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1、阅读七选五+完形填空+书面表达分类综合练一、阅读七选五Nowadays, many people do not read for pleasure. The Internet and television have become most peoples main form of entertainment, and reading is becoming a thing of the past.And there are ways to make it even more enjoyable, whether you do it frequently or just for assignme

2、nts (任务).Identify (确认) what kind of reading you want to enjoy.Believe it or not, people enjoy different kinds of reading. Some people do research, some people read to learn how to do things, and some people read in order to enjoy stories or poetry.Realize that there are countless types of reading ma

3、terials.For example, if you want to read stories, keep in mind that there are many types, like romantic novels, creative non-fiction, etc. Don5t decide you don5t like reading just because you dont like one particular kind of books. 3 But in the end, youll slowly develop an interest in reading.Try li

4、stening to music.Soft music is generally received better, but any type will do. It depends on what you like.Find a place that is quiet, well-lit, and comfortable. You can even make a reading corner in your room.Create a good reading environment.Concentrate on what youre reading.Remember, you will ha

5、ve repeated attempts.Therefore, watching TV plays an important role.For some people, this makes reading more pleasant.Before anything else, figure out why you want to read.However, reading can greatly increase your life experience.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 二。、完形填空A 22-year-old university student was in his fif

6、th day, working part time.His suddenly told him to 2 the shop from midnight to 9: 00 are all by himself.ul had no 3 but to obey, said the student. He said he was 4 into working shifts (轮班)he didnt want and, as the person in 5 , he had to deal with troublesome customers because no full-time regular w

7、orkers were 6 at that time. His 7 is just the tip of the iceberg for student part-timers who are employed by employers related to 8 work practices. According to a survey, around 70 percent of the students in Japan said they felt they were sufferers from unfair9 . While 34 percent said they were forc

8、ed to work 10 shifts, nearly 25 percent said their employers 11 their shifts against their will. However, to stay 12 , students today cant say no to such employers.A lot of students who work part time are too 13 or sleepy to concentrate in class, and have to 14 all the other activities. One student

9、said although he thought managing the total operation all on his own wasnt 15 , he felt that he couldnt 16 it and didnt talk about it with anyone. Instead, he thought he should deal with the problem on his own.Then one day he learned from the Internet that he was 17 by the law, so he could speak out

10、 against his employer if he was treated unlawfully. He also learned he was 18 to write down the details of his 19 conditions, such as how many hours he worked on his own, so that his notes could serve as 20 if he decided to take action.A. parents B. manager C. customers D. partnerA. guard B. run C.

11、keep D. watchA. choice B. hope C. cry D. doubtA. persuaded B. forced C. cheated D. fooledA. needsB. action C. charge D. dangerA. easyB. friendly C. patient D. availableA. case B. lesson C. anger D. dreamA. regular B. complex C. illegal D. commonA. competition B. treatment C. relationship D. paymentA

12、. unbelievable B. uncomfortable C. nervous D. seriousA. worked B. stopped C. changed D. checkedA. safe B. calm C. educated D. employedA. tired B. anxious C. weak D. hungryA. put off B. join in C. give up D. carry outA. professional B. formal C. practical D. normalA. refuse B. achieve C. replace D. h

13、elpA. welcomed B. protected C. praised D. admittedA. invited B. allowed C. advised D. chosenA. working B. living C. studying D. sleepingA. reminders B. warning C. guides D. evidence三、书面表达假如你校“英语角”正在开展以“Reading Newspapers Is a Good Habit”为题的征文比赛。 请你写一篇短文参赛。内容包括:.读报的好处;.你喜欢的报纸。注意:.词数100左右;.可以适当增加细节,以使

14、行文连贯。Reading Newspapers Is a Good Habit背景大连接Newspaper Still Plays the LeadingRole in US报纸在美国仍占主导地位Everywhere you turn, there are stories about the rapid ascent of the Internet as Americans5 information medium of choice. The trend line is clearly pointing in that direction, but according to a new nat

15、ional survey, traditional media are far from being outmoded or irrelevant.The survey, by the independent Pew Centers Project for Excellence in Journalism and the newspaper-supported Knight Foundation, broke down local information into 16 topic areas and asked people where they learn about each of th

16、em.It turns out that Americans have developed what the Pew Centers director, Tom Rosenstein, calls a complex ecosystem in which people rely on different platforms for different topics.More than 80 percent of respondents, for instance, said they still turn to local TV first for breaking news. And 89

17、percent go there, not to the Web, to get the latest weather information.And newspapers are a long way from being dead as a go-to information source. Newspapers and newspaper websites ranked first or tied for first as the resource Americans rely on in 11 of the 16 key categories-including crime, taxe

18、s, and the arts.Even the oldest communication form of all ranked second to local TV as respondents5 preferred source of information about their communities.At the same time, according to the Pew and Knight report, Nearly half of adults occasionally now get local information on mobile devices, though

19、 it is still largely a supplemental platform for them.The survey of 2, 251 American adults is one of the first of nationwide scope that clearly shows the growing complexity of the media landscape, and the willingness with which consumers are relying on both old and new formats to get their informati

20、on.无论你走到哪里,都能听到有关互联网快速开展成为美国人媒体信息来源选择的故事。 开展趋势自然是朝着这个方向的,然而,根据一项新的国民调查,传统媒体还远未过时或 远离人们。这调查是由独立机构美国皮尤研究中心卓越新闻计划和由报业支持的骑士基金会发 起的,他们将当地新闻分为16个领域,向人们询问他们从何处得知这些信息。据皮尤中心主任Tom Rosenstein的说法,在美国,已形成一个复杂的生态系统,人们 依赖不同的平台来获取不同的信息。比方,至少80%的被调查人说,他们仍把电视作为了解时事新闻的首要手段,89%的 人通过电视了解最新的气象信息,而不是通过上网。报纸还远未消失,仍是一大信息来源。在16类信息中,有11种信息是主要通过报纸 和报纸网站获得的,包括犯罪、税收和艺术。即使是最古老的信息传播方式相传,也仅次于当地电视台,是被调查人最喜 欢的了解社区信息的途径。同时,根据皮尤和骑士的报告:“如今将近一半的成年人会不时地通过移动设备掌握当 地信息,但这在很大程度上仍是一种辅助的平台。”这次调查涉及2251名美国成年人,是首次全国范围的调查。调查清楚地说明了美国日 益复杂的媒表达状,并且消费者愿意同时使用老式和新式的信息渠道。答案阅读七选五15 GFCEA完形填空15 BBABC 610 DACBB1115 CDACD 1620


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