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1、Unit 10Module 4 Things we enjoyGreat storybooksUnit 10Module 4 Things we enjoFree talkWhat kind of books do you read?Free talkWhat kind of books doThink and sayStoriesThe emperors newclothesThe fox and thegrapesSnow White?Think and sayStoriesThe emperoThink and sayWho wrote these great stories?The e

2、mperorsnew clothesSnow WhiteThe fox and thegrapesThink and sayWho wrote these gThe emperors new clothesLook and sayThe emperors new clothesLook Fairy tales are usually for children. They are stories about fairies, princes, princesses, witches, giants, mermaids and other fantasy characters. Fairy tal

3、esWhat is your favourite fairy tale?Fairy tales are usually for chHans Christian AndersenHans Christian AndersenDo you remember the stories “The emperors newclothes” and “The ugly duckling”?Andersen wrote the stories. He was a Danishwriter. He wrote a lot of interesting fairy talesand stories. Child

4、ren around the world enjoyreading his stories.Do you remember the stories “TLife itself is the most wonderful fairy tale.Hans Christian AndersenLife itself is the most wonderThe stories “Snow White”, “Little Red RidingHood” and “Cinderella” are from Grimms FairyTales.The Grimm brothers were German w

5、riters.They collected a lot of stories. Both adults and children like their stories.The Grimm brothersThe stories “Snow White”, “LitJacob was born in 1785 and Wilhelm was born in 1786. More about the Grimm brothersJacob was born in 1785 and WilThe Grimm brothers were story collectors. They gathered

6、and wrote many stories. The stories “Snow White”, “The Frog Prince” and “Sleeping Beauty” are from Grimms Fairy Tales.Grimms Fairy TalesRead and learnThe Grimm brothers were story Aesops FablesAesops FablesFables are short stories with moral lessons.Many fables use animals that act and talk just lik

7、e people as characters.FablesFables are short stories with Aesop was a Greek storyteller. He was once a slave. He later became free because of his knowledge and intelligence. More about AesopAesop was a Greek storyteller.Aesops Fables is another great book. Moststories in this book are about animals

8、. The animals in the stories can talk. Some well-known stories are “The fox and the grapes”, “The farmer and the snake” and “The wind and the sun”. We can usually learn something from these stories.Aesops Fables is another greaDo you know these stories?The first printed version of Aesops Fables in E

9、nglish was published on 26th March, 1484, by William Caxton. Think and sayDo you know these stories?The The lion and the mouseThe lion and the mouseThe crow and the pitcherThe crow and the pitcherThe fox and the grapesThe fox and the grapesThink and sayWho wrote these stories?The Grimm brothersThe emperorsnew clothesSnow WhiteThe fox and thegrapesAndersenAesopThink and sayWho wrote these sWhere are the stories from? Match the stories with the books.b, g, ha, ec, d, fWhere are the stories from? MaHomeworkListen t


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