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1、人教版八年级上册期末复习资料Section 1基础知识考点一情景交际.感谢的表达和回答Thanks for +n/ V-ingThanks for your help/ thanks for helping me.Thanks for your invitation/ thanks for inviting/ asking me.回答:You are welcome ./Thafs all right./Not at alL/Ifs my pleasure./My pleasure./No problem. Dont mention it.()26.Thanks for helping me

2、so much.(东湖高新七下期末)A. No problem B. Thats great C. With pleasureD. Pretty good.邀请、建议或请求 want= would like + (sb) to do sthDo you want to .?Would you like to .?()26. -Hey, Dave. Do you want to watch the football match with me?.1 must do my homework.A.Good idea B. ThankC. Fd love to, but I cant D. No, I

3、 dont.请求许可May I .?/CouldI.?-Yes, you can./No, you cant./Sorry,you cant4涧候How is everything going with you ?/How are you ?All right ,thanks./Not too bad ./Just so so .()1. Hows everything going with you?(东湖高新七下期末)A. Thats all rightB. Not bad, thanksC. Not muchD. Sounds good了解对方度假情况How was your holida

4、y ? -Great! /It was Ok./Pretty good ./Very nice ./Good ./Terrible .()26. - Hi, David, how was your winter vacation?(东湖高新七下期末)-! I really enjoyed skating with my friends.A. Sounds goodB. TerribleC. No problemD. Prettygood 6)准备去度假I am going to have a holiday .一Lucky you !Have a good time!- Tm going to

5、 USA this summer vacation.(东湖高新七下期末)A. Tm sorry to hear that.C. It was so much fun!C. Lucky you! Have a good time!D. did you enjoy your trip?7)打 用语Hello. May I speak to Mr Green? Just a moment.等一会儿/Hold on.等一会儿。Hes not in. May I take a message for him?他不在,我能替他捎个口信吗?This is Mary (Speaking).我是玛丽。Whos

6、that (speaking ).?()27.一May I speak to Rick, please? (东湖高新七下期末)A. Thafs all right. B. I am Rick. C. Who are you? D. This is Rick here.()4. Hello!.(东湖高新七下期末)-Hi, Mike speaking.A. Tm JaneB. How are you? C. This is Jane here. D. Who are you?8)询问天气、某人的性格、某事的特征等Whats sb. like ? What do you think of.? How

7、 do you like .? ()29.-(东湖高新七下期末)-Oh, he is kind but strict.A. What does your English teacher look like?B. What is your English teacher looklike?C. What does your English teacher like?D. What would your English teacherlook like?()35.-?(东湖高新七下期末)-Terrible. I caught a bad cold yesterday, but I feel a l

8、ittle better now.A. Hows the weatherB. Hows it goingC. Whats it likeD. What are you doing考点二.名词 language /special /problem /trouble/matter /question()28.What can I do when I am in a new place?(东湖高新七下期末)Remember to smile because it is the best for everyone.A. languageB. message C. newsD. word()11. -W

9、hat do you think of your new classmate?(东湖高新七下期末)-You mean Bill? Hes smart. And he can work out the math quickly.A. questionB. problem C. troubleD. matter()28. - Where would you like to have dinner?(东湖高新七下期末)-What about the Mr. Lees Restaurant? It has lots of delicious but not expensiveA. drinksB. f

10、ruitsC. dessertsD. specials考点三一.介词 along /by /in /on( )29. I like travelling because I can always enjoy the beautiful view the way.(东湖高新七下期末)A. byB. inC. alongD. on考点四.不定代词 anything /everything / other /the other /another/others/one/onesboth, all, neither, none, either单词用法谓语形式常用短语both两者胤;,表肯定含义复数bot

11、hand.两者都;both of 两#all三者及三者以上都,表肯定含义复数all of三者及三者以上都neither两者都不,表否认含义单数neithernor既不也不;neither of两者都不none三者及三者以上都不,表否认含义根据指代的名词 可数不可数来判 断none of三者及三者以上都不either两者中任意一个,表肯定含义单数either.or .或者或者either+名词单数代词意义用法other另外的常与复数名词连用another另一个指三者及三者以上的另一个othersOthers=other +复数名词 另一些固定搭配有some.othersthe other两者中的

12、另一个固定搭配 one.the otherthe others其余的特指在一个整体中剩余的全部复合不定代词后缀不定代词意义不定代词意义不定代词意义不定代词意义-bodyeverybody 每个人 肯定句、疑问句somebody 某人 肯定句anybody任何人 疑问句中代词somebody 肯定句中表任何人nobody没有人-oneeveryone每个人someone 某人anyone任何人no one没有人肯定句、疑问句肯定句疑问句中代词someone 肯定句中表任何人-thingeverything 每件事 肯定句、疑问句something 某事 肯定句anything任何事 疑问句中代替

13、something 肯定句中表任何事nothing无事,无物()30.一Sorry, I cant help you. I dont know much about it.(东湖高新七下期末)You dont have to know. Just follow me.A. anythingB. everything C something D. nothing()30. - Can you come over and have dinner with me tonight?(东湖高新七下期末)-rd love to, but I have to study fbr tomorrows math

14、 test. Can we make it time?A. otherB. the otherC. anotherD. others()2. -Excuse me, is there a post office near here?(东湖高新七下期末)-Yes, there is at the street corner over there.A. oneB. itC. nothingD. none()5. -This T-shirt is too long. Could you please show me one.(东湖高新七下期末)-Yes, of course. Here you ar

15、e.A. otherB. another C. the otherD. others考点五.动词和动词短语辨析 worry/turn/ pay/ spend /take/ cost/meet /pick / grow()31.Jim! Would you like to your uncle with me at the airport?(东湖高新七下期末)一Sure. When is he arriving?A. pickB. sendC. meetD. visit()32.Too much schoolwork will students.(东湖高新七下期末)一I agree with y

16、ou.A. surpriseB. worryC. practice D. stop()31. - Tm fourteen today.(东湖高新七下期末)-Happy birthday!A. havingB. pickingC. arrivingD. turning()34.Did you buy a new pen again?(东湖高新七下期末)一Yes. But its not expensive. I only 15 yuan fbr it.A. paidB. spentC. tookD. asked()34. - Hello, Mr. Lee speaking. Is that Mr

17、. Bruce King?-Sorry, hes out for a meeting. Can I a message fbr you?A. getB. carryC. takeD. leave( )39.-The number of students isby more than 200 in this middle school every year.一I agree with you.(东湖高新七下期将A. goingB. turningC. growing D. running()6. 一-Excuse me. May I your order?(东湖高新七下期末)-Yes. I wa

18、nt a large coke with ice, a beer hamburger and chips.A. bringB. seeC. haveD. pay()37. - Can you your new teacher Mr. Chen?(东湖高新七下期家)-Yes. He is of medium height, and he has short black hair.A. sayB. tellC. describeD. talk()3. 一Is your homework finished?(东湖高新七下期末)-No. Tm afraid I have to two more hou

19、rs.A. takeB. payC. spendD. cost()10. -What does your best friend look like?(东湖高新七卜期末)-He of medium height and short straight black hair.A. is; isB. is; hasC. has; isD. has; has()13. -How was your trip to the farm?(东湖高新七下期末)-It was great. And we a lot from the farmers about farming.A. sawB. foundC. l

20、earnedD. studied()15. Whafs the weather like tomorrow?(东湖高新七卜期末)-The radio says that it will hot and humid for another two days.A. getB. become C. stayD. turn()33.一Please ask John to the picture on the wall.(东湖高新七下期末)Sure. Mr. Brown.A. put onB. put upC. put down D. put off()33. - You look busy, Mom!

21、 Do you need a hand?(东湖高新七下期泉)-Thank you, dear! Could you help me the onions, please?A. stay upB. put upC. wake upD. cut up()8. Where did you sleep on your trip to the mountain last year?(东湖高新七下期末)-We a tent on the top of the mountain. It was great fun.A. put awayB. put offC. put downD. put up( )12.

22、 What else should I do to make tomato and egg noodles?You need to a tomato and put the pieces into the boiling water.A. cut upB. cut down C. cut offD. cut out考点六 形容词 special /expensive / high /low()35.What do you think of Li Hua?(东湖高新七下期末) 一He is very to me and hes always there when I need help.A. n

23、aturalB. popular C. excellent D. special()36. - Did you buy any gifts for your father on Fathers Day?(东湖高新七下期末)No. The price of the gifts was very, so I made a card for him.A. cheapB. expensiveC. lowD. high考点七 副词strongly ()36.last night, the wind blew outside.(东湖高新七下期末)Yes, it was scary.A. slowlyB.

24、quickly C. lightlyD. strongly考点八 情态动词 may/must /have to /can /should情态动词意思用法may可以 可能征求同意或表示允许May 1 come in ? You may leave now. 推测 Im not sure. It may be Toms.Must必须主观 You must do your homework now.Have to不得不,必须客观要求必须做 There were no buses or subways.I had to walk home.can能够;可以1 有能力做 I can speak four

25、 languages.2,可能性 Smoking can cause cancer.3.请求许可 Can I use your book ,please ?4.请求 Can you hand me the pen?5.提供帮助 Can I help you ?6.许口J You cant smoke here./You can sit here.()37.一class is over, everybody. You go now.(东湖高新七下期末)一Goodbye, Mrs. SmithA. willB. mayC. mustD. have to考点九时态一般现在时、一般过去时()38.He

26、llo, may I speak to Mr. Green?(东湖高新七下期末)一Sorry, he is not at home. If he back, I will tell him to call you back.A. comesB. cameC. is coming D. will come()32. - You dance so well! When you to learn to dance?(东湖高新七下期末)-In 2014.A. do; startB. are; startingC. did; startD. were;starting()7. 一When you to

27、the Happy Valley?(东湖高新七下期末)-On the spring school trip in 2015.A. do; goB. are; going C. did; goD. will; go考点十非谓语动词以下动词+v-ing 作宾语 enjoy /mind/ finish /practice /mind/feel like /look forward to /be afraid of /dream of /about以下动词+doing 或 to do 意思差异不大 like to do/like doing start to do /doing 宾语补足语find s

28、b. doing sth.发现某人正在做某事hear sb doing sth.听到某人正在做某事 see sb. doing sth.看到某人正在做某事watch sb. doing sth.观看某人正在做某事 notice sb. doing sth.注意到某人正在做某事()38. - Why did you come home late from school this evening?(东湖高新七卜期末)-On my way home, I found a little boy in our neighborhood and helped him findhis mom.A. crie

29、sB. criedC. cryingD. cry()9. -Would you like hot-and-dry noodles for breakfast with me?(东湖高新七下期末)-Great. I like them very much.A. to eat; to eatB. to eat; eating C. eating; to eat D. eating; eating()14. -Do you want to go to the city library with me?(东湖高新七下期末)-Sure. I enjoy books very much.A. readB.

30、 reading C. to readD. reads考点十一宾语从句.从句用陈述句语序.从句时态和主句一致3连接词选用,缺什么意思补什么单词,不缺任何意思用that,可省略,ask/dont know/wonder后面+有疑问意思的连词特殊情况要注意:.主语是疑问代词的问句本身就是陈述句语序,在宾语从句中不需要改语序Whafs wrong ? Whats the matter ?.表示客观真理的句子在宾语从句中仍然用一般现壬时时态()40.could you tell me?一Sure.(东湖高新七下期末)A. how was your weekendB. where did she go

31、last weekendC. what is in the foodD. is there a post office near here()40 - Why did Sam and the waiter talk about?(东湖高新七下期末)-Sam asked the waiter.A. what was in the soupB. how much was the small bowl ofbeef noodlesC. what kind of noodles did they haveD. what size bowl of noodles could hehave12.There

32、 be 句型()27. - Excuse me, where is the nearest McDonalds?(东湖高新七下期末)-Just over there. There a super Walmart and two banks around it.A. areB. isC. haveD. hasSection 2完型填空完型填空词汇辨析.同义词或近义词辨析.形近词辨析.常用词汇辨析.转换词辨析.动词短语辨析Passage 1Once there lived two sisters in a poor small village. The elder was called Mary

33、and the younger Edith. They_41_each other very much, and always took good care of one another. In order to support their own family, every day they worked from morning_42_night, getting as much grain (谷物)as possible from their fields.One late autumn evening, after their long and tiring work in the_4

34、3_was done, Mary said to her husband, Edith just got married last month and she_44 have many bills( 账 单)to pay. I think we should put a bag of rice in her bam(谷 仓).“Oh, thats a good idea,“ said her husband. But please dont tell her, said Mary, “if she knows it is from us, she will neve匚45_it.”So, la

35、te that night Mary took a bag of rice to Ediths bam. However, while looking at her own barn the next morning, she found46_ strange. I took a bag of rice toEdiths house last night,47 I still have the same number of bags in my barn.48_did that happen?Mary decided to take another bag of rice to her sis

36、ters bam that night. But the next morning, she found the_49_number of bags in her barn again! This is very strange/5 she thought.That night she_50_again. She chose to carry a larger bag of rice on her shoulder this time and walked down the road to her younger sisters home. In the bright moonlight, s

37、he could see another 51 coming down the road. She was carrying something on her_52 too.“Edith! Mary cried, what are you doing?”“I was_53_you, Mary,“ said Edith, Your family is_54 than mine. I thought you needed more rice., The two sisters quickly realized that they had been taking rice to each other

38、. They_55_what had happened. It is good to have a sister like you,“ they both said smilingly. And they lived happily caring about each other ever after.41. A. dislikeB. hatedC. lovedD. enjoyed42. A. atB. inC. withD. to43. A. homesB. fieldsC. factoriesD. shops44.A. canB. mustC. shouldD. cant45. A. ta

39、keB. bringC. askD. miss46. A. everythingB. anythingC. somethingD. nothing47. A. andB. soC. orD. but48. A. HowB. WhatC. WhereD. Who49. A. smallB. sameC. specialD. big50. A. plannedB. failedC. wishedD. tried51. A. sisterB. personC. manD. husband52. A. backB. shoulderC. headD. hands53. A. friendly toB.

40、 different fromC. worried aboutD. proud of54. A. richerB. smallerC. largerD. happier55. A. laughed aboutB. dreamed ofC. laughed atD. shouted toPassage 2Last summer vacation, I went back to my hometown in Sichuan Province with my parents. We visited our relatives and tasted many kinds of delicious fo

41、od that can only be found in the (41) However, the most (42) thing was catching fish.That was a wonderful afternoon. The weather was not very (43) as usual. After (44) my uncle and my two cousins decided to catch some fish. They (45) me to join them and see how they could catch fish to (46) money.Th

42、ey (47) special coats and boots, took the fishing net and basket, and then (48) to the pool which was near to their home. There was a lot of mud(泥)in it, so I thought it was (49) catch fish.My (50) and my cousins got in. They let the water go into another place through a holeQ同)so that it could be e

43、asier to catch the fish. About one hour later, the water ran away quickly out of the pool but the fish (51) in it. I was (52) to see so many big fish in such a small pool. Without water, the fish couldnt do anything but keep (53), Some mud flew out from the pool onto our clothes. My uncle and my cou

44、sins caught the fish one by one. The basket was soon full of fish and the fish were then sent to the market. My uncle was really good at catching fish because he started to catch fish and then (54) them in the market for a living when he was young.That was (55) an unforgettable afternoon. I think li

45、fe in the countryside is really interesting!41. A. cityB. countrysideC. townD. field42. A. difficultB. differentC. excitingD. surprising43. A. hotB. coldC.coolD. warm44. A. breakfastB. lunchC.supperD. meal45. A. orderedB. guidedC. taughtD. asked46. A. makeB. borrowC. lendD. find47. A. put upB. put d

46、ownC. put outD. put on48. A. droveB. movedC. walkedD.rushed49. A. easyB. difficultC. boringD. dangerous50. A. fatherB. motherC. brotherD. uncle51. A. stayedB. grewC. sleptD. died52. A. boredB. surprisedC. interestedD. scared53. A. shoutingB. cryingC. jumpingD. swimming54. A. feedB. keepC. buyD. sell

47、55. A. quiteB. neverC. hardlyD. notSection 3阅读理解一主旨大意主题句定位法.主题句在文首即中心主题句出现在开头。开门见山,提出主题,随之用细节来解释、支撑或开展主题句 所表达的主题思想;或者是文章开头的转折句。例题19.Good evening and welcome to World Views. Earlier in the day, we spoke to four different people about family traditions. Heres what they said. Christmas presentsOne of o

48、ur traditions is to do with Christmas presents. Most people open their presents in the morning, but we open ours in the late afternoon after Christmas lunch. Its really nice to do so because opening the presents in the morning makes the rest of the day, you know, its boring. Well, thafs what we thin

49、k. Birthday cakesThe best title of this passage may be “A. Common friendsB. Unusual traditionsC. Special presents.主题句在文末在细节后,归纳要点、印象、结论、建议或结果,以概括主题。这是英语中最常 见的归纳法写作方式,即细节表述的句子在前,概括性的句子居后,主题句那么常位于末段。 例题21.One afternoon I toured an art museum while waiting for my husband to finish a business meeting! w

50、as looking forward to a quiet view of the art works.A young couple viewing the paintings ahead of me chatted nonstop between themselves.I watched them a moment and decided the wife was doing all the talk.I admired the husbands patience for putting up with her continuous talk.Distracted by their nois

51、e,I moved on.I met with them several times as I moved through the different rooms of art.Each time I heard her constant burst of words,! moved away quickly.I was standing at the counter of the museum gift shop making a purchase when the couple came near to the exit.Before they left,the man reached i

52、nto his pocket and pulled out a white object.He extended it into a long stick and then tapped his way into the coatroom to get his wifes jacket.“Hes a brave man.The clerk at the counter saidMost of us would give up if wewere blinded at such a young age.During his recovery he made a promise that his

53、life wouldnt change.So ,as before,he and his wife come in whenever theres a new art show.”“But what dose he get out of the art?”I asked/He cant see.”“Cant see?You,re wrong.He sees a lot.More than you or I do.The clerk said/His wife describeseach painting so he can see it in his head.”I learned somet

54、hing about patience, courage and love that day. I saw the patience of a young wife describing paintings to a person without sight and the courage of a husband who would not allow blindness to change his life. And I saw the love shared by two people as I watched this couple walk away hand in hand.6O.

55、The passage is mainly about.A .the importance of artB. good manners in publicC. patience of a husbandD. love between a couple.将每段主题句连在一起就是文章的主旨。例题22.Mexicos neighbours are the United States to the north and Guatemala and Belize to the south. Mexico is about one quarter of the size of the United Stat

56、es. Mexico has more than ninety million people. The language of Mexico is Spanish. This makes Mexico the worlds largest Spanish-speaking country.Mexico City is the capital and largest city of Mexico. The city is also very high. It is 7349 feet high (2240 metres). This makes it one of the highest cap

57、ital cities in the world. The population of Mexico City grows bigger every day. About thirty million people live there. It has more people than any other city in the world, even more than Tokyo.Mexico also has its specialities. Many of the foods we eat started in Mexico. Foods like beans, maize, avo

58、cados, tomatoes, peanuts, chili peppers, vanilla, and chocolate come from Mexico. Mexico is also famous fbr its cactus (彳山人掌)plants. Mexico has more kinds of cactus than any other country.Whats the passage mainly about ?A. Mexico CityB.MexicoC.The population of Mexico D. The culture ofMexico.没有明显主题句 中心主题隐含在全文之中,先弄清每个段落主要讲了哪几个方面的内 容,这些内容在逻辑上有什么联系,然后加以归纳形成主题。Once a small boy lived on a farm which seemed so far away from everywhere.He needed to get up before sunrise every morning to help his father on the farm. During sunrise he would take


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