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1、2023学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷考生须知:1全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。. 单项选择1、The more you smile, the _ you will feel.AhappyBhappierChappilyDmore happily2、Im not sure whether I can hold a party in the open ai

2、r, because it _ the weather.Astands for Bdepends on Clives on Dagrees with3、Your T-shirt is so cool. Could you tell me _?Awhere you bought itBwhere did you buy itCwhere you buy it4、Daniel, you are speaking too fast. I cant follow you.Sorry, I will speak a little more _.Aslowly Bloudly Cpolitely Dcom

3、pletely5、She is talking about the school and teachers _ we visited last month.AwhoBwhichCwhereDthat6、I still remember the college and the teachers _ I visited in London years ago.AwhatBwhoCthatDwhich7、 What are you talking about, boys? A movie about teenagers _ we watched last night.AwhoBwhichCwhat8

4、、James took the magazines off the little table to make _ for the television.AfunBtimeCroomDnoise9、-Last night I said hello to you in the street, but you didnt answer me.-I _ out with my parents. Maybe it was too crowded to see you.Aam hangingBwas hangingCwill hangDhave hung10、David to join the singi

5、ng club because he doesnt love singing at all.AfailedBpromisedCrefused. 完形填空11、 Once there was a little girl Lily, who was very friendly and popular in her class. She was friends with everyone in her class. There was no one in class who didnt 1 her.She was very 2 and would always be busy with her fr

6、iends. She felt very happy that she had so many friends at school.On Friendship Day, their class organized an event, in which everyone had to prepare three 3 and give them to their best friends. Lily was very happy for the coming Friendship Day and was expecting gifts from her 4 .However, when all g

7、ifts were shared in class, she was the only one who didnt receive any gift! She felt 5 and cried a lot. She thought to herself how it was possible. She had made so much effort (努力) to be friends with everyone but in the end no one thought of her as one of their best friends.Everyone came and tried t

8、o comfort (安慰) her but each one only stayed for a short time before 6 . This was exactly what Lily had done so many times to others.When she got home, seeing her sad face, her mother asked her why she looked so down. She questioned, Where can I 7 true friends?Her mother was surprised at her question

9、. Then Lily told her about the day in school. Her mother comforted her and said, You cannot get real friends with a smile or a few good words. if you really want true friends, you will have to 8 them real time and love. For a true friend, you must always be there, in good times and bad. There just i

10、snt enough 9 to be there for everyone, so its only possible to have some true friends.With tears in her eyes, Lily got to know what makes 10 friends. She nodded and made up her mind to do something different.1AmissBlikeCseeDask2AkindBcleverCcarelessDdifficult3AjokesBgamesCgiftsDcards4AparentsBteache

11、rsCbrothersDclassmates5AhappyBexcitedCtiredDterrible6AleavingBwaitingCthinkingDshopping7AtestBcallCthankDfind8AtellBsellCgiveDteach9AtimeBhelpCmoneyDadvice10AfunBtrueCniceDfine. 语法填空12、五、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Have you ever heard of friendships among animals? At a zoo in Germany, an

12、 unusual friendship developed 1a cat and a bear.No one is quite sure how the friendship first began. One day, some 2(worker) in the zoo noticed a black cat was in the bears cage(笼子), and the two animals were playing together peacefully. They were surprised 3well the small cat seemed to get along wit

13、h the large bear. The bear keeper allowed the cat to stay with the bear. And later the pair and their unusual friendship 4(become) a hot topic at the zoo.After several years, a new cage5 (build) for the bear. However, the cat was still in the same cage, so it walked around 6(angry) and cried to be w

14、ith the bear. The bear keeper finally took pity on the cat 7let it stay with the bear. The cat and the bear got 8 (close) than before. They often sat together and shared meals in 9sun.Sometimes it may be natural for animals 10(have) their own ideas about who would make a good friend. These may surpr

15、ise humans, who usually expect animals to form relationships with others of the same species. 阅读理解A13、根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。A city without cars would be very strange, right? But Venice is such a city.Venice is in the northeast of Italy. It wasnt built on land, like Beijing or Shanghai, but on more than 110

16、islands. Seawater is everywhere around the city.Even so, travel isnt difficult. The waterways have always been the best way to get around. There are 117 waterways and more than 400 bridges that can guide you where you want to go. People in Venice move from place to place by boat. They like to enjoy

17、the scenery(风光) and cool summer nights while taking boat trips. They can talk to other people as they go along.Venice grew out of small islands in saltwater lakes when some Italians escaped from a war over 1,500 years ago, and built homes there.Water makes the city special, but it is also a big prob

18、lem. Sometimes tourists will have such strange experiences. One moment they walk across the Rialto Bridge, and theres nothing special. But when they come back to the bridge an hour later, its underwater and everyone is wearing rain shoes.Once, people used too much underground water. This made the ci

19、ty get lower little by little. Now the city has gone down by 23 centimeters. Another problem is the rising seawater. The temperature has risen over the years. This has made the ice of the Arctic Ocean (北冰洋) melt( 融化).Every year, high waters hit the city in autumn and winter. When a lot of water come

20、s, more than half of the city is underwater.Scientists are trying different ways to stop the city from getting even lower. The Italian government has asked some of Italys biggest companies to build the MOST project, which was planned to be build under the seawater to stop the rising water. Anyway, t

21、his project is helping solve the problem.1According to the passage, Venice is a _of Italy.Ain the northeast. Bin the west.Cin the southwest Din the south.2_have always been the best way to go here and there in the city.ATaxis and cars. BThe waterwaysC400 bridges. DBoats and rain shoes.3Venice _ smal

22、l islands in saltwater lakes more than 1500 years ago.Achange into Bused to beCbecame Ddeveloped from4Which is NOT the reason why the city gets lower and lower?AThe higher temperatureBOverused underground waterCToo many waterwaysDThe rising seawater5The passage is mainly about of Venice.Athe waterwa

23、ys and bridgeBthe MOST project and problemsCthe specials and problemsDthe history and sceneryB14、Zhang Zhiyuan, who works in the film and television industry, uses the De Dao app when he goes to work every day, according to Xinhua News Agency. The app offers written articles and podcasts from famous

24、 personalities that the user must pay for, with topics ranging from music to economics. Zhang is not alone. By May 2017, De Dao had 7 million users, according to Bloomberg. The De Dao platform is just a small part of Chinas knowledge economy. These days, more Chinese people are willing to pay for kn

25、owledge online than before, according to an article published by AFP in September.Many Chinese people used to be unwilling to pay for content online. However, many internet users attitudes have changed since they began to see quality content as valuable, wrote China Daily.Meanwhile, Chinese people,

26、especially the young, are suffering from so-called Knowledge anxiety. In such a rapidly changing society, people are afraid of not being able to get the latest information and feeling left out, according to The Wall Street Journal.” In big cities, people are too busy to read books and watch movies.

27、Famous personalities can teach you knowledge that lets you seem as if you have read the book or watched the movie yourself,” De Dao user James Lu told the Financial Times.However, this way of learning has also been criticized. “Knowledge is not the same as information. Its certainly not something th

28、at can be gained by watching a few television shows, any more than it can be gotten by reading a few books or listening to a few podcasts,” Sixth Tone reporter Tao Lixing noted. He believes that to get real knowledge, one has to ask questions, analyze and reflect, rather than rely simply on internet

29、 content.In spite of this, it seems that paying for knowledge online is a popular phenomenon that shows no signs of slowing down.1What do you know about De Dao?APeople can read articles on De Dao.BPeople can only write articles on De Dao.CPeople cant listen to music on De Dao.DIts free.2Which is not

30、 the reason that people like to pay for knowledge online?AThe society changes so rapidly.Bpeople are afraid of being left out.CIts cheaper to pay for knowledge online.Dpeople are too busy to read books and watch movies.3Which statement is the writers opinion?ABy May 2017, De Dao had 7 million users,

31、 according to Bloomberg.BFamous personalities can teach you knowledge that lets you seem as if you have read the book or watched the movie yourselfCKnowledge is not the same as information.DIt seems that paying for knowledge online is a popular phenomenon that shows no signs of slowing down.4This pa

32、ssage may come from _Aa science bookBa newspaperCa magazineDa novelC15、Japanese students work very hard but many are unhappy. They have heavy pressures from their parents. Most students are always told by their parents to study harder and harder so that they can have a wonderful life when they grow

33、up .Though this may be a good idea for those very bright students, it can have terrible results for many students who arent gifted (有天赋的)enough. Many of them have tried very hard at study but fail in the exams and make their parents lose heart. Some students feel that they are hated by everyone else

34、 and they dont want to go to school any longer .They become_.It is surprising that though most Japanese are worried about their children, they do not help them in any way .Many parents feel that they are not able to help their children and that it is the teachers work to help their children .To make

35、 matters worse, a lot of parents send their children to those schools opening in the evening and on weekends. They only help the students to pass the exams and never teach them the very real sense of the world.Many Japanese schools usually has rules about everything from the student clothes to thing

36、s in their school bags. Child psychologists(心理学家)now think that such strict rules are harmful to the feeling of the students. Almost 40% of the students said that no one had taught them how to get on with others , how to tell right from wrong and how to show love and care for others, even for their

37、parents.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。1Japanese students have heavy pressures from .Athemselves BJapanCtheir parents Dtheir classmates2What do they work hard for?Aa wonderful life Btheir parentsCstudy Dthemselves3The underlined word “dropouts” means_ .A脱离传统社会的人 B文明的社会人C逃学的人 D偏激的人4Many Japanese schools us

38、ually have rules.Afew Ba fewCa lot of Dlot of5How many students have been taught to how to get on with others?A40% B50% C70% D60%D16、Most students, who are learning a foreign language, like to choose Homestay when they study abroad. Others also prefer homestay even if they go on a visit or a holiday

39、 in another country. Presently,homestay has become a form of accommodation(寄宿 ) which is very popular all around the world. If you want tostay at a comfortable and home-like house and experience the life of local people,you can book a homestay on the Internet before you go abroad. It is easy for you

40、 to pick out a host family that you want to live with from all over the world. So what is homestay? And what makes it so popular nowadays? Homestay means living with a foreign family or host family as we stay abroad. It is usually called a home away home. There are three ways of doing it: Choose to

41、learn English in a language school near your homestay where youlive ; Have your English classes in the house with a member of family who is a qualified (合格的) teacher; Dont have any classes at all when you visit a foreign country-a popularchoice if you want to be a tourist for example. Even in the bu

42、sy summer period the organization that provides the homestays will always try to place you with the most suitable(适合的) host family to meet your needs. With the help of the organizations, you dont worry about where you live, your interests, your language level, eating habits, medical care and anythin

43、g else you may have during the homestay. Though the price of homestay is,mainly depended on your needs, high-quality homestay accommodation can be relatively economical(经济的). And if you want your homestay in or near the city center, you may pay for an extra amount of money. Even if you stay further

44、out. you can expect your journey into the center not to Go beyond 30 minutes. Not only does homestay accommodation represent(象征) value for money,it also gives you an excellent opportunity to practice the foreign language with your host family. This is a very important extra for students who like to

45、speak as much language as possible. But if you plan to learn English. Why not have your English classes in your host family? Theres no better way to learn languages than this because it makes learning and accommodation together as well as the cultural experience!1What can be inferred from the passag

46、e?ALearning languages at school is much better than that in homestays.BAll the homestay family members used to be good teachers in the pastCMore money should be paid if you live in host families in city center.DEverything has to be thought about after you enter a homestay family.2Whats the writers a

47、ttitude towards homestay according to the passage?AThe writer think homestay is good for language learning.BThe writer hopes homestay families will provide more service.CThe writer is worried about the safety of homestay in the future.DThe writer complains about development of homestay nowadays3What

48、s the passage mainly about?AIt introduces famous places of interest around the world.BIt tells us why homestay has been popular in the world.CIt gives us advice on how to learn foreign languages well.DIt describes how homestay works between different countries.E17、These days, a new kind of restauran

49、t is becoming popular. People who go there can not only enjoy their meals, also can enjoy playing computer games and have fun with their family and friends on lineU.Wink is the restaurants nameIt is in Los Angeles,and its about fun and food. In U.Wink, there are no waiters or waitresses around you.

50、The screens have replaced(取代) them. You can order the food you want by touching the screen in front of you and runners will bring it to the tablesYou can also play video games with the people at the next tableThe screens can show music videos,movies and so onBut mainly they are used to show video ga

51、mesIts an interactive(互动的) restaurant where you will control your meal and your funThe service is fast and the runners know clearly where to goThere will be no waiting for a waiter,and no misunderstandings(误解) in the kitchenDifferent kinds of food are served at any time of day. U.Wink is a place whi

52、ch hosts “room games”,where every table in the restaurant can have a video game competition at the same timeThe owner of the restaurant hopes that U.Wink can make it easy for people to be interactive,have fun and enjoy a delicious meal1What cant people do in the restaurant?AEnjoy their meals.BPlay c

53、omputer games.CHave fun with their family and friends.DChat with the waiters and waitresses.2People order their food by _.Atouching the screen in front of themBcalling the restaurantCasking the waiters or waitressesDasking the runners3Who will bring the food to the customers?AThe waiters.BThe waitre

54、sses.CThe runners.DThe customers themselves.4uWink is becoming popular because _.Aits a restaurant where there are no waiters or waitressesBdifferent kinds of food are served at any time of dayCits an interactive restaurant for people to have fun and enjoy a delicious mealDits in Los Angeles5Whats t

55、he passage mainly about?AA restaurant without waiters or waitresses.BA new kind of restaurant called uWink.CA new kind of kitchen.DHow you order food in the restaurant.F18、 Is there a way to quickly remember information just before taking an exam? Walking backwards might be a way to solve this probl

56、em. Scientists from the University of Roehampton in the UK said this activity can help people improve their short-term memory.Researchers asked 114 volunteers to watch a video. After watching the video, volunteers were divided into three groups. One group was told to walk 10 metres forward. The seco

57、nd group walked 10 metres backward. The third group stood in one place. All three groups were then asked 20 questions about what they saw in the video.The scientists found that the backward- walking group got two more.answers correct on average than the other groups.This suggests that the relationsh

58、ip between the concepts(概念)of time and space is important considering how our minds form memories. Time is really expressed via(通过)space,”Aleksandar Aksentijevic, who led the study, told The Daily Mail. When you walk backward, you see things from a different way compared to walking forward. This dif

59、ference helps people recall things that happened in the past.And walking backward is not just good for our brains. It is also good for the rest of our body. Compared to walking forward, walking backward is more challenging. This can ameliorate our health, according to New Scientist, Walking backward uses more energy in a short time and burns more calories.Besides, walking backward is less stressful for our knees. It could.be helpful for people who often have


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