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1、Section BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is mar

2、ked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Is It Worth Eating an Organic Diet?Organic or InorganicSales of organic food have been rising steadily over the past decade, reaching almost $30 billion in 2011, or 4.2% of all U.S. food and beverage sales,

3、 according to the Organic Trade Association. Many of the consumers who purchase these products say paying more for organic produce, milk and meat is a trade-off they are willing to make in order to avoid exposure to chemical pesticides and fertilizers and milk from cows given bovine growth hormone(牛

4、生长激素). Some experts say common sense should tell us that food grown without the help of synthetic chemicals is probably safer and healthier to consume than food containing those substances, even in trace amounts. They believe Americans should try to substitute organic products for conventional ones

5、whenever possible.However, other families, especially those whose food budgets may be more limited wonder if organic food is really worth its hefty price tag. Other experts point out that there isnt enough scientific evidence to say for sure that eating organic food leads to better health. As such,

6、they say the most important dietary advice they can give Americans is to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables and less processed food.Alex Leo, associate professor of environmental exposure biology at the Harvard School of Public Health, argues for eating more organic food. Janet H. Silverstein, a pr

7、ofessor of endocrinology (内分泌学) at the University of Florida and a co-author of an American Association of Pediatrics (儿科学) study on the health benefits of an organic diet, takes the skeptics view. So far, researchers havent been able to provide them with a definitive answer. Short Exposure to Pesti

8、cideIs there definitive scientific proof that an organic diet is healthier? Not yet, said Leo. Robust scientific studies comparing food grown organically and food grown conventionally dont exist, thanks to a lack of funding for this kind of research.The lack of definitive evidence combined with the

9、higher price of organic food has given skeptics a golden opportunity to argue that organic isnt worth the cost and effort, he added.While studies in recent years have delivered a decidedly mixed message about the healthfulness of organic food, those on both sides of the debate generally agree that o

10、rganic produce typically contains fewer pesticides than conventional produce, and that people may be able to reduce or eliminate agricultural chemicals from their bodies by adopting an organic diet. This was illustrated in a study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives in 2006. T

11、hat study, which was led by Leo, showed that within five days of substituting mostly organic produce for conventional produce in childrens diets, pesticides disappeared from the childrens urine (尿液).Many say the pesticides found in our food are nothing to fear because the levels fall well below fede

12、ral safety guidelines and thus arent dangerous. Similarly, they say the bovine growth hormone used to increase cows milk yield is perfectly safe. But federal guidelines dont take into account what effect repeated exposure to low levels of chemicals might have on humans over time. And many pesticides

13、 were eventually banned or restricted by the federal government after years of use when they were discovered to be harmful to the environment or human health.Pesticides, in particular, are made to kill organisms, and the Presidents Cancer Panel in 2010 made clear that it sees them as a threat, advis

14、ing Americans to reduce their cancer risks by choosing, to the extent possible, food grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers.Recent field studies showed that organic produce, such as strawberries, leafy vegetables and wheat, not only tastes better but contains much higher levels of phenolic

15、 acids(酚酸)than conventional produce. Phenolic acids can prevent cellular damage, and offer some protection against oxidative stress(氧化应激), inflammation and cancer.The Price DebateYes, organic food typically costs more and can be harder to find than traditional food, but one could argue that the pric

16、e of conventional food is artificially low because of all the subsidies that organic farmers dont get, and that the government could do more to help organic farmers lower their costs. Nevertheless, when bought in-season, organic produce is often comparable in price to conventional produce.A good str

17、ategy for consumers on limited budgets is to buy the organic versions of foods on the Environmental Working Groups Dirty Dozen list, as they typically contain the most pesticides. Or, consumers could focus on buying the organic versions of the foods they eat most. Knowing that we could reduce our ex

18、posure to pesticides and increase our exposure to antioxidants(抗氧化剂)by eating organic food, it makes great common sense to consume more of it.Organic food is more expensive than conventional offerings, which could make it cost-prohibitive for families on limited food budgets. Given the lack of data

19、showing that organic food leads to better health, it would be counterproductive to encourage people to adopt an organic diet if they end up buying less produce as a result. If families can afford to buy organic and still put a good amount of healthy food on the table, then the decision about whether

20、 to spend the extra money on organic produce, milk and meat should be based on a solid understanding of what we do and dont know about the benefits.Pesticides and SafetyIt is difficult to compare the nutritional value of organic versus conventional food because the soil, climate, timing of harvest,

21、and storage conditions all affect the composition of produce. Still, published studies have found no significant differences in nutritional quality between organic and nonorganic produce or milk. Similarly, there is no evidence that giving bovine growth hormone (BGH) to cows changes the composition

22、of milk or affects human health. BGH is inactive in humans and degrades in the acidic environment of the stomach. As for pesticide exposure, the U.S. in 1996 established maximum permissible levels for pesticide residues in food to ensure food safety. Many studies have shown that pesticides levels in

23、 conventional produce fall well below those guidelines.While its true that organic fruits and vegetables in general contain fewer traces of these chemicals, we cant draw conclusions about what that means for health as there havent been any long-term studies comparing the relationship between exposur

24、e to pesticides from organic versus nonorganic foods and adverse health outcomes. It may seem like common sense to reduce exposure to these chemicals, but there are currently no good evidence-based studies to answer the question.While awaiting definitive studies, families on limited budgets who are

25、concerned about pesticide exposure can refer to the Environmental Working Groups list of the Dirty Dozen, those foods with the highest pesticide residues, and the Clean 15, the foods with the lowest pesticide concentrations. A good strategy would be to focus on buying organic versions of the foods o

26、n the Dirty Dozen listing. Dont Trust LabelsWe would like to think that organic food is grown locally, put in a wheelbarrow and brought directly to our homes. However, much of it comes from countries where regulations might not be as tightly enforced as in the U.S. and labeling of the foods might be

27、 misleading.And just because food is labeled organic doesnt mean it is completely free of pesticides. Contamination can occur from soil and ground water containing previously used chemicals, or during transport, processing and storage. Organochlorine insecticides(有机氯杀虫剂) were recently found in organ

28、ically grown root crops and tomatoes even though these pesticides havent been used for 20 years.1. Federal guidelines do not consider the impact of constant exposure to small amounts of chemicals on human health.2. Consensus is reached that traditional products have more pesticides than organic prod

29、ucts.3. Alex Leo believes we should eat more organic food, but it is still unknown whether an organic diet contributes to ones health or not by now.4. In many countries, a lot of food is marked organic and this may mislead consumers.5. Consumers interested in organic food can buy seasonal vegetables

30、 that match with conventional produce in price.6. The Environmental Groups lists tell people which food is with the most pesticide residues and which is with the least.7. Americans, especially those from less wealthy families, are suggested by some experts to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables rath

31、er than processed foods.8. If people can only afford less food, we should not encourage them to adopt an organic diet, especially when there is no solid evidence that proves organic food is better for our health.9. Many factors make it hard to tell the differences between organic food and traditiona

32、l food in terms of nutrition.10. It is our common sense that food with even the smallest amount of synthetic chemicals is more dangerous and unhealthy than food without those substances.答案:1-5 F E C O I6-10 N B K L A 答案解析F注意抓住题干中的关键词constant exposure to small amounts of chemicals。文章段落中,涉及长期接触低量化学物质的

33、内容,出现在F段。该段第三句提到,但联邦指导标准却并未将下面这种情况考虑进去,即反复接触低量的化学物质,久而久之将可能对人们产生怎样的影响。题干是对原文的同义转述。题干中的consider对应原文中的take into account。E注意抓住题干中的关键词consensus、pesticides和traditional/organic products。E段第一句就提到,争论的双方大体上都同意一点:有机农产品所含的杀虫剂通常要比传统农产品少一些。题干是对原文的同义转述。题干中的Consensus was reached对应原文中的generally agree。C注意抓住题干中的关键词Al

34、ex Leo、still unknown和contributes to ones health。文章段落中,只有C段提到Alex Leo以及有机产品是否对健康有益的相关内容。该段第一句提到,亚历克斯利奥认为应该多吃有机食品。第二句给出了另外一名教授的质疑态度。第三句提到,迄今为止,研究人员还不能给出一个明确的答案。题干是对原文的同义转述。题干中的still unknown对应原文第三句中的havent been able to provide them with a definitive answer。O注意抓住题干中的关键词food is marked organic和mislead。文章段

35、落中,涉及“有机”食品误导消费者的,只有O段。该段第二句话提到,多数有机食品都产自那些执法可能还不如美国严格的国家,而食物包装上的标签可能会让人产生误解。题干是对原文的同义转述。题干中的is marked对应原文中的labeling,题干中的mislead替代了原文中的be misleading。I注意抓住题干中的关键词seasonal vegetables和match with conventional produce。文章段落中,只有I段涉及时令蔬菜与传统农产品价格比较的内容。该段最后一句提到,如果购买时令蔬菜的话,有机农产品在价格上常常与传统农产品不相上下。题干是对原文的同义转述。题干中

36、的match with对应原文中的is often comparable。N注意抓住题干中的关键词The Environmental Groups lists、the most pesticide residues和the least。文章段落中,N段提到,环境工作组列出了“12种受污染食品”和“15种洁净食品”清单,前一清单中的食品的杀虫剂残留量最多,而后一清单中的食品所含杀虫剂的浓度则最低。由此可知,题干是对原文的同义概括。B注意抓住题干中的关键词less wealthy families、more fresh fruit and vegetables以及rather than proce

37、ssed foods。文章段落中,涉及不富裕家庭多吃新鲜水果而少吃加工产品这一内容的,只有B段。该段最后一句提到,最重要的饮食建议是,多吃新鲜的水果和蔬菜,少吃加工食品。题干是对原文的同义转述。K注意抓住题干中的关键词can only afford less food和adopt an organic diet。K段第二句提到,考虑到吃有机食品能使人们更健康的相关数据不足,所以如果鼓励人们吃有机食物,而导致他们最终食物买得比原来少了,那可能就会适得其反。题干是对原文的同义转述。题干中的can only afford less food对应原文中end up buying less produc

38、e。L注意抓住题干中的关键词Many factors和in terms of nutrition。文章段落中,只有L段提及了对比有机食品和传统食品的营养价值的内容。该段第一句话就提到,很难把有机食品和传统食品的营养价值进行比较,因为作物生长的土地、气候、收割时间及存储条件这一系列因素都会影响农产品的成分。题干是对原文的同义转述。题干中的many factors对应原文中的the soil, climate, timing of harvest, and storage conditions。A注意抓住题干中的关键词common sense、the smallest amount of synt

39、hetic chemicals和dangerous and unhealthy。文章段落中,A段提到了含有微量人工合成化学物质的食品与不含这类化学物质的食物对人体的安全和健康的影响。该段第三句话提到,一些专家称,常识应该会告诉我们,比起那些含有人工合成化学物质(即使是微量)的食品,那些没有靠这类化学物质助长的食物可能会更安全,食用起来也更健康。题干是对原文的同义转述。题干中的with even the smallest amount of对应原文中的even in trace amounts。全文翻译:食用有机产品值得吗?有机还是无机?A) 据美国有机贸易协会统计,过去的十年间,有机食品的销售

40、量一直都在稳步上升,其销售额在2011年接近300亿美元,占全美食物和饮品销售量的4.2%。为避免接触到化学杀虫剂和化肥,为避免喝到吃牛生长激素的奶牛产出的牛奶,许多消费者在权衡之后愿意为有机农产品、有机牛奶和有机肉类多花点钱。一些专家称,常识应该会告诉我们,比起那些含有即使是微量的人工合成化学物质的食品,那些没有包含这类化学物质的食物可能会更安全,食用起来也更健康。他们认为,只要有可能,美国人都应该试着用有机产品替代传统产品。B) 不过,其他家庭,尤其是那些食品预算可能更为有限的家庭,质疑有机食品是否值那么昂贵的价格。其他专家指出,没有足够的科学证据证明,食用有机食品一定会使人更加健康。鉴于

41、此,他们说他们能给美国人的最重要的饮食建议就是:多吃新鲜的水果和蔬菜,少吃加工食品。C)亚历克斯利奥是哈佛大学公共卫生学院环境暴露生物学副教授,他支持多吃有机食物。佛罗里达州立大学内分泌学教授珍妮特H.西尔弗斯坦对此持质疑态度,她是一项研究的合著者,这项研究由美国儿科学会所做,研究有机饮食对健康的益处。迄今为止,研究人员还没有能够给出一个明确的答案。少接触杀虫剂D) 有确凿的科学证据表明有机饮食更健康吗?利奥说:“还没有。” 由于缺乏研究经费,关于将有机生长的食物和以传统方式生长的食物进行比较的坚实可信的科学研究还不存在。利奥还指出:“由于没有确凿的证据,再加上有机食品的价格偏高,这些给了怀疑

42、论者一个绝佳的批判机会为有机食品付出的金钱和精力并非物有所值。”E) 尽管近年来的研究就有机食品是否健康传递出含糊不清、自相矛盾的信息,但争论的双方大体上都认同有机农产品所含的杀虫剂通常要比传统农产品少些,而且人们通过食用有机食品可能会减少或清除体内的农用化学物质。2006年发表在环境与健康展望杂志上的一则研究阐明了上述观点。由利奥牵头进行的这项研究表明,在5天的时间里将儿童饮食中的传统农产品多半替换成有机食品,杀虫剂就会从儿童尿液中消失。保护作用F) 许多人觉得无需担心出现在我们食物中的杀虫剂,因为它们的含量远远低于联邦安全指导标准,所以并不危险。同样的,这些人认为,那些旨在增加牛奶产量而用在奶牛身上的牛生长激素也十分安全。不过,联邦指导标准却并未将下面这种情况考虑进去,即反复接触微量的化学物质,久而久之会对人们产生怎样的影响。有许多杀虫剂在使用多年以后才被发现对环境或人类健康有危害,最终被联邦政府禁用或限制使用


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