



1、山西省阳泉市东回中学2022-2023学年高三英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. I was just going to move away the heavy case but someone _ it. Was it you?A. has done B. would do C. had done D. will do参考答案:C2. My grandson really loves this place. There is so much children can do here for _. Good for him.A. decorationB. recreationC. immigr

2、ationD. association参考答案:B【详解】考查名词辨析。句意:我孙子非常喜欢这个地方。孩子们可以在这里做很多娱乐活动。这对他有好处。A. decoration装饰; B. recreation娱乐;C. immigration移居;D. association联合。根据“My grandson really loves this place.”可知此处表示“娱乐”,故B项正确。8. China was cracking down on drunk driving, including fines, 15-day detention, and having licenses _

3、for up to 6 months.A. set down B. got off C. taken away D. given away参考答案:C4. _ is no use pretending that you didnt know the truth your father has already been told everything. A. It B. That C. Which D. What参考答案:A5. Language learning,_ the expert pointed out in his lecture, is more than remembering

4、words and phrasesAas Bwhich Cthat Dwhat参考答案:A6. Did you attend your sons graduation ceremony yesterday? I_, but I had to go to an important meeting. Aused to Bought to Cmust have Dshould have参考答案:D 7. After supper she would sit down by the fire,sometimes for _an hour,thinking of her young and happy

5、days.A as long asB.as soon as C.as much asD.as many as参考答案:A8. It was tiring for me to queue for hours to get the G-train ticket before the Spring Festival.You . You could have got one online. Aneednt have BneedntCcouldnt have D. couldnt参考答案:A9. I dont say I am against their plan. But the trouble is

6、 _ they do doesnt agree with what they say. A. what that B. that what C. if what D. what if参考答案:B 10. _ by the growing interest in nature, more and more people enjoy outdoor sports.A. Influenced B. InfluencingC. Having influenced D. To be influenced参考答案:A略31. What do you mean, there are only ten tic

7、kets? There be twelveA. should B. would C. will D. shall参考答案:A略12. In other cultures, looking thin for a husband-to-be is not a woman desires at all, but looking a little overweight is considered more attractive. A. which B. whether C. that D. what参考答案:D13. Over the years,while focusing on its own d

8、evelopment,China _ aid to the best of its ability to other developing countries with various difficulties()AprovidesBis providingChas been providingDwill provide参考答案:C本题考查现在完成进行时题干中over the years是与现在相联系的段时间,是现在完成时的标志,故排除A、B和D;现在完成进行时表示表示从过去某时开始到现在这一段时间里一直延续着的动作还在继续进行;根据语境判断,中国对其它发展中的国家的帮助还在进行中,故选C14

9、. I am going to _ this matter with my lawyer.A. take in B. take on C. take off D. take up参考答案:D15. Youd better cut your hair short. Our school doesnt _ long hair. A. approve of students wearing B. approve students to wearC. approve students wearing D. approve of students to wear参考答案:A16. - Are you g

10、oing to Toms birthday party? - . I might have to work. A. It depends B. Thank you C. Sound great D. Dont mention it参考答案:A17. The suggestion they all objected to _ to be effective finally.A. proving B. prove C. had proved D. proved参考答案:D18. The bread you bought at the supermarket today was at least _

11、 the bread you bought in the nearby bakery yesterday.A. as worse asB. as better thanC. no worse thanD. not better as参考答案:C19. Tom, I made your computer system break down. I will pay someone to repair it. Oh. _. I can solve it by myself. A. Forget it B. Take it easy C. No way D. Dont say so.参考答案:A二、

12、书面表达20. 2017年10月29 日襄阳市第一次举办了国际马拉松比赛,李华的肯尼亚朋友Mike 也前来参加。现在他已回国,想写封感谢信给李华,要点如下: 1.参加襄马的感受; 2.感谢李华的招待(带领参观景点;品尝美食); 3.邀请李华到肯尼亚做客。参考词汇:马拉松marathon 肯尼亚Kenya 要求:1.词数120左右; 2.可适当增加内容使行文连贯; 3.信的开头和结尾巳写好,不计入总词数。Dear liHua, How is it going? Im writing to convey. _Yours,Mike参考答案:Dear LiHua,How is it going? Im

13、 writing to convey my gratitude for your kind help and care during my stay in Xiangyang.It was the first time that Xiangyang had hosted the International Marathon on October 29, 2017. It was my honor to have participated in such a well organized event, and I was deeply impressed by the devoted volun

14、teers and the enthusiastic viewers during the race. After that, you are kind enough to show me around many places of interest in your hometown, such as the Ancient Longzhong, the Tang City as well as the Ancient Walls, which helped me have a better understanding of Xiangyangs history and culture. In

15、 addition, I tasted diverse local food, of which I particularly have a fancy for Xiangyang beef noodles.Thank you again for your hospitality and I sincerely invite you to my homeland, Kenya at your convenience.Yours,Mike本文属于感谢信。感谢信的写作格式一般分为三段。首先表达感谢之情并说明原因。信的开头应问候对对方,并对对方的关心和提供的帮助表示由衷的感谢。接着细述并赞赏对方给与

16、的帮助。需列举对方提供的帮助,说明该帮助所起的作用等。最后再次阐述谢意并表达回报愿望。亮点分析:本文格式正确,内容完整,行文连贯。使用了非谓语,固定句式。运用了多种句式,既有简单句又有复杂句,既有主动又有被动。并且运用了如定语从句,宾语从句等。同时还运用了许多高级词汇,为文章增添了亮点。运用了特殊句式:It was the first time that从句:It was the first time that Xiangyang had hosted the International Marathon on October 29, 2017.复杂句:It was my honor to h

17、ave participated in such a well organized event, and I was deeply impressed by the devoted volunteers and the enthusiastic viewers during the race.本复杂句中It was +形容词to do.及被动语态。复杂句:After that, you are kind enough to show me around many places of interest in your hometown, such as the Ancient Longzhong

18、, the Tang City as well as the Ancient Walls, which helped me have a better understanding of Xiangyangs history and culture.。复杂句中有运用asas固定用法,及一个定语从句:which helped me have a better understanding of.定语从句:,of which I particularly have a fancy for Xiangyang beef noodles.祈使句+陈述句:Thank you again for your h

19、ospitality and I sincerely invite you to my homeland, Kenya at your convenience。21. 5月6日(星期三)下午学校邀请了山师大心理学李教授给高三全体学生做了一场有关科学备考迎高考的报告。李教授特别强调良好作息习惯的重要性。请以一名高三学生身份,就此活动写一篇120-150字的英语日记,并结合你个人实际,谈一下你的所思所想。 参考答案:May 10, Wednesday Fine This afternoon our school invited Professor Li from Shandong Normal U

20、niversity to give us, the Senior 3 students, a report. Professor Li is engaged in psychology, whose report is about how to prepare for the lessons scientifically for the National University Entrance Examination. In his report he emphasized the importance of a good habit of study and rest. And meanwh

21、ile he replied to some questions from both teachers and students. As to me what Professor Li said is very much to the point. Recently, I have always been feeling headache, unable to concentrate on classes. In fact, I often stayed up too late to do plenty of exercises. As a result of less sleep and r

22、est, I couldnt take up my lessons effectively. Thanks to Professor Li, I am getting to know how to prepare well for the examination in future. 三、 阅读理解22. 阅读下面的短文,并根据文章后的要求答题。(请注意问题后的词数要求)These days,it can be difficult to find time for even the smallest of tasksPeople aye constantly on the go,and tha

23、t stressfullifestyle can lead to a11 sorts of problems,medical and otherwiseInstead of living each day in chaos,follow these steps to manage your time and feel your bestMake the most ofitTry to kill two birds with one stone as often as possibleFor exampleif you have to take a day off from work to re

24、ceive a delivery at home,schedule the appointment with the refrigerator repairman that youve been putting offThe more you can check off your to-do list at once, .Just say noDont try to please everyone by accepting every invitation for dinner or drinksPolitely decline requests for your time if they i

25、nterfere with precious family time or a work project you must finishIt will feel even better to reward yourself after youve completed several tasksEat early or lateInstead of taking lunch at the usual noon hour,grab a bite an hour eadier or an hour laterThen,youll be able to get work done when the office is least crowdedReview your calendarAt the end of every monthtake a look at the calendarNote when you fell behind schedule and what days went smoothlyThen decide how many activities,meetings,and appointments you are realistically able to manageHave self-awar


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