1、Unit1Part1Critical thinking involves thinking aboutthinkingThe availability heuristic involves unconsciously assigning aprobability to a type of event based on how often one thinks of events of thattype.An issue simply raises aquestion.The part of an argument that provides a reason for accepting the
2、other part is called thepremise.A general rule we unconsciously follow in estimating probabilities is called aheuristic.Part 2The conclusion of an argument is what the premise supposedly supportsor demonstrates.The tendency to weigh negative evidence more heavily thanpositive evidence is called a ne
3、gativitybias.A(n) argument presents a consideration for accepting aclaim.Assuming that society in general shares the views held by us andthe people we know is the falseconsensuseffect.Part 3“President Lincoln was the finest U. S. President in history” isan objectiveclaim.(F)Whether an objective clai
4、m is true or false depends on whetherpeople think it is trueorfalse.(F)Critical thinking should include biasesoremotions.(F)Experienced philosophers or other specialists in their fields rarelymake mistakesinreasoning.(F)Part 4Educated guesses or rules of thumb are often calledheuristicsEmotion, gree
5、d, and bias are all factors that can underminecritical thinking.What are the ultimate objectives of thinking critically? (Check allthat apply.)(C,D)A. To makevisedecisionsB. come to correct conclusionsC. To makehastygeneralizationD. To develop adversarythinkingAll Dobermans are dogs. Some dogs like
6、to bark. Therefore some Dobermans like to bark. The tendency to accept this argument at firstglance may bedueto.(D)self-servingbiasB. negativitybiasC.confirmationbiasD. beliefbiasThis bias is present when most members of a group think they arebetter at something than most other members of the group.
7、 (A)Better-than-averageillusionB. Fundamental attributionerrorC.BeliefbiasD. BandwagoneffectWhat bias is in effect when you assume that the candidate whose name you see the most often is probably the most popular candidate? (B)ObediencetoauthorityB. AvailabilityheuristicC.MajorityrulesD. Bandwagonef
8、fectPart 5An argument consists of,atminimum,B.aconclusionB. one premise and aconclusionC. two or more premisesandconclusionD. apremiseWhat are the ultimate objectives of thinking critically? (Check all that apply.)(A,D)To come to correctconclusionsTo develop adversarythinkingTo make hastygeneralizat
9、ionsTo make wisedecisionsSuzanne is 99% certain most of her test answers are correct. In reality, most of her answers are not correct. What type of bias might Suzannebe demonstrating?(A)OverconfidenceeffectB.PoorestimationC. BeliefbiasCharles and his colleague Mikes children attend classes at the sa
10、me school. Charles believes that his childrens exceptional performance at school is due to their superior intelligence. He always attributes their occasional failures to bad luck. On the other hand, he believes that Mikes children achieve high test scores due to sheer luck and tends to attribute the
11、ir failures to a possible lack of hard work and dedication. Which of the following is illustrated inthisscenario?(A)In-groupbiasB. AvailabilityheuristicC.BandwagoneffectD. SelectionbiasA critical thinkertriestoB.overstateconclusionsB. evaluateargumentsC.understateconclusionsD. persuade anaudienceAft
12、er seeing a number of reports concerning shark attacks, you decide not to visit the beach for spring break. Which cognitive bias is at play?(C)In-groupbiasB. BandwagoneffectC. Availability heuristicPart 6This is the tendency to carry out orders from a superior without question.NegativityBiasB. Bandw
13、agoneffectC. FundamentalattributionerrorD. Obedience toauthorityThe method used to come to correct conclusions is to evaluateour thinking bystandardsofB.informationaltheoryB. logic and commonsenseC. statistics, history, and researchWhat types of arguments shouldyouavoid?(A)Weak, invalidandirrelevant
14、B. Strong, invalid, andrelevantC. Weak, valid,andrelevantD. Strong, valid, andrelevantis the idea that if a person thinks something is morally wrong, then it ismorally wrong for that person and he/she does not need to considerany further truth.A.MoralabsolutismB. MoralobjectivismC. Moral subjectivis
15、m5. What is the result of expressing a belief, judgment, or opinion in a declarativesentence?(A)A.AclaimB.AquestionC.AnexclamationUnit 2 Part1Every argument must have at least one premise and aconclusionWhen there is an unstated premise, you should use the context and content to clarify if the argum
16、ent is deductive orinductive.When the premises of a valid argument are true, then the argumentis sound.The more support the premise provides to the conclusion of an inductive argument, the stronger theargument.Part2Which of these isanargument?(B)I am agreatthinker.B. I think. Therefore Iam.C. I beli
17、eve that I existWhat are the two parts ofanargument?(B)StatementandconclusionB. Premise andconclusionC. PremiseandreasoningD. Premise andstatement“1) She was out late last night which led to 2)her being overly tiredthis morning. 3) So, she wont show up for class.” How would you mapthis?A.1-2-3B.2-1-
18、3C.3-2-1True or false: Common sense and background knowledge areimportant components ofcriticalthinking.(B)FalseB.TruePart 3“The financial cost of the death penalty is less that of lifein prison. Also, it does not deter crime.” What is needed tomake this intoanargument?(A)A. AconclusionB. A premiseW
19、hich word or words indicate a conclusion is about to follow? (C)However B. The reason is C. ConsequentlyWhich of these words indicatesapremise?(B)ThereforeB.SinceC.ConsequentlyD.HenceWhich type of persuasion relies on informationorarguments?(A)LogosB.PathosC.Ethos“I have to vote for him. He is from
20、my home town.” This is anexample of(A)EthosB.PathosC.LogosPart 4The conclusion of an argument is alsocalledtheA.A.thesisB.answerC.argumentD.premise“Harold is a twin. Therefore, Harold has a sibling.” Whatis theunstatedpremise?(A)All twinshavesiblings.B. Harold is not an onlychild.In a deductive argu
21、ment,thepremisesB_ theconclusion.A.supportB.demonstrateWhat type of reasoning involves weighing considerations for oragainst making acertaindecision?(D)RationalAdjudicationB. Inference to the BestExplanationC.CommonSenseD. Balance ofconsiderationsThis type of reasoning compares alternative hypothese
22、s to find theone with the bestpredictiveaccuracy.(B)Common SenseExplanationInference to the BestExplanationBalance ofConsiderationsPart5The first and essential step in understanding an argumentistoA.spottheconclusionB. identify thepremiseC. determine whether itistrueD. determine whether it isvalidA
23、movie can be consideredasa/an:(A)none oftheoptionsB.conclusionC.argumentD.premiseIdentify a true statementaboutpremises.(A)They are absent in a piece of purerhetoric.All the premises being used to justify a conclusion must bestated explicitly.All the premises being used to justify a conclusion must
24、becommonlyknown truths.They are absent in anargumentTrue or false: An ifthen phrase can be considered anargument.TrueB.FalseIn an inductive argument, when the premises do not adequatelysupport the conclusion, theargumentisC.invalidB.unsoundC.weakPart 6An argumentissoundBthe argument is valid and the
25、 premises aretrue.A.generallywhenB. if and onlyifAdeductiveargument(B)tries to support ves or demonstrates theconclusion.When thinking critically,“argument”means(B)aviolentconflictB. attempt to support or provesomething.C. a heated exchangeWhich list of words indicate a conclusionwillfollow?(A)Accor
26、dingly, consequently,thereforeGiven that, because,sinceAccordingly, because,thereforeHence, given that,because“I have an allergic reaction to nuts so I couldnt eat the cake. Further,I dont like chocolate. Hence, I skipped dessert.” What word indicated the conclusion? (B)SoB.HenceC.FurtherUnit3 Part1
27、A word or phrase that has multiple meanings isambiguousSyntactic ambiguity results when there is a structural problem in the claim.A(n) analytical definition specifies the features a thing must have in order for the term being defined to apply toit.A definition by example is also calleda(n)ostensive
28、definition.Semantic ambiguity arises when a word or phrase has more thanone meaning.Part2When writing an essay, you should strive to beA treatment of the topic.A.completeB.biasedC.haphazardin yourIdentify the principles of persuasive writing. (Check all thatapply.)Personal considerations should be i
29、ncluded in thediscussion.Strongest arguments should be presentedfirst.Every last criticism of ones position should be refuted, even if spaceor time islimited.If an opponents argument is good, one should concede that it is good.What principle is involved when ensuring that all points in an essay pert
30、ain to the issueunderdiscussion?(C)OutliningtheessayB. LogicalsequencingC. Sticking to the issueWhich of the following is a component of an argumentativeessay?Rhetorical flourishes to addinterestRebuttal of arguments that support contrarypositions“Secretaries make more money than physicians.” Does t
31、hisclaimsuffer fromgroupingambiguity?(A)YesB.NoA good definition strivestobeC.PersuasiveB.ConvincingC.NeutralPart 3Which of the following is not avagueterm?(D)SpicyB.PassionateC.HotD.What are some of the emotions that can arise due to a vagueclaim?AnnoyanceB.FrustrationC.AngerD. All of theaboveThe s
32、ecret to goodwritingisC.persuasionB.verbosityC.revisionD.ambiguityWhen an issue is buried within a historical or descriptive discussion, what type of erroriscommitted?(A)GlancingblowB. Knee jerkreactionWhen writing your introduction, what should you trytoavoid?(B)A.AthesisstatementB. A windypreamble
33、C. A thorough statement of the topicWhat principle requires that all points in an essay are clarified in anorderlyfashion?(A)LogicalsequencingB. Sticking to theissuePart4“Aaron saw Ben after his Bar Mitzvah.” What type of ambiguityis this?(A)A.PronounreferenceB. NoambiguityADdefinition is what is us
34、ually found in adictionary.A.precisingB.persuasiveC.stipulativeD.lexicalIn the case, the “defendant” will refer to Professor Plum. What typeof definitionisthis?(C)RhetoricalB.LegalC.StipulativeWhat is the purpose ofrhetoricaldefinitions?(A)PersuadeB.DefineC.StipulateA(n)Crefers to giving another wor
35、d or phrase that means the same as the term beingdefined.analyticaldefinitionB. lexicaldefinitionC. definitionbysynonymD. definition byexample“When I speak of animals, Im referring to non-humananimals.”What type of definitionisthis?(C)LexicalB.AnalyticalC.PrecisingPart 5When an author fails to organ
36、ize thoughts in the essay, what typeof problemcanarise?(C)BurdenofproofB. LengthypreambleC. Stream of consciousnessWhat is not a component of anargumentativeessay?(A)Emotionallychargedclaims.B. A rebuttal ofcounterclaims.C. A statement of the issue.What are possible explanations as to why a passage
37、might beunclear? (D)IncorrectworduseB. VaguelanguageC.IntentionallyabstruseD. All of theaboveTrue or false: Taking a break from an essay is often a good way tocatch proofreadingerrors.(A)TrueB.False“The parents scolded the children and they screamed a lot.” Whattypeof ambiguityisthis?(B)GroupingB.Pr
38、onounreferenceC. ModifyambiguityWhich ismoregeneral?(A)Sue lives in a large bluehouseSue lives in a threestory bluehouse.Unit4 Part1Sometimes powerful hopes and desires influence our judgmentwhen weengage in wishful thinking.Conditionsthatmayundermineourabilitytotrustourobservationsas a source of tr
39、uth can be physical or mental.A claim that comes from the most authoritative source may still be wrong.Background knowledge is a crucial part of becomingacriticalthinker.Part2A sources expertise should be directly related to theissue.A sources accomplishments are relevant to his or her expertiseifth
40、ey are related to the question athand.It is too easy to lose objectivity when ones interests and concernsare atstake.our hopes and expectations can affect our perceptions, we must monitor their ability to affect the accuracy of our observations.Part3Simply being taller, speaking louder, or seeming m
41、ore assertive can often make a person appearmorecredible.(T)Credibility is an feature; a claim either has it or itdoesnt. (F)A claim that “fits” with our background information is likely to be assigned a lower degree of initial plausibility than one that does not fit as well.(F)The content of a clai
42、m can be judged independently of where itcame from.(F)Part 4Identify the irrelevant features that are sometimes used to judgeapersons credibility. allthatapply.)(C,D,E,F,G)EducationalqualificationsB.ExperienceC.AgeD.AccentE.EthnicityF.GenderG.MannerismsBeliefs based on our observations are only as g
43、oodasourB Ability to interpretourobservations.B.Memory.C. Ability to articulate our observationsThere are two grounds for suspicion when credibility is the issue.What arethey?(D)The claim and yourownintuitionB. The claim and yourreactionC. Common sense andthemediaD. The claim itself and itssourceWhi
44、ch of these is not usually an important factor in a sources credibility?(A)A.AppearanceB.ReputationC.PositionD.EducationWhich is generally true of talkradiohosts?(D)They oftenlieThey do not document assertedfactsThey dont present interestingnewThey often reflect a politicalideologyPart5The large bod
45、y of justified beliefs we have accumulated from our observations and from information received from othersisourC.A.expertiseB. foundationalinformationC.backgroundknowledgeD. intellectualheritageWe should be skeptical of a claim itself when a credibility problem is presentedbyitsC.vaguenessB.forceful
46、languageC.contentWhich of these is the most important factor in considering a websites credibility?(A)Who are the sources behind itsinformationHow many people access itdailyHow long it has been inexistenceWhat companies support it with theirmoneyWhich of these sources is dedicated tofactchecking?(C)
47、TheEconomistB.CNNC.D. Wall StreetJournalWhichistrue?(B)The major metropolitan newspapers are teeming with factualerrors.The major metropolitan newspapers sometimes make mistake in reporting.The major metropolitan newspapers never make mistake inreporting.Part6According to the text, a claim lacks inh
48、erent credibility when itconflicts with any of three things. Which of these is not one of those three things? (D)Other credibleclaimsWhat we have ourselvesobservedOur backgroundinformationThe beliefs of people we like andadmireWhichofthesewouldprobablyNOTnegativelyinfluenceobservations and recollect
49、ions ofanevent?(B)A.TirednessB.AttentionC.DistractionD.EmotionsWhich one of these professions often carries a negative bias due toan unkemptappearance?(B)PoliticianB.ArtistC.LawyerD.DoctorWhich one of these is not a good reason for stereotypes to beignored when judgingaperson?(A)They provide backgro
50、undinformationThey create an initialbiasThey create falsereputationsThey cloud possible goodjudgmentConservatives accuse the news media of having what kind of a slant? A. ModerateB.LiberalC.AtheistD.ReligiousWhat percent of the comments from professional website evaluatorsare focused on a websitesvi
51、sualdesign?(B)Morethan80%B. Lessthan20%C. More than50%Unit5 Part1A euphemism is a neutral or positive expression used in place ofan expression that usually has negativeassociations.A(n) innuendo is a subtle or indirect derogatory remark that isoftenmasked with positive phrasing.stereotype is a cultu
52、ral belief or idea, usually simplified orexaggerated, about a social groups ofs urrogate suggests there is evidence for a claim but does not actually cite the evidence.Part2A dysphemism is a negative expression used in place of anexpression that usually carries positiveassociations.Hyperbole is over
53、statement orexaggerationA rhetorical analogy likens one thing to another in order to make oneof them appear better or worse than theother.An explanation used to express and influence attitudes is a (n) rhetoricalexplanation.Part3A slanter is a rhetorical device that gives a claim a positive ornegati
54、ve connotation.The technique of repetition makes the same point, over and overagain, to drive home apoint.A demagogue uses extreme rhetoric and propaganda to argue forfalseideas and preposterous theories.Rhetoric is used to persuade while logic is used to demonstrate aclaim or support aclaim.Part4Wh
55、ich of the following fallacies is arhetoricaldevice?(C)FalsedichotomyB. Argumentum adBaculumC.HyperboleD. SlipperySlope“Capital punishment is the just punishment of a heinous crime.”What type of definitionisthis?(A)RhetoricalB.HyperboleC.AnalogyD.Lexical“Andy voted from Senator Abad is everyone at t
56、hecountry club supported Abad and Andy follows the crowd.” What type of rhetorical deviceisthis?(A)RhetoricalexplanationB. RhetoricaldefinitionC.AdhominemD. RhetoricalanalogyWhat do we call the power words or expressions that elicitvarious psychological andemotiveresponses?(A)RhetoricalforceB.EthosC
57、.LogosD. CriticalforceWhen candidates saturate the airwaves with campaignadvertisements,the technique they are using isknownasA.RepetitionB. RhetoricalanalogyC. IngroupbiasD.HyperbolePart5What is a rhetorical device that is a word or phrase with eithera positive ornegativeconnotation?(C)A.WeaselerB.
58、LogosC.SlanterD.BiasWhich of theseismockery?(C)PigsnortB.CowtowC. Horselaugh“Who was the most influential composer of the 20th Century? Few experts will say it was Alban Berg.” What type of rhetorical device isthis? (D)RhetoricalexplanationB.RepetitionC.RhetoricalanalogyD. ProofsurrogateWhich rhetor
59、ical device insinuates or uses the power of suggestionto say something negative about someoneorsomething?(D)AdhominemB.DysphemismC.PerjuryD.InnuendoWhat is the source of the persuasive powerofrhetoric?(B)LogicB.PsychologyC.NeurophysiologyWhat is a synonym forrhetoricalforce?(B)CriticalthinkingB.Emot
60、ivemeaningC. LogicalanalysisPart6True or false: Stereotypes areallnegative.(B)A.TrueB.FalseWhich of the following is a dysphemism for someone oldinage.MatureB.DinosaurC. AdvancedinyearsD.Elder“I have a mountain of homework to do.” What type ofrhetorical deviceisthis?(A)HyperboleB.HorselaughC.Euphemi
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