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1、His dog can help him板书设计His dog can help him His dog can help him教学设计基本信息授课教师何雨婷学 校成都天府新区锦江小学授课年级五年级课程类型课本教学单元名称Help教材版本外研社新标准小学英语(一年级起点)课文标题His dog can help him授课时长40mins教学分析本课教学内容分析本课教学内容为 Module7 Unit1 His dog can help him,选自外研社新标准小学英语五年级上册(一年级起点)。故事讲述了Amy, Ling and Sam在看关于导盲犬的电视节目时受到启发,想测试一下Amy的

2、宠物狗Fifi是否也能做导盲犬,结果Lingling扮演了盲人,Fifi只想和Lingling玩耍,并不会帮助盲人走路。这个故事向学生传达学会帮助他人的情怀。 学情分析本课的授课对象为五年级的学生,在学习本课之前,学生已经具备对人物如people, ,形容词clever,special及情态动词词can和cant的听、说、认读能力。文中对于学生来说难度较大的单词为blind, useful。五年级的学生基本已经形成了相对完整的知识结构体系,在学习过程中渴望积极参与,用简单的英语表达自己的观点,具备预测、理解、想象、分析的能力。教学目标通过本课的学习,学生在学习结束时能够:通过阅读、观察,合理预

3、测课文发展,提取故事要素,获取故事大意,理解随着情节发生、发展,以及到结局时主要角色的情绪变化。在阅读、经历故事情节的起伏发展中,借助文中标点符号体会人物情绪并有感情地朗读。3.通过独立思考及小组讨论的形式,解读角色的情绪变化,与教师一起建构story map梳理故事发展脉络,尝试用文本中的语言简单复述故事。 4.通过分析与探讨故事,学会乐于助人的品质。教学重点1、通过Guide dog can help blind people,. can Fifi help blind people?来梳理故事的发展脉络,读懂故事。2、尝试用文本中的语言简单复述故事。教学难点理解导盲犬能帮助盲人,宠物犬不

4、具备导盲的功能。正确运用can和cant情态动词来描述能力。教学资源自制人物头饰,PPT课件,video,tape,pictures。教学过程StagesTeaching activities & Interaction patternsPurpose活动层次Teaching EvaluationTiming.Warming upActivity 1 Sing a song.Activate Ss background knowledge and prepare for the language output.Singing songs about animals aims to create

5、 an active and relaxing class atmosphere.感知与 注意Students are able to greet all the teachers, Sing a song with T together and talk about their animals.1. Leading inActivity 2 Guess a riddle and elicit the topic.Lead in a riddle about the topic and guess.Questions:Guess: What animal is it?Guess a riddl

6、e to arouse students curiosities and elicit the class topic.2.PresentationActivity 3 Make students know something about guide dog and learn some new words appeared in the text.So many kinds of dogs in our daily life, do you know one special dog, the guide dog?Guide dog can help blind people to see t

7、he way.3. The guide dog is very useful.4. Whats the TV show about? Whos the TV presenter?5. Look and guess: Whats the TV show about?Students learn some new words to pave the way for the text learning and make predictions to the text.Help students to obtain some information from pictures as much as p

8、ossible, and students use imagination to guess, predict and complete the dialogue.获取与 梳理Students are able to know some information about guide dog and make predictions to the text.3.PresentationActivity 4 Make students to know texts main line by answering the questions.After listening to the whole s

9、tory, students try to guess and predict it by answering the following questions.Questions:The first dialogue:Where are they? What are they doing?Whats the TV show about?What does Amy say?The second dialogue:Whats the TV presenter say?Is the dog special?Why is the dog special? Before listening to the

10、 third dialogue, guess:Can Fifi help blind people?If Fifi cant help blind people, what can he do?Activity5 Listen to the third and forth dialogue and check the answer. Fifi help blind people? No, he cant. can Fifi do? He only wants to play. Guide students to pay more attention on story details.Make

11、students clearer to what the story is going.Guide students to pay more attention on story details:Review the dialogue2 and have a prediction to the rest text. and think about the climax part. the reasons and emotions of the characters. experience the feelings of characters.获取与 梳理分析与 判断获取与 梳理Students

12、 are able to guess and predict the following story. Students are able to guess, predict and experience characters feelings.Students are able to clarify the storyline by story details.Students are able to read and listen to the whole story. Review and clarify the storyline themselves.Students are abl

13、e to guess the story.Students are able to get the story details and experience different feelings of the characters.25.Consolidation and extensionActivity 6 Focus on the main line of the story and retell the story.Students may complete the story arc by using the blackboard design.Activity 7 Consolid

14、ation: do more exercises about the text. Activity8 Act out the story.Act it out according to the story arc.Activity9 Extension.ask and answer:A: What can you do?B: I canLook and say:The panda can ride a bike.The bird cant sing well.Activity 10 Connect daily life to discuss. Questions: you like the g

15、uide dog or the pet dog? do you think of the guide dog?Promote students to know the knowledge and help them to retell the story.Lead students to internalize the language and have further extensions.Lead students to talk about their abilities.Lead students to comprehend the pleasure of helping others

16、.获取与 梳理批判与 评价Students are able to finish the story arc. Students are able to experience the characters act out the story with their partners.Students develope self-confidence and express their opinions.Students are able to connect their daily life by understanding the main idea of the story.8.Homewo

17、rkListen and repeat the textDraw a picture about an animal you like and use can or cant to describe it.Lead students to exert their imagination by drawing pictures.内化与 运用Students are able to retell the story and talk about their abilities.1Teaching Evaluation: you can use Students are able to.to describe if the aims of the activity are achieved.课文原文His dog can he


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