高中英语:英语组笃学单 续写微技能 有答案_第1页
高中英语:英语组笃学单 续写微技能 有答案_第2页
高中英语:英语组笃学单 续写微技能 有答案_第3页
高中英语:英语组笃学单 续写微技能 有答案_第4页




1、高二英语课堂笃学单I班级: 姓名一、对话细节描写。写出下划线局部的意思,并尝试背诵(l)“Oh! Youre up! Morning, Miss! Im Martha. she said with a smile. 她 地说。(2)“Poor lady,“ Dickon said, with more sympathy than Mary had shown, “stuck indoors all day. Dickon 说,(3)“Mr. Craven?” Mary asked in astonishment.Mary 问。(4)“May I?” Colin said in awe.Coli

2、n 说。(5)“Take me over there! Now over therehe ordered in delight as Dickon wheeled him up to every corner, eveiy nook and cranny of the garden. 他 命令(6)When she was calmer, and had dried her tears, she said seriously, “Dickon, will you do something fbr me?” 她 说。(7)“Robin, she said, her voice soft “yes

3、terday you showed me the key. Can you show me the door today?” 她 说。(8)kkCome, child,” Mr. Craven said, his voice more gentle than she had thought it would be. Mr. Craven 说。(9)“You must come again,“ he told her, his voice far away, “come again soon.”他 告诉她。(IO)“I can see it,“ Colin smiled, his voice s

4、ounding far away. I can see it. Colin 笑了,【写作技巧1 “said”的补充式描写(声音描写和神态描写)“,” he said +介词短语“,M he said +adv.M he said with a+adj.+n,(表情名词,如 smile)“,he said with/in+n。(情绪名词,如 anger, delight astonishment, awe 等)“,”he said, his voice+adj./doingo (独立主格结构)“, he said in a+adi.+voice(形容词,如 low/gentle/tremblin

5、g/cheery/determined 等)二、“说”的动词。写出划线局部的意思,并尝试背诵(ITWcll done. Miss!” Martha. “干得好,女士! ” 玛莎点了 点头。(2)力t has to be J she.“那必须的。“她自言自语道/对自己低声说道。(3)“WclI, 1 do like birds!” Mary grinned. Mary(4)Marsha chewed her lip. Dont tell nobody I told you that, will you? Hl be in such trouble if you do.” I won t tell

6、,“Mary. 玛丽容许了。(5)4tSorry, Miss Mary, lunch is a bit late today, Manha.玛莎抱歉说。(写作技巧2“说”的不同方式(how to say+ why to say) how to saynod(低头)whisper(轻声细语)sigh(叹息)grin(咧嘴笑)slammer(结巴)beam(眉开眼笑)yell(吼叫)swallow(吞咽)growl(低吼)repeat(重复地说)snort(发哼声)mumble(咕哝)sniff(嗤之以鼻)why to saypromise(承诺)apologize/-se(抱歉)beg(乞求)a

7、gree(同意)declare(宣称)reply(回复)add(补充遒)demand质问decide(决定)announce(郑重地说)三、花式句型。写出划线局部的意思,并尝试背诵Marsha chewed her lip. Dont tell nobody I told you that, will you? Ill be in such trouble if you do.”M arthaColin glared at her. You didnt come to see me! Colin“I shant! Mary said, slung as if she had been accu

8、sed of somelhing. Mary 说着,“Take me over there! Now over there, he ordered in delighl as Dickon wheeled him up to every coiner, every nook andcranny of the garden. 他 “Listen to that, the nurse said, as sounds of laugher were heard coming from Colins bedroom.护士说着,I dont like the moors,“ Mary said, rem

9、embering he bleak, black wilderness they had crossed the day before.Mary 说 “Ive met Dickon! He brought me things fbr the garden,she gasped、hurling herself intoheir chair at her dining (able.她喘 着说,【写作技巧3】花式句型Shev-ed.(神态、动作描写)she said, as if7as/whcn/ befbre(状语从句)“” she said, doing.(现在分词作伴随状语1.选择恰当的动词填

10、空。sighbeamyellgrowlmumblerepeatswallowsnortsniffstammer(I )“Oh, thank you! she(2)“ My father? My father hates me!” Colin(5)4tWell, Ill tell you anyway. Mrs. MedlockFirst of all, dont go expecting a big welcome when you get to Misselthwaite Manor.(6)4tWill you. will you stay a bit longer, Mary?” he h

11、ard.(8)4wWhat are you doing?” he at her.”(9)4tYcs, Master Colin,M Mrs Medlock. She left with a shake of her head.(10)“Howd you get in? Howd you get in?” the gardener.(11)“I can use my legs,“ Colin, staring up at the gardener. UI can.”I found the key. The robin showed me where it was, Mary2.用恰当的动词填空。

12、demandannouncebegdecidereplyadd “Rightm going digging in my garden,nshc after breakfast.“Will you. will you stay a bit longer, Mary?” He swallowed hard. uPlease. he.She couldnt wait to see Colin and tell him about her morning. WkMartha! Im starving! she.“Miss Mary, Miss Mary, come quick! she.(6) “Do

13、 you know who I am?” Colin, his face as furious as the gardeners.3.根据中文完成以下句子(I )The maid(犹像 了 下,压低她的声音)。“IIs been locked up fbr ten years. Mr. Craven locked it after his wife died.(2)Mary(感觉心跳力II速).“Dickon, will you come back and help me? Help me make the garden beautiful again?”(3)Colin(擦去眼中的泪水).“

14、Because I shall have a hunchback(驼背)like my father any day now. If i live long enough to get a hunchback, that is.”(4)Colin(生气地盯着 Mary). “Because I am so weak and ill. Isnt it obvious?”(5)Mary(把手指放在唇边)。Shh! Nobody knows. Only I know where il is, and Dickon.(6)Colin(脸色为之一亮,喜笑颜开).It does sound wonderf

15、ul.”(7)Martha(眨眼).“You what?高二英语课堂笃学单班级: 姓名一、对话细节描写。写出下划线局部的意思,并尝试背诵高二英语课堂笃学单班级: 姓名(ipOh! Youre up! Morning, Miss! Im Martha. she said with a smile.她微笑着说。(2)“PoorladyJ Dickon said, with more sympathy than Mary had shown, “stuck indoors all day. Dickon 说,比刚冈!1玛丽表现得 更同情。(3)“Mr. Craven? Mary asked in a

16、slonishmenl.Mary 惊讶地问。(4)“May I?” Colin said in awe.Colin 惊叹地说。(5)4Take me over there! Now over there! he ordered in delight as Dickon wheeled him up to every comer, every nook and cranny of the garden.他开心地命令(6)When she was calmer, and had dried her tears, she said seriously, “Dickon, will you do so

17、mething for me?” 她严肃地说。(7)“Robin,“ she said, her voice soft, yesterday you showed me the key. Can you show me the door today?”她柔和地说。(8)“Comc, child, Mr. Craven said, his voice more gentle than she had thought it would be. Mr. Craven 声音柔和地说。(9)t4You must come again, he told her, his voice far away, “

18、come again soon.”他在远处告诉她。(10)uI can see it,” Colin smiled, his voice sounding far away. “I can sec it. Colin 笑了,声音从远方传来【写作技巧| “said”的补充式描写(声音描写和神态描写)“,he said +介词短语,”he said +adv.“,M he said with a+adj.+n,(表情名词,如 smile)“,”hesaidwith/in+n。(情绪名词,如 anger, delight, astonishment, awe 等)“,”he said, his vo

19、ice+adj./doings (独立主格结构)“,”hesaidina+adi.+voice(形容词,如 low/gentle/trembling/cheery/determined二、“说”的动词。写出划线局部的意思,并尝试背诵“Well done. Miss!” Manha nodded. “干得好,女士! ” 玛莎点了 点头。has to be, she whispered to herself.“那必须的。她自言自语道/对自己低声说道。(3)“Well, I do like birds!” Mary grinned. Mary 笑了。(4)Marsha chewed her lip.

20、 Dont tell nobody I told you that, will you? Ill be in such trouble if you do. I won t tell J Mary promised.玛丽容许了。(5)、Sorry, Miss Maiy, lunch is a bit late today,” Martha apologized.玛莎抱歉说。【写作技巧2 “说”的不同方式(how to say+ why to say) how to saynod(低头)whisper(轻声细语)sigh(叹息)grin(咧嘴笑)stammer(结巴)beam(眉开眼笑)yell

21、(吼叫)swallow(吞咽)growl(低吼)repeal(重复地说)snori(发哼声)mumble(咕哝)sniff(嗤之以鼻)why to saypromise(承 诺)apologize/-se(抱歉)beg(乞求)agree(同 意)declare(宣称)reply (回复)add(补充道)demand质问dec ide(决定)announce(郑重地说)三、花式句型。写出划线局部的意思,并尝试背诵Marsha chewed her lip. Dont tell nobody I told you that, will you? Ill be in such trouble if

22、you do.”Martha咬着嘴唇说Colin glared at her. You didnt come lo see me!” Colin 怒视着她。“I shant! Mary said、stung as if she had been accused of something. Mary 说着,似乎被控诉一般不安。“Take me over there! Now over therehe ordered in delight as Dickon wheeled him up to every corner, every nook and cranny of the garden.他开

23、心地命令“Listen to that, the nurse said, as sounds of laughicr were heard coming from Colins bedroom.护士说着,当欢笑声从科林的卧室里传出来。 “I dont like the moors,“ Mary said, remembering【he bleak, black wildcmess they had crossed the day before.Mary说,同时回忆起阴冷黑暗的野外。(7) ”ve met Dickon! He brought me things fbr the garden,v

24、 she gasped, hurling herself into (heir chair at her dining table. 她喘 着说,同时跳进他们的椅子。【写作技巧3】花式句型Sheved.(神态、动作描写)“” she said, as if7as/when/before.(状语从句)“” she said, doing(现在分词作伴随状语 1.选择恰当的动词填空。sighbeamyellgrowlmumblerepeatswallowsnortsniffstammer(iy*Oh, thank you!” she beamed(2)“ My father? My father

25、hates me!” Colin growled(4)“Big head!” Mary snorted but underneath she was really pleased.(5)tWell, Ill tell you anyway.” Mrs. Medlock sniffed. ”First of all, dont go expecting a big welcome when you get to Misselthwaite Manor.(6)4tWill you. will you stay a bit longer, Mary?” he swallowed hard.“Yes,

26、 sir, Mr Roach mumbled.(8)“What arc you doing?” he yelled at her.(9)“Yes, Master Colin,M Mrs Medlock sighed. She left with a shake of her head.(10)Howd you get in? Mowd you get in?” the gardener yelled.(11 )t4I can use my legs,“ Colin repeated, staring up at the gardener. 44I can.(12)UI. I found the

27、 key. The robin showed me where it was,“ Mary stammered.2.用恰当的动词填空。demandannouncebegdecidereplyadd “Right ,1 m going digging in my garden,M she decided after breakfast.Dickon was already there. *You beat me!” Mary said. Dickon repied. He began to whistle a tune.“Will you. will you stay a bit longer, Mary? He swallowed hard. Please. he added.She couldnt wait to see Colin and tell h


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