1、房屋建筑学(House Architecture) Reviewing and thinking about housing architectureFirst articles First chaptersWhatarethetwoaspectsofarchitecturaldesign?Whataredifferences in their specific research content?(P1)Architecturaldesignincludestwoaspects.Mainlyreferstostudyofarchitecturalspace,aswellasthestudyof
2、building entities forming architecturalspace.Buildingspaceisaplaceforpeopletouse,theirsize,shape, composition and circulation relations are closely relatedthe use function, and often reflect a spiritualdemand.Thebuildingshouldalsomeetmanyothermaterialrequirements, suchaswaterproof,heatinsulation,the
3、rmalinsulation,etc. in the of must pay attention to the study of building entities. The buildingentityhasboththeusevalueandtheornamentalvalue. Itsusevalueisdefinedastheroleofspace,anditsornamental valuereferstotheformationoftheroleofarchitecturalform.Severalaspectsconstitutethecommonbuildingmaterial
4、sfrom the type and structure of supporting system of relations, building envelope, separation system and their detailed structure introduced to the building entity involved in all aspects ofresearch.the of main components of a building and their functions; (P3)aretwocategories:productive and non pro
5、ductivebuildings.Productivebuildingscanbedividedintodifferentcategories, such as industrial buildings, agricultural buildings, etc. according to their production contents, non productive can be two residentialbuildingsbuildingsaccordingtotheir functions.Residentialbuildingsgenerallyincludehomesanddo
6、rmitories. Publicbuildingscoverawiderangeandcanberoughlydividedinto their functional features:The service life of buildings, cultural buildings, architectural construction, scientific research, medical buildings, commercial buildings, office buildings, traffic administrative building, building, buil
7、ding, communication and broadcasting of sports theater building, exhibition building, hotel building, garden buildings, monuments, religious buildings etc.What are the other systems that relate to the mainof the building? (P6)Electricity, telecommunications, lighting, water supply, drainage, heating
8、, ventilation, air conditioning, fire protection, etc.Second chapters,architecturaldesignproceduresaregenerallydividedinto forsmall,technicallysimpleorcomplexengineeringprojects? change?(P7)Architectural be program stage, preliminary design stage and construction drawing design stage.Thecitybuilding
9、somesmallandsimpletechnology,canreplace the stage of preliminary design plan stage, and somecomplex thepreliminarydesignandconstructiondrawingdesignstages.Thedesigndocumentpresentsachangefromcoarsetofine,from brief to detailed.,designbiddingatwhatstage?Whatdoesthetenderdocument normally include?(P7)
10、Design bidding is usually carried out at the project stage. The bidding documents may contain the general constructiongenerallayout,themainfloorofeachbuildingplanemap,the main building elevation and the main profile composed of construction scheme, the design features of reflection and coloranalysis
11、ofarchitecturaldrawingorbuildingmodel,the necessary design description. Design content in architectural design conception, including structure, professional equipment, various aspects of environmental protection,health,fireandotherbasicideasanddesignbasis, should also provide estimates of the techni
12、cal and economic indicators design and preliminaryeconomic.according to the design documents to prepare the depth requirements,thepreliminarydesignstagedrawingsanddesign documents should meet whatrequirements?In the stage of preliminary design drawings and design documents, positioning axis and axis
13、 size requirements, professional construction drawings marked the construction, the total size of the building elevation, total height and related technical work positioning of some size,In the design, construction materials and constructionto provide map layout scheme of building structure and prel
14、iminaryandstructurebasicdimensions of each section; professional equipment should also provide equipment drawings and relevant equipment to estimate the number andspecification.Beforethefinaldrawing,theparticipantsinthedesignshould and to the andconsistencyofthecooperation.Accordingtothesedrawings a
15、nd specifications, the project budget estimate shall be completed within the prescribed time limit.aftercompletionoftheconstructiondrawingdocuments,construction drawings shall be submitted to the review organization for examination. What aspects does the examination mainly involve?(P9)Afterthecomple
16、tionoftheconstructiondrawingdocument,design unit shall submit it to the relevant construction drawingsreviewtheexaminationstandardsandtheimplementation oftheregulations.Reviewthecontentsinclude:thestability and safety of the building, including the foundation andmain structure is safe and reliable;
17、compliance with fire, health,environmentalprotection,energysaving,airdefense, constructionplanistoreachtherequireddepthrequirements; whether the damage to several publicinterests., architectural design principles should meet what requirements?(P9)Inadditiontomeetingtherelevantarchitecturalstandardss
18、pecifications, architectural design should also meet the following requirements in principle:meet the needs of architecturalfunctions;, requirements, and have good visualeffects;adopt reasonable technicalmeasures;provide the possibility of operating within the economic scope permitted by the investm
19、entplan.Second articles First chaptersConstruction area, also known as building expansion area, to the of the of total levelmeasure the technical and economic indexes of buildingsgrasp the composition of the building plane;(P11)the of the use of in of planetoanalyzethenature,mainlycanbesummedupasthe
20、and traffic links in twoparts.Use part is to meet the main use function and auxiliary use function that part of space.Atrafficlinkisasectionofspacethatisusedtoconnect eachpartofamanyofthebuildingsof thehall,hall,corridors,staircases,elevatorandsoon,are building transport linkssection.thefactorsbuild
21、ings use space?(P12)Factorsrelatedtotheplaneshapeofthebuildingsusespace include:thespace;the mode of operation of the user in thespace;lighting,ventilationandthermal,acoustic,fireandother aspects of the integratedrequirements., for ordinary primary and secondary school classrooms, consideringtheaudi
22、o-visualquality,theblackboard,seating layout requirements?(P15)Considerthestudentsinclassaudio-visualquality,according a maximumdistancefromtheblackboardisnotgreaterthan8.5m, of sightrequirements.,whyuseplaneshapesinspace,mostofwhicharerectangular planes?(P17)Generally speaking, separated components
23、 and bearing components in rectangular plane of division is easier toa coordination or furniture arrangement not because of ouris convenient, so it is the most used plane., shapes of the traffic connections of buildings should be considered in what way?(P18)In general, the determination of the plane
24、 dimensions and shapes of the traffic connections of buildings may be considered in the following aspects:tomeetthepeakperiodpassengerandfreightflowthrough the security scaletakes;complywiththeevacuationrequirementsasspecifiedinthe emergencysituation;to facilitate the use of space between thelinks;m
25、eettheneedsoflighting,ventilationandotheraspects.corridors,hallsandstairsinthehallandelevatortraffic link each part is characterized by what?(P19)Walkways are the most heavily used transportation links inbuilding.The entrance hall is the transportation hub where the main population of the building i
26、s transferred from outside to inside and distributing the flow of people. The hall typegenerallylocatedinthecomplexbuildingconnectionsorbuildings, some people or the logistics of the segmented centralized interchange, play a buffer role.and are of hubs in buildings.how should the width of the aisle
27、be determined?(P19)Aislewidthshouldbeconsistentwiththepassengerandfreight flow patency and fire safety requirements. The width of the aisle,includingtheminimumwidthofthefirestaircase,shall persons walking or crossing at the head.Design standards of primary and secondary school, when the the net widt
28、h of not less than 2100mm; and when the walkway outside,itisunilateralandconnectedwithroom,openbright corridor, the net width of not less than1800mm.what factors should designers consider when deciding the length of theaisle?layout of the walkway and the nature of the building.what is the evacuation
29、distance?Evacuationdistancereferstothedistancebetweentheentranceof the room to the exit of the walkway and the length ofwalkway as specified in the design of the walkway.what are the design requirements of the lobby?(P20)of all the doors leading to the entrance hall.under normal circumstances, how s
30、hould the buildings and elevators bearranged?Shouldthemainentrancenearthebuildinglayoutofeachfloor is uniform, so the use of more convenient.whatarethebasicformsofbuildingplanecombinations?What are the characteristics of each? What is the scope of application?(P27)through each other. Often seen in s
31、pace, the use order and continuity are strong, or the use of closely related, andproduction workshop, some exhibition galleries, railway stations, shopping malls and so on (Figure 2-1-3-3).The 2. parallel type combination is connected with each use space in parallel by an aisle or a public part in t
32、heposition.Inthiscase,theuseofspaceisindependentofeach Forexample,mosthotels,homes,teachingbuildingsandsoon.3.,thecombinationofthecombinationofmixeduseoftheabove two as in a of the adopt a combination, and on the whole to anotherof the main.Second chaptershowisthepositionandheightofthebuildinginthev
33、ertical direction indicated in the architectural design?(P30)In the and eachpartofthebuildingisrepresentedbyarelativeelevation system. Generally, the height of a designated ground in the + elevation above this elevation is positive, whereas the negative elevation is the opposite.what is the height a
34、nd height? What factors shouldbeconsidered in determining the height of the room? (P30)Storey height is the vertical height between the floor of a building or the floor of a building.a the ceiling.Some factors determine the building height are the following:1. furniture and equipment placement and u
35、se height The height required for 2. peoples activities ThreeMeetthephysiologicalandpsychologicalrequirementsofother standards4. energy conservation requirementshow are buildings divided by the number of floors?(P34)addition to single deck, are all high rise buildings.3 residential; the number of st
36、oreys in the 46 storeymulti-storey residential; 79 for the middle and high residential; 1030 for high-rise residential. All buildings above l00m are super high-rise buildings.of the building on the quality requirements of the grade division and the designers? in a 16 to 29 in the of two 7 a inthesco
37、peofthreelevelengineering;7followingnoelevator 2layersorsinglefunctionbuildingsincludedinthefivelevel Atfirstclassregisteredarchitect can design all levels of architecture, and two registered architects can only design three and belowbuildings.what are the factors that determine the number ofand the
38、 total height of a building?(P34)requirements of urbanplanning.the nature of the use ofbuildings.the types of building structures and building materials used.the impact of urban firecapacity.how to make a combination of section space?(P35)Each part of the building should be arranged in the vertical
39、direction, soas to makethe structure arrangementreasonable, make use of the space effectively, and the building shape is beautiful. Under normal circumstances can be used to approximate the same height and properties, some on the same a building, to avoid on the bottom structure of just soft or ispl
40、acedinthemiddlelayercausedbythemutationofrigidity. Inaddition,usestairverticaltransporthuborhall,corridor to connect different floors or different heights of thebuilding paragraph,Not only can solve the vertical traffic connection, butcanenrichthebuildingshape,itisacommonlyusedtechnique in the archi
41、tecturaldesign.(1) stratified combination (2), sectional type combination Third chapters(P40)?Thedesignoftheshapeandelevationofthebuildingshallmeet the following requirements:overallplanning;characteristics of architecturaltypesthe proper use of certain visual and compositionalrulessystem of the bui
42、lding and the possibility of thetechnologygrasp the relevant design standards and economic indicators;what are the ways of building body combinations?(P43)There are many combinations of building shapes, but theymainly be summed up as follows:symmetrical layout. The layout of the building has an obvi
43、ouscentralpartofwhichislocatedcentral axis. It is mainly used for buildings that require museums, memorial halls,etc.asymmetrical layout. In the horizontal direction, can be by andturning.Betweenthedifferentvolumeorshapeoftheblock thebodyorocclusalconnection,alsoneedtopayattentionto theshapeandsizeo
44、fthecomparisonorrepeatandconnections at the same time, should pay attention to the formation of terrain, but also can adapt to a wide range of visualinverticaldirection,bycutting,adding,subtractionother methods, the building is given a similar sculpture forhigh-riseandsuperhigh-risebuildings,andforb
45、uildings thatneedtouseoutdoorspaceabovethegroundorneedtolight up., the facade design should pay attention to what?(P46)master the rhythm andrhythmgrasp the contrast and change of deficiency andexcesspay attention to the color and texture of thematerialwhatarethebasiclawsofarchitecturalcomposition?(P
46、41)Sincetheshapeandtheelevationofabuildingprovideforenjoyment of beauty, it is necessary to pay attention tocompositionofthecompositionandfollowcertainvisualrules andaestheticprinciples.Sointhedesignofthebuildingshape and facade, often used to pay attention to thelevel,suchasthemainbuilding,withprom
47、inentrepeatmotif, the formation of rhythm and rhyme, grasp the scale,for uniform changes intechnique.Fourth chaptersredline?Whatistherelationshipbetweenthe building and the red line of the base? (P53)theplanningdepartmentontheblueprintissuedbytheplanning department when the project is approved.base
48、follows:of the urban planning, and its basement scope andburiedpipelinesshallbecontrolledwithinthescopeoftheredline. If the competent authorities of urban planning have other requirements for the withdrawal of the building, theyalso be observed.a fire escape or space shall be provided between the bu
49、ildinganditsadjacentbasewithintheboundariesoftheline of theboundary.the height of the building shall not affect the minimum sunshine requirements of adjacent buildings adjacent to the base.thestepsandplatformsofthebuildingsshallnotprotrude projectionshallalsobewithinandabovetheprescribedheight, ands
50、hallbeallowedtoprotrudebeyondtheredlineoftheurban road.a boundary for city planning regulations, shall not be opened towardstheadjacentwindowsanddoors,notabalcony,cornice, not to the adjacent land drainage of rainwater or wastegas.what is the sunshine distance of buildings?(P56)Thesunshinedistancere
51、ferstothedistancebetweenthetwo a the back row houses and the required sunshine during the prescribedtime.(sunshinedistancereferstothetworowsofsouthboundhouses between the front and rear, to ensure the minimum distance betweenthebackrowhousesatthebottomofthewintersolstice and not less than two hours
52、of full windowsunshine.)what is a wind rose diagram? What is the function of architectural design?(P57)Thewindrosediagramisagraphdrawnfromthemeteorological datasummarizingthedominantwinddirectionandthefrequency to the wind rose diagram can help determine thebetween buildings. The layout of the build
53、ing on the baseconducive to the formation of a good air flow, and do not adversely affect the surroundingenvironment.what is the range of indoor and outdoor heightin buildings?(P59)Architectural design specifications, ground floor buildings shouldbehigherthanthatofthesubstrateoutsidetheground outsid
54、e at least about 150mm, if the ground laying bottom overhead construction, the best is higher than the outdoor theheightdifferencebetweeninsideandoutsideistoolarge, it will bring some difficulties totraffic., a choose the layout method?(P59)The building layout should consider construction of earthwo
55、rktothebaselayoutandverticalorobliquetothelayoutofbuildings were contourbase.Third articlesThe classification of commonly used structural system, to the of and the applicable building types.Thesupportingsystemofwallloadstructure(P61)isasystem of vertical supporting system with partial or wholeexteri
56、or wall and several fixed internal walls. Accordingthebuildingmaterialsandheight,loadandotherrequirements, mainlydividedintomasonrywallbearingmixedstructureand reinforced concrete wall bearing system. The former is mainlyusedforlowandmultistorybuildings,whilethelatter is suitable for buildings of va
57、rious heights, especially high-risebuildings.applicable to buildings with relatively fixed indoor space functions and scales during the use cycle,partitioning, and are not applicable to buildings with open spaces.(P68) a frame bearing structural system that replaces a load-bearing wall with two colu
58、mns and a beam. The buildingstructure occupied space is greatly reduced, and theload-bearingskeletoninnerwalls are load-bearing, can be arranged flexibly and mobile, therefore is suitable for those who need a flexible space facade is also moreflexible.(P80) the spatial structure can exert the perfor
59、mance of materialsufficiently,sothestructureislightinweight,it is an ideal form of structure covering large space.grasp the following concepts ofstructureshearwallstructure;tube structure; rigidframeFrame shear wall structure; frame tube structure; bentframePlate column structure, arch, thin shell n
60、etwork, suspended cable filmAwall(P125)arrangedalongashortaxisofabuilding(width)Verticalwall:awallarrangedalongthelongaxis(length)of abuildingAwallsupportingafloorandroofsystem(awallthattransmits loads from a floor or roof system)Non bearing walls - walls that do not support floor androof systems.In
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