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1、2005年高考新题型填空题预测训练六)说明:从专项训练(五)05高考预测,敬请同学们注意!填空题命题预测与分析: 1要点,形成文章,而这种填空题是给出文章,要求归纳出要点,并且在已给出的归类标准下(给出的部分暗含的意义类别)填空题的能力要求在阅读题之上、书5 个(2 分)10 个(1 分),10 在归纳综合语言材料上吃亏,填空题也就会迎刃而解。填空题命题预测与分析 2先阅读一篇 100 可能会以一个句子或一段短文, 4 1 的答案(25%的正确几率),如果考生不能读懂文章,那就没有做关于的几率了。内容的相关填写。关于于这类题型,考生可以根据关于整个句子的意思或关于文章整体的理解进行答题。从现在

2、起任课老师应有针关于性找一些这类题型进行训练。05 高考预测练习:Passage 1I hate the untiy ining hall in our school. Some people seem to treat it as if it were a rubbish area . They throw the leftover foo about, on the table or on the groun. This makes the hall look unpleasant for us to come an eat there.I have several solutions.

3、First, get more people to form goo habits by putting posters aroun the hall asking them to be more thoughtful of their behaviors an protect our environments. Secon, make people pick up their own litter. We can o this by asking some stuents to walk aroun the hall an watch out for those thatrop litter

4、 . We can make those who are foun ropping litter stay behin an tiy up the hall after all the stuents have finishe their meal.I hope you fin my ieas useful.Question:ProblemCauseSomePeopletreatResultSolutions anmeasuresPuttingup(5)askingtominthei(6)anThe school ining hall is(1)(2)as1.Thehallanthrow(4)

5、( 3 )fortheabout, on thetableor the groun.(7)theenvironment.Making people pick up theirown_(8).Seningstuentstothosewhoroplitteranaskthem to.(10)thehall.Passage 2ear Xiao Ming,You aske me in your letter for avice on which major to choose. When it comes to this, I suggest that you apply for the major

6、of English. To begin with, English is one of the most popular languages in the worl, which is wiely use in all fiels. What s more, English majors are more likely to fin a goo job in the increasinglytight job market. It can provie you with a goo promising job.In orer to stuy at English epartment, you

7、 have to meet the following requirements. First, you have to spen a lot of time on it, just as the ol saying goes, “Practice makes perfect”. Secon, the basic skills of reaing, writing, listening an speaking are necessary, because they are the founations for your future stuy.Last but not the least im

8、portant, you nee an interest in learning English since “Interest is the best teacher”.As far as the preparation work is concerne, you shoul first of all review all the require vocabulary. In aition, you better spen some time on speaking, reaing an writing. Also, you shoul pay special attention to yo

9、ur spoken English. Such is my avice. Only through these measures can you hope to be amitte to university.Question:WhichWhichto choose1Thereasonforthe5meetyoushoulPreparation workapplication1. One ofthe worl.2in1.6teacher.is the best1.theReviewallvocabulary.2. Its easier to get a job in 2. You have t

10、o72.Englishthe9yourspeaking,reaing3job marketmuch time to learningit.an writing.3. It can give you a3. It can give you a4job.3. The basic skills are the 3. Pay special attention8for your stuy.to10.Passage 3阅读下面的短文,完成题后的表格。ear Sany,Im going to stuy in Chicago University next month, so I have to fin s

11、omewhere of myown. I nee to share the house or apartment because housing is se expensive in Chicago, know. But I nee to stuy, so I nee a room of my own at lower price ( about 250 ollars per month). Please fin me a place thats close to transportation, for it is not easy for me, a first-year stuent, t

12、o fin a goo part-time job soon.Please e-mail me if you have anything. My e-mail aress is HYPERLINK mailto:teresa teresa I mlooking forwar to seeing you!Question:Love,Teresa1.1. Name: 2. E-mail aress: 3. Type of housing: 4. Acceptableprice: 5. Facilities ( 便利条件): 或是以下形式:Name: E-mail aress: Type of ho

13、using: Acceptable price: Facilities ( 便利条件): Passage 4There was once a man in South America who ha a parrot, a pet bir that coul imitate human speech. The parrot was matchless. There was no other bir like him in the whole worl. He coul learn to say any wor except one. He coul not say the name of his

14、 native town, Catarlo. The man i everything he coul to teach the parrot to say Catarlo, but he never succeee. At first, he was very gentle with the bir, but graually helost his temper, “You stupi bir! Why can t you learn to say that one wor; Say Catarlo, or Ill kill you! ”But the parrot coul not say

15、 it. Many times the man shoute, “Say Catarlo, Or Ill kill you!” But the bir woul never repeat the name. Finally the man gave up. He picke up the parrot an threw it into the chicken house,“You are even more stupi than the chickens .”In the chicken house, there were four chickens waiting to be kille f

16、or Sunay s inner. The next morning, when he went out to thechicken house, the man opene the oor an was shocke by what he saw. He coul not believe his eyes an ears. On the floor lai three ea chickens. The parrot was shouting at the fourth, “say Catarlo , or Ill kill you.”9lai ea on the floor an the9l

17、ai ea on the floor an the10He finally lost his5.was shouting.The man ha a1that coulThe man finally threw it into62anwasThe man trie toteach3ittosay4Four chickens were waiting7for8.Passage 5Im John Kerry. Last night a housebreaker broke into our house an stole most of my fathers butterfly collection.

18、 The housebreaker took all the rare butterflies that were in the cabinet, while leaving the orinary butterflies on the wall. As he was going out of the winow, the housebreaker mae a noise an Father woke up. He looke outsie an saw him, who was running across the front yar. He int get a goo look at hi

19、m, but notice that he was wearing a black patch over one eye.Father picke up the phone next to his be an reporte it to the police. The police of officer aske for a escription of the man who stole the butterflies. a thought for a moment an sai, “The man who broke into my house ha a patch over one eye

20、. Im sorry, sir. Thats all I can tell you.” “ont worry,” sai the police officer. “I promise to fin the housebreaker.”The butterflies the housebreaker took are very rare an worth a lot of money. What s more important is that my father places great value on them. I o hope the housebreaker will soon be

21、 caught an answer for his actionQuestion:Police ReportCase:1broke into2house an stole his3that was4an left the5butterflies6.Time ofthetheft:7; Value of the things 8escription ofthethief:a man9Thevictims(受害者)10或用表格形式,如下:Case:1Case:1broke into2house an stole his3that was4an left theescription ofthea m

22、an9The victims(受害者) hope:105butterflies6.Timeof the theft:7; Value of the things stolen:8Passage 6Early morning Monay September 11 the U.S. foun i(1) suenly terrorist( 恐 怖 )attacks the worst of its kin in worl h(2).Two aeroplanecrashe( 撞 )into the Worl Trae Center in New York city one right a(3) the

23、 other. The 110-storey builings k(4) as the Twin Towers werecompletely (5) in matter of hours. Surrouning builings i(6) two of other Worl Trae builings were also amage.At(7) plane crashe into the Pentagon the builingw(8)U.S. efense is centere in W(9) C with the same hour that the worl TraeCenter was

24、 struck. A fourth plane falling to carry out its purpose crashe in a wooe a(10)Pittsburgh New Jersey.Passage 7ear Smith,I know you want to fin a job in Beijing. I rea an avertisement in toay s21st Century, an English paper here. Beijing Laer Information Company is running an English course for chilr

25、en an aults. An they want to employ native-English speakers as English teachers. What they prefer is a university egree in eucationor other relate fiels, which you have. An a foreign expert certification is also require. I youre the right kin of persons they want.If you are, intereste, please irectl

26、y call or write to the company. The telephone number is 86-1068019433,an their e-mail aress is: HYPERLINK mailto:liecbj liecbjQuestion:ForeignForeign Teachers1Basic6A(n)2course for all3.4 1.7:EnglishSpeaker;Universityby Beijing5Lnformation Company.egreein eucation or8fiel9You may102. Foreign Expert certification.us by 86-10-68019433 or liecbj hotmail, com参考答案:Passage 11untiy2.a rubbish area3.the leftover foo4.unpleas


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