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1、2020春人教版九年级英语下册课件-Unit-13-词句梳理2020春人教版九年级英语下册课件-Unit-13-词句梳理必背单词1. litter v. 乱扔 n. 垃圾; 废弃物 _ (近义词) _ 乱扔垃圾2. bottom n. 底部; 最下部 _(反义词) n. 顶部;最上部 _ 在底部3. fisherman n. 渔民;钓鱼的人 _ (复数)4. coal n. 煤;煤块5. ugly adj. 丑陋的;难看的 rubbish drop litter top at the bottom of fishermen必背单词1. litter v. 乱扔 n. 垃圾; 废弃物必背单词6.

2、 advantage n. 优点;有利条件 _ (反义词)n. 缺点;劣势;不利条件7. cost v. 花费n. 花费;价钱 _ (过去式及过去分词)8. wooden adj. 木制的;木头的 _(名词)木头9. plastic adj. 塑料的 n. 塑料;塑胶10. takeaway n. 外卖食物 11. bin n. 垃圾箱 disadvantage cost, cost wood必背单词6. advantage n. 优点;有利条件 _12. _ 充满13. _ 把扔入里14. _ 过去常常15. _ 积极参与 be full of throwinto used to 必背短语p

3、lay a part in 12. _ 充满 be full of16. _ 削减;砍倒17. _ 代替;而不是18. _ 有影响19. _导致,引导 cut down instead of make a difference 必背短语lead to 16. _ 削减;砍倒 cut dow必背句子20. _, we should take the bus or subway instead of driving. 为了减少空气污染,我们应该乘公共汽车或地铁代替开车。21. _ doesnt _ anything. 它不耗费任何东西。 To cut down air pollution It c

4、ost 必背句子20. _单元词句梳理Section A(3a-3b)Were trying to save the earth!Unit 13单元词句梳理Were trying to save the必背单词1. cruel adj. 残忍的,残酷的2. harmful adj. 有害的 _ n. 伤害;损害 _ 对有害3. industry n. 工业;行业4. law n. 法律;法规 _ n. 律师5. scientific adj. 科学上的;科学的 _n. 科学 _ n. 科学家harm be harmful to lawyer science scientist必背单词1. cr

5、uel adj. 残忍的,残酷的harm 必背单词6. shark n. 鲨鱼 7. fin n.(鱼)鳍8. chain n. 链子;链条9. ecosystem n. 生态系统必背单词6. shark n. 鲨鱼 必背短语10. _ 听说11. _ 砍掉;割掉12. _不但而且13. _ 的数量14. _ 到目前为止15. _ 在顶端或顶部 hear of cut off not onlybut also the number of so far at the top of 必背短语10. _ 听说 hear 必背句子16. This is _cruel, _harmful to the

6、environment. 这不但残忍,而且对环境有害。 not only but also 必背句子16. This is _cruel单元词句梳理Section A(Grammar Focus-4c)Were trying to save the earth!Unit 13单元词句梳理Were trying to save the必背单词1. afford v. 承担得起;买得起 _承担得起做某事2. reusable adj. 可重复使用的;可再次使用的3. transportation n. 运输业;交通运输 afford to do sth. 必背单词1. afford v. 承担得起

7、;买得起 _必背短语4. _参加5. _关掉6. _付费;付出代价7. _采取行动 take part in turn off pay for take action 必背短语4. _参加 take pa必背句子8. _the biggest clean-up project this city has ever had. 它被认为是这个城市曾经有过的最大的清洁工程。 It was considered 必背句子8. _the b单元词句梳理Section B(1a-1e)Were trying to save the earth!Unit 13单元词句梳理Were trying to sav

8、e the必背单词1. recycle v. 回收利用,再利用 _ (现在分词) _ v. 循环2. napkin n. 餐巾;餐巾纸recyclingcycle必背单词1. recycle v. 回收利用,再利用 _必背句子3. _ is really easy.回收再利用纸很容易。4. But _ hard _ stop riding in cars.但是停止开小汽车是很难的。its toRecycling paper必背句子3. _ is rea单元词句梳理Section B(2a-2e)Were trying to save the earth!Unit 13单元词句梳理Were tr

9、ying to save the必背单词1. gate n. 大门 2. bottle n. 瓶子3. president n. 主席,总统4. work n. 作品 _ v. 工作5. metal n. 金属 work必背单词1. gate n. 大门 work必背单词6. inspiration n. 灵感;鼓舞人心的人(或事物)7. iron n. 铁8. creativity n. 创造力;独创性必背单词6. inspiration n. 灵感;鼓舞人心的9. _扔掉;抛弃10. _ 好好利用某物11. _ 拆下;摧毁12. _ 恢复,使想起,归还13. _ 上下颠倒;倒转 throw

10、 away put sth. to good usepulldown必背短语bring back upside down 9. _扔掉;抛弃 throw aw必背句子14. Amy isnt the only one _is good at recycling.埃米并不是唯一一个善于回收利用的人。15. She _this for a few years now.她做这事距今已经有好几年了。 whohas been doing 必背句子14. Amy isnt the only one必背句子16. _can the art bring happiness to others, _it_shows that even cold, hard iron can be brought back to life with a little creativity. 艺术不仅能带给别人快乐,而且也说明了只需要一点创造力,即使是冰冷、坚硬的铁也可以产生活力。 Not only butalso 必背句子16. _can the art b单元词句梳理Section B(3a-Self Chec


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