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1、2023学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷注意事项1考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回2答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置3请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符4作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效5如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗. 单项选择1、Which sign means No smoking?_.ABCD2、-_d

2、o you brush your teeth?-Twice or more a day.AHow soon BHow far CHow long DHow often3、We all know that we wont enjoy good health _ we often exercise.AthoughBifCwhenDunless4、With the development of the society, parents _ more and more money on their childrens education.Atake Bcost Cpay Dspend5、The mov

3、ie is most exciting one and I expect to see it for second time.Athe; aBthe; theCa; theDa; a6、Excuse me, could you please tell me _?Sure. He lives on Center Street.Awhere does Bob live Bwhere Bob livesCwhy Bob lives there Dwhat does Bob do7、_ does the T-shirt belong to? Is it Johns? I dont think so.

4、Its too small for him.AWhoseBWhatCWho8、Dont be afraid of new words. You can _ in a dictionary.Alook at themBlook for themClook them up9、How did you put the model robot together so perfectly? Its easy. I just followed the .Ainterviews Binstructions Cinstruments Dinventions10、The silk _ very soft.Afee

5、lsBis feltCfeel. 完形填空11、One winter afternoon, a bear met a fox. The fox was carrying a fish. “ 1 nice fish!” said the bear. “How did you catch it on 2 a cold winter day?” The fox didnt want the bear to know the truth, so he said, “Go to the pool and cut a hole in the ice. Put your long tail in the p

6、ool. Then wait for the fish to bite. If you sit with your tail in the pool for a long time, you will catch a lot of fish. When you think you have caught enough fish, 3 your tail. Give a quick, strong pull.” “Thank you!” said the bear. “That 4 a funny way to catch fish, Ill try.”At the pool, the bear

7、 cut a hole in the ice. He 5 his tail in the waterhole. Then he waited for the fish. The water grew 6 The bears tail grew colder, too. Finally he thought he had caught enough fish 7 supper. He tried to stand up and pull out his tail. The poor bear couldnt stand up. The water in the pool 8 into ice.

8、The bear gave a 9 pull. But only part of his tail came out. The long part was frozen in the ice.All this happened long ago. But from that winter day, all bears have had very short 10 1AHow BWhat CHow a DWhat a2Aso Bsuch Cvery Dquite3Aget out Bpush out Ctake out Dpull out4Alooks Blooks like Csounds l

9、ike Dsounds5Aput Bget Ctook Dbrought6Amore colder Bmuch cold Ccolder and colder Dvery colder7Ain Bfor Chave Deat8Abecome Bchanged Cgot Dturn9Aquickly Bstrongly Chard Dhardly10Aheads Bhands Cfeet Dtails. 语法填空12、根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填入一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。每空一词,含缩略词。Warm weather and sunny days mean its a barbecu

10、e( 烧烤 ) season in the US.These days, 1 people say theyre going to a barbecue,they usually 2 that theyre going to cook the food over a grill( 烤架 )out doors.Popular barbecue foods include hamburgers, hot dogs, and vegetables.Barbecue fans say that this is not real barbecue;its just grilling.True barbe

11、cue,which is also 3 BBQ,is an American tradition (传统)that is as old as the country itself.Barbecue refers to meat that is cooked for a very long time(sometimes as long as 24 hours) over low heat from a wood fire.The smell of the burning wood adds flavor (味道) 4 the meat,which becomes soft as it cooks

12、.Different parts of the US have different 5 of making barbecue. In Texas, people often use beef. In North and South Carolina, pork is the most common. In Kansas City, pork ribs ( 猪肋排 ) are the favorite. Each region( 地区 ) says that its own barbecue is the 6. There are barbecue competitions every year

13、, and even magazines about the art of making great barbecue.Most Americans dont have the time or patience to dig a hole, fill it with special wood, light a fire and 7 cook meat carefully over it all day and night. So when they want a real barbecue, they go to restaurants that do the hard work for th

14、em. For those who want to have 8 own, easy barbecues, theres always grilling. 阅读理解A13、A gift card is a card that is issued(发行) by a store.These cards are big money makers for stores.One reason is that when gift-card holders go to the store,they often see other things to buy,and they spend more money

15、 than the gift card is worth.Unused cards are another reason.Stores make millions of dollars because large numbers of people never use their cards.They either lose them,forget about them,or decide that its not worth the effort. Gift card are becoming very popular in many countries around the world.I

16、n the US,they are one of the most popular kinds of gifts.Why?People love the conveniencegift cards are easy to buy and easy to use,either in the store or online.The recipient can choose his or her own gift,and the giver does not have to worry about finding just the right thing. Receiving a gift card

17、,however,is not the same as receiving a gift.A real gift is a better reminder of the person who gave it.The message of a real gift is more likely to be,I spend some time trying to find the right gift for you because I care about you.Often a gift card does not send the same message as a real gift.It

18、may seem to say,I was in a hurry.I didnt have time to think about what you would really like. In todays world,gift cards are certainly convenient.However,they can make us forget the real purpose of giving gifts,which is to build a closer connection between the gift-giver and the gift-recipient.1What

19、 does the underline wordrecipientmean in Chinese?A商家B顾客C发行者D接受者2What is the second paragraph mainly about?AWhy gift cards are popular in the US.BDifferent kinds of gift cards.CWhere to buy gift cards.DHow to use gift cards.3What message does a gift card send according to the writer?AI care about you

20、.BI know you like the gift cards.CI couldnt find the right gift for you.DI didnt have time to buy you a real gift.4Which of the following is the writers opinion?AIts easy for people to lose gift cards.BGift cards are better than real gifts.CGift cards help people save money.DReal gifts can bring peo

21、ple closer.B14、 Considered as one of the English languages most talented poets, John Keats wrote poems that focused on imagination, human nature, and life. Although Keats didnt receive much education on literature, his own studies and interests brought him much success. Also, his own life situation

22、made a great difference to his poems.Growing up as a young boy in London in a lower middleclass family, the young John didnt attend a private school, but went to a public one. His mother was not well educated. His teachers and his familys friends considered him as a common boy who preferred playing

23、and fighting much more to minding his studies. After his fathers death in the early 1800s, followed by his mothers because of tuberculosis(肺结核), he began seeing life differently. He wanted to keep away from the world and did so by reading anything he could get his hands on.At around the age of 16, t

24、he teenage John Keats began studying medical treatment so that he too might become a doctor. However, his literary dream had taken too much of his life,especially with his love for the poems of Ehmund Spenser. He was able to have his first full poem published in the Examiner in 1816, named O Solitud

25、e! If I Must With Thee Dwell. Within two months in 1817, Keats had written another full poem, but was sharply criticized (批评) by a magazine. However, it didnt stop his dream of poemsJohn Keats next work was Endymion, which was published in May 1818. The story includes a farmer who falls in love with

26、 the moon and leads him to a trip of one boys hope to deal with the limitations (限制) of being human. Following Endymion, however, he tried something more storybased and wrote Isabella. During this time, John Keats began seeing his limitations in poetry because of his own limit in life experiences. H

27、e would have to have the “knowledge” connected to his poems. His next work was Hyperion that would like to mix all that he learned together. However, a bout (发作) with tuberculosis while visiting Italy would keep him from his work and finally take his life in 1821.1John Keats thoughts about life chan

28、ged because of _ .AEdmund Spensers poetryBthe deaths of his parentsCthe criticism of a magazineDhis early education from school2What is the common thing between John Keats and his mother?AThey received little education.BThey went to a private school.CThey died of the same disease.DThey showed strong

29、 interest in poetry.3What can we infer from the passage?AKeats once had a chance of becoming a doctor.BThe poem Hyperion wasnt completed by Keats.CEdmund Spenser was the greatest poet in Keats time.DKeats family must have been very poor when he was young.C15、Whats your dream?JeffMy dream is to open

30、my own pizza shop to make money and then travel around the world. The first place I want to go to is Italy. I will work as a waiter a pizza shop there to learn the business. As soon as I make it, I am going to open up my own pizza shop. If I am successful, I will ask someone else to run it whenever

31、I travel.GinaI have a very simple dream. I want to enjoy my life with as little stress as possible. I only want to be a housewife with two kids (one boy and one girl) and live in a nice house with a big garden.JessicaI think its necessary to work hard if you want to turn your dreams into reality. Th

32、e people, who are always busy building castles(城堡)in the air, never succeed in life, so I dont plan my future. I just plan things to do and then try my best to do them.CharlesI have many dreams and the biggest one is to have a personal library with 40,000-50,000 books to read.SofiaMy biggest dream i

33、s to discover a cure for cancer and AIDS. I would like to help poor people and I hope that one day I can travel to Africa to help the children there.1Why does Jeff want to run a pizza shop?AHe wants to make money to buy a big house.BHe wants to make money to build a castle.CHe wants to make money to

34、 go traveling.DHe wants to make money to have a personal library.2From the passage, we can know that Jessica_.Ais the mother of a boy and a girl.Balways tries to do things instead of only thinkingCthinks its hard for people to realize their dreamsDdoesnt want to live a stressful life3Whose hobby is

35、reading, according to the passage?AGinaBCharlesCJessica.DSofia.4Sofia wants to be a _in the future.AwaiterBhousewife.ClibrarianDdoctor5Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AJeff will run his pizza shop by himself when he travels.BGina thinks her dream is very simple.CThe first

36、 place Jeff wants to travel to is Italy.DSofia wants to help poor children in Africa.D16、Im not the kind of mother who normally brushes her daughters hair, and my daughter has never liked sitting there, waiting for me to do it.But today, Ive sat my daughter Sally on a kitchen stool(凳子)Shes sitting h

37、igh with her eyes close, skin still wet from the shower, and her long hair behind her back.I realize she is enjoying the moment.Its the last time for a week that our bodies will connect.Today, Im sending Sally away for a week of a summer camp.This was all my idea.Shes nearly 12, and I noticed that I

38、m with my child nearly 24 hours a day.Living on a farm without any neighbors, Ive chosen a life that is quieter than a normal familys.But rather than expecting space away from me, Sally has become increasingly dependent.What frightens me most is that she has become a “minime”, even has the same hobb

39、ies, dreams, and opinions as me.Thats why I pulled her to the summer camp: a nearby wilderness (荒野) camp called Hawk Circle.After eating, I drive Sally to Hawk Circle.Once there, we are introduced to her fellow campers.Sally stands by them, holding my hand, horror in her eyes, trying to work up the

40、courage to join a game of soccer.“I need you for a few more minutes,” I say loudly, “Id like to introduce you to my daughter.Maybe you could help her meet a few of these kids.” He comes over to talk to Sally, and then I disappear before she realizes it.It is a hard time for me to drive back.When I a

41、rrive home, I calm down and remind myself why I chose this way.I want Sally to have a chance to find herself.I want to learn who she is.If I dont set her free, I fear Ill never really meet her real personality.1Why did the writer send her daughter to the summer camp?AHer daughter wanted to go to the

42、 summer camp.BIt was helpful for her daughter to make friends.CShe wanted to help build her daughters independence.DCamp training was something common to her daughter.2The underlined word “horror” in Paragraph 4 probably means “_”Afear BdoubtChate Dpity3How did the writer feel after leaving the camp

43、?AShe was worried about her daughters health.BShe was proud that she had done something right.CShe was sorry and regretted sending her daughter away.DShe was upset but knew she had made the right decision.4The writer mainly wants to express _Achildren are usually mirrors of parentsBchildren always e

44、xpect space from parentsCparents sometimes need to let their children goDparents should often send children to summer campsE17、SAFETY RULES ON THE MTR TRAINSAt the station:Be patient.Line up on the platform(站台)and wait for the train.Be polite.Let passengers get off first.Do not rush onto the train.I

45、t is dangerous.When you hear abeepsound,do not get on the train.The door is closing.Wait for another train.On the train:Do not eat or drink on the train.It makes the train dirty.Do not run on the train.Give up your seat to old men or women,the disabled or women carrying babies1The text is mainly abo

46、ut how to_.Abe a careful driverBbuy MTR ticketsCbe a good passengerDkeep safe at home2People who will get on the train should_.Await in lineBopen the doorCask for helpDleave the seats3When you hear a “beep” sound, _ .Aclose the doorBrush onto the trainCget off the train at onceDstop and wait for the

47、 next train4Which picture shows the good behavior on the train according to the text?ABCD5The text is probably a_.AreportBnoticeCdiaryDpoemF18、Have you ever wished to have an umbrella that makes your hands free? Alan Kaufman has come up with the “Nubrella”, which means “new” + “umbrella”. It is the

48、first truly hands-free umbrella in the world. The inventor says that it stops rain, wind and snow and can keep your head, face and hair dry.“I never planned to invent a product. I just noticed a problem and had a new idea,” said the inventor. The idea for the invention began on one rainy day. Mr Kau

49、fman was standing in one of his stores. He began to look at peoples umbrellas. He found that they had to try very hard to keep their umbrellas in the right place. At that moment an idea came into his mind. He ran to his desk and drew a picture. In this way, the nubrella was born.One cool feature of

50、the nubrella is that you dont hold it like a normal umbrella; you wear it. The shoulder straps (肩带) of the nubrella allow people to be fully hands-free, so when walking in the rain with the nubrella, you are able to use your cell phone or drink a hot cup of coffee. Also, the nubrella will never be inverted (颠倒) in the wind. The new umbr


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