1、奥巴马2016国情咨文演讲(双语全文)当地时间2016年1月12日晚间,美国总统奥巴马在华盛顿发表了任上最后一次国情咨文,这也是他第八次进行国情咨文演讲。Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, my fellow Americans:议长先先生、副副总统先先生、各各位国会会议员和和美国同同胞们:Tonnighht mmarkks tthe eigghthh yeear Ivve ccomee heere to repportt onn thhe SStatte oof tthe Uniion. Annd ffor thiis
2、ffinaal oone, Im ggoinng tto ttry to makke iit sshorrterr. II knnow somme oof yyou aree anntsyy too geet bbackk too Ioowa.今晚是是我在这这里做国国情咨文文的第八八个年头头,也是是最后一一次。我我将尽量量简而言言之。我我知道你你们中有有些人急急着回爱爱荷华州州(译者者注:两两党党内内预选进进行地)。I aalsoo unnderrstaand thaat bbecaausee itts an eleectiion seaasonn, eexpeectaatioons forr
3、 whhat well achhievve tthiss yeear aree loow. Stiill, Mrr. SSpeaakerr, II apppreeciaate thee coonsttrucctivve aapprroacch yyou andd thhe ootheer lleadderss toook at thee ennd oof llastt yeear to passs aa buudgeet aand makke ttax cutts ppermmaneent forr woorkiing fammiliies. Soo I hoppe wwe ccan worr
4、k ttogeetheer tthiss yeear on bipparttisaan pprioorittiess liike criiminnal jussticce rrefoorm, annd hhelppingg peeoplle wwho aree baattllingg prresccripptioon ddrugg abbusee. WWe jjustt miightt suurprrisee thhe ccyniics agaain.我也理理解此时时正当大大选之季季,因此此公众对对我们今今年成就就的期望望并不高高。但是是,议长长先生,您您以及其其他领导导人去年年年末通通过了建
5、建设性的的预算决决议,使使得工薪薪家庭减减税计划划能够长长久实施施下去,我我对此深深表感激激。因此此我衷心心希望今今年两党党能够在在一些重重要事务务上同心心协作,比比如,推推行刑事事司法改改革,帮帮助那些些与处方方药滥用用行为抗抗争的人人们。我我们很可可能会让让质疑者者们再次次大吃一一惊。Butt toonigght, I wannt tto ggo eeasyy onn thhe ttradditiionaal llistt off prropoosalls ffor thee yeear aheead. Doontt woorryy, IIvee goot pplennty, frrom
6、hellpinng sstuddentts llearrn tto wwritte ccompputeer ccodee too peersoonalliziing meddicaal ttreaatmeentss foor ppatiientts. Andd Ill keeep ppushhingg foor pproggresss oon tthe worrk tthatt sttilll neeedss dooingg. FFixiing a bbrokken immmigrratiion sysstemm. PProttecttingg ouur kkidss frrom gunn v
7、iioleencee. EEquaal ppay forr eqquall woork, paaid leaave, raaisiing thee miinimmum wagge. Alll thhesee thhinggs sstilll mmattter to harrdwoorkiing fammiliies; thhey aree sttilll thhe rrighht tthinng tto ddo; andd I willl nnot lett upp unntill thhey gett doone.但在今今晚,我我打算少少谈些像像往年那那样的发发展计划划。别担担心,我我还是有
8、有很多计计划要谈谈,比如如,帮助助学生学学习编写写计算机机代码,以以及对病病人进行行个性化化治疗。我我将继续续推动这这些未竟竟事业的的进步。完完善有漏漏洞的移移民体系系。保护护我们的的孩子们们免遭枪枪械暴力力。继续续推行同同工同酬酬及带薪薪休假,并并提高最最低工资资水平。所所有的这这一切对对于努力力工作的的家庭们们来说依依然至关关重要;这些仍仍是我们们要做的的对的事事情。我我绝不会会放松这这些工作作,直至至他们完完成为止止。Butt foor mmy ffinaal aaddrresss too thhis chaambeer, I ddont wwantt too taalk jusst a
9、abouut tthe nexxt yyearr. II waant to foccus on thee neext fivve yyearrs, tenn yeearss, aand beyyondd.但这是是我最后后一次在在此发表表讲话,我我不想只只谈论来来年的事事宜。我我想关注注今后的的五年、十十年,甚甚至更久久远的事事情。I wwantt too foocuss onn ouur ffutuure.我更关关注我们们的未来来。We livve iin aa tiime of exttraoordiinarry cchannge cchannge thaatss reeshaapinng
10、tthe wayy wee liive, thhe wway we worrk, ourr pllaneet aand ourr pllacee inn thhe wworlld. Its cchannge thaat pprommisees aamazzingg meediccal breeaktthrooughhs, butt allso ecoonommic dissrupptioons thaat sstraain worrkinng ffamiiliees. It proomisses eduucattionn foor ggirlls iin tthe mosst rremoote
11、 villlagges, buut aalsoo coonneectss teerroorissts ploottiing an oceean awaay. Its cchannge thaat ccan brooadeen ooppoortuunitty, or widden ineequaalitty. Andd whhethher we likke iit oor nnot, thhe ppacee off thhis chaangee wiill onlly aacceelerratee.我们生生活在一一个充满满巨变的的时代,这这场巨变变改变了了我们的的生活、工工作方式式,改变变了我们
12、们的星球球和我们们在世界界上的地地位。这这种巨变变预示着着医学将将出现重重大突破破,也会会带来困困扰着工工薪家庭庭的经济济动荡。它它为生活活在边远远山区的的女孩们们带去教教育的希希望,却却也使远远距重洋洋的恐怖怖分子得得以串通通一气策策划阴谋谋。这场场巨变能能够带来来机遇,也也会扩大大不公。无无论我们们喜欢与与否,这这场巨变变的进度度只会越越来越快快。Ameericca hhas beeen tthrooughh biig cchanngess beeforre waars andd deepreessiion, thhe iinfllux of immmigrrantts, worrkerr
13、s ffighhtinng ffor a ffairr deeal, annd mmoveemennts to exppandd ciivill riightts. Eacch ttimee, ttherre hhavee beeen thoose whoo toold us to feaar tthe futturee; wwho claaimeed wwe ccoulld sslamm thhe bbrakkes on chaangee, pprommisiing to resstorre ppastt glloryy iff wee juust gott soome grooup or
14、ideea tthatt waas tthreeateeninng AAmerricaa unnderr coontrrol. Annd eeachh tiime, wee ovverccamee thhosee feearss. WWe ddid nott, iin tthe worrds of Linncolln, adhheree too thhe doggmass off thhe qquieet ppastt. Inssteaad wwe tthouughtt annew, annd aacteed aaneww. WWe mmadee chhangge wworkk foor uu
15、s, alwwayss exxtenndinng AAmerricaas proomisse ooutwwardd, tto tthe nexxt ffronntieer, to morre aand morre ppeopple. Annd bbecaausee wee diid beecauuse we saww oppporrtunnityy whheree ottherrs ssaw onlly pperiil wee emmergged strrongger andd beetteer tthann beeforre.美国曾曾经历过过种种巨巨变战争,萧萧条,移移民涌入入,工人人运动,
16、以以及民权权运动。每每一次,总总有人告告诉我们们要畏惧惧未来。每每当美国国受到某某些组织织或者言言论威胁胁,将要要失控,这这些人就就告诉我我们要停停止变革革,并承承诺恢复复往日的的辉煌。但但每一次次,我们们都能够够克服恐恐惧。用用林肯的的话来说说,我们们并未遵遵循“平平静的过过去时代代的信条条”。相相反地,我我们能够够用新的的思维思思考,以以新的方方式行事事。我们们巧妙地地利用变变化,始始终将美美国的潜潜力扩展展至更广广阔的前前沿,惠惠及更多多的民众众。正缘缘于此因为为他人眼眼中的风风险在我我们看来来是机遇遇我我们变得得比以前前更强更更好。Whaat wwas truue tthenn caa
17、n bbe ttruee noow. Ourr unniquue sstreengtths as a nnatiion oour opttimiism andd woork ethhic, ouur sspirrit of disscovveryy annd iinnoovattionn, oour divverssityy annd ccommmitmmentt too thhe rrulee off laaw thhesee thhinggs ggivee uss evveryythiing we neeed tto eensuure proospeeritty aand seccurii
18、ty forr geenerratiionss too coome.过去的的真理,现现在亦未未曾改变变。我们们的乐观观主义与与职业道道德,我我们的发发现与创创新精神神,我们们种族多多样化和和法治信信条,这这些都是是我们作作为一个个国家所所拥有的的独一无无二的优优点,使使我们具具备了世世代繁荣荣昌盛、国国泰民安安的一切切条件。In facct, its tthatt sppiriit tthatt maade thee prrogrresss off thhesee paast sevven yeaars posssibble. Itts howw wee reecovvereed ffromm
19、 thhe wworsst eeconnomiic ccrissis in genneraatioons. Itts howw wee reeforrmedd ouur hheallth carre ssysttem, annd rreinnvenntedd ouur eenerrgy secctorr; hhow we delliveeredd moore carre aand bennefiits to ourr trroopps aand vetteraans, annd hhow we seccureed tthe freeedoom iin eeverry sstatte tto m
20、marrry tthe perrsonn wee loove.事实上上,正因因有了这这种精神神力量,我我们过去去七年才才可能取取得进步步。它使使我们得得以从几几代以来来最严重重的经济济危机中中恢复;是我们们改革医医疗体系系、改造造能源部部门的动动力;保保证了我我们给予予军人和和老兵更更多关心心和福利利。也正正因为此此,我们们能够让让每个州州的人都都获得了了与所爱爱的人结结婚的自自由。Butt suuch proogreess is nott inneviitabble. Itt iss thhe rresuult of chooicees wwe mmakee toogettherr. AAn
21、d we facce ssuchh chhoicces rigght noww. WWilll wee reespoond to thee chhangges of ourr tiime witth ffearr, tturnningg innwarrd aas aa naatioon, andd tuurniing agaainsst eeachh ottherr ass a peooplee? OOr wwilll wee faace thee fuuturre wwithh coonfiidennce in whoo wee arre, whaat wwe sstannd ffor, a
22、nnd tthe inccreddiblle tthinngs we cann doo toogettherr?但是,这这些进步步并不是是注定会会发生的的,而是是我们共共同选择择的结果果。我们们当下正正面临着着这样的的选择。面面对时代代的变化化,我们们是将以以恐惧对对之,闭闭门造车车,各自自为战?还是自自我肯定定,坚持持立场,相相信我们们能共创创奇迹?So leetss taalk aboout thee fuuturre, andd foour bigg quuesttionns tthatt wee ass a couuntrry hhavee too annsweer reegarrdl
23、eess of whoo thhe nnextt Prresiidennt iis, or whoo coontrrolss thhe nnextt Coongrresss.让我们们先来谈谈谈未来来,以及及美国需需要回答答的四个个大问题题无无论下一一届美国国总统是是谁,无无论哪个个党派掌掌控国会会。Firrst, hoow ddo wwe ggivee evveryyonee a faiir sshott att oppporrtunnityy annd ssecuuritty iin tthiss neew eeconnomyy?首先,我我们如何何在新经经济中给给每个人人公平的的机会和和保障
24、?Seccondd, hhow do we makke ttechhnollogyy woork forr uss, aand nott aggainnst us eespeeciaallyy whhen it commes to sollvinng uurgeent chaalleengees llikee cllimaate chaangee?第二,我我们如何何让技术术为我们们服务,而而不是与与我们对对抗尤其是是面临气气候变化化这样急急需应对对的挑战战的时候候?Thiird, hoow ddo wwe kkeepp Ammeriica saffe aand leaad tthe worrl
25、d witthouut bbecoominng iits polliceemann?第三,我我们如何何保障美美国的安安全,同同时,在在不充当当世界警警察的前前提下,引引领整个个世界?Andd fiinallly, hoow ccan we makke oour pollitiics refflecct wwhatts besst iin uus, andd noot wwhatts worrst?最后,我我们如何何制定政政策,使使其反映映出美国国的好,而而不是美美国的恶恶?Lett mee sttartt wiith thee ecconoomy, annd aa baasicc faact:
26、 thhe UUnitted Staatess off Ammeriica, riightt noow, hass thhe sstroongeest, moost durrablle eeconnomyy inn thhe wworlld. Were in thee miiddlle oof tthe lonngesst sstreeak of priivatte-ssecttor jobb crreattionn inn hiistoory. Moore thaan 114 mmilllionn neew jjobss; tthe strronggestt twwo yyearrs oof
27、 jjob groowthh siincee thhe 90ss; aan uunemmplooymeent ratte ccut in hallf. Ourr auuto inddusttry jusst hhad itss beest yeaar eeverr. MManuufaccturringg haas ccreaatedd neearlly 9900,0000 neew jjobss inn thhe ppastt siix yyearrs. Andd weevee doone alll thhis whiile cutttinng oour defficiits by almmo
28、stt thhreee-quuartterss.我先说说说经济济,基本本的事实实是这样样的:现现在,在在全球范范围内,美美国经济济是最为为强大且且坚固的的。纵观观历史,我我们现在在处于私私营部门门连续创创造就业业机会最最长的一一段时期期中。我我们创造造了逾114000万个新新的就业业岗位;这是自自20世世纪900年代以以来就业业增长最最为强劲劲的两年年;失业业率下降降了一半半。汽车车行业也也创造了了最辉煌煌的一年年。在过过去的六六年里,制制造业创创造了将将近900万个新新的就业业岗位。而而且,我我们在取取得这些些成绩的的同时,还还将赤字字减少了了近四分分之三.Anyyonee cllaimmi
29、ngg thhat Ameericcass ecconoomy is in decclinne iis ppedddlinng fficttionn. WWhatt iss trrue aand thee reeasoon tthatt a lott off Ammeriicanns ffeell annxioous iis tthatt thhe eeconnomyy haas bbeenn chhanggingg inn prrofooundd waays, chhangges thaat sstarrtedd loong befforee thhe GGreaat RReceessiio
30、n hitt annd hhaveentt leet uup. Todday, teechnnoloogy doeesnt jjustt reeplaace jobbs oon tthe asssembbly linne, butt anny jjob wheere worrk ccan be auttomaatedd. CComppaniies in a gglobbal ecoonommy ccan loccatee annywhheree, aand facce ttouggherr coompeetittionn. AAs aa reesullt, worrkerrs hhavee l
31、eess levveraage forr a raiise. Coompaaniees hhavee leess loyyaltty tto ttheiir ccommmuniitiees. Andd moore andd moore weaalthh annd iincoome is conncenntraatedd att thhe vveryy toop.任何声声称美国国经济正正在衰落落的说法法都是在在传播虚虚构事实实。实际际情况同时时也是许许多美国国人感到到焦虑的的原因是美美国经济济正在经经历巨大大变革,而而且这变变革早在在大萧条条发生之之前就已已经开始始,到现现在还没没有结束束。今天
32、天,能够够被高科科技取代代的工作作岗位并并不仅限限于生产产线,还还包括任任何可以以实现自自动化的的岗位。在在经济全全球化中中,公司司可以落落户于世世界任何何地方,也也会面临临更加激激烈的竞竞争。其其结果是是,雇员员要求加加薪的筹筹码变少少。公司司对其所所在群体体的忠诚诚度更低低。同时时,越来来越多的的财富和和收入积积聚到社社会顶层层阶级手手中。Alll thhesee trrendds hhavee sqqueeezedd woorkeers, evven wheen ttheyy haave jobbs; eveen wwhenn thhe eeconnomyy iss grrowiing.
33、 Itts madde iit hhardder forr a harrdwoorkiing fammilyy too puull itsselff ouut oof ppoveertyy, hhardder forr yooungg peeoplle tto sstarrt oon ttheiir ccareeerss, aand touugheer ffor worrkerrs tto rretiire wheen ttheyy waant to. Annd aalthhouggh nnonee off thhesee trrendds aare uniiquee too Ammeriic
34、a, thhey do offfendd ouur uuniqquelly AAmerricaan bbeliief thaat eeverryboody whoo woorkss haard shoouldd geet aa faair shoot.这些变变化趋势势挤压了了雇员的的生存空空间,即即使他们们拥有工工作,即即使美国国经济一一直在增增长。工工薪家庭庭想要通通过努力力工作,摆摆脱贫困困,年轻轻人想要要开创自自己的事事业,雇雇员想要要适时退退休,都都已经不不太容易易。虽然然面临这这些变革革的不只只有美国国,但是是这些的的确违背背了独有有的美国国式信念念,那就就是,任任何努力力工作的的人
35、都应应当得到到公平待待遇。Forr thhe ppastt seevenn yeearss, oour goaal hhas beeen aa grrowiing ecoonommy tthatt woorkss beetteer ffor eveerybbodyy. WWevve mmadee prrogrresss. BBut we neeed tto mmakee moore. Annd ddesppitee alll tthe pollitiicall arrgummentts wwevve hhad theese passt ffew yeaars, thheree arre sso
36、mee arreass whheree Ammeriicanns bbroaadlyy aggreee.在过去去的七年年中,我我们的目目标一直直都是,保保持经济济增长,以以造福每每一个人人。我们们已经取取得了一一些进步步。但是是,我们们需要继继续努力力。尽管管在过去去的一些些年中,我我们有过过许多政政治上的的争论,但但是在一一些领域域,我们们取得了了普遍的的共识。We agrree thaat rreall oppporrtunnityy reequiiress evveryy Ammeriicann too geet tthe eduucattionn annd ttraiininng tt
37、heyy neeed to lannd aa goood-payyingg joob. Thee biiparrtissan refformm off Noo Chhildd Leeft Behhindd waas aan iimpoortaant staart, annd ttogeetheer, weve inccreaasedd eaarlyy chhilddhoood eeduccatiion, liifteed hhighh scchoool ggradduattionn raatess too neew hhighhs, andd booostted graaduaatess in
38、n fiieldds llikee ennginneerringg. IIn tthe commingg yeearss, wwe sshouuld buiild on thaat pproggresss, by prooviddingg Prre-KK foor aall, offferringg evveryy sttudeent thee haandss-onn coompuuterr scciennce andd maath claassees tthatt maake theem jjob-reaady on dayy onne, andd wee shhoulld rrecrrui
39、tt annd ssuppportt moore greeat teaacheers forr ouur kkidss.我们一一致认为为,真正正的机会会在于每每一个美美国人都都能获得得能够必必要的教教育及培培训,让让他们能能够胜任任一份收收入理想想的工作作。“不不让一个个孩子掉掉队”的的两党改改革政策策,就是是一个重重要的开开端,同同时,我我们加强强了儿童童早期教教育,进进一步提提高了高高中毕业业率,使使工程学学等专业业毕业生生得以增增长。未未来,我我们要以以这些成成绩为基基础,通通过普及及全民早早教,让让所有学学生都接接受计算算机实践践和数学学课程培培训,为为他们将将来步入入职场做做好准备备
40、。同时时,我们们要为孩孩子们招招录更多多优秀的的教师,并并给予这这些教师师更好的的待遇。Andd wee haave to makke ccolllegee affforrdabble forr evveryy Ammeriicann. BBecaausee noo haardwworkkingg sttudeent shoouldd bee sttuckk inn thhe rred. Weevee allreaady redduceed sstuddentt looan payymennts to tenn peerceent of a bborrroweerss inncomme. No
41、ww, wwevve aactuuallly ggot to cutt thhe ccostt off coolleege. Prroviidinng ttwo yeaars of commmunnityy coolleege at no cosst ffor eveery ressponnsibble stuudennt iis oone of thee beest wayys tto ddo tthatt, aand Imm gooingg too keeep figghtiing to gett thhat staarteed tthiss yeear.同时,我我们要让让每个美美国人都都
42、能上得得起大学学。因为为,勤奋奋的学生生不应该该因为贫贫困被挡挡在校门门之外。我我们已经经将助学学贷款的的还款额额降至借借款人收收入的110%。接接下来,我我们需要要降低大大学费用用。两年年制的社社区大学学将为每每一位有有责任感感的学生生提供免免费教育育,这是是降低大大学费用用最理想想的方式式之一。我我会不断断努力让让这个方方案在今今年启动动。Of couursee, aa grreatt edducaatioon iisnt aall we neeed iin tthiss neew eeconnomyy. WWe aalsoo neeed bennefiits andd prroteect
43、iionss thhat proovidde aa baasicc meeasuure of seccuriity. Affterr alll, its nnot mucch oof aa sttrettch to sayy thhat somme oof tthe onlly ppeopple in Ameericca wwho aree gooingg too woork thee saame jobb, iin tthe samme pplacce, witth aa heealtth aand rettireemennt ppackkagee, ffor 30 yeaars, arre
44、 ssitttingg inn thhis chaambeer. Forr evveryyonee ellse, esspecciallly follks in theeir forrtiees aand fifftiees, savvingg foor rretiiremmentt orr boounccingg baack froom jjob losss hhas gotttenn a lott tooughher. Ammeriicanns uundeersttandd thhat at somme ppoinnt iin ttheiir ccareeerss, ttheyy maay
45、 hhavee too reetoool aand rettraiin. Butt thhey shooulddntt loose whaat ttheyyvee allreaady worrkedd soo haard to buiild.当然,在在新经济济中,我我们所需需要的不不仅仅是是优质的的教育。我我们还需需要能够够提供基基本生活活保障的的福利和和保护措措施。如如果说在在座的各各位,是是美国为为数不多多的能够够在同一一个地方方从事同同一份工工作300年,还还能获得得健康和和养老保保障的人人,也不不算夸张张。而对对于其他他人,特特别是四四五十岁岁的美国国人来说说,为退退休后的的生存点点钱
46、或是是在失业业后重振振旗鼓,已已经越来来越困难难。大家家都认识识到,在在他们职职业生涯涯的某个个时刻,他他们不得得不重新新接受培培训,重重新学习习技能。但但是,他他们不应应当失去去他们这这么多年年辛勤工工作所获获得的东东西。Thaatss whhy SSociial Seccuriity andd Meediccaree arre mmoree immporrtannt tthann evver; wee shhoulldnt wweakken theem, we shoouldd sttrenngthhen theem. Andd foor AAmerricaans shoort of re
47、ttireemennt, bassic bennefiits shoouldd bee juust as mobbilee ass evveryythiing elsse iis ttodaay. Thaatss whhat thee Affforrdabble Carre AAct is alll abboutt. IItss abboutt fiilliing thee gaaps in empployyer-bassed carre sso tthatt whhen we losse aa joob, or go bacck tto sschoool, orr sttartt thhat
48、 neww buusinnesss, wwelll sstilll hhavee cooverragee. NNearrly eigghteeen milllioon hhavee gaaineed ccoveeragge sso ffar. Heealtth ccaree innflaatioon hhas sloowedd. AAnd ourr buusinnessses havve ccreaatedd joobs eveery sinnglee moonthh siincee itt beecamme llaw.这也是是社会保保障及医医疗保险险制度在在今天尤尤为重要要的原因因;它们们不
49、该被被弱化,而而应进一一步加强强。对于于退休年年龄较晚晚的美国国人,基基本福利利应与当当今的其其他事物物一样尽尽可能移移动化。这这就是平平价医疗疗法案的的意义所所在,这这个法案案旨在填填补基于于雇主的的医疗保保险系统统的空缺缺,我们们失业、返返校求学学或创业业时,依依然能享享受医疗疗保障。目目前为止止,已有有近18800万万人受益益。医疗疗费用通通胀也有有所缓解解。自法法案实施施起,我我们的企企业每个个月都能能创造新新的工作作岗位。Noww, IIm gueessiing we wonnt agrree on heaalthh caare anyytimme ssoonn. BBut thee
50、re shoouldd bee ottherr waays botth pparttiess caan iimprrovee ecconoomicc seecurrityy. SSay a hharddworrkinng AAmerricaan llosees hhis jobb we shooulddntt juust makke ssuree hee caan gget uneemplloymmentt innsurrancce; we shoouldd maake surre tthatt prrogrram enccourragees hhim to rettraiin ffor a
51、bbusiinesss tthatts reaady to hirre hhim. Iff thhat neww joob ddoessntt paay aas mmuchh, ttherre sshouuld be a ssysttem of wagge iinsuurannce in plaace so thaat hhe ccan stiill payy hiis bbillls. Andd evven if hes ggoinng ffromm joob tto jjob, hee shhoulld sstilll bbe aablee too saave forr reetirrem
52、eent andd taake hiss saavinngs witth hhim. Thhats tthe wayy wee maake thee neew eeconnomyy woork bettterr foor eeverryonne.我想我我们在短短期内还还无法就就医疗保保险制度度达成共共识。但但两党可可以在改改进经济济保障制制度的问问题上采采取一些些新的措措施。假假设一位位辛勤工工作的美美国人丢丢了工作作,我们们不该仅仅仅确保保他能获获得失业业保险,而而应确保保这个制制度能够够支持他他接受再再培训以以胜任新新的工作作。如果果这份新新工作的的报酬不不如上一一份工作作,那么么就该有有
53、薪酬保保障制度度保证他他能养活活自己。即即使他一一直在换换工作,也也还能为为退休储储蓄并能能支配自自己的积积蓄。这这就是我我们让大大家更好好地受益益于新经经济的方方式。I aalsoo knnow Speeakeer RRyann haas ttalkked aboout hiss innterrestt inn taackllingg pooverrty. Ammeriica is aboout givvingg evveryyboddy wwilllingg too woork a hhandd upp, aand Idd weelcoome a sseriiouss diiscuussi
54、ion aboout strrateegiees wwe ccan alll suuppoort, liike exppanddingg taax ccutss foor llow-inccomee woorkeers witthouut kkidss.我知道道国会众众议院发发言人保保罗 瑞瑞恩提到到过他对对解决贫贫困问题题的看法法。美国国是一个个会给每每个愿意意工作的的人机会会的国家家,我欢欢迎大家家提出可可行性战战略,如如为无子子女低收收入人群群减税的的方案。Butt thheree arre ootheer aareaas wwherre iitss beeen morre ddifff
55、icuult to finnd aagreeemeent oveer tthe lasst sseveen yyearrs naamelly wwhatt roole thee gooverrnmeent shoouldd pllay in makkingg suure thee syysteemss noot rriggged in favvor of thee weealtthieest andd biiggeest corrporratiionss. AAnd herre, thee Ammeriicann peeoplle hhavee a chooicee too maake.但在过
56、过去七年年里还有有其他难难以达成成一致的的领域,比比如,政政府应该该扮演怎怎样的角角色,才才能保证证制度不不向最富富有的财财团和大大公司倾倾斜。在在此,美美国人民民需要做做出选择择。I bbeliievee a thrriviing priivatte ssecttor is thee liifebbloood oof oour ecoonommy. I tthinnk ttherre aare outtdatted reggulaatioons thaat nneedd too bee chhangged, annd ttherress reed ttapee thhat neeeds to
57、 be cutt. BBut aftter yeaars of reccordd coorpooratte pproffitss, wworkkingg faamilliess woontt geet mmoree oppporrtunnityy orr biiggeer ppayccheccks by letttinng bbig bannks or bigg oiil oor hhedgge ffundds mmakee thheirr owwn rrulees aat tthe exppensse oof eeverryonne eelsee; oor bby aalloowinng a
58、attaackss onn coolleectiive barrgaiininng tto ggo uunannsweeredd. FFoodd Sttampp reecippiennts diddntt caausee thhe ffinaanciial criisiss; rreckklesssneess on Walll SStreeet didd. IImmiigraantss arrent tthe reaasonn waagess haavennt gonne uup eenouugh; thhosee deecissionns aare madde iin tthe boaard
59、rroomms tthatt tooo oofteen pput quaarteerlyy eaarniingss ovver lonng-ttermm reeturrns. Itts surre nnot thee avveraage fammilyy waatchhingg toonigght thaat aavoiids payyingg taaxess thhrouugh offfshoore acccounnts. Inn thhis neww ecconoomy, woorkeers andd sttartt-upps aand smaall bussineessees nneed
60、d moore of a vvoicce, nott leess. Thhe rrulees sshouuld worrk ffor theem. Andd thhis yeaar II pllan to lifft uup tthe manny bbusiinesssess whhovve ffiguuredd ouut tthatt dooingg riightt byy thheirr woorkeers endds uup bbeinng ggoodd foor ttheiir ssharrehooldeers, thheirr cuustoomerrs, andd thheirr c
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