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1、. 单项选择从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 21. David, do you think I can move the sofa by _?A. yourself B. youC. myself D. me 22. Would you like some more dumplings?Yes, just _, please.A. a little B. littleC. a few D. few 23. These children quickly got _ with staying at home, so they went to the beach.A. bo

2、ring B. boredC. interesting D. interested 24. After driving about ten kilometers, Miss Green stopped at a restaurantbecause she was a little _.A. heavy B. hungryC. strict D. beautiful 25. Its cold here.Yeah. Youll be _ if you move about.A. smart enough B. enough smartC. warm enough D. enough warm 26

3、. Lisas dog is lost and shes very sad. I _ what we can do to help her.A. wonder B. wishC. learn D. worry 27. Its time to go now. Is _ here?No. Ben and Jill are still on the way.A. someone B. no oneC. anyone D. everyone 28. Now there is nothing to do but _.A. to read B. readC. reading D. reads 29. _

4、sunny day it is! Lets go swimming in the lake.A. How B. WhatC. What a D. How a 30. Linda, I know youre busy now, but I have _ to tell you.A. important anythingB. anything importantC. important somethingD. something important 31. Whats the _ between these two computers?One is black and the other is w

5、hite.A. difference B. surpriseC. problem D. danger 32. What _ you _ yesterday afternoon?I went to see a movie Zootopia.A. do; do B. did; doC. are; doing D. did; did 33. I met Mr. Miller for the first time yesterday. He _ to be a nice person.A. remembered B. dreamedC. sounded D. seemed 34. What do yo

6、u think of my skirt?I _ its small for you.A. feel like B. would likeC. taste like D. look like 35. Would you like to go fishing with us?_. I dont like it.A. Sounds good B. No problemC. Not really D. Of course. 完形填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。In September, my family and I will leave

7、Britain to travel around the world. We 36 planning the trip last January, and we will be back in June. We will travel about 10 months. We plan to 37 20 countries.People often have to lose their jobs to have a 38 like this, but my parents will never do that. They have a pet shop, and they plan to fin

8、d 39 to help them. 40 Ill have to do my homework. Mom says we can go online in most places, so Ill 41 email my homework to my teachers.We have to 42 what we need to take. We cant take too many nice clothes and different pairs of shoes, but I know I must take my travel pillow . If I have that, I can

9、43 anywhere. Of course we cant take 44 cat and I know I will miss her. But Im sure shell play happily 45 my grandparents. Also, Ill often talk to my friends online. 36. A. stopped B. startedC. disliked D. enjoyed 37. A. join B. showC. describe D. visit 38. A. trip B. ideaC. answer D. guide 39. A. so

10、mething B. anythingC. someone D. anyone 40. A. But B. SoC. Or D. If 41. A. yet B. neverC. just D. only 42. A. wait B. decide C. remember D. miss 43. A. jump B. shoutC. order D. sleep 44. A. our B. theirC. his D. her 45. A. over B. withC. at D. on. 情景交际根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Hi, Tom. I saw

11、 the pictures from your trip on your blog . They are great!B: Thanks.A: I like the mountains in your pictures.B: _A: Where are the mountains?B: Theyre in a national park.A: _B: I hiked along a river and up a mountain.A: _B: Yes. You can see a long way from the top.A: _B: A lake, lots of mountains an

12、d trees.A: Wow. _B: Of course! We can take a road trip there together.A. Sounds great.B. What did you do in the park?C. What did you see?D. Me too.E. Can you take me there sometime?F. Did you go with anyone?G. Did you go to the top?. 阅读理解AHello, Im Peter. My winter vacation is coming. Here is my vac

13、ation plan for next week.Day: MondayTime: 8:00 10:00 Clean the house10:00 12:00 Cook lunch14:00 16:00 Do some reading18:00 20:00 Play footballDay: TuesdayTime: 8:00 10:00 Go to the library10:00 12:00 Do homework14:00 16:00 Watch TV18:00 20:00 SwimDay: WednesdayTime: 8:00 10:00 Exercise in the park10

14、:00 12:00 /14:00 16:00 Take piano lessons18:00 20:00 /Day: ThursdayTime: 8:00 10:00 Climb the mountain10:00 12:00 Visit the museum14:00 16:00 Go fishing18:00 20:00 Play tennis with my sisterDay: FridayTime: 8:00 10:00 Go to the supermarket10:00 12:00 Visit my grandparents14:00 16:00 /18:00 20:00 Tak

15、e a walkDay: SaturdayTime: 8:00 10:00 /10:00 12:00 Meet my brother in the cinema14:00 16:00 /18:00 20:00 Have a family dinner根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 51. What will Peter do between 10:00 and 12:00 on Tuesday?A. Go fishing.B. Do homework.C. Take a walk.D. Climb the mountain. 52. Peter plans to take piano lesson

16、s on _.A. MondayB. TuesdayC. WednesdayD. Thursday 53. Peter plans to play tennis with his _.A. sisterB. brotherC. parentsD. grandparents 54. Peter will meet his brother in the _.A. supermarketB. museumC. libraryD. cinema 55. When is Peter free?A. 8:00 10:00, Wednesday.B. 10:00 12:00, Thursday.C. 14:

17、00 16:00, Friday.D. 18:00 20:00, Saturday.BAdam was in his room. He was playing with his cat. He liked playing with it. His little sister Kate came in and said, Next Friday is Moms birthday. What about buying her a gift this weekend?Oh, I forgot it! What does she want? asked Adam.I dont know, said K

18、ate. We bought her a birthday cake last time.Yes, said Adam. And we ate most of it! We mustnt do that again.Lets buy her a book, said Kate. She likes reading.What kind of book would she like? asked Adam.I dont know, said Kate. Lets find it out.The children went into the living room. Mrs. Wilson was

19、watching TV there.We want to buy you a book for your birthday, Mom, said Kate. What book do you want?How much do you want to spend? asked Mom.We have twenty dollars, said Adam.Good. Thats enough for the book. Its called Quick and Easy Cooking, said Mom.Then the children went to the bookshop by bus.

20、They bought their mom the book for her birthday. It cost them eighteen dollars. Their mom liked it very much and read it every day. They didnt eat her gift this time, but they ate the things she cooked from it!根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 56. What can we know about Adam?A. He watched too much TV at home.B. He forg

21、ot his moms birthday.C. He was good at cooking.D. He wanted to have a cat. 57. Adam and Kate didnt want to buy their mom a birthday cake because _.A. it was not deliciousB. it was too expensiveC. their mom didnt like itD. they ate most of it before 58. How did Adam and Kate go to the bookshop?A. By

22、bus.B. By car.C. By bike.D. By train. 59. What does the underlined word cost in the last paragraph mean in Chinese?A. 节约B. 盈利C. 花费D. 投资 60. When Adam and Kates mom got the book, she felt _.A. boredB. happyC. surprisedD. sorry. 词汇运用A 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。building, wait, sell, bicycle, wet61. M

23、r. Green _ his car to a friend last month.62. I _ in all day but they didnt arrive.63. These boys got on their _ and rode off.64. I had to walk in the rain and got _.65. There are a group of farm _ over there.B 根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。66. We have different kinds of classroom _ .67. Bobs father is a _ . He

24、 sells vegetables in the store.68. They had an _ time at the party.69. My brother likes cats but _ dogs.70. Miss Jones, can I keep this CD for _ ?. 完成句子根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。71. 我爸爸要求我用英语记日记。My father asked me _ _ _ _ in English.72. 安静点!你姐姐正在备考。Be quiet! Your sister is _ _ _ _.73. 让我们试着在这儿住一个月。Lets _ _

25、here for a month.74. 因为那条街很吵,我昨晚没睡好。I didnt sleep well last night _ _ the noisy street.75. 他们如此忙以至于没时间去度假。Theyre _ busy _ they have no time to take a holiday. 综合填空阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。because, really, take, they, finish, for, put, gift, wonderful, buyIt was a sunny Saturday morni

26、ng. After breakfast, Jims grandparents took him Christmas shopping. They _ the subway to the stores. When they got off the subway, Jim could see people everywhere. The people took bags, _ and decorations .Christmas is Jims favorite time of the year, _ he loves the holiday decorations and he also lov

27、es decorating his house. Jims grandparents took him to three stores. He _ his mother a new sweater, his father a new shirt, and his sister a new toy . Then, Jims grandparents took him to eat a hamburger _ lunch. Jim also had an ice-cream and a cup of juice. After lunch, Jim and his grandparents went

28、 skating. Jim _ liked it.Jim slept on his way home. When he got home, he _ all the boxes of Christmas decorations in the living room. His family decorated _ house for Christmas that night. After they _ that, they danced and sang Christmas songs together. It was a _ day. 书面表达假如你是王杰,上周末你和父母去乡下旅行了。请你根据

29、以下提示,给你的美国笔友Joe发一封电子邮件,向他介绍一下你的这次乡下之旅。提示:How did you go to the countryside?What did you do in the countryside?What do you think of the life there?要求:80词左右,可适当发挥。电子邮件的格式已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Joe,Yours,Wang Jie附 加 题 Learning a foreign language takes a lot of time, but still lots of people learn it every day

30、. _StudyIf you plan to study in a foreign country, you will need to learn the language there. _ You can also talk to a student from that country. I think its a good idea to find someone to help you.WorkIt is difficult for young people to find a good job now. But if you know a foreign language, you m

31、ay have more chances . _ It will help you know more people and more things. Also, it is interesting to live in different countries.TravelYou may plan to have a holiday in a foreign country. If so, its useful for you to know the language there. _Make friendsIf your classmates speak a different langua

32、ge, learning that language will help you talk with them easily. _根据材料内容,从方框中选择合适的句子填入文中空缺处,使材料完整、通顺。其中有一个句子是多余的。A. You need to learn to order food and drinks, and find your way around.B. They learn it just because it is very useful.C. You can choose to work in different countries.D. But it is not difficult for


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