




1、科学研究和论文写作主要内容第1章 科学研究与科研课题第2章 科学研究的进行第3章 科技论文的基础知识第4章 科技论文写作中的一般问题第5章 科技论文的撰写第6章 科技论文的发表第5章 科技论文的撰写第1节 题名第2节 署名及作者信息第3节 摘要和分类号第4节 关键词第5节 分类号及文献标识码第6节 目录第7节 引言第8节 文献综述第9节 实验方法或计算方法第10节 实验结果第11节 讨论第12节 结论第13节 参考文献第14节 符号表第15节 附录科学论文有比较清晰的结构,一般包括:TitleAbstractIntroductionSupport (theoretical or experim
2、ental)DiscussionConclusionReference第1节 题名题名拟定要点中文题名一般不超过20个汉字。应避免选择重复的词语,同时避免同义词和近义词的连用,也要减少形容词的使用。题名要准确得体,不要太大,以免失之笼统,也不要太具体。题名不成句必要时可以加上副标题题名中用科学名词要规范,也要尽可能不要化学式尽可能反映创新点和难点,最好能包括更多的关键词有英文题名,且应该与中文题名一致,不是完整的句子。Characteristics of an effective titlePotential readers will use the title to decide wheth
3、er to read your work so it should give a clear indication of what is to follow. The title should provoke interest in the topic. It should use the fewest number of words possible to represent the content of the text. It should be an honest representation of the content of the dissertation. It should
4、indicate the topic and the scope of the topic.命题易犯的毛病 虚、大、空不宜用一个大领域或学科分支的名称作为学位论文题目。“纳米材料的物理化学研究”“磷的生命化学研究”“摩擦化学机理研究”“非电解质溶液的热力学研究类似的题目可用于学术专著或学报特约撰写的评论,但不适用于学位论文或小论文又如:同一篇化学论文可选用四个题目:题目 3 简明扼要,且切题。显然最为得体1.聚合物的溶解性研究3.聚氯三氟乙烯与有机溶剂间相平衡的温度效应2.聚氯三氟乙烯的溶解热力学问题4.关于在加温下聚氯三氟乙烯与邻苯二甲酸二丁酯和一氯三氟乙烯等溶剂之间的相平衡研究3.聚氯三氟
5、乙烯与有机溶剂间相平衡的温度效应Language and punctuation features of titlesComputer supported collaborative learning: lessons from a college classroomIntegrating technology into the classroom3D CAFE modelling of transitional ductile fracture in steelsThe cultural acceptance of e-commerce in ChinaEmbryo research: th
6、e scientific, ethical and legal conflictChildrens out-of-school literacies: what do they tell us?The legality, rationality and morality of an assisted death通常由名词、形容词、必要的介词和冠词;不包含动词第2节 署名及作者信息作用条件顺序真名单位署名第3节 摘要和分类号目的内容:四要素写作中的注意点英文摘要类型指示性摘要(介绍性摘要)主要叙述一篇文章的主题思想,帮助读者了解是否有必要参阅全文。通常用于评述文章和会议报告;信息性摘要概括介绍论
7、文的研究目的、研究方法、研究结果与结论,但不照搬各部分标题结构性摘要按照期刊要求直接标出各部分标题。通常用于医学期刊摘要四要素目的、方法、结果、结论摘要特点:摘要应简明摘要的编写应该客观、真实摘要应具有独立性和自明性Purpose: Summarize your contributionsStyle:What is the problemWhat is your workFeatures of your workAdvantages of your workResults编写摘要时的注意事项排除在本学科领域方面已经成为常识的内容。不得简单地重复文章篇名中已经表述过的信息。要求结构严谨,语义确切
8、,表述简明,一气呵成。要用第三人称,不要使用“作者”、“我们”等作为摘要陈述的主语。要采用规范化的名词术语。不要使用图、表或化学结构式必要提及的商品名应加注学名。应该使用法定计量单位以及正确地书写规范字和标点符号。英文摘要 ( Abstract )内容基本与中文摘要相同 但不要逐字逐句直译。要按英文科技论文摘要通用格式和英语习惯重新组织段落和语句普遍问题:句型及语法错误较多,中文味浓提高技巧的途径是模仿好的范文,主要是英语国家作者写的论文(摘要)不要自行创造句型,它几乎百分百是错的!在句型及语法正确的前提下改善修辞摘要中都涵盖了哪些内容?分别是第几句?在描述研究背景时用的什么时态和语态?在描述
9、研究目的时用的什么时态?为什么?研究方法用的什么时态?研究发现用的什么时态?研究结论和启示用什么时态?哪些句子用了被动语态?为什么?第4节 关键词选取方法关键词顺序英文关键词关键词关键词对索引来说至关重要:它们使你的论文更易于被识别和引用;关键词要具体避免使用罕见缩写词和一般性词汇第6节 目录实 例:第7节 引言作用和内容期刊论文和学位论文引言的不同引言的作用:向读者解释论文的主题和目的帮助读者更方便地阅读论文,了解课题的背景和意义向读者解释清楚:为什么做这项研究?怎么做?主要内容A clear statement of the topic areaAn introduction to the
10、 context and importance of the topicA definition or definitions of the key terms in the title A clear description of the aim or purpose of the writerIndicate a gap in the existing literature or area of study, or a specific problem A clear indication of the structure of the writing with a sequenced o
11、verview of the content注意事项对前人的结果,要用流畅的语言概括和评述。不要大段直译照抄,使文体不伦不类对本领域进展与动向要给出恰当评价期刊论文引言要遵循规则要尽可能清楚地给出论文所研究问题的性质和范围;引言要简要回顾相关文献中的工作;引言应明确指出采用的研究方法,引言应该陈述主要的研究结果;引言应该简单指出研究结果得出的主要结论。 IntroductionPurpose: Background and organization of the paperStyle:Problem X is importantA, B, and C have been doneA, B, a
12、nd C have their weaknessOur work DFeatures and advantages of DResultsOrganization of the paperestablishing a research territoryby showing that the general research area is important, central, interesting, problematic, or relevant in some way. (optional); by introducing and reviewing items of previou
13、s research in the area. (obligatory)1. recently, there has been growing interest in.;2. the possibility of has generated wide interest in3. the development of is a classic problem in4. the development of has led to the hope that5. the has become a favourite topic for analysis6. knowledge of has grea
14、t importance for7. the study of has become an important aspect of 8. a central issue in. isRecently investigators have examined the effects of X on Y.In the past two decades a number of researchers have sought to determine . Previous studies have reported .Note: 动词的选择,时态及语态establishing a niche: by i
15、ndicating a gap in the previous research, raising a question about it, or extending previous knowledge in some way.Nevertheless, it is a fact that there is still controversy and considerable uncertaintySo far, however, there has been little discussion about.However, far too little attention has been
16、 paid to .Most studies in X have only been carried out in a small number of areas.The research to date has tended to focus on X rather than Y.Negative Words Verbs: Concentrated on, disregarded, failed to consider, ignored, been limited to, misinterpreted, neglected to consider, overestimated, overlo
17、oked, been restricted to, suffered from, underestimated; Adjectives: controversial, incomplete, inconclusive, misguided, questionable, unconvincing, unsatisfactorynegative openingsUncountable: little information, little attention, little work, little data, little researchCountable: few studies, few
18、investigations, few researchers, few attemptsOccupying the niche by outlining purposes or stating the nature of the present research. (obligatory); by announcing principle findings. (optional); by indicating the structure of the research project. (optional)The aim of the present paper is to giveIn t
19、his paper we give preliminary results forThe main purpose of the experiment reported here was toThis study was designed to evaluate a program toThe present work extends the use of the last model by.We now report the interaction between.Previous worksPurpose: Why your work, the differencesStyle:Categ
20、orization of previous worksOne or two sentences for a workStrengthWeaknessDont over-criticize previous worksPurpose: Introduce your workStyle:Motivation Definition, notationExplanationsIf you were the reader, what questions you want to ask?Your contribution第8节 文献综述-文献综述的作用尊重前人表明起点和创新成果备查:本论文与文献中的差别就
21、是论文的成果主要内容和目的to provide a historical context for your research to give an overview of the current context in which your research is situated to show relevant theories and concepts for your research to provide definitions and relevant terminology for your research to describe related research in the
22、field and how your work extends this or addresses a gap in previous work in the field to provide supporting evidence for a practical problem which your research is addressing 文献综述的写法 要注意起点。有理论深度的论文起点要适当提高。不要写得太远,只写与论文作对比的内容在文献综述中主要介绍前人文献的成果、特色、理论,特别是新的思维,但不要细节。在文献综述最后,最好能给出一个简明的总结学位论文的文献综述一般可以占整个论文的
23、1025paraphrase/summary or direct quotation大多数情况下,工程、科学、医学论文经常采用summary,而艺术类的论文有时选择直接引用;当作者的观点非常强烈、有效时可以采用直接引用。Chen (1997) has argued that there should be awareness raising campaigns in local supermarkets regarding the dangers of a high fat diet. Changes in the purchasing habits of customers were not
24、ed after awareness raising campaigns took place (Chen 1997). According to Ely et al. (1997, p160), interpretation means drawing meanings from the analyzed data and attempting to see these in some larger context.Attitudeagree or endorse the information in the reference?challenge or express uncertaint
25、y about the information?neither challenge nor express uncertainty about the information?Introduction or Literature Reviewfocusing on an historical or contemporary overview of the field of study;A concise reference to research already carried out in the fieldAn overview of the theories underpinning t
26、he current researchA discussion of the key concepts and terminology relevant to the current researchA detailed overview of related research studies in the field第9节 实验方法或计算方法是学位论文的主体的一部分。是体现其科技价值和学术水平的核心部分该部分结构可因课题性质的不同而异;但均须合理划分章、节实验方法有独创性的研究技术路线,或较复杂的研究方案宜借助流程图来辅助说明标准仪器设备仅需标明其型号、厂家通用或标准的实验、测试方法不必详细
27、介绍,只需标明有关参考文献出处自行设计的实验方法和装置应有详细说明和附图必要时,可附上实验装置照片图3.2 激光蒸发源与飞行时间质谱仪组合实验装置主要内容A general description of the type of study: general strategy and approachthe subjects or participants of the study: who or what the subjects of the studySampling techniques: how and where the subjects or participants were s
28、elected; the number and the reasons why you selected this particular group and number. Measures: how the variables are categorised and measured. the categories and themes and how they can be developed. Procedures describe when, where and how the data is collected. A description of the materials invo
29、lves the use of any apparatus or equipment used in the data collection. In the data analysis you have to mention any statistic tests and computer software used in the study. Theoretical analysisPurpose: Theoretical support to your workStyle:Definition, notation (can be omitted if existing)LemmaTheor
30、emProofPut tedious details in AppendixExperimentsPurpose: Experimental support to your workStyle:Experimental designBe sure that other researchers can repeat your experiments according to your descriptionsComparisonsDiscussionsWhat is revealed by the experiments?Put tedious details in AppendixThe fi
31、fty countries selected for the analysis were chosen on the basis of current available data from the OECD. They were categorised into two groups (a larger and a smaller) according to the size of their populations, with the million as the dividing line. Next they were subdivided into developed and und
32、eveloped countries based on their per capita income. What emerges from the data is the significance of exports relative to government expenditure and investment. It appears this tendency relates to the size of the countries rather than whether they are developed or not (see Hunt 2002; Hill 2000)时态和语
33、态普遍问题和背景描述用一般现在时;已经完成的程序和过程使用一般过去时;最后得出的普遍性规律总结用一般现在时;研究过程的描述通常使用被动语态option1option2option3Findings or ResultResult and DiscussionFindingsDiscussionConclusionDiscussion and ConclusionConclusion第10节 结果结果与讨论实验结果是论文的关键;研究成败由此判断。全部结论和推论均以此为依据用表格、曲线、图解、照片等来辅助说明,帮助读者理解对结果如无深入的分析讨论,只是“研究简报”,不算是科技论文对主要实验结果要逐
34、项探讨、判断分析。这是由表及里、由此及彼,从现象到规律,从感性到理性的提炼升华过程结果这项研究的主要发现 务必 切勿用图表对数据作总结 在图表和正文中重复出 现相同数据展示统计分析结果 用图表来表现可用文本 简单表达的数据与相似研究作对比第11节 讨论目的和主要内容A reference back to the original aims of the researchAn overview of the main findings and their significance The relationship of the findings to existing research stud
35、ies :compare and contrast with those similar studies. Points of agreement and disagreement can be highlighted and explanations for any differences suggested. Integration of the findings with existing theory ;Discussion of any practical implications of your findings;Reference to the extent to which y
36、our findings are generalisable :limitations of the research, how they affect the generalisability of your findings. Discussion of any methodological implications: the strengths and weaknesses of the methods Mention of future research: what research still needs to be done in the field and make sugges
37、tions for directions that future research could follow7. It may be relevant to discuss used and make recommendations for the ways in which future research should be conducted. 8. It is common to examine.讨论部分的要素尽量揭示结果部分说明的原理、关系和普遍性意义。指出结果部分的特例或无法用关系描述的情况,说明尚未解决的问题。不要试图掩盖或规避不理想的数据;说明实验结果与分析同文献中的工作一致的地
38、方在哪里,不同的地方在哪里。不要畏缩,大胆指出科研工作具有的理论意义和可能的实际应用价值尽可能清楚地陈述结论为结论部分的每个论点总结论据。学位论文中的讨论 论文与文献测定(或计算)相比,指出一致和不一致的地方;各种因素(变量)对研究目标的影响,这类变化趋势的原因分析;各种工艺参数的优化;实验值的关联,包括方程的修正、模型的选择、关联误差等;实验结果的理论分析,解释现象或规律;对于计算型的论文,最重要的是模型或方法的建立,并且其与文献中的比较。Expressing degrees of certaintyWalking to work undoubtedly makes you fit and
39、healthy. Walking to work is highly likely to make you fit and healthy.It is possible that walking to work makes you fit and healthy. Walking to work clearly makes you fit and healthy. There is strong evidence that walking to work makes you fit and healthy. Walking to work probably makes you fit and
40、healthy. Walking to work is likely to make you fit and healthy.From the most caution to most definite: possible, probably, likely, strong evidence, clearly, highly likely, undoubtedlyThe use of quantifiers Those expressing quantity: the majority of,many of,a number of,very little of,some ofThe surve
41、y revealed that few undergraduate students use the library during the vacations. Most of the participants in the study favoured flexible working hours.Those expressing frequency: seldom,in general,never,occasionally,usuallyCustomers rarely complain about the long queues in the January sales.On the w
42、hole, the results of the experiments were successful.The use of cautious verbsbe used in statements to add a degree of tentativeness or caution.The evidence appears to show that bilingual children have confidence in themselves. The evidence seems to show that online shopping is increasing in popular
43、ity. The chart shows that families tend to prefer to take their holidays in August. The evidence suggests that employees are reluctant to make changes in their work practices. The research indicated that parents are not aware of the content of their childrens computer games.Distancing phrasescertain
44、 phrases can limit the scope of the claim that is being made. According to these three studies.Although the data is limited .In the participating schools. With the exception of.The research helps to explain. 合理的文章结构(提纲)依据可靠的实验数据,通过理论分析和逻辑推理,导出有价值的科学结论科学性、严谨性、逻辑性“正文” 写作要领注意观点与材料的统一,用明确的观点来统率素材丰富的数据、图
45、表要合理地组织。避免简单、杂乱的堆凑 论述的顺序、层次要符合思维规律,顺理成章压缩、或删除一些众所周知的议论,突出论证新发现、新观点。引导读者思考你的结果,判断你的论断和推理的正确性论述自己工作要准确和明确,忌用隐晦、模棱两可的词语。不要制造“悬念”分析、推理、判断要注意逻辑性和科学严谨性。绝不允许出现科学概念上的错误评价、比较前人的工作时应实事求是,不要轻率地全盘否定。谈及前人不足之处时用词应委婉分析讨论部分不能偷工减料。要善于综合运用基础知识和先进的软件工具提高理论水平。使感性认识上升为理性知识第12节 结论完整性、准确性主要元素A reference back to the initia
46、l aims of the dissertation, the research questions or the hypotheses;A summary and restatements of the main points or the most significant findings;An evaluation, assessment or judgment;Future prospects ;Recommendations for future research“结论”并非“摘要”,更不是详细摘要。不应包含不属于结论的词句不要简单罗列成果,要突出通过研究所得到创新性的结论有理论或应
47、用价值的科学结论 + 恰如其分的自我评价要求:精炼、准确、严谨“结论”并非“摘要”,更不是详细摘要。不应包含不属于结论的词句不要简单罗列成果,要突出通过研究所得到创新性的结论结论未经充分证明的设想、推测和见解不能列为结论(不应出现“可能是”、“似乎是”等字眼)如无扎实的结论不要勉强杜撰凑数。但当心不要漏过一条真正的结论! (否定性的、负面的结论通常也是重要结论!)对成果和科学结论的自我评价应实事求是、含蓄和留有余地ConclusionPurpose: Summary and future worksStyle:SummaryFuture worksMisconceptions 1The more, the betterDont provide too many “new”ideas in a paper. Try your best to focus on your core wor
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