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1、121222022/10/222022/9/28123BeginFinish32022/10/2123BeginFinish32022/9/281BeginWhat to read?42022/10/21BeginWhat to read?42022/9/28 Were you Marks math teacher? One day, an old man came to my office and asked. I nodded. Mark talked about you a lot. I want to show you something, he said, taking a wall

2、et out of his pocket. They found this on him when he was killed in the battle. We thought you might know it. Opening the wallet, he carefully took out two worn pieces of notebook paper that had obviously been taped, folded and refolded many times. I knew without looking that the papers were the ones

3、 on which I had listed all the good things that each of Marks classmates had said about him. And that happened 20 years ago. Mark was in the third grade class I taught. All 34 of my students were dear to me, but Mark was one in a million. Very neat in appearance, he had that happy-to-be-alive attitu

4、de that made even his occasional misbehavior pleasant. Mark also talked without stopping. I tried to remind him again and again that talking without permission was not allowed. What impressed me so much, though, was the sincere response every time I had to correct him for misbehaving. Thank you for

5、correcting me, Sister! I didnt know what to do with it at first but soon I became used to hearing it many times a day.One morning my patience was running out when Mark talked once too often. I made a new-teachers mistake. I looked at Mark and said, If you say one more word, I am going to tape your m

6、outh shut!It wasnt ten seconds later when Chuck shouted, Mark is talking again. I hadnt asked any of the students to help me watch Mark, but since I had stated the punishment in front of the class, I had to act on it. Paragraph 1:I walked to my desk and took out a roll of tape. _Paragraph 2:One day

7、I decided to do something different when Mark talked again in class. _52022/10/2 Were you Marks math teacherWhat/ HowWhen/ WhereWhoWhy 62What/ HowWhen/ WhereWhoWhy 62Setting: (1)故事发生的时间、地点? (2)时间线/地点变化?Character: (1)故事是何视角? (2)故事中涉及人物有哪些?主要人物是谁?其他人物起何作用,下文是否会参与? (3)人物是何性格?故事中人物情感有何变化?72Setting: Char

8、acter: 72“I” One day 20 years agoWhenwhowhereOfficeClassroom An old manMarkChuckNarrator叙事者“First person” perspective 第一人称视角_ timelines(时间线)Tense : _Simple past tense Two 82022/10/2“I” One day 20 years agoWhenwhPersonalitiesCharacter analysisMarkDetailsVery neat in appearance, he had that happy-to-b

9、e-alive attitude that made even his occasional misbehavior pleasant.Mark also talked without stopping. I tried to remind him again and again“Thank you for correcting me, Sister!” I became used to hearing it many times a day.cheerfuloptimisticnaughtypolite92022/10/2PersonalitiesCharacter analysiChara

10、cter analysisMarkcheerfuloptimisticnaughtypolitePersonalitiesBehaviorsIf “I” really taped him, will he be very angry or cry? will he just stop talking because of my taping him?will he hate me for doing it?102022/10/2Character analysisMarkcheerfuPlot: (1)故事是何结构?冲突和高潮是否出现?是什么? (2)有哪些细节值得留意? (3)影响故事发展的

11、线索是什么?112Plot: 1121. Work out the conflictBeginningDevelopmentConflictClimaxEndingMark talked again although I warned him many times.Remember to solve the conflict.Tie the threads together20 years ago122022/10/21. Work out the conflictBeginn he carefully took out two worn pieces of notebook paper th

12、at had obviously been taped, folded and refolded many times.Mark thought the paper very important to him.All 34 of my students were dear to me, but Mark was one in a million. I liked Mark best.2. Focus on some details132022/10/2 he carefully took out two woTheme: (1)根据已有文字能否判断故事的主题? (2)若上文没有体现既定主题,你

13、希望你故事的主题是什么?142Theme: 142A. An honorable soldierB. Friendship C. Patience matters for teachersD. The power of praise The story of Mark begins with _, on which “I” had listed _ said by Marks classmates.two pieces of notebook paper all the good things thread 线索152022/10/2A. An honorable soldierThe sto

14、123BeginFinish162022/10/2123BeginFinish162022/9/2812BeginHow to Plot?172022/10/212BeginHow to Plot?172022/9/28182182192192?已给片段结尾:202022/10/2?202022/9/28Paragraph 1. I walked to my desk and took out a roll of tape. To tape or not?I decided not to tape his mouth. Why?I taped his mouth.Other students

15、response? My solution?Marks response? My solution?Before: _Paragraph 2.One day I decided to do something different when Mark talked again in class. To list the good things said by Marks classmates.Aimed to use punishment.Now: _“two worn pieces of notebook paper”212022/10/2Paragraph 1. To tape or not

16、?I 三、把握主题,价值引领 事件的走向及最终结局有无偏离作者的写作意图或主题意蕴、思想情感? 事件的发展有无凸显主题,体现正确的价值导向,展现对真、善、美的思考与追求? 本文主题:The power of praise222三、把握主题,价值引领222232022/10/2232022/9/28四、意料之外,情理之中ATTENTION:Creative并不意味着天马行空的想象,读后续写和一般故事创作不一样在于它是有一定框架和指引的,是带着镣铐在跳舞。读后续写必须是有逻辑的,在此之上的创意才是令人欣赏的。242022/10/2四、意料之外,情理之中ATTENTION:242022/9/123B

17、eginFinishHow to write?252022/10/2123BeginFinishHow to write?252262022/10/2262022/9/28常见句型:定语从句名词性从句状语从句独立主格非谓语动词With复合结构强调句倒装句虚拟语气感叹句常见修辞:1. Simile 明喻like/ seem / as /resemble/ comparable toMy love is like a red, red rose. (Robert Burns)2. Metaphor 暗喻Life is an unexplored river, full of twists, gre

18、at beauty, and dangerous surprises. 3. Personification 拟人The forest held its breath, and the trees seemed to listen intently. 4. Hyperbole 夸张They almost died laughing. Linda smiled, and all the world was gay. 272022/10/2常见句型:常见修辞:272022/9/28(1) The sky was clear. The sky was so clear that we seemed

19、to be able to see for miles.(2) Wang Wei was so tired. Wang Wei put her head down on her pillow and went to sleep. (3) It was quiet in the evening. It was so quiet. There was almost no windonly the flames of our fire for company.Journey Down The Mekong282022/10/2Journey Down The Mekong282022/ Travel

20、ing with friends is funnier than traveling alone because friends can make a lot of fun things instead of doing it alone Friends can make the trip funnier than traveling alone because they all are about to relieve from work. They want to spend fun time together. 292022/10/2 Traveling with friends is fun所见所闻所感所思外貌描写环境描写语言描写动作描写心理描写情感描写所见所做所感302022/10/2所见所闻所感所思外貌描写语言描写动作描写心理描写所见所做所感所见外貌描写所见The woman who has her hair in curl wears a pair of glasses and a beautiful necklace. she smiles confidently, stands straight with her hands crossed in the front.


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