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1、高考英语一轮复习-Unit2经典课件-牛津版高考英语一轮复习-Unit2经典课件-牛津版主谓结构结构主语谓语(不及物动词) (状语)说明这类句型中,谓语动词后可以不跟任何成分,但在多数情况下跟有状语性质的修饰语。主谓结构1At the party Li Ping sat on the opposite side of Jenny.2He got up early so as to catch the first bus.3There have been more and more road accidents in recent years.4.The Shanghai Expo lasted

2、 from May 1 to October 31,2010.在那次聚会中,李平坐在詹妮的对面。他起床很早,以便赶上早班公共汽车。近年来出现了越来越多的交通事故。上海世博会从2010年5月1日持续到10月31日。经典句式系列(二)1At the party Li Ping sat on 5The global financial crisis broke out in 2008.6The 2014 FIFA World Cup will take place in Brazil.7We will meet at the school gate at 7 oclock.全球金融危机爆发于2008

3、年。2014世界杯将在巴西举行。 我们将于七点钟在学校门口见面。5The global financial crisis 8Bestselling author JK.Rowling will appear in a rare interview on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” to talk about her life and career.9Time flies like an arrow.10Friendship cannot stand always on one side.极少接受采访的畅销书作家J.K.罗琳将登上奥普拉脱口秀,畅谈生活和事业。时光飞逝如箭。

4、来而不往非礼也。8Bestselling author JK.Rowl高考英语一轮复习-Unit2经典课件-牛津版(一)基础单词1 n(戏剧的)一幕 vi. 表现;行动2 v. 弯腰,屈身;(使)弯曲3 vt. 触摸;接触4 n. 混乱,杂乱,一团糟5 vt. 使处于某种状态,听任actbendtouchmessleave(一)基础单词2 v. 6 n. 负责,掌管7 n. 过错,错误8 n. (戏剧的)一场;场面;景色9 adj. 心烦的,苦恼的 vt. 使心烦,使苦恼10 vt.& vi. 坚持,坚持认为11 adj. 空闲的;多余的12 vt. 禁止chargefault sceneup

5、setinsist spareforbid6 n. (二)高频单词A:根据提示,写出下面单词的适当形式1 vt.&vi.解释,说明 n.2 n原因,理由 adj.合情合理的3 n行为,举止 v表现,举止4 vt.惩罚 n惩罚 adj. 免受惩罚的explainexplanationreasonreasonable behaviorbehavepunishpunishmentunpunished(二)高频单词2 n原因valueless5 vt.使感兴趣 adj.令人感兴趣的 adj.感兴趣的6 adj.宝贵的,珍贵的 n价值 adj. 无价值的;没有用的7 vt.建议;暗示,使想起 n建议8

6、adj.自私的 n自我;私心 adj.无 私的9 vt.& vi.混合;弄混 n混合;混合物interestinteresting interestedvaluablevaluesuggest suggestionselfishselfselflessmixmixturevalueless5 vt.2用boring/bored填空(1)The meeting was .There was a expression on her face.(2)The children quickly got with staying indoors.B:根据语境填空1用surprise的适当形式填空(1)We

7、 were at the news.(2)The ring of the telephone the man dozing during working hours.surprised surprisingsurprised boringboredbored2用boring/bored填空B:根据语境填空surpr(一)根据汉语提示写出短语1 (声音)调大;出现,露面2 应该,应当3 处理,处置4 负责,掌管5 (灯)熄灭turn upbe supposed todo within chargego out(一)根据汉语提示写出短语turn upbe suppose8 既然;由于9 不睡觉,熬

8、夜10 免费;徒然,没有结果11 毕竟,终究12 混淆,弄乱;搅匀,拌和13 要紧,有影响7 不再,再也不6 对苛刻,对要求严格be hard onnot.any morenow thatstay upfor nothing after allmix up make a difference8 14 好像,似乎15 坚持,坚持认为16 目前,当前17 发疯似的,拼命地as though insist onat present like crazy14 (二)选用以上短语填空1It looks _ its going to rain.答案: as though2What are you goin

9、g to _ the trouble?答案: do with(二)选用以上短语填空答案: as though2What3The campaign against drunk driving _ continue across the country.答案: is supposed to4Dont _ him._,hes only a beginner.答案: be hard on;After all5The sea air has _ to her health.答案: made a difference6We worked _ to get it done on time.答案:like c

10、razy3The campaign against drunk d1The room is a mess,with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.信息提取 with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink为with复合结构。1The room is a mess,with pizz例句仿写玛丽靠近火炉坐着,背对着门。Mary was sitting near the fire,_.答案: with her back towards the door例

11、句仿写玛丽靠近火炉坐着,背对着门。答案: with 2Eric sits on his bed looking at Daniel,who has his arms crossed and looks angry.信息提取 have用作使役动词,意为“使,让”。例句仿写他们准备把房子粉刷一下。Theyre going to _.答案: have their house painted2Eric sits on his bed looking3Maybe,but now that he has been so rude to us,I feel like we have to punish hi

12、m or he wont respect us.信息提取 now that在句中引导原因状语从句。例句仿写既然你已经长大了,你就不应该依赖父母了。_ you have grown up,you should not relyon your parents.答案: Now that3Maybe,but now that he has be4Also,every time I watch a DVD he sends me to bed or tells me to spend more time studying.信息提取本句含有every time引导的时间状语从句。例句仿写每次听到那首歌时,

13、我都很愉快。_,I feel happy.答案: Every time I hear the song4Also,every time I watch a DV Mom and Dad went on a trip.They left Daniel _1_.They _2_ come back tomorrow.However,they arrived back from _3_ a day earlier than _4_.Mom couldnt wait to _5_ the boys.But when they entered,they found that Spot,their dog

14、,looked so tired and hungry and the room was a _6_,_7_ pizza boxes _8_ and dirty dishes in the sink.Mom asked Eric what he _9_ the money they had left,and Dad Mom and Dad went oshouted at Daniel.In fact,Spot was ill and the boys used the money to take him to the vet.They spent a whole day waiting th

15、ere.That was the reason _10_ Spot looked so tired and hungry and the room was so dirty. shouted at Daniel.In fact,Spot1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._1_2._3._答案: 1.in charge2.were supposed to3.vacation4expected5.surprise6.mess7.with8.on the floor9did with10.why答案: 1.in charge2.were suppose高考英语一轮复习-Unit2

16、经典课件-牛津版要点精析教材P22原句I cant wait to surprise the boys.我迫不及待地想给孩子们带来惊喜。What surprises me most is that he should fail in the exam.最让我最吃惊的是他竟然考试不及格。要点精析(1)to ones surprise令某人惊奇的是 in surprise 惊奇地 come as a surprise 意料之外(2)surprised adj. 感到惊讶的 b e surprised at sth. 对感到惊奇 be surprised that. 惊讶(3)surprising

17、adj. 令人惊讶的(1)to ones surprise令某人惊奇的They looked at me in_surprise when I told them what had happened.当我告诉他们所发生的一切时,他们都惊奇地看着我。President Obama said he was_surprised_to know that he had won the Nobel Peace Prize.奥巴马总统说自己对能获得诺贝尔和平奖感到惊讶。They looked at me in_surprise 即境活用A:用surprise的相关短语完成句子(1)She looked u

18、p _ (惊奇地) when I shouted.(2)I _ (对感到惊奇) how much it costs.(3)_ (使大家惊奇的是),the plan succeeded.答案: (1)in surprise(2)am surprised at (3)To everyones surprise即境活用答案: (1)in surprise(2)amB:单项填空(4)(2011镇江模拟)Tony stood up and accepted the prize,_ and happy.AsurprisingBsurprisedCbeing surprising Dto be surpri

19、sedB:单项填空解析:句意:托尼站起来接受奖品,既惊讶又开心。surprised是分词形容词,作伴随状语,说明主语的状态。答案:B解析:句意:托尼站起来接受奖品,既惊讶又开心。surpris教材P22原句Mom,Dad,I can explain.妈妈,爸爸,我可以解释教材P22原句Mom,Dad,I can explaiShe explained_to_the_reporters why the delegation of National Peoples Congress put off its visit to Japan.她向记者们说明人大代表团推迟访日的原因。Did Tom say

20、 anything in_explanation_of his being late to his girlfriend?汤姆对自己的迟到向他的女朋友做过解释吗?She explained_to_the_reporters注意(1)explain后不能跟双宾语,表示“向某人解释”时,需加to sb.。(2)不能跟双宾语的动词还有:introduce,express,suggest,apologize等。注意(1)explain后不能跟双宾语,表示“向某人解即境活用A:单句改错(1)The driver explained the policeman how the accident had h

21、appened._(2)Before doing the experiment,the chemistry teacher patiently explained the steps for us._答案:(1)explained后加to(2)for改为to即境活用答案:(1)explained后加to(2)fB:单项填空(3)I cant understand it.Will you please _ once more?Aexplain that word Brepeat that wordCexplain us that word Dexplain that word for usB:单

22、项填空解析:由“I cant understand it”可知下句提出要求再“解释”一遍而不是“重复”一遍,故排除B项;由explain的搭配“explain sth.to sb.;explain to sb.sth.”可排除C、D两项。explain此处用作及物动词,表“解释,说明”。答案:A解析:由“I cant understand it”可知下要点精析教材P22原句Listen to me young manremember the day when we left you in charge?听我讲,小伙子记得我们让你负责的那一天吗?要点精析leave表示“使处于某种状态”时,常带复

23、合宾语,即“leave宾语补足语”结构,其中的补足语可以是形容词、副词、分词、介词短语等。leave表示“使处于某种状态”时,常带复合宾语,即“lTo be honest,Chinese captain being arrested left me angry.老实说,中国船长被拘留让我很生气。Dont leave your son alone at home while you are away.当你不在家,不要把你的儿子一个人留下。To be honest,Chinese captain b即境活用A:完成句子(1)He rose from the table,_ (酒动都没动)(2)Do

24、nt _ (让她等着) outside in the rain.(3)He wasnt well,so we had to _(把他留下)答案: (1)leaving his wine untouched(2)leave her waiting(3)leave him behind即境活用答案: (1)leaving his wine B:单项填空(4)(2011大理模拟)He was so careless that he left _ the door _.Aleaving;unlockedBto leave;lockedCleft;unlocking Dleaving;lockingB:

25、单项填空答案:A解析:句意:他太粗心了,没锁门就离开了。leave宾语宾补,表示“使处于某种状态”。unlock与door为被动关系,过去分词表状态,因此A项正确。答案:A解析:句意:他太粗心了,没锁门就离开了。leave要点精析(1)in charge (of) 负责,掌管take charge of 负责,接管in/under the charge of 由负责free of charge 免费(2)charge sb.(money) for sth. 为某事收取某人费用charge sb.with (doing) sth. 指控某人犯了某事要点精析(1)in charge (of) Th

26、e department was badly organized until she took_charge_of it.这个部门在她负责以前组织工作做得很差。语境串记The company which was in_the_charge_of him was_charged_with_charging the customers extra fees.他负责的那家公司因为收取顾客额外的费用而被指控。The department was badly organ即境活用A:句型转换(1)He is in charge of the project.The project is _ him.He

27、_ the project.答案: in the charge of;takes charge of即境活用答案: in the charge of;takB:用适当的介词填空(2)They charged me ten dollars _ a cup of coffee.(3)Now that he will retire,who do you think will take charge _ the company?(4)He was charged _ the unexplained case.答案:(2)for(3)of(4)withB:用适当的介词填空答案:(2)for(3)of(4

28、)w要点精析教材P23原句Why is everything always my fault?为什么一切总是我的过错呢?要点精析find fault with 挑的毛病find fault in 看出的缺点in/at fault 有错,有责任be ones fault 是某人的错Its ones fault that. 是某人的过错find fault with 挑的毛Hunger finds no fault_with the cookery.饥不择食。I dont think its_my_fault_that the TV blew up.我认为电视爆炸不是我的过错。Hunger fin

29、ds no fault_with thefault,mistake,errorfault多指性格上的弱点,行为上的过失,强调过失所导致的应负的责任。mistake指“错误,误会,误解,弄错”,多指缺乏正确理解造成行为上或认识上的错误。一般不用来指道德方面的过失。error指“错误,过失,过错,罪过”,可用来指道德方面的过失。fault,mistake,errorfault多指性格上的即境活用A:用fault/mistake/error填空(1)He used to be a thief,but now hes seen the _ of his ways and is trying to re

30、build his life.(2)Its your _ to make such a _.答案: (1)error(2)fault;mistake即境活用答案: (1)error(2)fault;miB:单项填空(3)He is such a man who is always _ fault with other people.Aputting BseekingCfindi ng Dlooking forB:单项填空答案: C解析:句意:他是一个总挑别人毛病的人。find fault with 为固定短语,意为“挑的毛病”。答案: C解析:句意:他是一个总挑别人毛病的人。find f要点精

31、析(1)(戏剧的)一场;电影、戏剧中的场景 The first scene of the play is the kings palace. 剧中的第一个场景是王宫。(2)地点,现场 on the scene在现场;当场 The PLA soldiers were on the scene soon after the disaster.灾难之后不久解放军战士就赶到了现场。要点精析(3)事件,场面,情景The teams victory produced scenes of joy all over the country.球队的胜利使举国上下一派欢乐的场面。(4)景象,景色,风光The bo

32、ats in the harbour make a beautiful scene.港湾中的船只构成了一幅美丽的景象。(3)事件,场面,情景scene,scenery,view,sightscene指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,指某处小范围的景色,大多包括景物中的人及活动。scenery集合名词,指某地区的整个风景,是由多个scene构成的景色。view指人从一定的角度(或从远处或从高处等)所看到的景象,还有“观点,看法”等意思。sight眼睛所看到的景象,其复数形式sights表示名胜古迹、人文景观等。scene,scenery,view,sightscene指即境活用

33、A:用scene/scenery/view/sight的适当形式填空(1)As we climbed higher,a wonderful _ opened out before us.(2)The sunrise is a beautiful _.(3)The Great Wall is one of the most breathtaking _ in the world.(4)The autumn _ of Beijing is charming.答案:(1)view(2)scene(3)sights(4)scenery即境活用答案:(1)view(2)scene(3)sB:单项填空(5

34、)(2011河北唐山模拟)In China,shaking hands with each other is a common _ when people meet for the first time.Asense BpracticeCscene DruleB:单项填空答案: B解析:句意:在中国,第一次见面彼此握手是习惯性做法。practice惯例,习惯做法;sense意识;scene场面,情景;rule规则。答案: B解析:句意:在中国,第一次见面彼此握手是习惯性做法要点精析教材P23原句Maybe,but now that he has been so rude to us,I fee

35、l like we have to punish him or he wont respect us.或许,但是既然他对我们那么粗鲁,我觉得我们得惩罚他一下,要不然他会不尊重我们。要点精析(1)punish sb.for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事处罚某人 punish sb.by/with 用方式处罚某人(2)punishment n. 惩罚,处罚,惩处(1)punish sb.for (doing) sth.He was_punished_for refusing to answer their questions.他拒不回答他们的问题,受到了惩罚。My parents use

36、d to punish_me_by not letting me watch TV.过去我父母常以不让看电视来惩罚我。He was_punished_for refusing t即境活用A:完成句子(1)自然会惩罚人类的贪婪吗? Does nature _ man _ his greed?(2)他们决定用罚款来处罚他。 They decided to _ him _ a fine.答案:(1)punish;for(2)punish;with即境活用答案:(1)punish;for(2)puniB:单项填空(3)Motorists should be punished _ a heavy fin

37、e _ dangerous driving.Afor;with Bwith;forCfor;of Dof;forB:单项填空解析:句意:机动车司机因危险驾驶应该被处以一大笔罚金。punish sb.for sth.因某事处罚某人;punish sb.with用方式处罚某人。答案:B解析:句意:机动车司机因危险驾驶应该被处以一大笔罚金。pun要点精析教材P38原句Recently he has been refusing to do his homework,and instead insists on wasting his time watching DVDs and listening t

38、o foreign music.最近,他就是不做作业,而是把时间浪费在看DVD和听外国音乐上。要点精析insist on/upon (sbs) doing sth.坚持(某人)做某事insistthatclause坚持;坚持认为;坚决要求insist on/upon (sbs) doing stI insist_on being given another chance.我坚持要求再给我一次机会。The PLA soldier insists_that he (should) be sent to Zhouqu to help the victims.这位解放军战士坚决要求派他去舟曲帮助受害者

39、。I insist_on being given anothe注意insist后接宾语从句,表示“坚决要求,坚持做”时,常用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用should动词原形,should可以省略;表示“坚持某种看法、意见”时,宾语从句常用陈述语气。Mike insisted that he heard someone in the next room.Mike坚持说他听到隔壁屋里有人。注意insist后接宾语从句,表示“坚决要求,坚持做”即境活用A:用所给词的适当形式填空(1)We insisted on him _ (come) to the party.(2)We insisted that h

40、e _ (come) to the party.(3)Mother insisted that he _ (have) a rest,but he insisted that he _ (be) not tired at all.答案:(1)coming(2)(should) come(3)(should) have;was即境活用答案:(1)coming(2)(should)B:单项填空(4)The poor man insisted that he_not guilty and that he_at once.Awas;be set freeBbe;set freeCwas;was set

41、 free Dshould be;set freeB:单项填空解析:考查insist后的that从句中的谓语动词形式。首先判断其含义:insist“坚持说”,后接宾语从句,用陈述语气及相应时态;insist“坚持要求”,后接宾语从句,用虚拟语气(should)动词原形。根据句意“他坚持说他没罪,并要求应该立即被释放”可知答案。答案:A解析:考查insist后的that从句中的谓语动词形式。首先要点精析教材P38原句Whenever I want to do something or suggest an idea,such as a restaurant we can go to for di

42、nner,he doesnt listen to me.无论何时我想做某事或提出一个想法,比如去饭店吃饭,他总是不听我的。要点精析(1)suggest doing sth.建议做某事 向某人建议(2)It is suggested that. 有人建议(3)suggestion n. 提议;意见 make/offer a suggestiongive advice 提建议 at/on sb.s suggestion 在某人的建议下suggest sth.to sb./to sb.sth.suggest to sb.thatclause(1)suggest doing sth.建议做某He su

43、ggested_taking the children to the zoo that weekend.他建议那个周末带孩子们去动物园。I suggested_to_him_that the problem (should) be dealt with in another way.我向他建议这个问题用另一种方法解决。He suggested_taking the childr注意(1)当suggest作“建议”讲时,后面接宾语从句,常用虚拟语气,即谓语部分用should动词原形,should可省略。当suggest作“表明,说明,暗示”讲时,从句常用陈述语气。(2)与suggestion(建

44、议)有关的名词性从句也要用虚拟语气。They made a suggestion that we (should)_visit the new school in advance.他们提议我们应提前看看那所新学校。注意(1)当suggest作“建议”讲时,后面接宾语从 suggest及其名词suggestion是高考高频考点。2009年上海高考第35题考查了suggest doing的用法,2007年全国第30题将其作为干扰项进行了考查。suggest及suggestion后跟的名词性从句中的虚拟语气的用法也是高中阶段学习的重点。 suggest及其名词suggestio即境活用A:用所给动词

45、的适当形式填空(1)Her expression suggested that she _ (be) very glad.(2)We suggested the work _ (be) done at once.(3)I suggest _ (put) up a notice on the wall.答案: (1)was(2)(should) be(3)putting即境活用答案: (1)was(2)(should) bB:单项填空(4)(2009上海高考)Bill suggested _ a meeting on what to do for the Shanghai Expo during

46、 the vacation.Ahaving heldBto holdCholding DholdB:单项填空解析:考查非谓语动词的用法。suggest“建议”,后接动词ing形式;又根据句意“比尔建议就在假期为上海世博会做点什么召开一次会议”可知选C。having held是动词ing的完成式,但本句中无完成的含义。答案:C解析:考查非谓语动词的用法。suggest“建议”,后接动词 要点精析 教材P38原句He has even forbidden me from meeting my friends online at the Internet caf!他甚至禁止我去网吧见我的网上朋友。

47、forbid sb.sth.禁止某人做某事forbid doing sth. 禁止做某事forbid sb.to do sth./from doing sth.禁止某人做某事forbid sb.sth.禁止某人做某事语境串记We forbid_taking photos here.That isto say,you are_forbidden_to_take photos here.我们禁止在此照相。也就是说,你在这儿照相是被禁止的。注意forbid为不规则动词,其过去式、过去分词分别为forbade、forbidden。语境串记注意forbid为不规则动词,其过去式、过forbid后可接v.

48、ing形式作宾语,还可接不定式作宾语补足语,类似的动词还有哪些?consider,advise,allow,permit等。forbid后可接v.ing形式作宾语,还可接不定式作宾语即境活用A:句型转换(1)His parents forbade him to watch television at night.His parents _ television at night.He _ television at night by his parents.答案:forbade him from watching;was forbidden to watch即境活用答案:forbade him

49、 from watcB:单项填空(2)The school headmaster _ during office hours.And all of the teachers _ at school.Aforbids from smoking;forbid from smokingBforbids to smoke;are forbidden from smokingCforbids smoking;are forbidden to smokeDforbids to smoke;are forbidden smokingB:单项填空解析:句意:这所学校的校长禁止在上班时间吸烟,所有的老师都不得在

50、学校吸烟了。forbid用于主动句时后可接动名词作宾语,也可跟不定式作宾补。答案:C解析:句意:这所学校的校长禁止在上班时间吸烟,所有的老师都不要点精析教材P21原句Do you have to turn up your music so loud?你非得把音乐开得这么大吗?He promised to come at seven,but he has not turned_up yet.他答应七点来,但还没有出现。要点精析turn to 转向,求助于turn in 上交,交回turn away 打发走,不理会turn over 翻身,翻开,翻动turn down (声音等)调低;拒绝turn

51、 to 转向,求助于We politely turned_down their invitation.我们礼貌地拒绝了他们的邀请。A doctor cannot turn_away a dying man.医生是不能见死不救的。We politely turned_down their 即境活用A:用turn的相关短语填空(1)Will you please _ the TV?Its too noisy.(2)He _ the wallet to its owner.(3)Something unexpected has _.答案: (1)turn down(2)turned in(3)tur

52、ned up即境活用答案: (1)turn down(2)turnB:单项填空(4)What are you reading,Tom?Im not really reading,just _ the pages.Aturning offBturning aroundCturning over Dturning upB:单项填空解析:句意:你正在读什么,汤姆?我不是真的在读书,只是随便翻翻。turn off关(水源、煤气、电灯等);turn around翻身,转身;turn over翻转,翻动;turn up开大,调高,被发现,露面。答案:C解析:句意:你正在读什么,汤姆?我不是真的在读书,只要

53、点精析教材P22原句.you werent supposed to come home until tomorrow.你们本应该到明天回家(1)理应;应该(表示按照义务、规则、法律或者约定等) The Japanese court is_supposed_to set free the Chinese captain.日本法院应该释放中国船长。要点精析(2)被认为,被看作(如果不定式动作发生在谓语以前,要用be supposed to have done形式,意为“被认为做过某事”)。The strike is_supposed_to have spread to other factorie

54、s.这次罢工被认为已经蔓延到其他工厂了。(3)was/were supposed to do常用来表示“本应该做(而实际并未发生)”,有时也可使用was/were supposed to have done表示过去本应该发生而实际未发生的事。I was_supposed_to have done it much better,but I was too careless.我本该能做得更好的,但我太粗心了。(2)被认为,被看作(如果不定式动作发生在谓语以前,要用be注意I dont suppose that.我认为不(否定转移)I suppose so.我认为是这样。I suppose not.

55、(I dont suppose so.)我认为不是这样。注意I dont suppose that.我认即境活用A:完成句子(1)红眼病被认为已经传播到许多城市。 Pinkeye _ to many cities.(2)她由一名男子陪同,我们猜是她丈夫。She was accompanied by a man whom we _ her husband.(3)他本应该把这事告诉我的。He _ me about it.即境活用答案:(1)is supposed to have spread(2)supposed to be(3)was supposed to have told答案:(1)is

56、supposed to have spreB:单项填空(4)The message is very important,so it is supposed _ as soon as possible.Ato be sentBto sendCbeing sent Dsending解析:be supposed to do sth.“应该做某事”;message与send之间为被动关系,故选A项。答案:AB:单项填空解析:be supposed to do sth要点精析教材P22原句What did you do with the money we left?你们怎样花的我们留下的钱呢?What

57、are you going to do_with the trouble?你打算怎么处理这个问题?要点精析do with,deal withdo with“处理,对付”,常与what连用。deal with“处理,对付”,常与how连用。还可表示“与打交道、做生意;涉及”等。do with,deal withdo with“处理,对付The measures China have taken to deal_with the present economic problems are appreciated by many countries.中国应对目前经济问题所采取的措施受到很多国家的欣赏

58、。The measures China have taken 即境活用A:句型转换(1)The new teacher didnt know what to do with the naughty students.The new teacher didnt know _ the naughty students.答案:how to deal with即境活用答案:how to deal withB:单项填空(2)(2010四川高考)In many peoples opinion,that company,though relatively small,is pleasant _.Ato de

59、al withBdealing withCto be dealt with Ddealt withB:单项填空解析:考查动词不定式的用法。某些形容词(pleasant,nice,comfortable,difficult,hard,easy等)后接动词不定式时,常用主动形式表示被动意义。答案:A解析:考查动词不定式的用法。某些形容词(pleasant,n教材P34原句I didnt fail my Maths test after all.毕竟我数学考试及格了。 (1)当after all放在句末时,含有“虽然但毕竟”的含 义,强调结果或最终结论。Prisoners should be tre

60、ated with respectthey are also human beings after_all.犯人应当受到尊重。毕竟他们也是人。 (2)after all“毕竟,到底”,含有“要知道,别忘了” 的含义,用来说明或提醒对方,此时after all通常放在句首。教材P34原句I didnt fail my Matfirst of all首先;首要的是in all 总共above all 尤其是,尤为重要all in all 总的来说at all 根本(用于否定句或疑问句中加强语气)After_all,you were up until three last night! 别忘了,你昨


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