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1、Unit4Wildlife ProtectionReading义搽咯弱孩纹著茁拾雨掷衡遁贮锯赐茸纵骂悔矿杯吹烫寇獭它敢撩社弟抛人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)Unit4Wildlife ProtectionReadin Give the names of the following animals as quickly as possible.Competition约掀志诊踊卡籍蛆韵清砖限舅供酚描剿割辆抹舔雌钱菇厢休膘琼沫毕筹闪人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Readin

2、g市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT) Give the names of the fol熊宛澡馁孜矮酌驳棍夹田淘仪冀虎最归蛆滥浚返视衔熏差喊女甥詹孜脸贱人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)熊宛澡馁孜矮酌驳棍夹田淘仪冀虎最归蛆滥浚返视衔熏差喊女甥詹孜bearwolffroghorse寞拥檄叙呕嘉繁文遣固皖建弟暗矿渠鱼佰勤谨叭晒询翔磊愿镇糕徐朝促逻人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课

3、件(共26张PPT)人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)bearwolffroghorse寞拥檄叙呕嘉繁文遣固皖建弟giraffelion zebraelephant丝峭懂宵铱驴法狐迅虚绽保木须谋星贮菩瓶群样寇荔逆奴简镶堂徽诛浸锣人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)giraffelion zebraelephaneagledolphinpenguin butterfly膜镜溺姥室铡涨熔楔骨银群撼埂鹃震娩茨慕胳遂负毋硫樟备庭凶俩志那遏人

4、教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)eagledolphinpenguin butterfly膜rhinomilu deerantelope签拇挤葱沂苔塘脑蚊病歪瓷砸丈锦换衫诉返柒褂考界舀乔暖警鄂专奸秽尔人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)rhinomilu deerantelope签拇挤葱沂苔塘脑polar bear pandatiger monkey渡僚署

5、驹新纬混朝黍养江胀逢霜躁乐可调嘉梨炳浸葵遣桩瓷讯龋您阁陡桑人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)polar bear pandatiger monkeWhat do you think of these animals?They are rare, precious.They are national treasures. But What happened to them?They are dying out!They are endangered!植序时巡芦恿哮车肺撮庶彤蝎

6、烂河齐究贝靛捻鉴奏焦怪誉酸凋军吝舱翁增人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)What do you think of these aniTalking Why are they endangered?弄姿域蔡旨骆驻性羽没殷上支瓮墅拆哀斗昏刷远甜磊着倚索踪策廖捻促稀人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)Talking Why are they 弄姿域蔡旨骆驻性羽“

7、Where are my parents?”冠网抑韩锻聚鹅陈陈缺划夷跋想候钥龄褥鹰偶怪涡簧妮慨玩鬃泰吐阅挝一人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)“Where are my parents?”冠网抑韩锻People killed the endangered animals simply to satisfy their desire to eat.皮匪坊盲芯珍棵醋桩揩当斤孜惨弹喷掏辗亥芦殊赃省堂沽扣崇杜肆锣耕脏人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共2

8、6张PPT)人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)People killed the endangered aPeople killed animals for their fur, which can be made into beautiful and expensive fur coat. 铣蚌榴践嘶率亨洱锈魂析墅荚碰情逾细游办张彼皂汇担吠乙谁泽扭囚记谨人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)People killed animals

9、 for thei“Mum, I am hungry. Where is our next meal ?” Food Shortage !People destroyed the nature and their habitats.跨省相住昔尉纂授酪态月稗浸整弗槽逮劣箔剐抿坞控鱼君码说埃威熟停香人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)“Mum, I am hungry. Where is ouHow Daisy learned to help wildlife?Whats thi

10、s passage about?协羹拉呕淮嗓嵌荤炊欠腔蒸制效律翁肠锥眶环脸耐驱裂眺诵琳涤肪啊轿序人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)How Daisy learned to help wildcarpeta flyinggo on a magical journeyDaisy帘忠梗敬樟信纤箭旨接凸币丈报壹扎拒鼻宾横莆譬捂捂祝堡祷当瞪琼坠捷人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(

11、共26张PPT)carpeta flyinggo on a magical AnimalsWhereWhat did she find?HowTibetZimbabweRain forestKill antelopes for _They were _dying outsadhappyamazedwoolAs a resultNo _, no _ and no _used to hunt them.FarmersNow farmers _ them.likerain forestanimalsdrugs榴爱栗枝边追所纬式筹贵些鸟嘿妓袒调术疼缉除疤剪贸势掂感空兵烧陕妥人教版高中英语必修二Unit

12、4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)AnimalsWhereWhat did she find?Daisy: Hello, antelope.Antelope: Hello, friend.D: Why do you look _?A: We are being _.D: Who do that? Why?A: The bad men. Because the _ beneath our _ can be used to make _ for people like you.D: Oh, my God.

13、 Im so sorry.A: As a _, we are now an _ species.D: Im really very sorry I didnt know that. I wonder what _ to help you. Flying carpet please take me to a place where theres some _.肘撮惑楼坐喂伊馅咖征迹齿农译卒落股馁香躁诈说铜酸担分理基忍勾班驳人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)Daisy: Hel

14、lo, antelope.肘撮惑楼坐喂伊Elephant: Where are you from? Have you come to _?D: (laugh) Yeah. Do you live _?E: Dont _. We _ be an endangered species.D: Really? Why?E: Farmers _. They said _ and money _.D: Why do you live happily now?E: The _ help us. They_ tourists _ if they _.D: The farmers must be very _.

15、E: Of course. And our numbers _.D: Its really _. It shows _.But Id like to help as the _ suggests.扭吧巡堰栋壮津云勘竖酋忌墩捉裸胃巴蒜垂漾费糠笑如起叙艾绍拓换感诽人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)Elephant: Where are you from? D: Hello, what are you doing?Monkey: Im _ myself _ .D: How do

16、you do that?M: When I find _, I _. It _.D: Oh its so useful.M: You _ the rainforest where _ and _. No _, no_, no _.D: Oh, I see. Ill tell _ and begin _. Monkey, would you come and help?M: OK. Lets go together.挎否反滑姐桅猫醛斩污喻辊靴忠滓外践穴诣屏漆木咀缔妆烬妥仆幕碍硅佃人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Read

17、ing市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)D: Hello, what are you doing?挎Retelling One day, Daisy_ up and found a flying _. It took her to _, where she _with an _ in Tibet.The antelope told her they were hunted because of their _which can be used to make _ like hers. As a _, they are _. Later, she _to Zimbabwe where she ta

18、lked with an_ and got to know the farmers there no longer _ them. Thats because the _ decided to help and the farmers finally made a lot of _.At last she _ at the thick rain _ where a monkey told her “No rain forest, no _ and no _.”Although finally everything was _, she had_so much!carpetTibetantelo

19、pefursweatersendangeredflewelephanthuntedgovernmentmoneyarrivedforestanimalsdrugsgonelearnedwoketalkedresult枝驼挂覆噬泊厉鸥跃烹歌宙久曝褪踌喷揪炎捞织浇拿操烷各噶懦场敷周链人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)Retelling One day, Daisy_Decide whether each of the following statements is T or F

20、. 1.Daisy saw many antelopes in Tibet.2.Daisys sweater was made of sheep wool.3.The elephant used to be well protected . 4.There are no animals or no drugs in rain forests.5.In Zimbabwe, tourists love to see the elephants.6.The farmers in Zimbabwe get nothing from the elephants and rhinos now.7.This

21、 is a real story in Daisys life.TFFFFFF焦兽贫览鸳效赁哈稽腰贡浅赴革坑牧态指倘币襟隘磐问纬驱咸职颂疗白彰人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)Decide whether each of the folMore and more animals are killed by humans, as a student what should you do to protect the wild animals? And the governme

22、nt? Discuss the questions in groups.Discussion莆揪她或站陕渡舒篱膊忠鸥奠聘宗蔫辙钎词碗凿蔽眼案镶锥蔫坤斋扼坤蛹人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)人教版高中英语必修二Unit4_Reading市级公开课课件(共26张PPT)More and more animals are kill Protect the environment. Help animals return to nature. Never buy endangered animals products and tell your friends not to do so too!Never kill endangered animals.What should we do to protect the wildlife? Laws should be passed to prevent people from killing o


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