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1、2021 全国普通高等学校运动训练 族传统体育专业单独统一招生英语真题(含答案 可编辑)第一卷三题共 120 分)I单项选共 20 小,每小题 2 分满分 分) -Would you mind taking care of my little cat while Im away?-I d be happy to. at allB.First of allC.Above allD.After all careful,-youll fall into the river.A.andB.butC.orD.so3.This kind of can-be found on this small isla

2、nd.A.reallyB.alreadyC.everD.only will sueceed sonner or later-you go A.as asB.as soon asC.as D.as well as5.I suggested we-a few days before we made any decision. A.waitedB.had waitedC.waitD.will wait6.-I want to railway station see friends off.A.After quickly dinnerB.After eating my dinner quicklyC.

3、After eating quickly my D.After eating quickly dinner7.Lily-four languages including English.A.tellsB.speaksD.talks8.If can make it Friday,we invite-else.C.everybodyD.anybody9.Peter was recognized as-a gift for playing piano.A.haveB.havingC.to haveD.had10.-Did Jane return your money?She said she-but

4、 she didnt.A.couldB.wouldC.mustD.should grandfather is in hospital,-from heart attack.A.to recoverD.recovering12.Actually it was not until midnight-the plane arrived A.beforeC.whichD.that13.This house not fit-a family with small children.A.forB.toC.ofD.on money will be used-the school with new equip

5、ment. A.providedB.providingC.to D.provide15.I bear the coldness of the winter-A.any longerB.much more D.no more16.John was working quietly,all his attention-on the task.B.to fastenC.fasteningD.has fastened every corner,the singer about how well she-A.was performingB.performedC.will performD.has perf

6、ormed18.Lee was about to knock all the door-woman appeared from around the side of the house.B.whileC.afterD.since19.Wendy-her job started playing football.A.gave backB.gave inD.gave out20.I-that my brother was rather quiet during dinner.A.will B.am noticingC.noticeD.noticedII 完填(共 10 题,每小题 2 分满分 )阅

7、读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从 21 到 题所给的 ABCD 四选项中,选 出一个最佳答案。柏木体育整)My son is international 魔师When was was -21 One Christmas season we were busy-22 from place to place giving Christmas Sunday,he finished one-23 was geting hungry so we stopped at a convenience store which -24 quick take-out loved the meat pie-25 he

8、 picked up and ordered.Then we hit the road.Very soon son started feeling-26 We had to stop along the road so could empty the food in his-27 which had caused him great discomfort pain.He managed to complete his remaining shows evening was sick-28 way home He described it as the most painful thing he

9、 ever -29 food poisoning(毒)and that was the-30 meat produet he had.He stopped eating ever and persuaded me not to eat it either. B.brave C.cold D.hungry22.A.enjoying B.serving C.singing D.travelling23.A.show B.dinner C.exercise D.event24.A.collected B.hold C.introduced B.so D.aftcr26 Aill B.sleepy C

10、.tired D.lazy27 A.hand B pocket C.stomach D.bowl28.A.only B.again C.once C.heard D.told30.A.whole B.last C.simple D.foreign皿。阅读理( 15 小;每小题 4 分,满分 60 分阅读下列短文,然后从各题所给的 , 四个项中,选出一个最佳答案 ATim Burton makes and 有造性的)films。Some of his most ineludeBeetlejuice,Edward Seissorhands,Mars AttackslandCorpse Bride.

11、Visitors toNew York City can see more Burtons works at exhibit at the Museum ArtTim Burton is best known for bis dark and ereative films.But he his 职业asan artist.The Museum of Art has gathered seven of his drawings,paintingsand other works.Visitors to exhibit see many drawing books made times.He tri

12、ed faeial types and stories.And they ean the development of his artistic stylethat has a dark playfulness.His drawings how he created the eharacters()in his fims.These inelude the RedQueen fromAlice in opens in the United States this week.Several the drawings in the show are not nearly as interesing

13、 skilful asTim Burtons films.But visitors seem to think otherwise.Thousands of people a have the exhibit.The tickets are soon sold out. 31.Tim Burton is best known A.his gift in paintingB.his books on drawingC.his dark and creaive filmsD.his growing experience as artist is the recent film that Burto

14、ns skilful drawings?A.Mars Attacks! BrideC.Alice WonderlandD.Edward Scissorhands underlined word otherwisein the paragraph is close in meaning to A.exactyB.dircclyC.correctlyD.differentlyBMany young parents worry the future suceess of children,and may whatage to have ther children attend good early

15、childhood edueation allows the child to with regular grades and the learn basie information required for sehool life.Theycould get good start to learn tobe more comfortable with other children.Early childhood them have strong learning ability they will for futurestudy.It makes them surer of themselv

16、es in school,whieh finally show in their grades and their dreams.Differentearlychildhood educationprograms at different timcs.Some allowyourchildren to start at three years old with beginnersclasses.They are around other children of their and ideas such sharing and being fair.Other programs at ages

17、four ad five,wherethe child learns the skills needed to make the transition(渡) kindergarten the first programs the to prepared for the school other children get a at reading,writing,art maths. does the text mainly about?A.good life. success of child.C.Early D.The importance of education. is more imp

18、ortant for children to learn an early age?A.How to along with pthers.B.How to be free from worriesC.How toget grades.D.How to be with teachers.36.Early education helps childrenA.grow strongerB.learn things fasterC.get more knowledgeD.become more 37.Afive-year-old child in the toA.read with other chi

19、ldrenB.play some school gamesC.get prepared for school lifeD.become head of the classCCluture(文化shock to all people are five phases(orstages)of culture shock.During the first few days of a persons stay a new eountry,everything usualy goes fairlysmoothly.The neweomer is excited about being in a place

20、.This first stage culture shoek ealled phase.Unfortunately,this often comes to an end fairly soon sccond stage shock is known therejection(排斥phase.The to reject the foreign country,eomplaining about notieing only bad things.At this stage the either gets stronger stays,or gets weaker and goes If you

21、dont get through stage two suecessfuly,you may find moving into stage three: theregression phase.The wordregressionmeansmovingbackward.ln phase,you spend much time speaking your ownlanguage,watehing DVD from your home country,eating food fromhome. If you get through the third stage suecessfully(or m

22、iss it completely)you will move into the fourth stage culture shock:recovery phase.ln this stage you become withthe language and the customs the foreign country.Much later,you your self entering fifth is calledreturn cultureshockand occurs when return home.You have been away for a long time may thar

23、 are longer completely comfortable in home Remember to be kind yourself all the time you are in a foreign country,and when youget first phase of culture shock is known asA.the honeymoon B.the rejection stageC.the regressin stageD the recovery stage39.Ifa person has difficulty getting through the fir

24、st stages,he may A.travel to another countryB.return to his home C.choose watch TV a lot at homeD.speak more in his own 40.Aperson in the recovery stage willA.complain about being homeB.feel comfortable being homeC. become more used to the foreign country about moving to his home country41.You may e

25、xperiencereturn culture shockwhen on vacationB.arrive in a foreign countryC.go back to your home countryD。miss the first few stages of culture shockD美约)numbers have dropped very fast in the last hundred 。The main cause forthis drop people.Jaguarsonce lived from Texas,Arizona,and New Mexico the way t

26、o southernArgentin.Sinee 1900,the amount land suitable jaguars to live in has by more half.Today,wild jaguar families no longer live anywhere in the United Gunshot wounds are the main causes of jaguar deaths Jaguars sometimes kill cattle(牛.As result,farmers shoot jaguars to proteet their animals.In

27、the 1960s,people shot more than 15,000 jaguars a year Brazil.Many farmers worry that steps to proteet jaguars wil lead to more jaguars killing cattle. Studies show that people often jaguars for killing cattle.If there is wild prey jaguars seem to prefer to eat wild animals,such as deer,aceording to

28、Wildlife Conservation Society. are also in danger people eut down trees for farms,eities,and towns.This action has destroyed than one and half billion acres(202,300,000 heetares)of jaguar habitat(栖息)。 two-thirds the size of the United !Scientists believe that key for jaguars to remain alive to find

29、for jaguars andpeople to live together peacefully.42.It is stated in the text that a hundred years agoA.15,000 Jaguars killed a yearB.there more wild jaguars were more dangerous to eat cattle43 the text we thatA.gunshot wounds caused more deaths of the cattle wild jaguar families remain the United S

30、tatesC.the land in North America is not suitable for jaguarsD.farmers are trying to shoot jaguars to protect their land underlined wordpreyin Paragraph 5 refers toj that cattle eatB.animals that jaguars foodC.disease caused by wild animalsD.deer raised by farmers of the following causes the dropping ofjaguar reducing of farm animals.B.Thousands of trees cities. fight jaguars and people.D.The change of jaguar h


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