DThey advised their son to find a job in the city to make a living.4All the following things are mentioned in the passage EXCEPT _.Athe amount of
45、 money Lius earned from his broadcasts.Bthe number of people on Lius broadcasts.Cthe disadvantages of Lius broadcasts.Dthe reason why Lius broadcasts were watched by people.5Whats the writers opinion on Lius career?AHe is against it.BHe supports it.CHe doesnt care about it.DHe isnt interested in it.
46、E17、Last Friday a storm swept through two villages in the New Territories, destroying fourteen homes. Seven others were so badly damaged that their owners had to leave them, and fifteen others had broken windows or broken roofs. One person was killed, several were badly hurt and taken to hospital, a
47、nd a number of other people received smaller hurt. Altogether over two hundred people were homeless after the storm.A farmer, Mr. Tan, said that the storm began early in the morning and lasted for over an hour.I was eating with my wife and children, he said, When we heard a loud noise. A few minutes
48、 later our house fell down on top of us. We tried our best to climb out but then I saw that one of my children was missing. I went back inside and found him, safe but very frightened.Mrs. Woo Mei Fong said that her husband had just left for work when she felt that her house was moving. She ran outsi
49、de at once with her children.There was no time to take anything, she said, A few minutes later, the roof came down.Soldiers helped to take people out of the flooded area and the welfare department (福利机构) brought them food, clothes and shelter.1How was one of Mr. Tans children after the storm?ALost.
50、BDangerous.CFrightened. DNot found.2Mrs. Woo and her family didnt get hurt because _.Aher husband knew there would be a storm.Bthey were all outside the house when the storm became worse.Cshe felt the house was moving.Dthe welfare department helped her.3Which of he following may be the best title fo
51、r this passage?A Terrible Storm.AA Lucky Woman. BGood Soldiers.CClever People.F18、Do you know how many numbers there are in your cellphone number? Your cellphone number has 11 digits(数字). You may sometimes find it hard to remember your number. China has the longest cellphone numbers in the world, lo
52、nger than the US or Australia. Why is that?The 11 digits can be divided into three parts. Each part has a different meaning. The first three numbers tell you which mobile phone service provider you are using. For example, 135 is for the China Mobile Communications Corporation and 186 is for China Un
53、icom. The fourth to the seventh digits tell you which area the number is registered (注册) in. And the last four digits are random. You may get the last numbers that you like or not.The main reason for using 11 digits is that we have the largest population in the world. We once had 10 numbers. But as
54、our population grew, there were not enough numbers for us to use. So we began to use 11 digits starting from 1999.Cellphone numbers can be recycled. Usually, the service provider will reuse a canceled number after three to six months. If you call a number that you havent contacted (联系) for a long ti
55、me , you may find its owner has changed.Besides China, Britain and Japan also use 11-digit cellphone numbers. But their numbers always start with 0. So they cannot create as many numbers as we can. Countries like the US, Australia and India use cellphone numbers with 10 digits, Canadas cellphone num
56、ber are perhaps the world s shortest. They use seven digits.1Among the 11 digits, which digits can tell where the cellphone number is registered?AThe first to the fourth digits. BThe third to the sixth digits.CThe fourth to the seventh digits. DThe fifth to the eighth digits.2What does the underline
57、d word random mean?A有规则的 B奇怪的 C随机的 D事先安排的3Which country has the cellphone number with ten digits?ABritain. BJapan. CCanada. DIndia.4What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?ACellphone numbers in Britain start with 0.BCellphone numbers can be divided into 4 parts.CA canceled number can be reused after a month.DThe cellphone number in Australia is the shortest.5What s the best title of this text?AWhat the meaning of cellphone numbers is?BWhy our cellphone numbers
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