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1、 PAGE 页码 12 / NUMPAGES 总页数 122022剑桥六年级上册英语期末整理复习针对练习班级:_ 姓名:_ 【看图题填单词】1. 看图写单词。1 23 42. 根据图片写过去式短语。1234563. 根据图片和首字母完成句子。1. Im going to the c_to see a f_.2. I f_off my bike yesterday and h_my leg.3. Last week, we went c_and h_a good time.4. He is g_to Guangzhou by p_next week5. Mr Wang is y_t_Mr Zha

2、ng.4. 看图完成句子。1They_ping-pong now.2Look! The girl_her homework.3They_a picnic on the grass now.4Listen! She_.5. 看图补全句子。1She is a_for blind people.2She learnt to_.3She learnt to_.4She couldnt_or hear.5May I have some_.6_songs【填空题】6. 读句子,选出正确的选项写在横线上。1_(How often/How many) minutes a day do you exercise

3、? About fifty minutes.2Li Ming gets up_(at/in) 6:30 in the morning.3I like to eat_(tomatoes/tomatos). I often eat them with eggs.4_(Talking/Running) is exercise. Its good for our body.5Danny_(thought/bought) he could hit the ball. But he hit his hand.7. 用所给词的适当形式填空。ring cry but come watch1. My fathe

4、r is working on the computer, but my brother starts to_.2. My mother is cooking dinner, but the bell_.3. “Come in,please!” I say. My friend Lucy_in.4. Mr Smart is reading a book and Mrs Smart_TV.5. Lin Tao is doing his homework,_the phone rings.8. 填空题。1I am teaching my brother_(fly) a kite.2I_(eat)

5、some noodles yesterday morning.3Yao Ming is a basketball_(play).4He_(think) he can help his mother.5Math is_for her, but_for him.9. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1The first day, we_(go) to a big shop. We bought some gifts for our friends.2Tom often_(read) a book in the afternoon. Yesterday afternoon, he_(read) a maga

6、zine.3She_(visit) the science museum the day before yesterday.4What_(do) your mother_(do) this morning?She_(cook) good food.5_(do) your sister_(have) a trip this summer holiday?10. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1What can people do_(keep) us_(health)?2They like_(drink)_(tomato) juice.3To keep_(safe) on the road, we m

7、ust know a lot about road_. (safe)4There_(be) eight bags of rice in the kitchen this morning.5_(do) climb up the tree.OK, Im sorry.6The boy mustnt_(play) football in the street【选择题】11. Its hot now. Please turn on(打开)the _. ( )A.TV B.computer C.fan12. How the film is _! Im _ about it. ( )A.excited; e

8、xcited B.exciting; excitedC.exciting; exciting D.excited; exciting13. 根据提示,选出合适的选项。1My favourite food is noodles. ( )A. B.2I like fruit. ( )A. B.3Hot dogs are his favourite. ( )A. B.4I have breakfast at 7:30 in the morning. ( )A. B.14. _of the newspapers in the world are written in English. ( )A.Thr

9、ee quarter B.Three fourths C.Three-fourth D.Third-four15. Who is that man? ( )_ is my grandpa.A.He B.She【连词成句】16. scratch, only, Its, a (.)17. go, he, us, can, with18. foot, He, goes, on, to, work (.)19. want, fly, spaceship, to, a, the, to, I, Moon (.)20. school, by, I, go, to, bike, Usually (.)【阅读

10、理解】21. 阅读理解。One day an old man is selling(卖) a big elephant. A young man comes to the elephant and begins to look at it slowly. The old man goes up to him and says in his ear, “Dont say anything about the elephant before I sell it. Then I will give you twenty dollars.” “All right,” says the young ma

11、n. After the old man sells the elephant, he gives the young man twenty dollars and says, “Now, can you tell me how you found the elephants bad ears?” “I didnt find the bad ears,” says the young man. “Then why are you looking at the elephant slowly?” asked the old man. The young man answers, “Because

12、 I have never seen an elephant before, and I want to know what it looks like.”1_ the elephant. ( )A.The young man sells B.The old man sellsC.The two men sell D.The old man buys2The young man is looking at the elephant slowly. He wants to find out _.( )A.which foot of the elephant is bad B.how heavy

13、it isC.which ear of the elephant is bad D.what it looks like3The young man _.( )A.knows the elephant has bad ears B.wants to buy the elephantC.looks after the elephant D.gets some money from the old man4The young man _.( )A.is not interested in elephants.B.knows what an elephant looks likeC.has seen

14、 some elephants beforeD.has never seen an elephant before22. 阅读理解。Last Sunday afternoon, I was in a bookshop. I wanted to buy an interesting book about animals. Suddenly I saw a short man behind me. He stole my purse and ran out of the shop. I followed him along the street, but he run faster than me

15、. I shouted, “ Stop the thief! Stop the thief!” A policeman heard me and came to help. Then a woman came and said, “I saw him. He ran along the street and turned left at the first crossing.” The policeman began to run. He ran faster than the thief. Soon he caught the thief and I got my purse back.根据

16、上文内容,填入适当的单词完成下面短文(每空一词)Last Sunday afternoon, Nancy_to a bookshop to buy an interesting book_animals. Suddenly she found a short man_her purse and ran out of the shop. The man ran faster than Nancy. So she shouted and asked others for_. At last, with the help from a policeman and a woman, Nancy_her

17、 purse back.23. 根据表格内容填空。1. Susan watched TV last Wednesday, but next Wednesday she will help her parents. Tim will _. Peter will play sports.2. Tim _last Thursday, but next Thursday he will read a book. Susan will _. Peter will _.3. Peter _ last Friday, but next Friday he will _. Tim will_. Susan w

18、ill do her homework.24. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Once upon a time, there was a boy called Lu Ban. Lu Ban wanted to be a carpenter(木匠). So he said goodbye to his parents and left home to find a teacher. He walked and walked. He was very tired, but he didnt stop. He saw a very high mountain. He climbed and climbe

19、d. It was very dangerous, but he didnt stop. Finally, he found a good teacher. The teacher told him to clean his tools(工具)for seven days and make one thousand holes in some wood. Lu Ban did everything the teacher said. The teacher was very satisfied(满意的)and taught him how to be a good carpenter. Lu

20、Ban stayed for three years with his teacher. Then he became a great carpenter. He is famous all over China till today.1Lu Ban was a _.( )A.teacher B.driver C.carpenter2It was _ for Lu Ban to find a good teacher.( )A.easy B.hard C.funny3Lu Ban cleaned the tools for _.( )A.seven days B.two weeks C.fiv

21、e hours4Lu Ban stayed for _ with his teacher.( )A.one year B.two years C.three years5Did the teacher like Lu Ban?( )A.Yes, he did. B.No, he didnt. C.We dont know.25. 阅读John的日程表,选择正确答案。(1)_ is ill in hospital.A. Kate B. Uncle Peter C. John(2)John has a swimming class on _.A. Sunday B. Tuesday C. Wedn

22、esday(3)John is in the _ at 5 p.m. on Wednesday.A. library B. supermarket C. hospital(4)John meets Sam _.A. at home B. in the hospital C. at the airport(5)Kates birthday party is from _ to _.A. three; five B. five; eight C. five; seven26. 阅读短文并回答问题。 Its seven oclock in the morning. Its time for brea

23、kfast. Jennys mother is cooking in the kitchen. Jenny would like some milk and bread. Li Ming would like eggs, bread and juice. After breakfast, Jenny and Li Ming will go to school by bike.1What time is it?2What is Jennys mother doing?3What would Jenny like?4What would Li Ming like?5How will Jenny and Li Ming go to school?【


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