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1、Lecture IV Responses to EmergenciesLecture IV Responses to EmergeContentsTask 1 Public Security Task 4 Emergency signs Task 3 Tips in EmergenciesTask 2 Kinds of Emergencies ContentsTask 1 Public Security外面的世界很精彩 我出去会不会受伤害外面的世界特别慷慨 我出去会不会失败 Its wonderful outside, but will I be hurt when I am out?Warn

2、ing security in Jiangmen: the past and the present外面的世界很精彩 我出去会不会受伤害外面的世界特别慷慨 Public Sanitation situationRisk EvaluationPolitical Situation Social StabilitySecurity Risk Orange YellowBlueRed Natural Disaster Public Security ManagementPublic Sanitation Risk Evalu 红色(极高风险):政局动荡,已大规模动乱、武装冲突;情报显示危险逼近,恐怖

3、袭击将要发生;政府控制力较弱;针对我项目恐怖袭击、绑架曾经多次发生,极有可能再次发生。 橙色(高风险):政局动荡,可能大规模动乱、武装冲突;社会治安状况恶化,犯罪活动猖獗;政府控制力较弱;针对我项目恐怖袭击、绑架曾经多次发生,有可能再次发生。 黄色(中等风险):政局不稳,出现社会动乱、武装冲突迹象;社会治安状况差;政府控制力弱;针对我项目恐怖袭击、绑架有可能发生。 蓝色(低风险):政局稳定;社会治安状况较好;政府控制力较好;针对我项目恶性案件较少,但不排出可能性。 Risk DegreePublic Security Management 红色(极高风险):政局动荡,已大规模动乱、武装冲突;情

4、Civil Disorder and Armed Conflictse.g. Xinjiang, TibetTerrorist raid e.g. 911Public Security and Criminal CasesPublic Sanitation and natural disastere.g. SARS in China ;Wenchuan Earth quake; Japans tsunami Cultural and economic conflict of interest and exclusionTypes of Overseas Public Security Risk

5、sOthersOverseas Public Security RisksCivil Disorder and Armed ConflKinds of Emergencies1. Robbery or Mugging路劫6. Plane Hijack劫机2. Kidnap Hostage Survival 7. Civil Disorder3. Bomb 8. Hostile Fire纵火4. Vehicle Ambush车辆的伏击 9. Car Hijack5. What if Im arrested Kinds of Emergencies1. RobberyRobbery or Mugg

6、ing Be prepared to leave the scene instantlyRun for safety as soon as possible afterwards.Proceed directly to a safe haven.Report the matter to the police. This should be done from the safe haven where there is the support of the personnel present.Robbery or Mugging Be preparedKidnap Hostage Surviva

7、lDo regain your composure after initial shock and fearDo accept and eat food that is given to youDo be humble恭顺的without being subservient怯懦 Do occupy the mind with constructive and positive thought Do take note of your surroundings and commit details to memoryKidnap Hostage SurvivalDo regaKidnap Hos

8、tage SurvivalDont give away information that may be useful to your captors逮捕者, e.g. about other executives, your family, company, etc.Dont allow yourself to become either depressed or over optimisticDont attempt to escape unless your plan has a reasonable chance of successDont expect to be released

9、immediately - mentally prepare for a long wait - perhaps monthsKidnap Hostage SurvivalDont gKidnap Hostage Survival - ReleaseObey orders quickly and Stay alertDont make any unexpected movesDont relax until safely back with friendsThings can and do sometimes go wrong!DelaysDisappointmentMH370 Missing

10、 Plane?Kidnap Hostage Survival - ReleCivil Disorder Avoid large gatherings such as at the station (e.g.昆明新疆恐怖分子) Be prepared for road blockadesIf caught in a demonstration:leave the area immediately or seek refuge in larger shops or nearby hotels inform FAO immediatelyCivil Disorder Avoid large gatH

11、ostile Fire Go to ground, move under coverDo as the locals doIf driving, drive through if possible, if not, get out of the vehicle on opposite side to firing and seek coverRemember, out of sight may not mean out of the line of fireHostile Fire Go to ground, movCar Hijack In most cases, it is advisab

12、le to stop and surrender possessionsDo not resist, do not make any sudden movesKeep your hands in viewSwiftly comply with hijackers instructionsBe non-threatening and compliant服从的Accurately report the incident as soon as possibleCar Hijack In most cases, it iWhat if Im arrested ?Do ask to contact yo

13、ur office or embassyDo not admit anything or volunteer any informationDo stay calmDo not sign anything always ask for legal representation of your choosingDo not accept anyone on face value, always ask for identificationWhat if Im arrested ?Do ask tBomb-alertMain areas of risk : shopping centres, ai

14、rports, local markets, public transportEstablish the threatDecision to evacuate (personal or police)Decide on a safe routeLeave the building as a group Evacuation area (500m away from device + under hard cover)Bomb-alertMain areas of risk :安全事故处理的一般程序组织紧急救援保护事故现场立即报告妥善地做好安全事故的善后工作安全事故处理的一般程序组织紧急救援保护

15、事故现场立即报告 How to handle the Loss of Travel Documents How to Handle the Loss of Personal Belongings How to Handle Lost Luggage When a Tourist Gets Lost How to Deal with a Traffic Accident How to Deal with CrimesTips How to handle the Loss of TraHow to Handle the loss of Passport or Travel Document obt

16、ain some detailed information exert yourself to get back the lost passport. If fails, solve the problem by taking the following steps.How to Handle the loss of PassPassport Passport Passport first pagePassport photoPassport first pagePassport phVisaI-94 Form/ cardVisaI-94 Form/ cardCase: Suppose a C

17、hinese American lost his passport in Guangzhou and could not find it. What should you do?You should help the American get a new passport And visa. The American should pay all by himself.1) You write out a certificate of loss for him and the guest prepares a few photos.2)The American should come to G

18、uangzhou Public Security Bureau and report the loss.3)Then come to the American Consulate in Guangzhou, apply for a new passport.4) With the new passport, come to Guangzhou Public Security Bureau to get a visa (for staying in China)Case: Suppose a Chinese Americ1) Ask the overseas Chinese to prepare

19、 his photos2) FAO should offer a certificate of loss3) With the certificate of loss, the overseas Chinese can go to Guangzhou Provincial Public Security Bureau to report the loss and apply for a new passport4) with the new passport, he can apply for the entry visa in the Consulate of the United Stat

20、es of America in Guangzhou. (for going back to the States)Case: Suppose a overseas Chinese from American lost his passport in Guangzhou and could not find it. What should you do?1) Ask the overseas Chinese to Tips comfort the guest inquire of your guest when he last saw his lost article, and whether

21、 he has misplaced it somewhere make sure to ask him for detailed information report to the Public Security Bureau in the shortest time possible theft is likely, keep the scene intact report the case to the authority for advice and assistance request the guests name and contact address so that the lo

22、st article will be mailed to him when it is retrieved.How to Handle the Loss of Personal Belongings Tips How to Handle the Loss o How to Handle Lost Luggage The most intolerable inconveniences for a guest is having his luggage lost or damaged on the trip between two destinations. Help the guest buy

23、some necessities of daily use if the luggage cant be found in a short time. contact the luggage-man to find out whether he has sent the luggage to the wrong room contact the luggage transport department to see if the luggage has been delivered to the wrong hotel. contact travel agency, and airport t

24、o seek their assistance ask for compensation from the airline concerned After the problem is settled, write a detailed report on the case How to Handle Lost Lugg When A Guest Gets Lost inquire of others about some clues to his possible whereabouts to ask someone to take care of the group while you a

25、re away turn to the local police station or authority for assistance call the hotel front desk and the floor service desk to inquire apologize to person it has been your faultNote: it would be unwise and impolite to blame or reproach him/her, even if he ought to assume responsibilities for all incon

26、venience. On the contrary, you should help shake off his discomfort and tell him how to avoid straying from the group. When A Guest Gets Lost Suppose a guest met with a bus accident on the way, 3 people were seriously injured and many were slightly injured. What measures would you take?Keep the scen

27、e of the accident intact if you dont know first aids. Call 110 (place, injury) to report the case and they will call 122 (the traffic and security authorities) and120 for emergency.3) Report to FAO promptly.4) Give comfort to the injured guests.5) Write a report on the accident.Suppose a guest met w

28、ith a bus How to Deal with Crimes When confronted with such crimes as violence, blackmailing, pick pocketing and robbery thrust yourself out to protect them against physical assault in case of any injuries, emergency treatment should be given immediately notify the local Police and assist them in ca

29、pturing the law-breaker (Motor number, the criminals looks, dress, etc. ) report to the authority for advice and instructions After going through with the work, write a detailed report and present it to the appropriate department. How to Deal with Crimes 特殊事故的处理一、外宾生病处理二、外宾死亡处理1.一般疾病 2.急重病 患病案例死亡案例特

30、殊事故的处理一、外宾生病处理二、外宾死亡处理1.一般疾病 Assumed that one guest fell ill because of climate, how did the guide do?1)Persuade him to seeing a doctor and having a rest.2)Take good care of him, and help him with his life3)Tell the guest that he should pay expense himself.4)Dont give medicine to patient arbitrarily

31、.Assumed that one guest fell il When A Guest is Seriously ill send the patient to the nearest hospital in a hotel, turn to its doctors for emergency treatment on board a plane/ train/ a ship, ask doctors from the passengers for help, and meanwhile get in touch with the crew so that preparations will

32、 made for immediate treatment at the next step if necessary on the way send him to the closest hospital instantly inform FAO of the case and assign sb to take care of the patient When it comes to emergency treatment, make sure that FAO leader, the patients relatives/friends, and the delegation execu

33、tive are available in the hospital. When A Guest is Seriously il 返回美BTS团一行15人按计划5月3日由W市飞往S市,5月7日离境。在从W市飞往S市途中,团内一位老人心脏病复发,其夫人手足无措该团抵达S市后,老人马上被送医院,经抢救脱离危险,但仍需住院治疗。半个月后老人痊愈、返美。(1)老人在途中心脏病复发,我们应该采取哪些措施?(2)在医院抢救过程中,要做哪些工作?(3)老人仍需往院治疗期间,要做哪些工作?外宾患病处理案例案例分析 返回美BTS团一行15人按计划5月3日由W市飞往S市,5月 返回外宾患病案例分析1在途中应采取的措施:(1)让老人平躺,头略高(2)让其夫人或团成员在老人身上找药,让其服下;(3)请空中小姐在飞机上找医生,若有,请其参加救护工作;(4)请机组与S市的急救中心和接待单位联系。2老人在医院抢救期间,我们的工作如下:(1)请领队、老人的夫人及FAO领导到现场;(2)详细了解老人的心脏病史及治疗情况,作好文字记录, 以备医院参考;(3)医院要采取特殊措施时,要征得老人夫人的同意并由其 签字;(4)老太太身体不支,需要其


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