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1、专题012求助信2023届新高考英语写作精讲+写作模板【典题解读】(2021年1月八省联考)假定你是李华,准备参加学校组织的英文诗朗诵比赛。请给外教George写封 邮件求助。内容包括:1 .说明比赛要求;.请他推荐英文诗;请教朗诵技巧。注意:1 ,写作词数应为80左右;.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。【解读】这是一篇应用文写作之求助信。题干提供了四个要点:准备参加学校组织的英文诗朗诵比赛;说明比 赛要求;请他推荐英文诗;请教朗诵技巧。很显然除了第一个要点外的其余三个要点的表达都比拟笼统, 需要考生将这些要点具体化,方能顺利完成写作任务。写作时,可以运用三段式来表达:第一段:点明写信之目

2、的(就准备参加学校组织的英文诗朗诵比赛向对方求助);第二段:求助内容(说明比赛要求;请他推荐英文诗;请教朗诵技巧);第三段:表达期盼、感谢,并希望得到回复。【答案】1Dear George,Im writing to ask for your help, for Im going to take part in the English poetry recitation contest organized by our school.Im encountering some problems which need your help a lot. You know, We participan

3、ts are required to read aloud one English poem with expression within limited time and pronunciation, emotion and performance will importantly be considered by judges. So would you please be so kind to recommend some classic and beautiful poems for me? Besides, could you share some reading skills of

4、 the contest to perfect my performance?I would be grateful if you could lend me a helping hand. Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua 【答案】2Dear Mr. George,Im writing to ask for your help. Our school will hold an English Poetry Reading Contest next weekend. I am eager to have a try.It is require

5、d that the theme should be about nature. Each contestant is given up to five minutes to read the poem. So would you please be so kind to give me some recommendations on which poem to choose? Besides, what I need are the skills of recitation, including pronunciation and intonation, which will perfect

6、 my performance.Id appreciate it if you could give me some guidance. Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua【写作点拨】求助信是指写信人就自己遇到的问题或困难向收信人寻求帮助时所写的信件(包括电子邮件),希望收 信人就提出的问题提供帮助或给出针对性的解决方法。求助信要简明扼要,语气委婉、真诚。具体写作步 骤如下:开头段:(进行问候),自我介绍,说明写信的目的(表达寻求什么样的帮助);主体段:适当增加细节内容,详细说明自己所遇到的问题或困难并请求帮助;结尾段:表示感谢和期盼。【常用素

7、材】How is everything going with you?你一切都好吗?My name is Li Hua.我叫李华。Im Li Hua from . School.我是来自学校的李华。Im writing to ask for/ask you for your help/seek for your help/seek help from you.我写信是为了寻求您的帮助。Im writing in the hope that you will be kind enough to do me a favor/give me a hand.我写信希望您能给予我以帮助。Im writi

8、ng in the hope of your assistance in preparing for . to be held/orgnized by .我写信是希望您能帮我为由举办/组织的做准备。Im sorry to bother you, but I have some difficulties here and need your help.很抱歉打搅您,但我有些困难需要得到您的帮助。I have difficulty/trouble in which bothers me a lot. So I have no choice but to turn to you for help.我

9、在的方面有困难,这很困扰我。所以我别无选择只能向您求助。The problems I am facing now are as follows.我现在所面临的问题如下。Im encountering three problems which trouble me a lot. To begin with,. Whats more, . What troubles me most is .我遇到的三个间题很困扰我,首先;另外;最困扰我的是。Unfortunately,! find/feel it quite/extremely difficult/hard to do with .不幸的是,我觉

10、得十分/非常难。It is difficult/challenging for me to do sth.做某事是困难的/有挑战性的。Domg sth.is another terrible headache for me.做某事是另一件让我很头痛的事。Faced with/Facing the above problems/so many difficulties, I am anxious to get your help/I have to ask you for some help. Would you please offer me some advice on?面对上述问题/这么多

11、困难,我渴望得到你的 帮助/我得向您求助。请你就给我提一些建议,好吗?Would you like to/please introduce some good ways to . so that I can .?您愿意介绍一些的好方法,以便我能吗?/请您介绍一些的好方法,以便我能,好吗?I have the confidence/firmly believe that with your help, I can .我有信心/坚信在你的帮助下我能够I wonder if can help me with these difficulties. I really appreciate it if

12、you could help me ?我想知道你能不能帮我解决这些困难。如果你能帮助我,我真的很感激。I would appreciate it very much if you can offer me some necessary/timely help(give/lend me some practical/valuable advice).如果你能给我一些必要的帮助/及时的帮助(给我一些实用的/有价值的建议)。我会很感激。rd appreciate it if you could do me a favor/give me a hand 如果您能帮助我,我会非常感激。It would

13、be of great help if you can offer me some valuable suggestions on how to .如果您能帮我提一些关于如何的建议,那将会是很大的帮助。Please reply at your earliest convenience! Thanks a lot!请在方便时尽早回复!谢谢!【模板构建】模板一Dear ,My name is/I am, a(自我介绍).I am writing to ask/seek for your help for (内容).(求助背景).Unfortunately, I have met some diff

14、icultiesin(某方面).For example,(困难 1). Whats more,(困难 2).Whats worse,(困难 3). Would you be so kind as to offer some advice on how to(就上面所 遇到的困难方面).Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua【模板应用】一(2022吉林汪清县六中高二期末)假设你是李华,是英美文学爱好者。最近,你在学习英语诗歌时,遇 到一些困难。请给你校的外教琼斯先生写一封求助信。内容包括:1 ,发出求助;2 .陈述你的问题;3 希望他提供帮助。注意:

15、1 .词数80左右,开头和结尾已写好,不计入总词数;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Mr. Jones,Yours,Yours,Li HuaYours,Yours,Li Hua【答案】Dear Mr. Jones,Im Li Hua, a student in English and American Literature Class. Tm writing to ask you for some help.Actually I am a fan of English and American literature, so I like your class very much.

16、 Unfortunately, I have met some difficulties in learning English poetry recently. For example, there are so many new words in the poems that it is difficult fbr me to understand them. Whats more, I cannot find exact Chinese for some poems.Would you be so kind as to offer some advice on how to learn

17、English poetry?Looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua模板二Dear,My name is/I am, a(自我介绍).I am writing to ask/seek for your help for(内容).Now/At present, I am faced with(几个问题)/Therere(几个问题)Im faced with now.First of all,(问题 1). In addition,(问题 First of all,(问题 1). In addition,(问题 2). Whats more

18、,(问题3).(就上面所遇到的问题方面).Therefore, I sincerely hope you can offer me some advice on1 would appreciate it if you could help me. Looking forward to your reply.(就上面所遇到的问题方面).Yours,Li Hua【模板运用】二(改编自网络)假定你是外教汤姆所工作的学校的高三学生李华,现请你就你在英语学习方面所遇到的两个主要问题向汤姆求助。内容包括:1 .发出求助;.陈述你的问题(单词的记忆与使用以及在同学面前说英语紧张);.希望他提出建议。注意:1

19、 .词数80左右,开头和结尾已写好,不计入总词数;,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Tom,Yours,Li Hua【答案】Dear Tom,Im Li Hua, a Senior 3 student in your school. I am writing to ask for your help for I am having trouble in learning English now.At present, I am faced with two main problems. First of all, I find it quite challenging to memo

20、rize words. In addition, I feel it more difficult to put word into use. Whats more, I feel so nervous in front of my classmates that I cant utter a single word in English. Therefore, I hope you can offer me some advice on how to remember and use words and how to overcome my fear of speaking English.

21、I would appreciate it if you could help me.Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua【写作实践】一(改编自2021 .全国高三专题练)假定你是李华,当前你在英语学习方面遇到了一些问题。于是你向你校 的外籍老师Tom写一封求助信寻求帮助。内容如下:1 .本人简介;求助内容(语法规那么及其运用以及在同学面前说英语紧张);希望得到汤姆的帮助。注意:词数100左右。可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。开头语和结束语已为你写好。Dear Tom,Yours,Li Hua 【答案】Dear Tom,Im Li Hua, a

22、Senior 3 student in your school. Vm writing to ask you for help for Im having trouble learning English.There9re two main problems Im faced with now. First of all, I find it quite hard to master the English grammatical rules and put them into use. Furthermore, so nervous do I feel in front of my clas

23、smates that I cant say a word in English. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can offer me some advice on how to study English grammar and how to overcome my fear of speaking English.I would appreciate it if you could help me.Looking forward to your reply.Sincerely yours,Li Hua【写作实践】二(2021 四川石室中学模拟预测)假定你是红星中学高三学生李华,在进入高三以后的学习生活中遇到一 些困难,请你给学校心理中心老师写一封求助信。内容如下:1 寻求帮助;.求助内容;.期望回复。注意:1 ,词数120左右;.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Sir or Madam,Y


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