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1、 高中英语单词天天记:leapv. li ?p ( leaps;leaped/leapt;leaping )双解释义a different vi. 1.跳,跳跃 jump usually so as to land in placea different vt. 2.跳过,跃过 jump over vi. 3.猛然行动,冲 act, move, rise etc. quickly词汇搭配+名词?leap a stream跃过小溪?| +副词?leap about?leap out?+介词?leap across?leap at sb?leap for跳来跳去跳出来跃过向某人扑去向跳去?leap

2、 from?leap into?leap on从跳下跳进跳上?leap out of跃出?leap over 跃过?leap to 跃到常用短语?leap at( v.+prep. ) leap at sth.朝跳去 try reach sth with a jumpThe dog is leaping at him. 这只狗朝他跳过去。without. 非正 迫不及待地接受某事物accept sth eagerly,withouthesitationHe leaped at the chance. 他立即抓住机会。leap forward( v.+adv. ) leap forward向前跳

3、冲move suddenly aheadThe horse leaped forward. 那匹马突然向前冲。非正迅猛发展develop very fastNew discoveries have leaped forward. 新的发明发展迅速。 leap in( v.+adv. ) leap in跳进 enter sth with a springing movementWe are talking, when he leaped in. 我们正在谈话, 他跳了进来。非正急于做某事be eager to do sthPlease dont leap in. 请不要急着做这事。leap in

4、to( v.+prep. ) leap into sth跳入 jump intoHe leaped into the river. 他跳进河里。非正突然进入suddenly enter;eagerly beginHe leaped into the house. 他突然进到房子里。leap out( v.+adv. ) leap out跳出 jump or spring out from somewhereA frog leaped out. 一只青蛙跳了出来。非正显而易见be noticeableHis name leaped out at me from the book. 我一眼就在书上

5、 看到他的名字。leap out of( v.+adv.+prep. )从 ( 某处) 跳出来 leave (a place) with a sudden movement leap out of sthShe leaped out of the house. 她从房子里跳出来。非正吃惊, 惊喜 receive the shock of a surprise,sometimes with joy leap out of oneself ones skin You made me leap out of my skin. 你使我大吃一惊。leap up( v.+adv. )leap up跳起 s

6、pring upwardsHe leaped up at me. 他扑向我。突然从座位上起身rise from ones seat suddenlyHe leaped up from his chair. 他从座位上跳起来。加快 become quick by feeling句型例句Her heart leaps up. 她的心跳加快。句型例句用作不及物动词 S (+A)他的心His heart leaped and he felt himself red-dening.他的心在跳 , 他感觉自己的脸红了。He is leaping. 他正在跳。Look before you leap. 三思

7、而后行。用作及物动词 S1+n./pron.He leaped a gate. 他跳过大门。The horse leaped a stream.这匹马跃过小溪。?leapn. li 初(leaps )双解释义C 1.跳跃,飞跃 a sudden jumpC 2.激增 a sudden increase in number, amount, quantity, etc.基本要点leap用作名词的基本意思是“跳跃,激增”,作“激增”解时 表示数量上的增加,常后跟介词in。?词汇搭配?协词+?give a leap 跳动?take a leap?take a leap跳跃?|形容词+?big lea

8、p 大增?perilous leap危险的跃?八词+?in two leaps两个跳跃?with a single leap一跃?+介词?leap from从跳出?leap in在激增?leap to fame一举成名常用短语a leap in the dark结果不可预料的行动 action of uncertain outcomeHer marriage to John was a leap in the dark.她与约翰结婚是贸然行动。by leaps and bounds非常迅速,突飞猛进 very quickly and successfully她的法语进Her French is improving by leaps and bounds. 步非常快。她的法语进句型例句句型例句He took a leap over an obstacle. 他跃过障碍物。Their income w


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