



1、2012Theunderlinedpartintheword“imagine”ispronouncedasA. B.C.D. -Could you tell me ateightoclockyesterday-IwaswatchingTVat A.whatdidyouB.whywereyouC. what you were doingC.howyouweredoing She has been learning English the age of five.A. B.C.D. -How long have you China?-ForthreeA.come B. been C. been D

2、.gone -Isfootballorbasketballyourfavorite?-.IlikebaseballA. EitherB. BothC. NeitherD.None I often mistake Jack his brother Mike. They look the same.A. onB. toC. forD. with Thispairofshoesistoosmallforme. CouldyoupleaseshowmeanotherA. B.C.D. - Howcan Imake the baby -Maybeyoucangivehimsome milktoA.sto

3、ptoB.tostopC.stopD.tostopto-Iamreallytiredthesedaysbecauseofstudyingthe- Why not music? ItcanmakeyouA.listento;toB.listento;C. listening to; relaxD.listeningto;relaxed We have two rooms , but I cant decide A.tolive;tochoosewhichB.lived;choosewhichC. to live in; which one to chooseC.live;whichone The

4、 little girl was too frighteneda word.A. not to tellB. not to sayC. to sayD.totell It be him. He has gone to Shanghai.A. B.C.D.-Haveyoudecidedwhichyoudliketobuy,theblackshirtorthepink- Ofthe two,the pinkone isA.the B.the C.themoreD.-DoesMarylikerock- .Everytime IplaymyrockCD,she wouldaskme toturnitA

5、.ImnotB.ImafraidC.IdontthinkD.Idlove Sitting in front of the television 1 be relaxing, butspending too much time in front of TV may takes years 2 your life. Thats what Australian researchers found when they collected TV viewing 3 from more than 11,000 people older than 25 years old. The study found

6、that people who watched six hours of TV a day 4 about 4.8 years less than those who didntwatch any TV. Also,every hour of TV that people watch 5 age 25 isassociated with (与有关) a 22-minute reduction in their 6 expectancy(预期寿命).People shouldknowthatsitting in frontof theTVisnthealthy. The more TVyouwa

7、tch, 7 physically active you are. And the less exercise you get, the more 8 you are to develop diseases such as heart diseases. Lennert Veermanis the leader writer of the study, which was 9 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Veermanis works in the University of Queensland. He says that 10 mi

8、ght start asking their parents 11 how much time they spend in front of TV, and that they would treat TV time as other 12 factors(因素) for poor health, such as being 13 of exercise and an unhealthy diet.Veermanis points out that people can 14 turn off the TV and get off the couch. “Exercise is good,”

9、he says, “but even light physicalactivity also 15 health.”1.A. B.C.D. 2.A. B.C.D. 3.A. B.D. 4.A. B.C.D. 5.A. B.C.D. 6.A. B.C.D.7.A. B.C.D. 8.A. B.C.D. 9.A.comeB.C.D.10.A. B.C.D. 11.A.B.C.D. 12.A. B.C.D.13.A. B.C.D. 14.A. B.C.D.15.A. B.C.D.Visitors to Britain are sometimes surprised to learn that new

10、spaper there have such a large circulation(发行The “DailyMirror andthe “Dailyexpressbothsellaboutfour million copies everyday. British families generally buy a newspaper every morning and two or three on Besidesthe nationalpapers,there ishoweveranotherbranchofthe Britishpresswhichsells almost as many

11、copies. Local newspapers have a weekly circulation of 13 million. Almost every town and county area hasone. Nearly all themhold theirown financially (财政)and many of them are very profitable (赚钱的).These papers are written almost entirely for readers interested in local events-births, weddings, deaths

12、, council (会议) meetings and sports. Editors prefer to rely on people who know the district well. A great deal of local news is regularly supplied by clubs and churches in the neighborhood and it does not get out to date as quickly as national news.The editors must never forget that the success of an

13、y newspaper depends on advertising. He is usuallyanxious tokeep the goodwill of local businessmen for thisreason.But if the newspaper is well written and the news items have been carefully chosen to draw local readers, the business men are grateful for the opportunity to keep their products in the p

14、ublic eyes.VisitorstoBritainaresurprisedtolearnthattherearesomanylocalnewspaperslocalpapersshouldhaveacirculationoffourtheDailyMirrorandDailyExpresssellasmanyas4millioncopieseveryBritishnewspapersaresowidelyLocal newspaper have acirculationaslargeasthatofnationaladailycirculationof13aslightlysmaller


16、eadersaremuchinterestedinlocalC.Thesepapersare writtenalmostentirelyforlocalD.These papersarelikelytogetoutofdate In the writers opinion, the editor must remember that no paper can possible succeed B.interestingC.a greatdealofnationalD.anexcellentsalesYou have often looked into a mirror, of course.

17、But you havent seen the real picture of your face yet. And why couldnt you see it? When you look into a mirror, you dont see your face as other people see it. You see a reversed picture. If you close your left eye, your picture doses its right eye. If you touch your rightear with your righthand, you

18、r picture touchesits leftear with its left hand.Ifyouhave twosmallmirrors,youcansee yourfacesasyourfriendssee itYouholdthe two mirrorsatrightangles(角度)toeachotherandlookintothemAfter some practiceyouwillbeable to see the real picture of your face.Now close your left eye and your picture close its le

19、ft eye, too. Touch your right ear with your right hand and your picture touches its right ear with its right hand! This happens because each mirror reflected(反射)the picture in the other mirror. So you see a reversed picture of a reversed picture, which, of course, is the same as the real picture.Whe

20、nyoulookintoa mirror,youcouldntseeA.a picture ofB.yourfaceasotherssee C.thepictureofyourD.the picture ofyourWhatdoesthewordreversedmeaninthisA.暂存Accordingtothefirstparagraphofthe passage,ifyoucloseyourlefteye,yourpicture inthe mirror closesitsfightB.closesitsleftC.touchesitsrightD.touchesitsleftWhic

21、hofthefollowingpictureisrightaccordingtothesecondparagraphoftheWe canlearnsomethingaboutfromthe bodyBphysicalEducation(体育C.opticalillusions(视错觉D.television56-60 五位学生的信息,根据学生 Jackisa soccer fan. He liesplayingfootballandwatchingthe footballgames,andalsoon his school football team. These days, he is v

22、ery excited because of the coming World Cup.When David was little, he was very interested in toy cars. Until now he still likes collecting different brands of car models. He hopes he could be the first Chinese F1 driver.Ann is an environmentalist. She never uses plastic bags at school and she always

23、 persuades others to do a small bit for the environmental protection. These days, she reads a lot of books about the use of high-techs to solve the pollutions.Tomhasneverbeentotheseaside.Hewasverycuriousaboutthe blue sea waterand those strange animals under the water. He hopes to visit a foreign cou

24、ntry by the sea.Noah speaks very good English. He likes watching NBA very much. He also likesand Hollywood blockbuster. He dreams of studying abroad on AmericanA: Australia Pavilion(展馆): the theme of it is “rise to the challenge: the future of cities Australia for the clever solution”, through the r

25、esearch of environmental protection, Australias natural beauty to visitors presents “the worlds most comfortable place to live”. The country shows a lot of hi-techs to deal with the pollution.B: The German Pavilion: It covers the largest area a national pavilion can be given. As a big country of car

26、 producing, German will try its best to explore new ways to make more modernandgreencarsinsteadof old areas,somanynewconceptcarsfromVolkswagen andBensareonC: The USA Pavilion: It show sustainability, teamwork, health and the fundamental belief fromAmericans and tells usAmerica is a place of opportun

27、ity for people want to change the worldforthebetter.Byitsfourkeyconceptsof“sustainability,teamwork,life, andachievements”,thepavilionwillshowthebestofAmericanbusiness, culture,andD: The Japan Pavilion: Its theme is “Heart of technology in the future”. Many robots are on display. They do much housewo

28、rk in the show. The Japanese believe that robots will take the place of humans in the future for the unpleasant work.E: the Maldives Pavilion: In Maldives, the tourism and fisheries have become two parts of the countrys development. Exhibition on culture, arts, tourism, fisheries and so on describe

29、how these industries in the country with the combination of the surviving(生blueprint. It shows a lot of samples of sea animals like sharks, lobsters, sea cucumberF:TheSouthAfrica As we all know, the 2010 World Cup will be first held in this diamond country. Of course, all the things in it are all ab

30、out football. You can enjoy all the videos about those miracles happening in theWorld Cup,and many pictures of new-born superstars like Messiare putupalloverthe large,large,order,direct,drop,five,woman,step,natural,sit,I picked up my two best friends and we were off on a road trip. I had just return

31、ed to America froma year abroad in China. So 1 I wanted to take a trip to Canada.Montreal, the second 2 city in Canada, is a four-hour drive from my home in New Hampshire. After 3 off our bags at our hotel, we were immediately walking down the famous St. Catherines street. While we walked, two things surprised us: how could it was and howwelleveryone dressed.The streetsofMontrealare like a fashionshow. Bothmenan 5 look like 4 out of the pages of a magazine. Last year it broke the record for most snowfall in North America. To hide from the cold we went onto a small r


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