1、公司股权结构对盈余稳健性的影响:来自中国的证据The Effects of Corporate Ownership Structure on EarningsConservatism: Evidence from China原文出处:Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting ISSN 1946-052X 2010, Vol. 2, No. 1: E3译文:本文研究企业的所有制结构对收入保守主义的增量效应,研究中国上市公司的数据。我 们采用的概念有巴苏(1997)保守主义定义盈余稳健性和采用条件的实证模型,Ball和 Shivakumar(2005 年)来衡量发
2、展程度的盈利保守主义。我们的实证结果显示,公司的盈 利具有较高的非流通股股东有较低的盈余稳健性。与以前的研究中,这种一致点表明,该公 司与国家和集中的所有权结构更可能依赖于私人通信,以减少信息不对称和内部解决代理问 题,从而创造一个低的盈余稳健性的需求。本研究结果有助于我们了解公司的所有权结构的 性能影响在新兴市场和后共产主义市场的盈利。关键词:盈余稳健性,非流通股股东,股权结构,后共产主义研究,股权分置,国家所有制 1 。介绍在20世纪90 年代,中国发射了上海证券交易所和随后的深圳证券交易所上市。除了允 许国有企业(国有企业)取得外国资本证券交易所的建立,其目的是提高性能的国有企业通 过在
3、资本市场的压力和问责制。然而,由于政治和经济问题及可能的外资收购的地方国有企 业,中国政府拒绝了一个完整的企业私有化,并打算保留其立场作为企业的东主,为了抢占 资源分配的控制范围内国家(Allen 等, 2005 )。该国目前有一些共产主义元素和一些适用 范围更广共产党党内监督的资本主义分子,从这个意义上我们主要是在未知的水域。斯洛文 尼亚的后共产主义哲学家齐泽克(2010年),中国的资本主义和共产主义,而独特的合成 比是不稳定的,一直是广泛成功的实验,已经持续了30年之久。这可以被看作是一个较长 和更深的版本有限资本主义中国实验所谓的新经济政策(NEP),马克思主义的革命弗拉基 米尔伊里奇列
4、宁前苏联在20世纪20年代的内战后,来启动增长。中国政府后来又发明 了一种“二元股权结构”,其股份分为分为两类:一类由政府,法人和其他机构拥有,而那 些在资本市场上进行交易(Tenev等,2002) 0.1两种类型的投资者所拥有的股份不同,前 者是不允许公开上市交易,其估值是基于企业的净资产值,而后者是基于市场价值。因此, 这样的股权分置允许只有三分之一的上市公司的股份在市场上交易,而大部分的股份由中国 政府持有。在这种情况下,投资者是无法监视系统的运行。在此期间,由于董事会和企业高 管大多是由政府任命的,他们的管理和监督的活动并非专门针对盈利最大化业主没有说,在 监督和决策过程的无限售条件流
5、通股。分配股利支付的还取决于非流通股股份的持有人。作 为结果,大股东是最喜欢的股东权利,尽管只投资少量的资金,而少数股东的利益受到损害。 由于非流通股不能在二级市场买卖,其价格的基础上,净资产值的公司。非流通股的转让大 多需要批准购销双方政党,机关和其他有关部门板在签订合同之前完成交易。德阿莱西(1974)建议,由于国有企业的股权是不可转让的,股票的估值并不能反映企业的价值和性 能。(1991)认为雌激素和Perotin的政府,作为国有企业的东主,不优先考虑利润最大 化。提高企业绩效是一个次要目标,已经实现了其政治和经济的重要性。最终控股拥有的国有股是国务院,但这些股份的管理是由当地检验检疫机
6、构的财务或其他中 央和地方的政府部门,以及国有企业(格林, 2003 年)。本文研究的增量影响的国家和集中的所有权结构盈余稳健性,研究中国上市公司的数据。 我们采用的“有条件的保守主义”的运作盈余稳健性的概念。条件保守倾向加速损失和推迟 增益被定义为。这的保守特性在文献中被称为非对称损失确认及时性(Ball和Shivakumar, 2005年,海狸和瑞安,2005年丹皮等,2005)。球和Shivakumar (2005)断言,条件的保 守主义,提高相关性和代表性的忠诚,是财务报告质量的主要属性之一资本主义国家。他们 还争辩说,有条件的保守主义增强了承包效率,因为它使更多的信息和有用的财务报告
7、,从 而使利益相关者更好地监控公司的业绩。在此之前的研究表明,盈余稳健性的需求确定直接 或经理人申报奖励的互动。如上所讨论的,然而中国的独特的企业所有制结构引起的代理问 题。盈余稳健性的需求,因为它有利于企业及其利益相关者缓解代理冲突(信息不对称)。 本文认为,左右的水平,经济和/或政治利益相关者的利益提供了重要的信号盈余稳健性, 应提供满足需求。由于中国政府持有多数股权,集中的所有权结构通常忽略少数股东的要求 和地依赖私人形式的通信。因此,在中国会有盈余稳健性的需求减少,比纯资本主义的经济 体,如香港,日本,新加坡,台湾等(Ball等人,2000)。因此,我们假定较高的非流通 股股份,或按比
8、例的资本结构外部投资者的权益,将减少需求,及时披露财务在较低的盈余 质量的信息和结果。与Bushman和Piotroski(2006年)和LaFond(2005年),我们的整 体结果一致建议,中国企业具有较高的非流通股股份报告盈利保守主义。只要主导政府参与 的制约规定在市场经济中,中国将不会有基础设施,鼓励资本主义式的财务报告。本文提供 了额外的支持,在机构的决定因素歧视财务报告质量。此外,它添加到的文献通过识别的程 度条件保守主义已被纳入现行的会计实践中中国。特别是,它考虑到制度,文化和政治 一个主要的新兴经济体的特点,引导过渡的过程中,虽然在从共产主义向资本主义,资本主 义的监测和控制活动
9、共产党。我们的研究结果将有特殊意义的其他国家在过渡从共产主义向 资本主义的一些风格的,无论是市场还是国家控制,如俄罗斯,越南,前苏联加盟共和国和 东欧国家。它 那些需要很长的一段时间内的社会关系和期望调整一个国家在经过数年的共产主义操作系 统的关系,(季诺维也夫, 1985)。例如,前苏联,共产主义社会的关系和他们的期望没有 完全稳定,直到晚狮子座流星雨在20世纪60年代末和70年代勃列日涅夫时代。本文的其余部分的结构如下。接下来的部分描述了我们假设发展。以下各节介绍我们的 研究设计和样本选择的过程。然后,我们讨论我们的经验证据。最后一节包含一个简短的回 顾一下,并总结了关键的研究结果。2 假
10、设发展2.1 机构和政治影响在中国的体制转型的过程中,多数上市公司中国的证券交易所是新改制的国有企业有一 个独特的资本结构,包括非流通股和公众流通股。由于限制在中国公开发售,可以在公开市 场上的股份比例是相对低。在2003年,所有非流通股(流通股)的比例为 64.45(35.55)。 因此,高比例的非流通股股份在典型的企业由控制shareholders.3少数控制Shleifer和 Vishny(1994)声称,私有化提高企业的业绩和激励高管。从政治的角度看,政府官员要求 公司追求的政治目标和社会目标产生承担的政治成本国有企业。从管理的角度来看,该机构 承担的费用,由业主和经理们表现在国有企业
11、中,因为股东是动力不足监视管理人员和市场 机制的结合是不存在的。完成私有化表明,资本流动和投票权同时转移到私人东主,使他们 难以辨别的政治和管理的意见。然而,部分私有化,公司仍然受到政府的干预作为政治成本, 尽管事实上,他们的股票在资本市场上,监测的股东通过。为目的的政治参与往往发生在企 业利益为代价的,实现政治目标。举例来说,政治家们可能会滥用他们的权力转移部分企业 资源投入到他们的支持者的手中。从代理理论的角度来看,下的公司治理架构,股权结构的 上市公司在中国很容易受到内部和外部的道德风险。田和雌激素(2008 年)观察,在中国, 高盈利的时候,国家积极影响企业利润的结果。2 现行法规的基
12、础上,国家和法人发起人持有的股份在公开市场上买卖。中国证券监督管理 委员会(CSRC) HYPERLINK /%e7%9a%84%ef%bc%8c2004 /的,2004 年 12 月 19 号。2001 年,上市公司第一 大股东持股比例平均为44.9%(石Weisert, 2002年),这表明中国上市公司的集中持股 严重。Shleifer和Vishny (1998)也提出,股市更比国有企业私有化,因为政客和官僚们 倾向于利用企业效益。在其他换句话说,国家所有权对企业业绩有不利影响。 Megginson 和内特(2001 年),民营企业优于国有,企业私有化后发现有改善的性能。古普塔(2005)
13、 指出,一些私营公司看到了他们的性能提高感谢,股市在管理方面发挥的监督作用。政府继 续参与中国上市公司(即政府仍然是一个共同的控股股东)预计将影响管理层报告激励和威 胁的会计信息的透明度。第一,国家所有权有关财务报告是否提出了一个查询,可以根据公平原则交易。缺乏所有权与经营权分离而密 切的业务因此,推动者和上市公司之间的关系提出了利益冲突和提高重大关联方交易的可能 性。关联方交易提供一个简单的机制,为平滑报收,减少财务报告透明度(风扇和黄, 2002)。 此外,在控制国有企业的官员都无权剩余索取权,从而造成不好的他们的利益和那些之间的 一致性公司的少数股东。由于政府委任重要的是负责人员,使的最
14、终调用在许多事情上,中 国国有企业的高管可能是更加关注政府的需求比维护个人的利益股东(Chen等,2002)。 此外,该问题的机构可能的表面作为一个结果的状态即控股股东(林和陈, 1999)。政府官 员可以使用国有独资企业作为一个创造就业机会,补贴,或一个形式的贿赂或其他好处,以 换取选票和支持。这使管理人员能够操纵财务报告,以防止下降国家财政收入或避免尴尬的 报告,揭示了大面积亏损(汤等。1999)。我们还记得,在毛泽东时代,大跃进, 1 958年至1 959年特点不仅生产效率低下, 但也过于夸大生产数据的“创造性会计”,其主要形式是发生在一个纯粹的共产党员(韩, 1976年,第 131 页
15、)。最后,国有股股东,无论是国家或国有法人,通常可以访问到里面 的信息,另一个因素,降低的可靠性已公布的财务报告。2.2 集中型股权结构(1998)声称该机构是普遍的问题,在许多新兴市场,全面的法律保护和其他治理机制不 到位。 La Porta Wei 等人。(2005)认为在中国特别严重的代理问题。 “股权分置大股东牺牲小刺激行为股东的利益。这种不平衡的现象之所以存在,是因为公司内部享有显着的 投票权与现金流权的分离。由于缺乏法律保护的外部股东也有助于代理问题。其结果是,分 割共享结构中国企业通过公众公司治理不力,导致中国,这反过来又削弱了企业的价值观。 以往的研究所有制结构,公司治理变量。
16、Berle和(1932)研究了在美国证券市场,发现 股东的监督下,分散的股权结构减少。何时业主和企业高管相互冲突的目标,面对信息不对 称,管理人员改变他们的目标从“股东利益最大化”为“最大化个人财富。“在这种情况下, 业主将被迫承担了巨大的代理成本。Jensen和Meckling (1976)提出代理理论的基本原理, 所有权与经营权的分离轴承的完整,防止高管负担后决定的后果。此外,由于薪金的诱因努 力工作,营利高管可能最终使低效的决定或损害经营者的利益,在追求自身利益的。La Porta 等人。(1999)发现,控股股东众多的上市公司利用金字塔结构,交叉持股,环环相扣总局扩大超越其目前的现金流
17、权,控制权,并最终获得总控制的公司。当控股股东取得控制权 不对称他们的股票持有量,他们很可能会损害其他股东利益的交换条件现状,掏空公司资产 及其他类似性质的活动。研究已进行了调查之间的关系,所有制结构,企业绩效产生不同的 结果。Jensen和Meckling (1976)提出的“融合的利息假说”,表现出积极的相关性内幕 持有的股票和公司的业绩,而法玛(1980),德姆塞茨和莱恩(1985年),和麦和Li (2001) 表明没有相关性可言。Shleifer和Vishny( 1986),阿格拉瓦尔(1990年),和康和Shivdasani 的(1997)提出,更大的比例控制股东持有,更好的企业绩效
18、。然而,翔和张(1996 年) 和 Steiner( 1996 )不同意,认为更大的比例控制股东增持的可能性就越大抢企业的股东资 产,与公司经营绩效差。然而,另一组学者维持内幕持有的股票和企业绩效(阿格拉瓦尔之 间没有相关性 Knoeber,1996)。一个显着的相关性可以发现,股权结构与信息披露LaPorta等人。(1999年)发现的所 有权水平呈负相关关系浓度和会计披露的水平。洲等。 (2002)指出,外部所有权和信息 披露之间明显的相关性。同时,在公司与更大比例的内幕交易和家人所有权,信息披露降低。 当企业的股东拥有超过一定的的比例,大股东往往利用公司产生或牺牲个人利益的少数股 东。麦金
19、农和Dalimunthe(1993)发现的负相关关系多数股东和信息披露水平。当大股东更大 的控股公司,公司往往会降低信息披露水平,而且不太愿意透露太多的信息。据的公司治理 架构世界银行,大多数股东都放在下的企业内部治理。该行的思维,不利于大股东持有的股 票公司治理和信息披露;刚好相反,更大的增持大股东可能会削弱企业的信息披露的意愿。5。结语 总之,研究结果表明的一个重要环节之间的企业所有权中国上市公司盈余稳健性的结构。一 致的布须曼人 Piotroski(2006 年)和 LaFond(2005 年),这些结果表明,盈余稳健性随 着更高水平的非流通股的存在。公司与国家和集中的所有权结构更可能依
20、赖于私人通信减少 信息不对称和代理问题内部解决,从而创造低盈余稳健性的需求。此外,回归结果显示,企 业更小的尺寸和更高的盈利报告更保守。的来说,在这项研究中的证据显示持续盈利差异保守主义产生的差分信息的需求。更具 体地,水平盈余稳健性是在运动市场力量的均衡结果参与者在他们自身的利益,反映需求的 差异保守的财务报告。会计报告的做法,为中国企业更注重满足需求的主要股东(即中国共 产党),而不是投资者的需求。中国已经经历了从计划经济过渡到以市场为导向引导经济, 但市场经济仍然受到共产党的最终控制权。我们只是有一个更深更长的版本列宁的新经济政 策,虽然很多人致富,共产主义社会的关系,并期望在很大程度上
21、仍然占主导地位(季诺维 也夫, 1985)。这是特别是当我们考虑到更高级别的电源组织内。我们还记得,在20世纪 70 年代后期,中国邓小平努力开始改革下的环境中,一些元素的一个运作良好的金融市场 已经到位。有证据表明,中国将是不完整的制度转型还远远没有完成,只要保持政府的主导 参与当权者仍然是压倒一切的目标。在这样的环境中,需求的保守少数股东仍然不那么重要, 很难被充分满足。这可能会或可能不会出事的西方人和其他非中国自由市场常规型资本主义 的业务关系,是规范制度。 2005 年,中国证券监督管理委员会宣布了一项计划,将其转换 非流通股为无限售条件流通股。这一新举措(称为管理办法“股权分置改革的
22、上市公司“) 提供了基本规则,以允许转换的股份。许多投资者和分析师认为,作为一个重要的改革将继 续转移的股权由国营到公共的平衡少数股东的所有权。未来的研究可以探讨的有效性股权分 置改革,并检查是否扩散的所有权结构影响管理层的态度和利益相关者的盈余稳健性的要 求。致谢我们想感谢雷球和期刊编辑G维克拉马辛博士教授,两位匿名审稿人。原文:This paper investigates the incremental effects of corporate ownership structure on earnings conservatism, examiningdata of Chinese l
23、isted companies. We employ the conceptof conditional conservatism to define earnings conservatismand adopt empirical models developed by Basu (1997) and Ball and Shivakumar (2005) to measure the degree of earnings conservatism.Our empirical resultsshow that the earnings of companies with higher non-
24、tradable shares have lower earnings conservatism. Consistent with prior studies, this point demonstrates that the companies with state and concentrated ownership structures are more likely to depend on private communication to reduce information asymmetry and to resolve agency problems internally, t
25、hereby creating a low demand for earnings conservatism. The results of this study contribute to our understanding of how companies ownership structures affect the properties of earnings in emerging markets and post-Communist markets.Keywords: earnings conservatism, non-tradable shares, ownership str
26、ucture, post-Communist studies, split-share structure, state ownershipJEL Classifications: M40, M41, M49Asian Journal of1. IntroductionIn the 1990s, China launched the Shanghai Stock Exchange and subsequently the ShenzhenStockExchange.Apart fromallowingstate-ownedenterprises(SOEs)toobtainforeigncapi
27、tal,the purposeof establishingthe stock exchangeswas toboostthe performanceofSOEs through pressure and accountability in the capital market. However, due to political and economic concerns and the possibility of a foreign takeover of local SOEs, the Chinese government refused a complete privatizatio
28、n of enterprises and intended to retain its position as the proprietor of businesses, in order to seize control of resource allocation within the country (Allen et al., 2005). The country presently has some Communist elements and some capitalist elements operating under broader Communist Party super
29、vision, and to that extent we are largely in uncharted waters. The Slovenian post-Communist philosopher Slavoj Zizek (2010) has commented that Chinas unique synthesis of capitalism and Communism, rather than being unstable, has been a broadly successful experiment that has lasted 30 years. ThisChine
30、se experiment can be seen as a longer and deeper version of the limited capitalismcalled the New Economic Policy (NEP) that the Marxist revolutionary Vladimir Ilyich Lenin introduced to the former Soviet Union in the 1920s to kick-start growth after the civil war.The Chinese government later devised
31、 a “binary equity structure” in which shares are divided into two categories: those owned by the government, legal persons and institutions, and those owned by investors to be traded in the capital market (Tenev et al., 2002).1 The two types ofshares differ in that the former is not allowed to be pu
32、blicly traded and its valuation is based on the net asset value of an enterprise, whereas that of the latter is based on market value. As a result, such a split-share structure allows only one-third of the public companies shares to be traded in the market, while a majority of the shares is held by
33、the Chinese government. Under such circumstances, investors are unable to monitor operations. In the meantime, since the board and corporate executives are mostly appointed by the government, their management and supervision activities are not aimed specifically at maximizing the earnings of owners
34、of tradable shares who have no say in supervision and decision-making processes. Dividend payments also depend on holders of non-tradable shares. As a consequence, majority shareholders are able to enjoy most of the shareholder rights, despite investing only a small amount of capital, while the mino
35、rity shareholders benefits are undermined.Since non-tradable shares cannot be traded in secondary markets, their prices are based on the net asset value of corporations. Transfers of non-tradable shares mostly require the approval of the boards of both buying and selling parties, authorities, and ot
36、her relevant departments before contracts are signed to complete the transaction. De Alessi (1974) suggested that since equities of SOEs are nontransferable, stock valuation does not reflect corporate value and performance. Estrin and Perotin (1991) argued that government, as the proprietor of SOEs,
37、 does not prioritize profit maximization. Enhancing corporate performance is a secondary goal whose importance comes after political and economic ones have been achieved.1 The ultimate controlling owner of state shares is the State Council, but these shares are managed by the local bureau of theMini
38、stry of Finance or other central and local government bureaus, as well as SOEs (Green, 2003).This paper investigates the incremental effects of state and concentrated ownership structure on earnings conservatism, examining data for Chinese listed companies. We employ the concept of “conditional cons
39、ervatism” to operationalize earnings conservatism. Conditional conservatism is defined as the tendency to accelerate losses and defer gains. Thischaracteristic of conservatism is referred to in the literature as asymmetric loss recognition timeliness (Ball and Shivakumar, 2005; Beaver and Ryan, 2005
40、; Pae et al., 2005). Ball and Shivakumar (2005) assert that conditional conservatism, which enhances relevance and representational faithfulness, is one of the primary attributes of financial reporting quality in capitalist countries. They also contend that conditional conservatism enhances contract
41、ing efficiency because it makes financial reporting more informative and useful, and thus allows stakeholders to monitor a companys performance better.Prior research suggests that the demand for earnings conservatism is determined eitherdirectly or in interaction with managers reporting incentives.
42、As discussed above, Chinasunique corporate ownership structure nevertheless induces agency problems. Meeting thedemand for earnings conservatism benefits the corporation and its stakeholders because italleviates the agency conflicts (or information asymmetry). This paper maintains that thestakeholde
43、rs economic and/or political interests provide important signals about the level ofearningsconservatism that should be suppliedto meetdemand. SinceChinasgovernmentholdsa majority stake, this concentratedownershipstructuretypicallyignores minorityshareholders demands and places higher reliance upon p
44、rivate forms of communication.Therefore, there will be less demandfor earningsconservatismin China than in purecapitalist economies such as Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, etc (Ball et al., 2000). Hence, we posit that the capital structure of higher non-tradable shares, or less proportionate ou
45、tside investor interests, will diminish the demand for prompt disclosure of financial information and result in lower earnings quality.Consistent with Bushman and Piotroski (2006) and LaFond (2005), our overall resultssuggest that Chinese companieswith higher non-tradablesharesreport less earningsco
46、nservatism. As long as the constraints of dominant government involvement are imposed on the market economy, China will not have an infrastructure that encourages capitalist-style financial reporting.This paper provides additional support for discriminating among institutional determinants offinanci
47、alreporting quality.Inaddition, itadds totheliterature byidentifyingthe extent towhich conditional conservatismhas beenincorporatedintocurrentaccountingpractice inChina.In particular,ittakes intoaccounttheinstitutional,cultural,and politicalcharacteristics of a major emerging economy that whilst in
48、the process of guided transition from Communism to capitalism has even its capitalist activities monitored and controlled by the Communist Party. Our results will have special relevance for other countries in transition from Communism to some style of capitalism, whether market- or state-controlled,
49、 such as Russia, Vietnam, the former Soviet Union republics, and the Eastern European countries. It takes a long period of time for social relationships, and expectations in relation to those50 HYPERLINK /ajfa /ajfa Page 5Asian Journal of Finance & AccountingISSN 1946-052X2010, Vol. 2,No. 1: E3relat
50、ionships,to adjust after a numberof yearsof Communismoperating ina country(Zinoviev, 1985). For example, in the former Soviet Union, Communist social relationships and their related expectations did not completely stabilize until as late as the LeonidBrezhnev era in the late 1960s and 1970s.The rema
51、inder of this paper is structured as follows. The next section describes our hypothesis development. The following sections present our research design and sample selection process.We then discuss our empirical evidence. The last section contains abrief recap and summarizes the key findings of the s
52、tudy.2. Hypotheses Development2.1 Institutional and Political InfluencesDuring the course of Chinas institutional transformation, the majority of corporations listed on Chinas stock exchanges are new restructured SOEs that have a distinctive capitalstructure consisting of non-tradable shares and pub
53、lic tradable shares. Due to restrictions on public offerings in China, the percentage of shares available in the open market is relatively low. In 2003, the proportion of all non-tradable (tradable) shares was 64.45% (35.55%).2Consequently, a high percentage of non-tradable shares in the typical cor
54、poration arecontrolled by a small number of controlling shareholders.3Shleifer and Vishny (1994) claim that privatization improves corporate performance andmotivates executives. From a political perspective, government officials demanding thatcorporations pursue political and social goals will gener
55、ate political costs that are borne by the SOEs. From a management point of view, the agency costs borne by proprietors and managers are manifest in SOEs because shareholders are less motivated to monitor executives and the binding mechanism of the market is nonexistent. Complete privatization indica
56、tes that capital flow rights and voting rights are transferred simultaneously to private proprietors, making it difficult for them to discern political and management opinions.However, with partial privatization, corporations still are subject to government interference as political cost, despite th
57、e fact that their shares are traded on the capital market and monitored by shareholders.Political involvement often occurs at the expense of corporate interest, for the purpose ofachieving political goals. For instance, politicians may abuse their power to transfer somecorporate resources into the h
58、ands of their supporters. From the perspective of agency theory, under a corporate governance framework, the equity structure of publicly traded companies in China is susceptible to both internal and external moral hazards. Tian and Estrin (2008) observe that in China, in times of high profitability
59、, the state is motivated to influence corporate profit outcome.2 Based on existing regulations, state and legal person shares held by promoters are not traded in the open market. ChinaSecurities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) HYPERLINK / /, accessed 19 December 2004. 3 In 2001, the largest shareholder
60、 stake in listed companies averaged 44.9 per cent (Shi and Weisert, 2002), indicating asevere concentrated share ownership for Chinese listed companies.51 HYPERLINK /ajfa /ajfa Page 6Asian Journal of Finance & AccountingISSN 1946-052X2010, Vol. 2, No. 1: E3Shleifer and Vishny (1998) also propose tha
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