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1、 HYPERLINK 1 Toopicc:Thee soocieety wouuld bennefiit ffromm a bann onn alll fformms oof aadveertiisinng bbecaausee itt seervees nno uusefful purrposse, andd caan eevenn bee daamaggingg. TTo wwhatt exxtennt ddo yyou agrree or dissagrree witth tthiss oppiniion?广告没用处处,甚至至是有害害的。所所以如果果广告被被禁止,整整个社会会都会得得益吗

2、2 Itt iss saaid thaat tthe amoountt off viioleencee onn thhe TTV pproggramms hhas neggatiive efffectt onn ouur ssociial devveloopmeent andd thhereeforre sshouuld be redduceed. To wwhatt exxtennt ddo yyou agrree or dissagrree witth tthiss oppiniion?电视节目的的暴力对对社会发发展有消消极影响响所以应应该被减减少吗3 In preesennt aage

3、soccietty, advverttiseemennts havve bbeenn beeingg inncreeasiinglly rramppantt inn ouur llifee. CConssequuenttly, soome peooplee dooubtt thhat it is advverttiseemennts thaat lleadd too thhe hhighh saake of prooduccts rattherr thhan thee reeal neeeds of connsummerss. TTo ddisttingguissh wwhicch ffact

4、tor cann ouutweeighh thhe ootheer, thee onnly proobleem iis, I thhinkk, tto ddefiine, thhe nneceessaary andd thhe ddecoorattivee.是广告的作作用而不不是消费费者本身身的需求求导致了了某些产产品的高高销售量量吗4 Nowwadaays, a lott off meediaa, iinclludiing newwspaaperrs, maggaziine, teelevvisiion, raadioo, aand eveen tthe intternnet, arre p

5、publlishhingg sttorees oof ppeopples pprivvatee liivess. SShouuld thiis ppraccticce bbe bbannned?媒体报道个个人隐私私该被禁禁止吗5 Advverttiseemennts plaay aa maajorr roole on TV in marrkett ecconoomiees. Desspitte tthe bennefiits of succh iinfoormaatioon, manny ppeopple criiticcizee thhe rrolee off TVV addverrtiss

6、ingg. TTo wwhatt exxtennt ddo yyou agrree or dissagrree witth ttheiir vvieww?广告的害处处大于益益处吗6 Somme ppeopple thiink thee meediaa shhoulld sstopp reeporrtinng ddetaailss off crrimees tto tthe pubblicc. WWhatt iss inn yoour opiinioon?媒体应该停停止报道道犯罪细细节吗7 Somme mmoviies inccreaase thee ammounnt oof bbad drii

7、vinng. Whaat ccan be donne tto eencoouraage youung peooplee too drrivee moore saffelyy?含有飙车的的电影造造成了坏坏的影响响。我们们可以做做什么去去鼓励年年轻人更更安全的的开车Topicc:Thee soocieety wouuld bennefiit ffromm a bann onn alll fformms oof aadveertiisinng bbecaausee itt seervees nno uusefful purrposse, andd caan eevenn bee daamagging

8、g. TTo wwhatt exxtennt ddo yyou agrree or dissagrree witth tthiss oppiniion?In prreseent soccietty, advverttiseemennts aree inncreeasiinglly rramppantt inn ouur llifee. IIt iis eeverrywhheree, eevenn att thhe bbackk off tooileet ddoorrs. Whenn itt coomess too addverrtissemeentss puurpoose, peeoplles

9、 oppiniionss diiverrge. I fiirmlly ttakee thhe oopinnionn thhat commmerrciaal aadveertiisemmentts sservve mmoree deemerritss thhan merritss. Adverrtissingg miightt bee liike meddiciine; noot nnicee buut nneceessaary froom ttimee too tiime. Whenn wee waant to buyy a neww coompuuterr orr goo onn a hol

10、lidaay ssomee off uss wiill do twoo thhinggs; do somme oonliine ressearrch andd thhen cheeck outt thhe bbestt deealss onnlinne oor iin tthe papperss. TThiss woorkss foor uus; we gett thhe rrighht iinfoormaatioon aat tthe rigght timme. And we aree grrateefull.Also advverttisiing payys ffor thiingss t

11、hhat I ennjoyy; iit ppayss foor tthe TV proograams I waatchh, tthe TV scrreenns tthatt heelp me passs tthe timme oon tthe pubblicc trranssporrt ssysttem, annd ssubssidiizess thhe nnewsspapperss I reead onllinee.On annothher dayy wee maay bbe sstroolliing in thee sttreeet wwithh ouur ffrieendss ennjo

12、yyingg thhe ssunsshinne, butt thhen a llargge TTV sscreeen jummps intto llifee teelliing us thee meeritts oof aa ceertaain shaampooo, or a ccerttainn moodell. TThiss iss inntruusivve, disstriictiing andd peerhaaps eveen ddanggeroous as it makkes vissionn inn thhe sstreeetss moore diffficcultt。 Whats

13、 mmoree, aadveertiisemmentts aare morre oofteen tthann noot mmislleaddingg. EEspeeciaallyy chhinoos mmarkketss, aadveertiisemmentt allwayys eexagggerratee thee fuuncttionn off a cerrtaiin pprodductt. HHoweeverr, aafteer ppeopple havve ppaidd foor iit, theey ccan finnd tthatt thhey diddnt ppay forr t

14、hhe pprodductt tootallly, innsteead, thhey invvestted in thee addverrtissemeent of thee prroduuct to somme eexteend.To suum uup, commmerrciaal aadveertiisemmentts ddo bbothh goood andd haarm to ourr liife. Althhouggh, thee addvanntagges cann ovverwwhellm tthe dissadvvanttagees, stiill, too coompllet

15、eely eliiminnatee thhem froom oour daiily liffe wwoulld bbe uunwiise.It iss saaid thaat tthe amoountt off viioleencee onn thhe TTV pproggramms hhas neggatiive efffectt onn ouur ssociial devveloopmeent andd thhereeforre sshouuld be redduceed.To whhat exttentt doo yoou aagreee oor ddisaagreee wwithh t

16、hhis opiinioon?With thee addvennt oof tteleevissionns, thee moodemm soocieety hass beeen beiing inccreaasinnglyy coolouurfuul. Theey bbeneefitt peeoplles llifee inn maany areeas, suuch as commmunnicaatinng. Howeeverr, aa laargee nuumbeer oof ppeopple shoow ggreaat cconccernn abboutt thhe vviollencce

17、 tthe TV proograams. I thhinkk thhe cconccernn dooes makke ssensse.Over reccentt yeearss, ttherre hhas beeen aan iincrreassingg ammounnt oof mmediia vviollencce. TV serriess poortrray serriall kiillss, ggun batttlees aand bruutall fiighttingg. NNewss annd ddocuumenntarriess illlusstraate eveery dett

18、aill off a staarliing criime in thee naame of criime invvesttigaatioon. TV vieewerrs ttodaay aare so useed tto vviollencce tthatt thhey nevver thiink it dissturrbinng bbut finnd iit ffun to wattch.Youngg peeoplle aand chiildrren aree thhe ggreaatesst vvicttimss off thhis surrge in meddia vioolennce.

19、 Not yett abble to disstinnguiish bettweeen rrighht aand wroong, thhey oftten imiitatte tthe vioolennce theey oobseervee onn TVV annd aacceept it as thee noormaal wway to behhavee toowarrds othherss. IIt iis rrepoorteed tthatt maany juvveniile criimess arre tthe dirrectt reesullt oof vviewwingg aggg

20、reessiive behhaviiorss onn TVV.Opponnentts oof sstriict meddia conntrool oofteen ppoinnt oout thaat ssomee off thhe vviollencce sshowwn oon TTV iis tthe truue pporttrayyal of whaat iis hhapppeniing arooundd uss annd ppeopple havve tthe rigghtss too knnow it. Althhouggh tthiss iss unndouubteedlyy trr

21、ue, itt allso meaans thaat ppeopple whoo seee tthemm a lott maay ggradduallly devveloop aa seensee off innseccuriity andd miistrrustt ass thhey aree foorceed tto bbeliievee thhey aree liivinng iin aa daangeerouus wworlld.The vviollencce oon sscreeen is conntriibuttingg too inncreeasiing criime ratte

22、. As aa reesullt, it is higgh ttimee thhe ggoveernmmentts sshouuld commbatt thhe tthreeat of meddia vioolennce to thee geenerral pubblicc.In prreseent agee soocieety, addverrtissemeentss haave beeen bbeinng iincrreassinggly rammpannt iin oour liffe. Conssequuenttly, soome peooplee dooubtt thhat it i

23、s advverttiseemennts thaat lleadd too thhe hhighh saake of prooduccts rattherr thhan thee reeal neeeds of connsummerss. TTo ddisttingguissh wwhicch ffacttor cann ouutweeighh thhe ootheer, thee onnly proobleem iis, I thhinkk, tto ddefiine, thhe nneceessaary andd thhe ddecoorattivee.One tthe onee haan

24、d, wiith thee faast pacce oof mmodeerniizattionn, ppeopples pphyssicaal aand spiirittuall neeedss arre ggreaatlyy diiverrsiffiedd annd ccareefullly cattegoorizzed, whhichh wiitneesseed bby mmushhrooominng ssupeermaarkeets, deeparrtmeent stooress annd sshopppinng mmallls. Fromm kiitchhenwwaree too ga

25、ardeeninng iimpllemeentss, ffromm offficce cconssumaablees tto hhoussehoold connfecctioons, thhosee pllacees eexisst tto pprovvidee a spllenddid arrray of moddem commmodditiies, caaterringg too evveryy paartiicullar tasste to hummanss. NNo wwondder thaat mmanyy hoouseewivves aree soo thhrillledd att

26、 thhe tthouughtt off annothher shooppiing sprree! Moreeoveer, manny nnew bussineessees hhavee spprouutedd upp inn reecennt ddecaadess. FFor exaamplles, thhe ppediicurre iinduustrry iis tthriivinng iin SSouttheaast Asiia aas aan eeffeectiive chaanneel tto rreliievee thhe sstreessees aand strrainns oo

27、f mmodeem llifee.On thhe ootheer hhandd, tthe migghtyy poowerr off addverrtissingg iss allso a cconttribbutiing facctorr. IInunddateed bby aa suucceessiion of sedducttivee immagees aand atttracctivve ppricces, moost connsummerss fiind it harrd tto rresiist thee alllurre oof pposssesssingg thhe aadve

28、ertiisedd prroduuctss. FFolllowiing thee prrincciplle oof “3B”(baaby, beeautty aand beaast), mmanyy addverrtisserss usse nnewbbornn innfannts, goorgeeouss feemalles andd doomessticc annimaals to stiimullatee puurchhasiing imppulsses in thee auudieenceetheeir pottenttiall cuustoomerrsthooughh thhosee

29、 icconss arre iirreelevvantt too thheirr prroduuctss. FFor insstannce, allthooughh caar mmanuufaccturrerss annd rreall esstatte ddeveelopps hhavee beeen criiticcizeed ffor usiing shaapelly mmodeels in theeir advverttiseemennts, thhe cclimmbinng ssalees oof ccarss annd ppropperttiess giive eviidennce

30、 of theeir greeat succcesss, at leaast in commmerrciaal ttermms.To suum uup, it is obvviouus tthatt peeoplles rreall neeedss annd ttheiir mmagnnetiism of advverttisiing aree thhe ttwo mosst ppoweerfuul fforcces at worrk. Sincce tthe inddiviiduaals cann noot ttelll thhe rreasson theey bbuy a ccerttai

31、nn prroduuct. We ccant ddeciide whiich facctorr iss moore impporttantt wiithoout sciienttifiic rreseearcch.Nowaddayss, aa loot oof mmediia, inccluddingg neewsppapeers, maagazzinee, tteleevissionn, rradiio, andd evven thee innterrnett, aare pubblisshinng sstorres of peooplees prrivaate livves. Shouul

32、d thiis ppraccticce bbe bbannned?In prreseent agee soocieety, meediaa haas bbeenn beecommingg ann inndisspennsibble parrt oof oour liffe. As iit bbrinngs us treemenndouus cconvveniiencce oon ccommmuniicattionn annd eenteertaainmmentt, itt allso exeertss neegattivee immpacct oon iindiividdualls aand

33、soccietty. I tthinnk tthe govvernnmennt sshouuld bann suuch praactiice whiich is agaainsst mmoraal pprinncippless.It iss trrue thaat mman is borrn tto bbe oon ttipttoe forr prrivaacy witth ccuriiosiity. Neeverrtheelesss, it is bby nno mmeanns aa suffficciennt rreasson to alllow thee prractticee off

34、maakinng ppubllic peooplees pprivvacyy. AAs aa coonseequeencee, iit wwoulld eencoouraage an immmoraal ccondductt off noosinng iintoo ottherrs pprivvacyy. IIndeeed, soome teeenaggerss whho hhavee reead thee innforrmattionn deescrribiing thee afffaiirs of a mmoviie sstarr coouldd bee unnderr thhe wwro

35、nng iimprresssionn abboutt loove.As faar aas tthe pubblicc iss coonceerneed, somme pprivvatee sttoriies givve aa miisleeadiing exaamplle oof llovee annd mmarrriagge. In ffactt, ssomee neewsppapeers andd maagazzinees aare teeeminng wwithh thhe pphottos andd arrticcless deetaiilinng thheirr neew ggirl

36、lfriiendds oor bboyffrieendss off ceelebbrittiess, wwhicch cconttribbutees tto tthe dissturrbinng mminddsett thhat marrriaage is no lonngerr ass immporrtannt aand scaaredd ass beeforre.To coonclludee, iit iis rreassonaablee too asssumme tthatt thhe ppraccticce oof pprinntinng pprivvacyy iss deetriim

37、enntall too uss. IIt iis mmy sstroong reccommmendaatioon ffor ourr gooverrnmeent to forrbidd thhesee.Adverrtissemeentss pllay a mmajoor rrolee onn TVV inn maarkeet eeconnomiies. Deespiite thee beeneffitss off suuch infformmatiion, maany peooplee crritiicizze tthe rolle oof TTV aadveertiisinng. To wh

38、aat eexteent do youu aggreee orr diisaggreee wiith theeir vieew? With thee deevellopmmentt off TVV prrogrramss, aadveertiisemmentts aare beccomiing inccreaasinnglyy raampaant. Peeoplle hholdd diiffeerennt oopinnionns aabouut TTV aadveertiisemmentts. As farr ass I coonceerneed, theey ddo iinflluennce

39、 ourr liife neggatiivelly tto ssomee exxtennt.Firsttly, addverrtissemeentss prroviide infformmatiion, annd iinfoormaatioon iis eesseentiial to a mmodeern ecoonommy bbecaausee itt brringgs tthosse wwho havve pprodductts aand serrvicces intto cconttactt wiith thoose whoo waant to buyy. IIndeeed, addve

40、rrtissemeentss arre tthe mosst eeffiicieent meaans of succh ccommmuniicattionn annd hhelpp too keeep thee prricee off coonsuumerr gooodss doown. Seeconndlyy, tthe advverttisiing inddusttry is a ssignnifiicannt ssourrce of empployymennt. Thiirdlly, advverttiseemennts aree offtenn chharmmingg annd wwe

41、lll-fiilmeed, a ssourrce of entterttainnmennt iin tthemmsellvess.Clearrly, hoowevver, TVV addverrtissemeentss prreseent a nnumbber of objjecttionnablle ffeatturees. Mosst oobviioussly theey iinteerruupt thee prrogrramss, ddisttracct oour atttenttionn annd mmay spooil ourr ennjoyymennt oor llearrninn

42、g. Theen ttherre iis tthe queestiion of thee meessaagess thhat thee addverrtissemeentss coonveey. Theey ddo nnot simmplyy giive us infformmatiion aboout prooduccts thaat wwe mmay wannt tto bbuy, thhey alsso aarouuse thee deesirres to buyy neew pprodductts aand leaave us disssattisffiedd unntill wee

43、buuy tthemm. AAt aa deeepeer lleveel, advverttiseemennts oftten preesennt uus wwithh a fanntassy wworlld tthatt maakess uss faalsee prromiisess off haappiinesss, poppulaaritty aand so on. Thhus theey mmay creeatee waasteefull coonsuumpttionn.To coonclludee, ddesppitee alll tthe advvanttagees aadveer

44、tiisemmentts bbrinng, theey aalsoo haave dissadvvanttagees. We shoouldd deevellop ourr owwn vvaluue ssysttem to evaaluaate theeir messsagges andd thheirr efffeccts. Onnly in thiis wway willl nnot we be swaayedd byy thhem.Some peooplee thhinkk thhe mmediia sshouuld stoop rrepoortiing dettaills oof cc

45、rimmes to thee puubliic. Whaat iis iin yyourr oppiniion?Todayy, tthe priint as welll aas eelecctroonicc meediaa teend to deddicaate larrge amoountts oof sspacce oor aairttimee t gruuesoomelly ddetaaileed rrepoortss abboutt crrimees. Perrsonnallly, I bbeliievee suuch dettaills aare supppossed to be s

46、trricttly cennsorred, iff noot bbannned alttogeetheer,Firstt off alll, dettailled covveraage of heiinouus ccrimmes mayy fuurthher traaumaatisse tthe vicctimms oof ccrimmes repportted by thee meediaa. TThesse vvicttimss haave alrreaddy ssufffereed ggreaatlyy foor wwhatt thhey havve eexpeerieenceed. W

47、itthouut ttheiir cconssentt, ddetaaileed aaccoountts oof ffelooniees wwoulld oonlyy addd tto tthesse iinnoocennt ppeopples ssuffferiing.An evven morre ddistturbbingg faact is thaat ddetaaileed rrepoortss off crrimees bby tthe preess mayy prroviide thee pootenntiaal ccrimminaals witth iinsttrucctivve

48、 llearrninng mmateeriaals, whhichh woouldd bee haard to obttainn ottherrwisse. Theey mmay hellp tthosse wwho aree inn thhe pproccesss off pllannningg crrimiinall accts perrfecct ttheiir pplanns tthatt iss, aavoiid tthe pittfallls annd mmakee thhemsselvves harrderr too trrackked dowwn bby ppoliice.Be

49、siddes, thhesee daays thee prrimaary of jouurnaalissts covveriing thee deetaiils of criiminnal actts iis, morre oofteen tthann noot, to booost newwspaaperr ciircuulattionns oon TTV rratiingss. CConssequuenttly, a greeat deaal oof ccrimme ccoveeragge iis rrathher biaasedd, eexagggerrateed oor ffrauud

50、ullentt, wwhicch oonlyy seervee too teerroorisse ccommmuniitiees aand leaave laww-abbidiing cittizeens inccreaasinnglyy apppreehennsivve aabouut ccrimmes.Thereeforre, I wwoulld aarguue tthatt thhe ddetaaileed ccoveeragge oof ccrimmes shoouldd noot ggo uunchheckked anyy loongeer aas ttheyy maay bbe f

51、falsse, mayy fuurthher driive up thee allreaady-higgh ccrimme rratee annd mmanyy brringg evven morre ssuffferiing to thee viictiims of criimess.Some movviess inncreeasee thhe aamouunt of badd drriviing. Whhat cann bee doone to enccourragee yooungg peeoplle tto ddrivve mmoree saafelly?Moviees ttendd too haave verry llargge iinflluennce on youung peooplee whho aare infflueenceed bbothh byy whhat theey ssee andd heear. Beecauuse thiis iis tthe casse, It is truue tthatt


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