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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业WritingDirections: “Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks”.英语专八作文评分标准评价一篇八级作文的得分多少,大致可以参照以下四个标准来确定:内容(content)、组织(organization

2、)、语法(grammar)和得体性(appropriateness).这四个标准中,前两个标准是关于内容结构的,属于谋篇布局部分,后两个是关于语言的,属于表达部分。在八级考试的作文评阅中,一般将作文分为五个等级:第五级:化秀作文(effective communication with accuracies)这样的作丈观点清楚,结构合理,内容充实,语言运用得体,基本没有语言错误.得分在18-20分。第四级:良好作文(good communication with few inaccuracies)这样的作文观点明确,结构合理,内容充实,语言运用较得体,稍有语言错误。得分在15-17分。第三级:

3、尚可作文(passable communication with some inaccuracies)这样的作文观点明确,结构完整,内容尚可,语言运用的得体性一般,语言错误不少,影响到作文的理解.得分在14-12分。第二级:问题作文(problematic communication with frequent inaccuracies)这样的作丈观点不甚明确,结构不完整,内容匮乏,语言得体性较差,语言错误较多,影响到作文的理解.得分在11-9分。第一级:失败作文(almost no communication)这样的作丈基本没有达到写作要求,几乎无结构和内容可言,通篇充斥语言错误,无语言得体

4、性可言,作文难以理解.得分在8-6分或以下。全球化 globalization 高科技产品 high-tech products盗版 pirated products可持续发展 sustainable development素质教育 education for all-round development quality-oriented education学生减负 to reduce study load上网 get on line / surf the net 网民 netizen ( net citizen )加入 Chinas entry into WTO申办奥运会 bid for th

5、e Olympic Games小康 relatively comfortable living standard安居工程 housing project for low-income urban residents 再就业工程 reemployment project假冒伪劣商品 fake commodities 腐败现象 corruption phenomenon信息化 information-based; informationization下岗职工 laid-off workers资源枯竭 resources exhaustion环保意识 environmental awareness

6、美容手术 cosmetic surgery 如要表示“我认为”,不要仅依靠I think:I believe I suppose I maintain I claim I argue Im convinced that, Im of the opinion that, I hold the view thatAs for me, As far as Im concerned, As far as I can see,如要表示“重要的”,不要仅依靠important:significant, vital, essential, crucial, be of great importance, f

7、igure prominently/largely It is that counts. play a key role, should be taken seriously, attach great importance to如要表示“关于”,不要仅依靠about:concerning, regarding, as regards, as to, with regard towith reference to, relevant to, related to, involve , have connection with, have something to do with如要表示“说明”

8、, 不要仅依靠show:indicate, reveal, demonstrate, convey, suggest, illustrate如要表示“使”,不要仅依靠make:This society still makes women unable to enjoy equal rights.Women are still denied equal rights.The incident made me recall one of my past experiences.The incident reminded me of one of my past experiences.如要表达“越

9、来越”,不要只使用more and more:a. More and more students find learning English has become more and more difficult.b. Students in growing numbers find learning has become increasingly difficult.More and more teenagers smoke cigarettes in recent years.Teenage smoking is on the rise in recent years.More and mo

10、re teachers are demanded with the development of economy.There is an increasing demand for teachers with the development of economy.如要表达“大多数”,不要一味使用most:Most students take part-time job after class.The vast majority of students take a part-time job after class.Most people take part in sports of diff

11、erent kinds.The considerable proportion of people takes part in sport of different kinds.Most college students take a negative attitude towards smoking.The large percentage of college population take a negative attitude towards smoking如要表达“不仅,而且”,不要只使用not onlybut also:The factors for a rise in teena

12、ge smoking are not only social but also psychological.The factors for a rise in teenage smoking are psychological as well as social.Taking a part-time job can not only earn a little money, but also have an opportunity to contact with society.Taking a part-time job means more than a little money you

13、can earn. It also means an opportunity to contact with society.Old people go to park not only to do exercise but also to make friends.Old people go to park as much for companionship as for exercise.不要总是以有生命的名词和人称代词开头(受汉语表达习惯的影响,不少考生总喜欢以I, People, We 等开头), Many people think birth control is quite nec

14、essary in China.It is widely(commonly,generally) thought/believed/held/accepted that birth control is quite necessary in China.More and more people agree (realize/are aware) that women should enjoy full equality with men.There is a growing agreement (realization/awareness) that women should enjoy fu

15、ll equality with men.Many Chinese people have gone to the United States in the past 15 years.The past 15 years have brought many Chinese people to United States.We almost forget this event.This event is now almost fading from our memory.Students should certainly make continuous efforts.Continuous ef

16、forts on the part of students are certainly required. a. We easily drew the conclusion through the investigation.b. The investigation easily led us to the conclusion.不要千篇一律的使用主动态(英语中被动结构的使用频率远高于汉语),We are making great efforts to improve our English.Great efforts are being made to improve our English

17、.We know very little about the nature of human beings.Little is known about the nature of human beings.Because of social demands, there appear many evening schools.Many evening schools are called into existence by social demands.Social demands give rise to the emergence of many evening schools.We ma

18、y think more of the elderly who live apart from their children.More thought may be given to the elderly who live apart from their children. 不要总是用if(如果),because(因为),when(当)等口语意味较重的句子,要注意使用书面语体的句子, If you compare bicycles with cars carefully, you will find bicycles are superior to cars.Careful compari

19、son of bicycles with cars will show the superiority of the former over the latter.If we only apply book knowledge, we will not get good results.The application of book knowledge alone wont bring you good results.If we can better understand the greater pressure of population growth, we will have a co

20、rrect attitude towards family planning.A better understanding of the greater pressure of population growth is essential to a correct attitude towards family planning.When a woman sees that she is going to be laid off, she begins to worry all day and night.The mere prospect of lay-off would set a wom

21、an to worry all day and night.a. When our teacher had left, the heated discussion then endedb. The departure of our teacher brought the heated discussion to an end.Only when we make continuous efforts, can we seize an opportunity when it occurs.Continuous efforts must be made before it is possible f

22、or us to seize an opportunity when it occurs.Because we cannot apply book knowledge to practice, we cannot handle real problems in society.The inability to apply book knowledge to practice prevents us from handling real problems in society.Because the decision recognizes the right of students, so th

23、ey all welcome it.Students all welcome the decision which recognizes their rights.不要对动词过分依赖;要学会用名词结构来表达意思. The style of living has become more and more popular and accepted by more and more young people.The style of living has found its growing popularity and acceptance among young people.It is time

24、 for us to revise educational system and then provide it to our society.It is time for us to provide our society a revised educational system.If we are watching too much TV, our reading ability will be seriously affected.Heavy exposure to TV will exert a negative effect on our reading ability.If we

25、dont recognize the serious problem of growing population, we will make a big mistake.Failure to recognize the seriousness of growing population will lead to a big mistake.不要总是用肯定句来表达,要学会用否定句来表达肯定的意思Every young boy and girl wants to earn a little money to help cover higher college cost.There is hardl

26、y a young boy and girl who doesnt want to earn a little money to help cover higher college cost.Whenever you pick up a newspaper, you will always find advertisements.It is impossible to pick up a newspaper without finding advertisements.Gathering around and listening to mother or father read a good

27、story is the best pastimes to bring a family closer together.Few pastimes bring a family closer together than gathering around and listening to mother or father read a good story.Food is the most basic issue to individual and national survival.No issue is as basic to individual and national survival

28、 as food.恰当的使用排比、平行句 To err is human, to forgive, divine. I am in favor of equal rights for women. I think women should especially have the right to compete with men for jobs on equal terms. They should get the same pay as men for the same job. They should also have equal opportunities for promotion

29、.I am in favor of equal right for women, especially the right to compete with men for jobs on equal terms, the right to get the same pay as men for the same job, and the right to equal opportunities for promotion.The nationwide controversy over the current reforms will test the courage of our people

30、. Through the controversy we can also see the determination of our government.The nationwide controversy over the current reforms will test the courage of our people and the determination of our government.For the first time in history Chinese citizens held such power in their own hands. In the past

31、 they have never been allowed such vigorous and unrestrained debate on politics.Never before in history have Chinese citizens held such power in their own hands. Never before in history have they been allowed such vigorous and unrestrained debate on politics.建议:一定要背会一些常见句型,以减少语法错误。考生要在短短40分钟内写出200 词

32、的作文,如果考前不做准备,考试中紧张,自然写出的作文枯燥无味,还多语法错,而如果考生已经背了一部分固定的语句,临场再加进与内容相关的一部分,就胜券在握了。There is no denying that 毋庸置疑It is universally acknowledged that 普遍认为It goes without saying that 不言而喻Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology (modern civilization, market economy), there is a growing c

33、oncern over (awareness of).Never before in history has the issue of been more evident than now.When it comes to , peoples notions vary from one to another. Recently a sensational debate has taken place as to whether or .is a classic example of success. (is a case in point.) I cannot think of no bett

34、er illustrations than the following ones.Generally speaking, there are three primary factors accounting for the change.Why does this phenomenon take place? People tend to focus on(concentrate) three fundamental factors.Taking into account all the above factors, we can safely draw a conclusion thatOn

35、 the basis of the above analyses, we can confidently predict the future tendency. There is no denying that will continue in the better direction (will be on the rise).It is essential to heed warnings of potentially catastrophic consequences associated with and, in turn, to attach top priority in fin

36、ding effective solutions to ensure a brighter future. 11种段落 起始段 1 话题引出段2 现状说明段3 图画图表描述段扩展段 4 观点对比段5 利弊说明段6 举例说明段7 原因列举段8 意义阐释段结论段 9 归纳结论段10 预测趋势段11 建议措施段建议:把各种段落模式烂熟于心,以不变应万变。New concepts always penetrate our daily lives without being noticed. When most of us are accustomed to spending the spare tim

37、e reading, more and more college students begin to take part-time job either inside or outside the campus. It is my constant belief that its pros outweigh its cons; by that I mean, it has far more potential advantages than disadvantages that can be minimized. Firstly, a part-time job provide a stude

38、nt with a chance to practice what he has learned from books, especially in the fields such as economics, engineering and teaching. Practice makes perfect. Secondly, it can help the students to be economically independent of their parents, although sometimes just partially. On the one hand, parents m

39、ay have a lighter burden of the college tuitions and miscellaneous expenses of their sons or daughters than they used to have. On the other hand, we students will realize that money comes not as easily as we think, thus develop good habits of not wasting it. And finally, if we can balance the time s

40、pent on both the study and the work, it wont become the cause of failure in academic study. Whats more, a part time job may make our campus life more exciting.In view of the proceeding paragraph, I would like to recommend that every student take a part-time job, if possible.专八满分作文Writing Task (45min

41、s)20% (2006) Joseph Epstein, a famous writer, once said, “We decide what is important and what is trivial in life. We decide (so) that what makes us significant is either what we do or what we refuse to do. But no matter how indifferent the universe may be to our choices and decisions, these choices

42、 and decisions are ours to make. We decide. We choose. And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed. In the end, forming our own destiny is what ambition is about. Do you agree or disagree with him? Write an essay about 400 words entitled: AmbitionNowhere is the word ambition so vividly and

43、accurately defined than in Joseph Epsteins comment that “in the end, forming our own destiny is what ambition is about.” A cosmetic definition as it seems, however, Epsteins words can, on the whole, be interpreted and summarized into one sentence: to be ambitious is to strive for our own personal go

44、als set upon our own values regardless of the possible outcome and controversy. In other words, the two indispensable parts of ambition include: firstly, making your own unique targets; secondly, persisting in achieving these aims without being distracted by others ridicule and scorn.To begin with,

45、visualizing your personal goals instead of drifting among the mass is, undoubtedly, the very prerequisite of the fulfillment of your aims. The reason for this is simple. We ourselves are the best judges of our capabilities and potentials. And the same voice is echoed in that “we decide what is impor

46、tant and what is trivial in life.” Madame Currie could never have achieved so many honors and breakthroughs in science and the discovery of radium if she took the same path as majority of the women in her time. It was her decision to devote her time and energy to science not household chores that ma

47、de her stand out so prominently. On the other hand, she might have been just as plain and mundane as other women if she did not match herself with her personal aspirations and goals. Therefore, having your own goals is essential to the realization of ambition.Then there is the issue of how one shoul

48、d pursue these goals. Again Epstein gave a perfect explanation that “but no matter how indifferent the universe may be to our choices and decisions, these decisions and choices are ours to make.” An excellent statement. There are times when we give up our beliefs and aims simply because of a differe

49、nt perspective of someone else and there are definitely days when we feel frustrated and beaten in face of scathing scorn from the world. Yet Epstein shows us a higher path on which we are encouraged to stick to our ways and endure in spite of all possible criticism and indifference. And history has

50、 proved so many times that persistence regardless of hardship and ridicule wins us victory. Thus it is safe to say that persistence and a firm belief of self is an integral part of ambition.Of course, Joseph Epsteins quotation is definitely richer in content and intended messages than what I have il

51、lustrated and developed above, however, the essence of his saying, that ambition is of our own choosing and that we ought to hold fast to it make its way through close scrutiny and prevail. The Important Role of a Citys Local Conditions in the Urban Design Recently there is a hot debate on a report

52、that a foreign design company invited by a little-known mountainous area in Guiyang provided a design without paying too much attention to the citys unique characteristics. Some people appreciate the bold innovation of the design but others do not like it. In my opinion, any urban design should take

53、 the citys original cultural heritage into account. The designers should suit their design to local conditions and try to take advantage of the local resources.First, a citys regional characteristics or local cultural heritage are its symbol, its identity. In a mountainous area, too many unconventio

54、nal, super-futuristic buildings will not be compatible with the citys landscapes. Without these landscapes, it is just another so called modern city composed of concrete and steel. Take Beijing for example. In the past few years, Beijing has been removing a large number of such alleys traditionally

55、called hutong, in order to make it become a real international city. But without these hutongs can this city still be called Beijing, an ancient capital? The disappearance of hutongs means the disappearance of a period of history, a cordial lifestyle, and even the disappearance of Beijing itself. Th

56、en Beijing will lose its uniqueness.Second, it can help a city save a lot of money by suiting the design to local conditions and try to take advantage of the local resources. This is especially important to small cities, like this one in a mountainous area near Guiyang. We all know Guiyang is a deve

57、loping city, not very rich. Unconventional, super-futuristic buildings mean large need of money input. Then more burdens may be added to this city, which will run counter to the citys original purpose of developing itself. Instead, if connections between a citys culture and the various urban sectors

58、, including housing, infrastructure and governance, are well made, the maximum economic benefits will be achieved. Besides, the modernization should be a gradual process. More haste, less speed. Nonetheless, it should not be overlooked that the shortcomings of futuristic-style constructing outweigh

59、its advantages brought.In conclusion, any urban design should take the citys original cultural heritage into account. The designers should suit their design to local conditions and try to take advantage of the local resources. A scientific city design should be dependent on the citys regional charac

60、teristics, on a case-by-case basis.Should famous Chinese sites of historical interest charge higher fees during peak travel seasons?With social and economic development, our people have more time and money to visit famous sites of historical interest. Their visits, on the one hand, can enrich their


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