1、舟山中远船务工程有限公司ZHOUSHAN(COSCO)SHIPYARD CO.,LTD.PAGE PAGE 193 NUMPAGES 194版本1REV. 1舟山中远造船质质量标准Cosco(zzhoushhan)shhpiyarrd shiipbuillding qualiity sttandarrd浙江. 舟山中中远船务工程程有限公司ZHE JIAANG COOSCO(ZZHOUSHHAN)SHIPYYARD CCO.,LTTD内控船舶建造质量标标准SHIPBUIILDINGG QUALLITY SSTANDAARD总则Generall总述Descripption1.1凡按本标标准建造的船
2、船舶,其施工工、检验和试试验,除另有有规定外,均均按合同规定定的图样、技技术文件和本本标准的规定定进行。 The opeeratioon, innspecttion aand teest off the shipss, whiich arre fabbricatted acccordiing too thiss stanndard, mustt be ccarrieed outt accoordingg to tthe drrowingg desccribedd in ccontraact, ttechniical ddocumeent annd thiis staandardd if tth
3、ere are nno othher sppecifiic desscripttions.1.2船级社规规定审核的材材料,本公司司必须具有材材料制造厂所所提供的船级级社认可的质质量证书。否否则,本公司司应按船级社社规定的有关关要求,在验验船师在场的的情况下复验验合格后才能能使用。The matterialls musst be approoved aaccordding tto claassifiicatioon socciety requiiremennt. Wee shouuld haave thhe quaality certiificatte of materrials from ma
4、nuffactorry andd apprroved by classsificaation socieety, oothereewise the mmateriials ccan bee usedd afteer beiing ree-insppectioon in preseence oof surrveyorr accorrding to cllassifficatiion soocietyy relaation reequireement.1.3在合同规规定的图样、技技术文件和本本标准中未注注明技术要求求的产品或零零部件,均按按中华人民共共和国国家标标准,或相应应的专业标准准(部标准)
5、、企企业标准的要要求或工厂惯惯例进行。As for the ttechnoologiccal reequireement of thhese pproduccts annd acccessorry whichh not mentiioned in thhe draaft annd tecchnoloogic ddocumeent of conntractt relguulatioon, thenn the draftt、techhnologgic doocumennt andd thiss stanndard, mustt be ssubjeccted tto PRCC stanndard,
6、or rellativee proffessioonal sstandaard (ddeparttment standdard)、requiiremennt of enterrprisee stanndard and ffactorry connventiion.1.4对各种试试验方法,本本标准不作详详细规定,除除另有规定外外一般可按工工厂的技术文文件进行。系系泊与航行试试验按中华人人民共和国国国家标准,及及船东与验船船师认可的系系泊机航行试试验大纲进行行。The varrious teest meethodss are not iincludded inn thiss stanndard.
7、In ggeneraal, teest shhould be implemment acccordiing too the technnologiical ddocumeents oof thee facttory, exceppt addditionnal reequireement. Mooriing teest annd seaa triaal is to bee carrried oout acccordiing too natiional standdard aand ouutlinee of mmoorinng tesst andd sea triall apprroved by
8、Owwner aand suuperviisor.1.5对批量建建造的船舶,其其倾斜试验、系系泊试验及航航行试验的项项目,在船东东和验船师认认可的情况下下,可从第二二艘船起适当当减少。For a sset off shipps connstrucctionss, thee itemms of incliining test, moorring ttest aand seea triial maay prooperlyy reduuce frrom seecond vesseel undder thhe appprovall by Ownner annd suppervissor.检验与建造In
9、specttion aand coonstruuctionn2.1船东在按按本标准规定定进行检查、验验收时,对本本标准未作规规定的专用设设备的检查、验验收,可事先先与本公司协协商决定。The Ownner taakes aan insspectiion annd accceptannce too the equippment accorrding to thhis sttandarrd, ass for the iinspecction and aaccepttance of thhe speecial equippment that not mmentiooned iin thiis sta
10、andardd, Ownner shhould discuuss too deciide wiith uss befoore innspecttion aand accceptaance.2.2除规定每每周按检验计计划执行检验验任务外,本本公司还可用用书面要求船船东到场检验验,一般应在在隔日提出需需检验的项目目、时间和地地点。We can also ask OOwner to bee pressent ffor innspectting iin wriitten, exceept reegularr insppectioon acccordinng to inspeectionn plann
11、of weeekly. In geenerall, we shoulld suppply iinspecction item, timee and placee in aadvancce by one dday.船东现场检验期期间,本公司司应提供所有有保证实施检检验的条件。During the iinspecction in prresencce of surveeyor oon thee spott, we shoulld enssure tthe innspecttion ccondittion iin goood ordder.船东应在指定的的时间和地点点进行检验。事事先接到本公公司检验
12、通知知未表示异议议,而届时又又未到现场,则则验船师或本本公司验收合合格后即认为为所检验项目目有效。The insspectiion shhould be taaken iin apppointeed timme andd placce for owwner If Owwner hhas noo objeectionn abouut thee notiice seent byy us bbeforee insppectioon, buut he is abbsent for tthe innspecttion ddue too himsself. So thhe insspectiion itt
13、em will be coonsideered eeffecttive afterr apprroved by suuperviisor oor us.2.3本公司应应与船东紧密密地联系,向向船东提供详详细的造船进进度、试验项项目和试验程程序等资料。船船东在检验中中发现问题,应应及时向本公公司提出。We shouuld bee frequuentlyy toucch witth Ownner. And wee shouuld suupplieed dettail pprogreess off shipp consstructtion, test item and ttest pproceddu
14、re eetc to Owwner. If thhere aare soomethiing prroblemms disscoverred byy Owneer durinng insspectiion. OOwner shoulld poiint itt out to uss in ttime转包设备Subconttract equippment3.1在规定的的检验项目内内,对船东选选定需要检验验的转包设备备,本公司应应将制造厂预预定的试验或或检查的时间间、地点通知知船东。In reguular iinspecction item, we sshouldd notiified OOwner
15、aboutt the plannned test or innspecttion ttime aand pllace oof thee subccontraact eqquipmeent whhich aare chhosen for iinspecction by Owwner.如果本公司认为为制造厂的质质量保证体系系完善,所提提供的设备符符合质量要求求,则可建议议船东免除参参加制造厂对对所提供设备备的试验和检检查。但本公公司需向船东东提供制造厂厂设备出厂合合格证或产品品证书。If the manuffactorrys qqualitty guaaranteee sysstem iis co
16、nnsiderred coomplette andd the suppllied eequipmment aaccod the qqualitty reqquiremment, theree is nno neeed forr Owneer to test and iinspecct thee equiipmentt at tthe maanufacctory. In tthis ccase, we neeed too provvide ccertifficatee or ccertifficatee of produuct att manuufactoory.3.2 转包设设备应符合船船级社
17、规范的的要求或相应应的国家标准准、专业标准准(部标准)、企企业标准及本本标准的规定定。Subconttract equippment shoulld be in acccordaance wwith cclassiificattion ssocietty reqquiremment, relattive nnationnal sttandarrd, prrofesssionall stanndard (depaartmennt staandardd), reequireement of ennterprrise sstandaard annd thiis staandardd4. 无损检查查N
18、on-desstructtive ttest4.1一般要求求Generall requuiremeent4.1.1无损损检查的项目目,应符合船船级社规范、技技术规格书和和本标准的规规定。Non-desstructtive ttest iitem sshouldd be iin acccordannce wiith cllassifficatiion soocietyy rulees, teechniccal sppecifiicatioon andd thiss stanndard4.1.2船级级社规定需作作无损检查的的材料,原则则上应在制造造厂进行,并并出具有关证证书。The matteri
19、alls aree needded too takee no-ddestruuctionn testt accoordingg to cclassiificattion ssocietty reqquiremment. This test sshouldd be ttaken in thhe mannufacttory iin priinciplle, annd thee certtificaate shhould be isssued at thhe samme timme.4.1.3对要要求作无损检检查的物件,凡凡在图样上没没有标注者,船船厂可按惯例例进行。If therre aree n
20、o mmarks on thhe objjects that requiire too be ttaken non-ddestruuctivee testt, thee shippyard can ccarry out tthe teest acccordiing too the usuall pracctice.4.2 无损损检查要求Requireement of noon-desstructtive ttest4.2.1船厂厂应按船级社社规范及已批批准的图样对对焊缝进行射射线探伤检查查。射线探伤伤标准可按船船级社规范或或相应标准的的规定。The shiipyardd shouuld caa
21、rry oout thhe x-rray deefectiion onn weldding sseam aaccordding tto claassifiicatioon socciety rules and aapprovved deesign. The standdard oof x-rray deefectiion shhould in acccordeence cclassiificattion ssocietty rulles orr relaative standdard.4.2.2根据据需要,可用用超声波探伤伤检查代替射射线探伤检查查,亦可采用用磁粉法、着着色渗透法,或或其他方法
22、进进行探伤检查查。Based oon sittuatioon, ulltrasoonic ddefecttion mmay bee usedd insttead oof x-rray deefectiion. MMagnetic test, penettratioon collored and oother methoods allso maay be adoptted.第一篇 建造精精度Chapterr 1 Coonstruuctionn Accuuracy范围Notes本标准适用于以以柴油机为动动力常规钢质质海船的建造造,对于专业业性的。特殊殊用途及内河河运输的船舶舶可参照使用用。This
23、 sttandarrd appplies mainlly to the cconvenntionaal seaa-goinng steeel shhip drriven by diiesel plantt. Thee consstructtion oof theese shhips ffor prrofesssionall and speciial usse andd inlaand riiver ttranspport mmay allso reeferennce too thiss stanndard.本标准规定了船船体建造、涂涂装、船体舾舾装、轮机安安装、电气安安装、管系等等方面的建造造
24、精度及质量量标准。This sttandarrd inccludess consstructtion aaccuraacy annd quaality standdard oof hulll connstrucction, painnting, hulll outffittinng, innstalllationn of mmachinnery, instaallatiion off elecctriciity annd pipping aand soo on.船体建造精度Construuctionn accuuracy of huull通则Generall 本章内容已考虑虑到对船体强强度的保
25、证和和生产成本的的控制,即提提高构件尺寸寸的精度要由由强度和生产产成本两个因因素来决定。This chhapterr basees on the gguaranntee oof hulll strrengthhen annd thee conttrol oof prooduct cost. Thatt is tto sayy, thee imprrovemeent off membbers ddimenssion aaccuraacy shhould be deecidedd on hhull sstrenggthenss and produuct coost.对于专业性和特特殊用途的船船舶可
26、以协商商特定的公差差Negotiaation speciial toolerannce onn shipps forr proffessioonal aand sppeciall use检验要求和质量量标准 Requuiremeent annd quaality standdard oof insspectiion材料Materiaal 材料缺陷的限定定Limit oof matteriall defeects材料缺陷的限定定按表1-11-1。Materiaal deffects are tto be kept withiin thee limiits ass defiined iin tab
27、ble 1-1-1表1-1-1Table 11-1-1分类Classiffy项 目Items说 明Instrucction 钢板表面缺陷(麻麻点、剥落、结结疤、刻痕、气气孔)Surfacee defeects oof steeel pllate(PPits,FFlakinng,Scaars,Sccratchhes annd Airr bubbbles)1.“A”范围围为优良区,只只包含有0.2mm以下下极轻微的不不必修整的表表面缺陷。1.Zone A is in exxcelleent orrder, with very slighht surrface defeccts leess thha
28、n 0.2mm aand noo repaairingg is nneededd.2.“B”范围围为合格区,包包含有一定数数量允许存在在的表面缺陷陷,一般不需需修整。必要要时可作某些些修整。在实实线内为200mm厚度以以下的板;虚虚线内(含直直线范围)为为20mm至50mm厚度度的板2.Zone B is in goood orrder, with a cerrtain amounnt of permiissiblle surrface defeccts, aand noo repaairingg is nneededd. Areea encclosedd by ffull llines de
29、nottes pllate wwith tthicknness lless tthan 220mm aand arrea enncloseed by dotteed linnes (iincludding sstraigght liine) ddenotees plaates wwith tthicknness ffrom 220 to 50mm.3.“C”范围围为修整区,即即存在某些不不允许存在的的表面缺陷,必必须按规定修修整。3.Zone C is in diisordeer, annd reppairinng is needeed, i.e. thhere aare ceertainn
30、amouunts oof imppermisssiblee surfface ddefectts thaat shaall bee repaaired accorrding to thhe reqquiremment. 4.缺陷修整方方法:d0.07tt,磨平(但但d3mm;0.07tdd0.2t,焊焊补后磨平;式中: d缺缺陷深度,mmm;t钢板厚度,mmm。如果缺陷的深度度大于板厚的的20,面积积超过板面积积的2,则这部部分板需按规规定进行更换换。4.Reparriringg methhod foor surrface defeccts:For d00.07t,by grrindinng(
31、but iin no case d3mm)For 0.007td0.2t,by buuilt-uup wellding and ffollowwed byy grinndingWhere dd is ddepth of deefect, mm; t is platee thiccknesss, mmIn casee the defecct deppth exxceedss 20% platee thiccknesss and defecct areeas exxceed 20% pplate area, thiss partt is tto be replaaced aas reqquired
32、d.局部夹层Local llaminaation(a)(b)如(a)所示,夹夹层的范围比比较小,可以以 批除后再焊焊补。如(bb)所示,夹夹层的范围比比较小,且接接近钢板表面面,则进行焊焊补。In casee the rangee of llaminaation is faairly smalll, it can bbe chiipped out aand buuilt-uup by weldiing ass showwn in fig. (a). In caase thhe rannge off lamiinatioon is fairlly smaall annd neaar thee p
33、latte surrface it iss prefferablle to do thhe buiilt-upp weldding aas shoown inn fig. (b).2.在夹层情况况比较严重的的情况下,必必须仔细检验验,采取相应应的修整方法法。In casee the laminnationn is sserverre andd defeectivee, it must be caarefullly exxamineed andd repaaired by appproprriate methood.3如果夹层焊补补长度超过钢钢板边缘长度度的20%,则需需用无损探伤伤检查焊补质质
34、量。In casee the builtt-up wweldinng lenngth eexceedds 20% the edge lengtth of the ssteel platee, nonn-desttructiive innspecttion iis to be doone too checck thee quallity. Table 11-1-1(end)ClassiffyItemsInstrucction严重夹层,需更更换钢板的一一部分Severe laminnationn Requuire tto chaange ppart oof thee platte 如果夹层范围相相
35、当广泛,则则可更换一张张钢板的一部部分。在个别夹层程度度非常严重,且且范围广泛,则则整张钢板应应更换。It is rrecommmendedd to cchangee partt of tthe pllate iin casse thee lamiinatioon is fairlly exttensivve.标准规格的钢板板需更换的最最小宽度或长长度:外板和强力甲板板:在舯0.6L区区域内为16600mm;在舯0.6L区区域外为8000mm。其他结构件为3300mm或或板厚的100倍,取其大大者。2.Minimmum brreath or leength of thhe parrt of s
36、tanddard ssize pplate to bee repllaced are:For sheell pllate oor strrengthh deckk platte:Within 0.6Laamidshhip:16600mm;Outsidee 0.6LLadmisship: 800mmm。For othher meemberss: 3000mm orr 10 ttimes platee thiccknesss, whiicheveer greeater.The whoole pllate mmust bbe repplacedd in ccase tthe laaminattion
37、 iis exttremelly sevvere aand exxtensiive.铸钢缺陷Castingg steeel deffect 表面缺陷Surfacee defeect缺陷深度为厚度度的20或深度度为25mmm以上及长度度为150mmm以上的铸铸钢件缺陷In casee the depthh of ddefectt is oover 220% pllate tthicknness oor thee defeect iss overr 25mmm in ddepth and 1150mm lengtth若发现气泡、裂裂纹或其他损损伤缺陷,清清除该缺陷后后,应用无损损探伤法检查查后,采
38、用适适当方法进行行修补。Non-desstructtive ttest, or att shuoold bee donee afteer remmovingg defeect. RRepairre matthod iis to be taaken.气孔、裂纹及其其他有售缺陷陷Air bubbbles, craccks annd othher haazardoous deefectss钢板的厚度度负偏差1.2.1.22 Negaative thickkness tolerrance for ssteel platees钢板的测厚方法法 Methoods foor meaasur
39、inng thee thiccknesss of ssteel platees钢板的厚度在距距离角顶不小小于100mmm和距离钢钢板边缘不小小于40mmm处测量。钢钢板的四角及及两个横边的的中间为必测测部位。任何何测量点测得得的钢板厚度度负偏差均不不应超过表11-1-2所所列的允许负负偏差。The meaasuremment oof thiicknesss of steell plattes shhould be taaken aat theese pllaces: no mmore tthan 1100mm from top ccornerr and no moore thhan 400mm
40、 frrom thhe edgge of steell platte. Foour coornerss and middlle of horizzontall sidee of tthe stteel pplatess are essenntial partss to bbe meaasuredd. Neggativee thiccknesss toleerancee for steell plattes suurveyeed froom anyy meassured pointt shouuld noot morre thaan thaat deffined in taable 11-1-2
41、.表1-1-2 TTable 1-1-22 mm项 目Items 要 求Requireement 船体结构钢板厚厚度负公差Negativve thiicknesss tollerancce forr steeel plaates oof hulll connstrucction 最大为0.3mmm0.3mm aas maxx.1.2. 1. 3 缺陷面积的的计算1.2. 1. 3 Caalculaation for ddefectt areaa 缺陷面积是指距距离边缘500mm范围内内的影响区面面积,见图11和2。Defect area is thhe afffectedd areaa tha
42、tt is 550mm ffar awway frrom thhe edgge.See piccture 1 andd pictture 22孤立点状缺陷面面积一般可以以近似当作圆圆形或长方形形面积计算,聚聚集状缺陷可可按其组成的的几何图形近近似为正方形形、长方形、三三角形、圆形形、梯形等面面积计算。Isolateed poiint shhape ddefectt areaa is ccalcullated in siimilarr circcle orr recttanglee. Acccumulaated sshape defecct areea is calcuulatedd in ss
43、quaree, recctanglle, trrianglle, ciircle and ttrapezzium aand soo on. 1.2 .1 .4 船用型钢1.2 .1 .4 Maarine steell 船用型钢包括球球扁钢、角钢钢、工字钢、槽槽钢、扁钢、圆圆钢、半圆钢钢、方钢和钢钢管等,除应应符合相应的的规定外,其其尺度及厚度度负偏差均应应分别按我国国船舶规范和和有关的国家家标准及冶金金专业标准检检验。Marine steell incllude bbulb ssteel, anglle barr, H sshape steell, chaannel steell, flaat
44、-bullb steeel, rround steell, hallf-rouund baar steeel, ssquaree steeel andd steeel pippe andd so oon shoould bbe in accorrdancee withh relaative regullationn, andd the negattive ssize aand thhickneess shhould be inn accoordancce witth nattionall shipp reguulatioon, naationaal rellativee stanndard a
45、nd tthe sttandarrd of metalllurgyy fielld. 型钢表面质量的的检验及修整整可参照钢板板的有关规定定执行。Surfacee insppectioon andd trimm of mmarinee steeel shoould bbe carrried out aaccordding tto rellativee reguulatioons onn steeel plaates1. 2 .22 下下料及划线1. 2 .22 Cutttings and mmarkinng 下料及划线的偏偏差按表1-1-3。The devviatioon of cuttiing
46、s aand maarkingg is tto be kept withiin thee limiits ass defiined iin tabble 1-1-3. 表1-1-33 TTable 1-1-33 mm分类Classiffy项 目目Items 标准范围Standarrd 允许极限limits 备 注Remarkss 划 线 下下 料Cuttinggs andd markking 下料线条的宽度度偏差Breadthh deviiationn of ccuttinngs liine1.01.5中心线、理论线线、对合线、检检查线、安装装位置线的偏偏差Deviatiion off cen
47、tterlinne, thheorettical line, aliggnmentt linee, cheeck liine annd insstallaation posittion lline1.52.5零件下料尺寸偏偏差Dimensiion deeviatiion off membbers ccuttinngs 长度Length 2.03.0宽度Breadthh 1.52.5对角线Differeence bbetweeen diaagonalls 2.03.0指矩形板For recctanguular pplate曲线外形Curved confiigurattion1.52.5直线度St
48、raighhtnesssl4m1.01.2指零件的直线边边缘For strraightt edgees of part or meember4ml8mm1.21.5l8m2.02.5角度Angle1.52.0以每米计For eveery meeter开孔切口Cut outt, opeening 01.502.0分段划线尺寸偏偏差按表1-1-4。1.2.3 Deviaation of maarkingg dimeensionn of bblock struccture is too be kkept wwithinn the limitts as definned inn tablle 1-11
49、-4表1-1-4Table 11-1-4 mm项 目Items 标准范围Standarrd 允许极限limits 备 注Remarkss 平面分段划线与与图样尺寸的的偏差Deviatiion off markking lline oof pannel bllock, compaared wwith ddesignned diimensiion 2.53.5分段上构件划线线位置与图样样标注位置的的偏差Deviatiion off markking lline oof memmbers on bllock, compaared wwith ddesignned poositioon1.2.4 气割
50、1 .2 .44 Gaas cuttting 气割偏差差按表 1-1-5。Deviatiion off gas cuttiing iss to bbe keppt witthin tthe liimits as deefinedd in ttable 1-1-55.表1-1-5Table1-1-5 mm分 类Classiffy 气 割割Gas cuttting 项 目Items 标准范围Standarrd 允许极限limits 备 注Remark 气割表面粗糙度度Surfacee rougghnesss of ggas cuuttingg构件自由边Free eddge off membbers
51、 Importaant meemberss 自动、半自动切切割Automattic, ssemiauutomattic cuuttingg 0.100.201.型钢的机械械切割按手工工气割1.For ssteel sectiion, ttoleraance oof mecchaniccal cuuttingg is tthe saame ass thosse forr manuual cuuttingg.2. 除去自由由边毛刺2.Burrss on ffree eedge sshall be reemovedd. 手工切割Manual cuttiing0.150.30Secondaary me
52、emberss 自动、半自动切切割Automattic, ssemiauutomattic cuuttingg 0.100.20手工切割Manual cuttiing0.501.00焊接接头Connecttion oof wellding Importaant meemberss自动、半自动切切割Automattic, ssemiauutomattic cuuttingg 0.100.20手工切割Manual cuttiing0.400.80Secondaary meemberss自动、半自动切切割Automattic, ssemiauutomattic cuuttingg 0.100.20手
53、工切割Manual cuttiing0.801.50Table1-1-5(eend) mm分 类Classiffy 气 割割Gas cuttting 项 目Items 项 目Items 气割缺口Notch oof gass cuttting 构件自由边Free eddges oof memmbers在舯0.6L区区域内舷顶列列板的上缘;强力甲板以以及外板上所所有开口的边边缘;特别重重要的纵材及及悬臂梁Upper eedge oof sheeer sttrake, streengtheen decck, annd freee edgge of openiing onn shelll plaate
54、 wiithin 0.6L amidsship; extreemely imporrtant longiitudinnals aand caantileever bbeams 无缺口No notcch 1. “缺口”是指大于该该表面粗糙度度3倍的凹口。1.“notcch”is deefinedd as ggroovee 3 tiimes oof thee surfface rroughnness.2.修补方法2.Repaiiring methoods:a.用砂轮磨平平;b. 必须时可可采用堆焊法法修补,但必必须避免短焊焊缝a.Finisshing by grrindinng;b.Bead we
55、ldiing maay be appliied whhere rrequirred, bbut shhort bbead iis to be caarefullly avvoidedd. 重要的纵横强力力构件Importaant loongituudinalls andd trannsversses 1.0其 他他Others 3.0焊接接缝边Weld eddge 对接接缝Butt weeld舯0.6L区域域内的外板、强强力甲板Shell pplate and sstrenggth deeck wiithin area of 0.6L ammidshiip 2.0用砂轮或焊补修修整缺口。L为船
56、长Notch iis to be reepaireed by grindding oor buiilt-upp weldding.L is shhip leength.其 他Others 3.0角焊缝Fillet weld 3.0气 割 尺 寸Dimensiion off gas cuttiing板边缘垂直线度度Straighhtnesss of pplate edge自动焊缝Automattic weeld seeam 0.40.5半自动焊缝及手手工焊缝Semi-auutomattic annd mannual wweldinng seaam 1.52.5坡口面尺寸Dimensiion of
57、f grooove坡口面角度Angle oof grooove24过渡段长度lLength of taaper, l0.5d1.0d坡口深度dDepth oof grooove, d1.01.5构件尺寸Dimensiion off membbers 主要构件Primaryy membbers 2.04.0例:双层底肋板板、桁材等要要求较高的构构件For exaample:For mmemberrs witth higgh acccuracyy demaand suuch ass flooors annd griinder, etc. In ddoublee botttom 次要构件Second
58、aary meemberss 3.55.0面板宽度Breadthh of fface bbar .2 .55 气割割边缘打磨要要求按表1-1-6。1 .2 .55 Gaas cuttting edge grindding sstandaard ass in ttable 1-1-66.Table 11-1-6 mm项 目Items 要 求Requireement 备 注Remarkss 在经以下部位气气割边缘打磨磨到“1G”,压载水舱舱、艏艉尖舱舱、货舱(油油舱)露天甲甲板、海水箱箱Gas cuttting edge grindding uup to “1G”, in t
59、the arrea ass folllow: wwater ballaast, ffore/ppeak ttank, cargoo (oill holdd) holld expposed deck and ssea chhest1G)1mm0.5mmm高应力区域:如如:强力甲板板开孔和弦顶顶列板的自由由边势按图纸纸上注明的要要求作业。High sttress area such as sttrengtth decck. Oppeningg and sheerr straake shhould be doone acccordiing too the drawiing. 在以下部位气割割边缘打磨
60、到到“2G”,淡水舱、饮饮水舱、游泳泳池、蒸馏水水舱Gas cuttting edge grindding uup to “2G”, in tthe arrea ass folllow: FFresh waterr tankk, porrtablee wateer tannk, swwim poool annd disstilleed watter taank2G) 2mmm0.5mmm上述以外区域(无无设计要求)Other aareas excluuding the aabove (no ddesignn requuiremeent)锐角保留Remainiing accute aangle1
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