阅读电子版map int he mind思维图谱_第1页
阅读电子版map int he mind思维图谱_第2页




1、MappingtheMappingthe题型charts the way human behavior and culture have been moldedbythelandscapeofthebrain.Cartershowshow our personalities reflect the biological mechanisms underlying thought and emotion and how behavioral eccentricities may be traced to abnormalities in an individual brain. Obsessio

2、ns and compulsions seem tobe caused by a stuck neural switch in a region that monitors the environment for danger. Addictions stem from dysfunction in the brains reward system. Even the sense of religious experience has been linked to activity in a certain brain region. The differences between men a

3、nd womens brains, the question of a gay brain, and conditions such as dyslexia, autism, and mania are also explored.心灵的映射展示了大脑的构造如何影响塑造人类行为和文化。Carter我们的性格反映了思想和情感的潜在的生物机制和行为怪癖可能追溯到可能的个特定的大脑区域活动相关。男人和女人的差异的大脑,一个“同性恋的大脑的问题,” (都是普通读者感兴趣话题)JournalistsAssociationprizeforoutstandingcontributiontomedical j

4、ournalism.Thebookgivesacomprehensivedescriptionofourknowledge aboutthebrain(asof1998,whenthebookwaswritten).Itcoverspopular topics,suchasthecausesforopticalillusions,thenatureoftheMona Lisas smile, the differences between the left and the right brain, betweenmalesandfemales,themechanismsofdrugaddict

5、ions.RitaCarter提供了一个我们了解大脑(1998年,当这本书是写的全面介绍。它涵盖了流Throughoutthebook,Cartersdescriptionsinvariablyremainstrict,rigorousandfactual.Thebook doesnt make any empty claims about our minds, nor does it delve into controversies perpetrated by the uninformed. Everything written is always based on pure hard s

6、cience, with Journalist Rita Carter has drawn a map of what is known (and speculated) about mind in a heavily illustrated field guide to the human brain;Her writing is clear, accessible, witty. They emphasize topics that are likely to be of some practical interest-suchasmind in a heavily illustrated

7、 field guide to the human brain;Her writing is clear, accessible, witty. They emphasize topics that are likely to be of some practical interest-suchasAlzheimersorattentiondeficitdisorder-butnotsomuchastogivea distorted picture of the field. Carter seemsto be writing for adults and teens who dont kno

8、w the field and want to learn it 富。她的写作是清晰的、通俗易懂,而且诙谐幽默。Rita Carter的记者身份特别注重插图; 她强调的话题都是一些实用的人们感兴趣的,比如阿尔茨海默氏症或考题出题点 选择题(73)Carter的记者身份对这本书的好处Looking inside the brain, writes Carter, we see that actions follow from our perceptions, which are due to brain activity dictated by a neuronal structure form

9、ed from the interplay between our genes and the environment. Without sidestepping the question of free will, Carter suggests that future generations will use our increasing knowledge of the brain to enhance those mental qualities that give sweetness and meaning to our lives, and to eradicate those t

10、hat are destructive.卡特告诉我们, 从我们大脑里面看, 我们的行为遵循大脑活动导致的认知过这是形成于我们的基因和环境之间的相互作用且由一个神经元结构来表达。我们也不回避自由意志的问题,卡特认为,知识来“增强心理素质,给我们的生命带来甜美和有意义部分,并根除那些破坏性部分。”Today a brain scan reveals our thoughts, moods, and memories as clearly as an X-ray reveals our bones. We can actually observe a persons brain registerin

11、g a joke or experiencing a painful memory. Drawing on the latest imaging technology and the expertise of distinguished scientists, Rita Carter explores the geography of the human brain. The book is a treat for the eyes: the huge number of helpful, pretty illustrations makes it both easier to compreh

12、end it and more pleasant to read. And the books 150 illustrations-most in color-present an illustrated guide to that wondrous, coconut-sized, wrinkled gray mass we carry inside our heads.今天脑部扫描揭示了我们的思想、情绪和记忆,清晰得就像显示我们的骨头一个 x 射线;实际上,我们可以在讲一个笑话或经历一个痛苦的记忆同时观察一个人RitaCarter150了一个我们带在我们的脑子里奇妙,椰子大小的皱巴巴的灰色质

13、量的图示。考题出题点断题(thebookillusionsisinvibrantcolors )Each one of the sense organs is intricately adapted to deal with its own type of molecules, waves or vibrations. But the answer does not lie here, because despite their wonderful variety, each organ does essentially the same job: it translates its part

14、icular type of stimulus into electricalpulses.Apulseismolecules, waves or vibrations. But the answer does not lie here, because despite their wonderful variety, each organ does essentially the same job: it translates its particular type of stimulus into electricalpulses.Apulseisapulse.Itisnotthecolo

15、urred,orthefirstnotesofBeethovensFifth-it is a bit of electrical energy. Indeed, rather than discriminating one type of sensory input from another, the sense organs actually make them more alike.每一个(感官) 适应处理自己的类型复杂的刺激: 分子、波浪或振动。但是关键不在这里,因符。事实上, 一个类型的感官从另一个输入是不加区分的,感觉器官实际上制输入考题出题点判断oursenseofvisionis

16、independentonoursenseofeyesAll sensory stimuli, then, enter the brain in more or less undifferentiated form as a stream of electrical pulses created by neurons firing, domino-fashion, along a certain route. This is all that happens. There is no reverse transformer that at some stage turns this elect

17、rical activity back into light waves or molecules. What makes one stream into vision and another into smell depends, rather, on which neurons are stimulated.This is truly astonishing and significant. All the sensations, images, tastes and sounds we receive about the world actually consist of the sam

18、e material: electrical signals. The regions in the brain affected by these signals turn them into delicious food, a beautiful landscape, or lively music. But the conscious entity that feels or perceives them is something else. The brain and electrical signals themselves cannot enjoy the taste of foo

19、d or the color and smell of a flower.听觉实际上是相同的材料:电是感觉或理解他们是别的有号本身不能享受食物的味道大量配对题出题点注意大脑部位和功能之间注意大脑部位和功能之间的配对关The simplest way to understand the function of some part of the brain is to find a person in whom it is damaged.After we are through the basics, our journey around the brain starts. First, in

20、the The GreatDivide,Carterexplainstherolesoftheleftandtherighthemispheres(大脑左右半球)and the corpus calossum(脑胼胝体)- the connection between them. Among other things Carter explains the alien hand phenomena, describes experiments thatdemonstratethatpeoplewhosecorpuscalossumhavebeensevered(切断脑胼胝体的)exhibitt

21、woseparatepersonalities(分裂人格)andtouchesthepuzzleof After that, we delve deep into the brain, into its more primitive part, the Then we are shown the nature of perceptions and how they achieve their meanings. After that the author breaks from the confines of the brain and explains thesocial nature(社会

22、性) ofhumansandhowlanguage(语言) enables most of our social interactions.Then Carter describes the nature of our memories(记忆力). She explains amnesia explains the amount of memory we have, and where different memories (such as 三种记忆 describes H.M., a patient withor normal stored. She most of 体)removed. H

23、is mind had no continuity all;H.M.losttheabilitytoformmosttypesofnewmemories,butcould form procedural memories and could learn some new music to play on the piano. 海马体和杏仁体和绝大多数记忆模式有关系, 但似乎切除海马体和杏仁体后, 人脑仍然可以处理 记忆类别中的程式化记忆Another man, after having a minor stroke in the middle of a family dinner, sudde

24、nly found that he didnt remember where he was, and no longer recognized the people at the table. He didnt do anything, though, and later told the doctor: I felt quite happy being with them even though I didnt know who they were, and they seemed an agreeable lot. We are shown why false memories are the norm, rather than an Finally, our most unique and advanced feature - consciousness - is explained. Carter describes the working memory Finally, our most unique and advanced feature - consciousness - is explained


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