九年级Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry九年级11单元练习资料_第1页
九年级Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry九年级11单元练习资料_第2页
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九年级Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry九年级11单元练习资料_第5页
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1、Unit11 Sad movies make me cry.第一课时 Section A 1a1cStep One Leading-in ( 前测 ) - 复习表示情感变化的形容词一 复习表示情感变化的形容词1.高兴的_2.惊讶的_3.生气的_4.伤心的_5.沮丧的_6.担忧的_7.激动的_8.放松的_9.紧张的_10.厌烦的_11.劳累的_12.镇定的_13.昏昏欲睡的_14.害怕的_15. 疯狂的_16.不高兴的_17.舒服的_18.不舒服的_二 翻译下列词组令人讨厌的图片_柔和的音乐_嘈杂的音乐_轻松优雅的音乐_古典音乐_流行音乐_摇滚乐_爵士乐_乡村音乐_宁愿 _Step Two Ex

2、planation 已经学过的由make 搭配的短语的归纳: + n. 1) 做早餐 make _ 2)制作蛋糕 make _ 3)整理床铺 make _ 4)赚钱 make _ 5)发出令人不愉快的声音make _s6)犯错make _ 7)与某人交朋友make _8)赶上时间make _9) 编对话make_10)谋生make _2. make 可以用于以下的被动语态结构中: 1)be made by sb. 2) be made in + a place 3) be made of sth. 4) be made from sth.本单元make的用法3 . make sb. + adj

3、. (表示人的情绪或情感的) : 使某人感到4. make sb. do sth.: 使某人做某事 (宾语补足语部分省略to)5. rather adv. 相当 (可以修饰形容词或副词的原级或比较级) 例如:今天相当冷。Its _ _ today.他今天身体好多了。He is _ _today.注意以下句型a. would rather do sth. 宁愿做某事eg: 他宁愿在家看电视。 He would rather_ _at home.b. would rather not do sth. 宁愿不做某事 eg: 我宁愿不向你借钱。 I would rather _ _ _from you

4、.c. would rather do sth. than do sth. 宁愿做而不愿做 eg: Tina宁愿在家看书而不愿去逛街。Tina would rather_ _at home rather than_ _. d .rather than conj. 而不是(前后两个部分必须是词形对等的词) eg: Nick喜欢运动而不是音乐。 Nick likes _ rather than _.6. drive v. 迫使,驱使 drive sb. to do sth. 迫使某人做某事 大雨迫使我们一整天呆在家。Heavy rain _ _ _ _at home all day. Step T

5、hree Test yourself一、你知道哪些种类的音乐,它们各自会给你带来怎样的感受?完成以下表格(至少列出三种音乐类型)Kinds of musicHow you feel about itlight musicLight music makes me relaxed.二、单选题 rained yesterday, but we still went hiking. And the rainy day_us sad and uncomfortable. A. made B. makes C. make D. making2. Jenny likes dancing. Loud musi

6、c always makes her_. A. want dance B. want dancing C. to dance D. want to dance3. Soft colors usually make people _. A. relaxing B. relaxed C. excited D. exciting4. I want to ask her to stay with me _. A. rather than leaving me B. rather than leave me C. would rather leave me D. would rather left me

7、5. A: How do you feel about The Blue Lagoon Restaurant? B: _me relaxed and sleepy. A. They make B. It make C. It makes D. It will make6. He would rather _. A. not to eat lunch B. to eat lunch C. not eat lunch D. eat not lunch7. I would rather _the clothes than _the bedroom. A. to washto clean B. was

8、hto clean C. washingcleaning D. washclean8. Everybody was made _by his joke. A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughed D. laughing9. Butter _milk. A. is made from B. is made of C. is made by D. is made in _wood. A. are made from B. are made of C. are made by D. are made in三. 完成翻译1. 他是一个老师而不是一个医生。 He is a teac

9、her _ _ a doctor.2. 你这样做只是为了你自己,而不是为了别人。 You do this for yourself_ _ _ _.3. 我宁愿不去了。I would rather_ _.4 我宁愿呆在家睡觉,也不愿意去参加聚会。 I _ _ _at home _ _ _to a party.5.这部电影使我紧张。_.6.我宁愿呆在家里。_.7.纸是由木材制作而成。_.8.雨天使我忧伤。_.9.伤感的电影使我想要离开。_.第二课时 Section A 2a Grammar FocusStep One Pretest 一. 完成句子(每空一词)1.等他使我生气。_ _him_ _

10、_.2.他们宁愿去那间商店。They _ _ _to that store.3.在美国,一些人会劝说他们的家人和朋友捐钱给慈善机构,而不是给家人和朋友买礼物。In the USA, some people ask their families and friends to givemoney to charity _ _ _them gifts.4.嘈杂的音乐总是使我想要跳舞。Loud music always _ _ _ to dance.5.昨天的天气相当热。It was _ _ yesterday.6.电影如此伤感以致于它使我们想哭。The movie was_ _ that it _u

11、s _ _ _.二. 预习3a, 翻译下列词组。很久以前_ 睡眠很糟糕_像粉笔一样苍白_ 毫无理由_既不也不_ 担心,担忧_失去权力_ 代替某人的位置_Step Two Explanation: 使役动词和宾语补足语 ( 释标 )一、使役动词英语中有一些动词常用来表达“让,使 , 强制”, 这一类动词称为使役动词。常见的使役动词有:_ , _, _等。以下是它们的常见搭配 ( 无被动语态 ) :1) let sb. do sth. 2)let sb./ sth. + adv. ( 有被动语态 ) 1)make sb. do sth. 2 ) be made to do sth. 3) make

12、 sb.+ adj.3. have 1)have sb. do sth. 2 ) have sth. done ( = get sth. done ) 二、宾语补足语宾语补足语是放在宾语的后面,用来说明宾语的情况或动作,使句子意思能够完整。可以做宾语补足语的有:名词、形容词、副词,介词短语、分词、不定式。例如:1. We name the boy Lucy. ( 名词做宾补 )2. We must keep our classroom clean. ( 形容词做宾补 )3. Let the dog out!(副词做宾补)4. I found him in the post office .(介

13、词短语做宾补 )5. Dont keep him waiting for me for so long. ( 现在分词做宾补 )6. I will have my hair cut . ( 过去分词做宾补 )不定式做宾语补足语有以下两种情况:1)带to的不定式2)不带to的不定式。带to的:ask , tell , allow , want ,wish , expect , would like 等。不带to的: let , make , have , see , hear , watch , notice , feel , look at, listen to ( 但是变为被动语态时,to要

14、补回来 )7. Do you often ask your son _ ( go ) shopping with you ?8. He noticed me_( come ) into the classroom. I was noticed _ ( come ) into the classroom by him .9. My mother doesnt allow me _( stay ) up late. watched them _( play ) basketball yesterday. They were watched _(play) basketball yesterday.

15、Step Three Test yourself一. 单选题 music always makes us_ . A. want dance B. to want dance C. want to dance D. to want to dance2. When I feel tired, I like to listen to light music. It makes me_. A. tense B. relaxed C. angry D. anxious3. Sara told us eating too much pizza _ her sick. A. let B. had C. wa

16、nted D. made4. His mother expects him _ to college some day in the future. A. go B. going C. to go D. will go 5. He was heard _French in his room. A. read B. to read C. reading D. reads6. Tom _the bike _up yesterday. A. hadfixed B. hadfix C. hasfixed D. hasfix7. I _breakfast by my father every day .

17、 A. was made to eat B. am made to eat C. was made eating D. z made eating8. I am sorry I have kept you _for so long. A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. waited 二. 用所给词的适当形式填空.1) Her mother makes her _(wash)her own clothes every day .2) She is made _(wash) her own clothes every day .3) If you keep him _

18、(wait ) too long, he will be annoyed .4) Foggy days make me _(feel ) upset .5) Teenagers shouldnt be allowed to get their ears _(pierce) .三. 完成句子1) 这消息让每个人都感觉激动。The news _2) 我发现这本字典非常有用。I found _.3) 我看着公共汽车开走。I watched _.4) 请叫他不要进来。Please ask him _.5) 我们想叫人照相。We want to _.第三课时 Section B 1a1eStep One

19、 Pre-test一.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1) Her mother makes her _(wash)her own clothes every day .2) She is made _(wash) her own clothes every day .3) If you keep him _(wait ) too long, he will be annoyed .4) Foggy days make me _(feel ) upset .5) Teenagers shouldnt be allowed to get their ears _(pierce).二 根据上下文用所给

20、词或短语的适当形式填空leave out neithernor feel like look at in common the more the more make happy worry about 1. My best friend and I have many things _ _.2. Its a waste of time _ _ _the future, just work hard now.3. It is _too cold _too hot today. Its very comfortable.4. The _she learns, the _she wants to l

21、earn.5. Can money _people _?6. She doesnt _ _going there anymore, its terrible.7. You should _ _the blackboard carefully in class.8. Just try to make new friends at the party, then you wont feel _ _.Step Two Explanation 1. search (for) 寻找2. be about to do 将要做某事3. without 没有, 它的反义词是_.Step Three Test

22、yourself一. 根据1c和1d,完成下列短文。 The general _ and _ but couldnt find anyone. _ _passed, just as he _ _ give up, he saw a _man on the street. He was _with his hands and _ _to himself. The general asked the man why he was _ _because he had no _ _or fame. The man said he had _he wanted, and he didnt want wh

23、at he couldnt have. So he was _and _ _comes from the happiness in his _. Then the general asked the man for his _, but the man said he _ _any shirts.二. 完型填空 Long long ago, there was a poor farmer called Fred. Fred and his wife, Doris, lived an old small hut. One winter nig ht, the Luck Fairy visited

24、 . “Fred, youre a good and hard-working farmer. Id like to e give you ,” said the Luck Fairy. Fred and Doris other, and said, “Thank you very much. We dont need any wishes. Although we are old, we work in the day.” “You dont earn much. I can give you some gold coins,” said the Luck Fairy. “Although

25、we are poor, we live ,” said Doris. “Your hut is old and small. I can give you a big and new house.” said the Fairy. “ our hut is old and small, its very comfortable. I like this hut very much. Ive lived here with Doris for many years.” Replied Fred. “How about some beautiful ?”asked the Fairy. “Alt

26、hough our clothes are old, theyre still comfortable. They keep us winter.” Answered Doris. “You are not greedy. I like you very much. I hope other people will . I wish you happiness and health forever,” said the Fairy. Then she disappeared.( )1. A. on B. in C. at D. by( )2. A. their B. theirs C. the

27、y D. them( )3. A. three B. two C. four D. five( )4. A. laughed at B. shout at C. smiled at D. threw at( )5. A. fields B. factory C. lab D. gym( )6. A. sadly B. sad C. happily D. happy( )7. A. Although B. Because C. But D. So( )8. A. coat B. dress C. shirt D. clothes( )9. A. cool B. warm C. hot D. co

28、ld( )10. A. learn from B. hear from C. come from D. die from第四课时 Section B 2a2eStep One Pre-test预习2a,翻译下列短语看着,留意_ 进球_让某人很失望_ 踢开,踢走_让某人进来_ 对某人严厉_与某人交流_ 向某人学习_而不是_ 点头同意_ Step Two Explanation1. keep ones eyes on sth. 留意,盯着看eg:我经常盯着那个球看,而且忘记了其他一切事物。 I often keep my eyes _the ball and forget_ _.Tom 盯着这本书

29、看,可是他没看进去一个单词。Tom _his eyes _the book, but he didnt read any word.let sb. down 让某人失望 eg: 我不想让我的父母失望。 I dont want to _ _ _ _.3. be hard on sb. 对某人严厉;对某人苛刻eg: 她的后妈对她很苛刻。 Her stepmother _ _ _her.Step Three Test yourself用所给词的适当形式填空 1. The giant panda _(weight)110 kilograms. 2. If they _(pull) together, they will succeed in the end. 3. Jack _(agreement) with his mother, he thought he could decide his own future. 4. The teacher smiled and _(nod) in agreement. 5. They scored five _(goal) in the first half of t


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